Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:11:55 AMChapter 82
Furio gets angry

Pack (01/02)

NT: Sorry for the delay . I was a little busy last week dealing with some issues, but I already solved everything (for now) . Now… this time I had some extra time, so I could finish two chapters… the one of the this and last week, so we can act as if nothing had happened, isn’t it great? Hahaha, and… well… that .


The Blond Hero almost fell into his own trap when he tried to jump from the narrow portion of the ground that remained firm to the edge of the hole .

However, at that moment, his magic bag disengaged and fell into the hole .

Although the Blond Hero immediately tried to grab it, he did not reach it in time, falling to the bottom of the hole, just in front of the Woman’s eyes that had been impaled by the various spears that were at the bottom .

「…I-I can feel… The Evil Magic Power coming from here…」

The Wicked Woman put her hand inside the Magic Bag, from which she took out the Evil Magic Stones .

Seeing that, the Wicked Woman smiled fearlessly .

「… Blond… So it was you who stole them…」

The Woman said as she put the Magic Stone in her mouth and then swallowed it .

Immediately afterwards, the Wicked Woman’s body began to emit a purple light throughout her body .

「…Umu, Tsuya, Ririanju」

said the Blond Hero, who was staring at the Evil Woman, who seemed to be experiencing some kind of change inside the hole .


Then, immediately after saying that, he started running as fast as he could, escaping from the place .

「Eh?… Eeeeh!?」

「Wait!? Blo-Blond Hero-sama~a!!!」

Tsuya and Ririanju, who were surprised by his sudden actions, quickly stood up as they started running after him .

「You can’t escape~」

said the Wicked Woman, who had turned into a giant mantis, as she threw her arms in the shape of huge sickles towards those two .



The two of them managed to evade her attack at the last moment .

「I’m not done yet」

The Wicked Woman said while, from the top of her body, another 4 pairs of arms arose, finally ending with 10 arms in total .

Then, with that form, she began to get closer and closer to Tsuya and Ririanju while violently waving his arms .

「We-We have to escape!」

「No~ !! It’s impossible~~!!」

The two of them shouted as they ran .

The Giant Mantis ignored their discussion while chasing them enraged .

Each of the trees next to which the Giant Mantis pa.s.sed fell to pieces or even uprooted from its roots after being whipped by the sickles she violently waved from side to side .

All that remained after the pa.s.sage of the Giant Mantis was a shattered terrain .


「… Something seems to be making a fuss in the forest…」

Lys said as she turned her anxious gaze towards the window to observe the forest .

A constant wave of magical power could be felt coming from the forest accompanying the rumble that could be heard every so often .

Lys couldn’t help looking away involuntarily because of the overwhelming force of whatever was causing the scandal .

Garyl and Elizabeth, who were sleeping peacefully until then, began to cry after being awakened by the sudden scandal .

「There~e, everything is fine, so don’t cry」

Lys said as she hugged them gently .

… It’s useless . I’m too worried about Dannsama…

Lys pressed her worried face against Garyl and Elizabeth’s cheeks .

「It’s okay . Dannsama will soon stop that noise」


Lys said with a smile on her face .


Tsuya and Ririanju, who fled desperately from the Giant Mantis, finally left the forest, reaching a vast meadow .

「This-… This is bad」

Ririanju said as she paled .

Until now, they had only been able to evade the attacks of the Giant Mantis thanks to the trees getting in the middle while running through the forest . However, now that they was in the meadow, there was nothing left that could obstruct the Giant Mantis .

Then, as they had supposed, the Mantis was able to move freely when she left the forest, becoming able to approach them in the blink of an eye .

「So is . You’re going to die」

The Giant Mantis said as she threw her 10 arms toward the those two, who could no longer escape of her range .

… huh?

The Wicked Woman, who had become a Giant Mantis, doubted what she saw in front of her eyes .

「… Fu~u . I must say that I was surprised when I saw the amount of sickles that oscillated」

Furio told to the Giant Mantis while wiping the sweat that had arisen on his forehead in relief .

Around him were several huge shields floating in the air, which had been summoned through defensive magic to protect him from the ten sickles that the Giant Mantis had swung forward .

「Who are you? Don’t think I won’t hurt you if you get in my way 」

said the Giant Mantis while swinging his sickles flaunting them .

However, Furio just let out a sigh when he heard her .

「It would be problematic to let you continue since you’ve been making too much of a noise」

Furio said with his arms folded as he watched directly at the Giant Mantis .

「You ended up making my children cry with all the scandal you’ve been causing .

So, would you mind stopping that?」

Furio said, frowning .

In response to that, the Gigantic Mantis stopped her sickles .

「… Is that so? I don’t like to make a lot of scandal either」

She said while raising her sickles high .

「But don’t worry, you won’t have to hear it again, since you will die here }」

Just to make them descend once more against Furio .

This time, the Giant Mantis directed each of its sickles towards Furio .

However, these were completely blocked by the shields summoned by Furio, on the other hand, every time their sickles. .h.i.t one of the shields, a rumble could be heard, at the same time that the crying of a baby was heard from the direction of the House of Furio .

Hearing that, Furio frowned even more .

The Wicked Woman, who had become a Giant Mantis, began to feel bewildered as she threw her sickles against Furio .

… Wh-What’s up with this man… ? He has been blocking each of my attacks even though I regains all my powers thanks to the Evil Magic Stone…

The Giant Mantis, who seemed to be starting to get impatient, began to increase the speed of her attacks .

However, due to the increased speed of her attacks against Furio, she also increased the number of times the sound of her impacts resonated .

And, in response to that, the crying of the baby that could be heard from the House of Furio began to grow stronger .

「… I told you that I wanted you to stop doing that, didn’t I?」

Furio said, with a voice clearly different from the previous one .

… What?

The Giant Mantis, who felt a strange change in the atmosphere accompanying the change in Furio’s att.i.tude, stopped her attacks .

On the other hand, Furio began to approach the Giant Mantis .

「I tried to do this peacefully, but you still ignored me and acted violently … Do you think I will forgive you for that?」

Furio said, while raising his right arm .

Then, a gigantic iron ball appeared above the Giant Mantis .

The iron ball covered with spikes descended over the Giant Mantis, crushing her, at the moment that Furio lowered his arm,

… Guh~… Wh-What?… How?

The Giant Mantis, in an attempt to protect herself from the iron ball, tried to deploy a barrier around her, however, it was instantly destroyed at the moment when the iron ball hit it, causing the Giant Mantis to take the hit . directly .

Then, when Furio lifted the iron ball, the Giant Mantis, in a desperate act, tried to deploy a barrier around her again, however, this one, and the many others she tried to deploy, were instantly destroyed every time Furio did lower the iron ball over it .


「Ha~a, I’m really sorry」

said the Wicked Woman, with a smile on her face, who, after returning to her human form, knelt humiliatingly against the floor in front of Furio while trying to control her body, which kept shaking .

The Wicked Woman was. .h.i.t by the iron ball until she lost consciousness .

Furio was finally able to calm down after that .

Then, when he saw what he had done, he murmured .

「… May I have exaggerated a little?」

While smiling to himself with irony .

After that, he used Recovery Magic on the woman to heal her wounds, after which he began to apologize to her for exaggerating her actions, however, the Wicked Woman, who was too afraid of him to hear what he said, just knelt while apologizing countless times .

「Sorry . It was my mistake . I will not do . Please forgive me」

Then, when she was finally finish that, she ran to the forest with tears in her eyes .

While watching that, Furio muttered, 「… I ruined it . I may overreact when it comes to Lys and the children, yes, it may be…」while tilting his head with a self-critical look on his face .

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments .

And Finally, the Conclusion

Pack (02/02)

NT: Now… i don’t realy know about what should i talk this time… ¿had i talked about the Negligence Syndrome… or the Hemispatial neglect… I don’t really know what you call it so… yeah… i think i hadn’t talked about this to you… alright, i guess the next week i will be telling you about it .

(It’s like, now I stop caring about being very original with these “notes” at the beginning of each chapter, i mean, i just “copy and paste” the note in all the chapters that I upload today… huh)


The Wicked Woman was running at high speed through the forest .

Then, she spread her wings and began to fly over the ground .

She was sure that, if she moved that way, it would be hard to find her, even with Search Magic .

Until now, the Wicked Woman had traveled to many worlds and fought against countless enemies in the name of the Evil G.o.d, however, she had never experienced such a unilateral defeat .

… Anyway, I must concentrate on escaping as far as possible… and then, when I’m finally safe, I will contact the Evil World .

Even so, the Wicked Woman was still able to think relatively well, even though fear of Furio still flooded her brain .

Then .

At that time, the surrounding landscape changed abruptly .

Until that moment, the Wicked Woman had been flying through the forest, however, suddenly, her surroundings were transformed into a wide empty s.p.a.ce of pure white color, which somehow gave the impression of having certain elegance .

… What happened?

The Wicked Woman landed while folding her wings at the same time as she began to look around with a frown .

Then, suddenly she saw a woman appear on the horizon .

It was a Tall Woman who walked quietly towards her with a smile on her face .

「… Who are you?」

The Wicked Woman asked the Woman cautiously .

Upon hearing her question, the Woman put her right hand on her chest .

「My name is Hiya, the Majin of Light and Darkness, Servant of Furio-sama, who comes in search of a new “research” partner… Well, you will discover the rest later」

And she said that while doing a reverence .

「Did you say Furio!?」

The Wicked Woman, who instantly paled when she heard Furio’s name, shouted that while putting her hands on her cheeks .

The Wicked Woman, who saw Furio as an overwhelmingly superior existence than her, began to squirm as she walked away from Hiya .

「Fu-Fu-Fu-Furio ordered you to come to kill me?」

The Wicked Woman shouted loudly as she tried to suppress her impulses to run .

Hearing that question, Hiya smiled slightly as she extended her arms to the left and right as she shrugged .

「No, no, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Supreme One, Furio-sama . This is something that I, Hiya, the Majin of Light and Darkness, have decided to do on my own for the sake of increasing the number of Furio’s-sama subordinates」

Hiya said while smiling .

「… So? What exactly does Majin-san want from me? 」

Ask the Wicked Woman, who still did not lower her guard, to Hiya .

Hearing your question, Hiya bowed once more .

「I was thinking of inviting . What do you think? Would you like to accompany me and my partners in our “training”? 」

「 Ah? Training? 」

Asked the Wicked Woman, who wasn’t able to understand the meaning of Hiya’s words, in confusion .

On the other hand, Hiya began to approach the Wicked Woman .

「Yes, our training . The others are also excited by the idea that you join us」

Hiya said while snapping the fingers of her right hand .

Immediately after Hiya snapped her fingers, Marisa, the Silver Horn Fox and Mahorion suddenly appeared around the Wicked Woman . At that moment, the three pounced on her to contain her .


The Wicked Woman, who had been completely baffled by the unexpected event, began desperately twisting her body in an attempt to make those three release her .

However, the Wicked Woman could not release herself from those three, which had launched Restriction Magic on her so she could not break free .

「Hey, will you also join Onee-sama’s training with us? Hey 」

「 Even if you do, I will still be Hiya Onee-sama’s favorite kokon」

「 What are you talking about? I was the winner last time! Silver Horn Fox Onee-sama」

The three of them started fighting while still containing the Wicked Woman .

Seeing all three like that, Hiya said, 「Stop fighting . Are we not all training together?」,while smiling .

Then, she looked at the Wicked Woman and said, 「Come on, come with us, let’s work together in our training」 as she brought her face close to the Wicked Woman .

… Ku-Kuh!

At that time, the Wicked Woman, who still retained the Evil Magic Stone inside her body, used Teleportation Magic .

「… Oh?」

The next moment, the figure of the Wicked Woman disappeared in front of Hiya’s eyes .

「Im-Impossible! She escape of our Restriction Magic !? 」

「Mahorion, you did something, didn’t you kokon? It’s the only way I can think of her being able to escape kokon」

「 If so, then Marisa Onee-sama should be the most suspicious, isn’t it? She looks very pleased by this 」

「 Hey! What kind of stupid things do you think you are suggesting!? 」

While watching the three of them, who had started fighting among themselves, Hiya let out a light sigh while thinking about what happened .

… I thought that all the residents of the Wikched World would be on the same level as Mahorion, but I may have underestimated them a little… It seems that I still lack training .

The moment he thought that, Hiya closed her eyes as she smiled slightly .

NT: ESCAPE, SHE • Ể4C ↓ E☺! ▬☻ʝϙ, ESCAPE OF ƽ4ࢮ ?ˬᙗ 规 ̊☼, FɆAô ܼ? 楞 ٣ ଉ E͔ ♥ ♠ B ᨊ_ˬ ± ∏ φℵ∇ ‡ β, ¡ℜℜ℘∴⊥∞√§¤! ¡ℜℜ℘∴⊥∞√§¤ !!!


The Wicked Woman ran desperately through the forest .

She had had to use all the power of the Evil Magic Stone that remained in her body only to be able to escape from the Spiritual World of Hiya, so the only thing that she could do now was run .

… First Furio and now that Majin called Hiya . What the h.e.l.l is wrong with this world? Why are there so many irregular ones in this place?

The Wicked Woman thought to herself as she ran desperately through the forest with a heartbreaking look on her face .

… Anyway, the most important thing now is to escape… Then, I will s.n.a.t.c.h the life force from some of the inhabitants of this world… If I don’t, I won’t be able to fly .

The Wicked Woman, with the intention of reducing the chances of her being found, resigned herself to running down a road, and instead only continued to make her way through the forest, without even worrying about the cuts she was causing to herself while she made her way through the branches and bushes that crossed its path .

… I will take revenge… I will definitely take revenge on this, just remember it, remember I tell you .

Then, while she was thinking about that…

The Wicked Woman’s body was “swallowed” by the earth .

In that instant, the Evil Woman remembered the sensation she had been feeling every time she fell into a trap while chasing the group of Blond Hero, while looking down with a desperate look on her face .

There, at the bottom of the hole to which she has fallen, were countless spears pointing at her .

The Wicked Woman, who had exhausted all her magical power, and had just been pierced by spears, was clearly too weakened to recover .

NT: … … …


「Um, she fell」

「Certainly, she fell on it」

「She completely fell」

「Well, now, let’s hurry up and fill the hole with dirt so we can escape」

「Will we leave so soon?」

「Wouldn’t it be better to pick up the Magic Stones at least? 」

「 The Wickeds were looking for those Magic Stones . If we take them with us we will end up being chased by them again .

It would be best to hide the evidence that involves us with this and leave quickly, do you understand? 」

After saying that, the Blond Hero began to fill the hole with dirt .

Both Tsuya and Ririanju, who were already accustomed to his incomprehensible proposals, began to fill the hole with Blond Hero .


「… So that’s why we should no longer have to worry about that scandal repeating again」

Furio told Lys about what happened in the forest while stroking the heads of Garyl and Elizabeth .

It was impossible to feel even a hint of the anger Furio had felt when he faced the Wicked Woman in the smile he was showing at the moment .

「As expected from Dannsama… but」

On the other hand, Lys couldn’t help but look with concern at Furio, who was smiling at her .

「What’s up, Lys?」

「… It’s just that… I’m sure Dannsama will never lose… But I can’t help feeling worried when I see you go fight」

「… It makes happy that you feel that, but, it is my duty to protect you, our children, and everyone in this house」

「I know that… Mu~」

Lys, who wasn’t able to resolve her feelings, turned her look while grumbling .

Then Furio kissed her on the cheek .

「I will not do anything risky . I promise you」

After saying that, he gave Lys a hug .

「… Do you promise?」

Lys said as she looked at Furio . Then she closed her eyes .

Then both slowly began to kiss .

On the other hand, Garyl and Elizabeth, who were in Lys’s arms, fell asleep .

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments .

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