
Chapter 40

Jiang Mao picked up the child by the back of his collar.

The child"s face was covered with mud, still sticking with mud, and he could not see clearly what the child looked like.

Jiang Mao was at a loss when he picked the person up and wiped the face. The child body was dirty and he didn"t know where to start.

The child looked at Jiang Mao with an open face and tears rolled from his eyes. He was brushed roughly by Jiang Mao and he suddenly couldn"t help crying.

Jiang Mao didn"t coax the child, and at present he didn"t know what to do.

Finally, the child was coaxed by Jiang Mao.

Looking at the child holding the jade pendant hanging on his waist and having fun alone, Jiang Mao sighed and stripped him of his clothes.

Jiang Mao took off only a few layers of wet outer clothes. Looking through the neck of the child, the small chest looked white and tender, and his belly felt fleshy when touch. The child looked robust, but didn"t expect him to be so light.

Then he took off his shoes.

Yiks~ The chubby feet had already been wrinkled by being soaked in the mud water, apparently it had been dripped in before he came.

When he touched it, the feet were cold.

Bearing the dirt, Jiang Mao hung the child"s clothes on the branches beside the road, then took off his warm robe and wrapped the child.

“Where is your home?” Jiang Mao asked the happy child who was playing with himself in his embrace.

It was unknown whether the child heard or not, he was still bowing his head and playing with the jade. He played with it and even gnawed on it with a very serious appearance, as if he was alone around.

Jiang Mao was somewhat powerless. He was helpless with the child.

After asking several times, the child pointed in one direction. Following along the pointed finger, Jiang Mao immediately saw from dozens spread of cloths away, a peasant house"s entrance door was wide opened.

Jiang Mao took him over and asked him tentatively, “Is it here?”

“Yes~” The child"s voice was soft as he answered.

Jiang Mao simply wanted to spank him. It turned out the child could talk. Just now, he had asked for a long time, and the child did not open up out of respect for his elder no matter what.

Walking forward, Jiang Mao held the child"s b.u.t.t in one hand holding him in his arms, and with his free other hand knocked on the door. At this time, there was a woman"s voice inside.

“Usually you don"t even care about her, you just wrapped around the little monster. Why do you say that to me? Am I not right? Your blood-related granddaughter, you leave her alone, but every day you feed that man-born monster to such a fat and plump?” This voice was a younger woman.

“You, you, how can you say that? He"s your nephew.” This was an old woman"s voice, a little angry at the moment, suppressing the voice.

“Nephew?” The woman sneered. “Born out of a man, not even knowing which uncultivated man"s seed Little Uncle was planted with.”

Then, as if afraid of being heard, the old woman lowered her voice and said something. The young woman answered a few more angry words.

There were a lot of noises inside. Jiang Mao felt awkward to knock on the door at the moment, but then he looked at the dirty little thing in his embrace. Was that referred to this little thing?

Born out of a man; such a new knowledge.

Seeing that the inside was calm, Jiang Mao knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a woman of 40-50 years old and Jiang Mao explained it to her.

The woman bowed her head from beginning to end and Jiang Mao put forward, “Give me the child"s clothes. I"ll wash them tomorrow and bring them back to the child.” But the woman immediately refused, “No need no need.” After that, she squeezed out a smile and hurried back into the house.

At the moment when the woman looked up, Jiang Mao saw that the woman had obviously cried. Jiang Mao guessed that most families had family matters to deal with, so he stopped insisting and turned away.

Not long ago, Su Er-sao gave birth to a daughter.

Before anyone else said anything, Su Er-sao, who had been in the family for nearly a year, withered herself first and never looked for trouble again. She was confined in the house alone to look after the child.

When Su Lingchuan looked at the child, he said, “This is the first daughter in the family. She"s precious.”

And Su Er-sao, though she spent a lot of time looking at her child all day, still had a slight sense of disappointment in her eyes.

In addition, in order to make money, she forced her husband not to add more family member and now she intended to make love with her husband again and planned to have a son. Her husband"s feelings for her were not the same as before.

Towards that child, the rest of the family including Su Caicai, were also very fond of her. Every now and then, they had to go to see her. Su Family"s people were not bad-looking, and so the little baby was very beautiful.

But these people did not include Madam Su. Madam Su was a bit more patriarchal and she would even take in charge of the granddaughter, but she was absolutely not so enthusiastic towards Su Huai and Su Caicai.

Today, Su Er-sao went to the latrine and came back to see that a large sheet of bedding was covered with p.o.o.p, even the baby too.

Su Er-sao was so angry that she couldn"t resist slapping the baby. She showed her to Madam Su and said a few words.

Not giving birth to a son and her husband distancing from her, Su Er-sao was depressed for many days. When Madam Su said such words, she felt aggrieved and then said such things, which Jiang Mao had heard.

When they quarreled, they didn"t notice anything at all, so taking advantage of it, Su Caicai slipped out.



Jiang Mao followed his memory and soon came to “Su Qingbai"s house”.

Taking into consideration of Su Qingbai"s apprehension, Jiang Mao hesitated to knock on the door and wait near Su Qingbai"s house entrance.

Jiang Mao waited for half a day without seeing the person he was waiting for. He found a ten-year-old boy in the village. “Do you know Su Qingbai?”

For the sake of a piece of silver, the dignified and strong looking boy nodded his head very straightforwardly. “Uncle Qingbai, I know.”

After Jiang Mao entrusted him with a request, the boy ran away and came back later. He said to Jiang Mao, “Sixth Grandpa said that Uncle Qingbai is not at home. He went to the county today.”

Su Lingchuan was in sixth in line of brothers, and Sixth Grandpa meant him.

Jiang Mao did not wait any longer. He found a house to live in the village.

Su Qingbai couldn"t grow vegetables because of the cold weather, so he had to find another way out. Su Qingbai had known many people, especially the stall owners who set up stalls with him.

When Su Qingbai heard that an old stall owner with a good business was getting old and wanted to stop and transfer the stall, he went to owner door and told the stall owner that he would take over the stall owner"s business with a little money.

These days he went to learn culinary with the old stall owner. It was not difficult to make noodles as the saying went. After a few days of learning, Su Qingbai almost learned it.

When he came back in the evening, Madam Su was bathing Su Caicai. Su Qingbai said, “Niang, I just washed him yesterday. Why are you washing him again today? Won"t he catch cold in this cold day?”

Madam Su was in a better mood now. She patted Su Caicai"s twisting little b.u.t.t and said, “This little thing went out to play this afternoon and fell into a puddle on the road in front of the door.”

Su Qingbai took over Su Caicai"s bathing and said, “Niang, you go and rest, I"ll do it.”

When Su Caicai saw his Dad coming, he behaved more appropriately. Although he was young, he knew in his heart that Grandma was always reluctant to beat him, but not his Dad.

Quickly after washing, Su Qingbai took the sleek Su Caicai to bed and stuffed him into the bedding. Once he saw the dirty clothes beside it, he went to wash it.

Su Caicai"s clothes were not much bigger than his palms, they were easy to wash. He would be finished in a few minutes.

These days Su Qingbai learned culinary without much effort and was not tired at all. After washing clothes, Su Qingbai was idle, he grabbed several melon seeds his mother had planted last year and sat at the door, cracking seeds between his teeth. The seeds were shelved for a long time, they were a little wet.

When he finished cracking all the melon seeds, Su Caicai was already asleep. As Su Qingbai thought of the small puddle in front of the door, he had an idea. He pulled a cart of dirt and planned to fill all the puddles within a few meters of his door. His child grew up slowly, and it would be convenient for him to play later.

Pulling a cart and holding a shovel, Su Qingbai went busy.

After a while, it was dark.

“Qingbai, come back soon. If you can"t finish it, do it tomorrow.” His mother held Er-ge"s baby in her arms and shouted at the door.

The baby, named Su Rui, was a beautiful little one, lying in Madam Su"s arms. She was very a good girl.

“Niang, you take Little Rui and go back quickly. I"ll finish it in a minute.”

Madam Su had to stop and go back with the baby in her arms.

Madam Su returned, leaving Su Qingbai alone in the village street.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up and Su Qingbai stopped.

Su Qingbai wondered if it was his illusion, but he seemed to hear someone laughing at that moment. It was even loud.

Su Qingbai"s scalp went numb. He wouldn"t encounter any unclean things, would he?

The next moment, Su Qingbai was taken into that thing"s arms.

Su Qingbai twisted to resist, but turned around and smelled something familiar.

“Jiang Mao? Is that you?”

Jiang Mao"s answer was a lingering kiss.

When Su Qingbai came home, he was informed by the family he had just rented the house moment ago.

“I miss you. I miss you so much.”

Su Qingbai was shocked when he was suddenly kissed, but being in the village, thinking of so many houses around him and was likely to be seen, Su Qingbai felt very excited, but still did not kiss back.

Jiang Mao had to let go of him. He looked at Su Qingbai, and his heart felt suffocated. He did not see his wife"s face for half a year, and it was very hard to meet him, even kisses and hugs were not allowed.

Su Qingbai had just embraced him, and naturally felt that there was a very strong sense of the little brother under Jiang Mao. Jiang Mao looked at him so pitifully that Su Qingbai did not have the heart to refuse him. After thinking about it, Su Qingbai gritted his teeth, threw all the tools on the cart and pulled it back home. “I"ll take it home. You wait here for me. I"ll come out later.”

Jiang Mao nodded satisfactorily, but the next moment he looked at Su Qingbai"s departure direction, his face changed instantly.

Su Qingbai pulled the cart and walked into the little kid"s house today.

Su Qingbai came out soon, and Jiang Mao heard him shout, “Niang, you remember to close the door. I will not come back tonight; I went out with my friend.”

Su Qingbai was wiping his hand in annoyance. He would not stay at home tonight, so he took Su Caicai to Madam Su"s room. During that time, he took Su Caicai to p.i.s.s. The little brat didn"t p.i.s.s properly; his p.i.s.s went askew and sprayed on his hand.

“Let"s go!” Coming up to Jiang Mao, Su Qingbai called to him and found nothing unusual about Jiang Mao.

Jiang Mao thought about many things in this short time. Their first time, the child"s age, and what happened to the child this afternoon in Su Family. The child sounded like he had a freakish origin. Jiang Mao"s eyes sparkled. Instead of walking with Su Qingbai, he said, “Right, I haven"t seen your son yet? Bring him over.”

Su Qingbai laughed straight; actually the laugh was like a fish out of water. “Looking for him?” Seeing Jiang Mao nodded, Su Qingbai said, “He"s asleep.” After hesitating, he said tentatively, “Don"t you… dislike him?”


> Chapter 40

Jiang Mao looked at him in the dark. “Who says I dislike him?” After a pause, he went on to say, “Since I choose to be with you, it is necessary to accept your son. At the beginning, it was too sudden.” He pressed Su Qingbai again, “He"s my stepson and I would always meet him.”

Jiang Mao suppressed all kinds of conjectures in his mind. He did not ask the answer directly, and even if he did, Su Qingbai would not necessarily say so.

Stepson. When Su Qingbai heard this, he could not tell what it felt like.

“When I first came out, he was asleep.” Su Qingbai said helplessly, “That kid is in a bad temper. If you wake him up at this moment, you won"t have a good rest all night.”

When his voice fell, a burst of child"s wuwu cries came. The house was a farmstead; it was a little smaller than those high courtyards, so they heard it very clearly. The child inside was crying, “Uwah wah…Dad~ uwah…”

Su Qingbai touched his nose embarra.s.singly and said, “He really fell asleep just now. Don"t know what was going on. Why did he wake up suddenly?”

As he spoke, the wail inside became louder, and “Dad” was still called out strongly.

Not to mention Su Qingbai, even Jiang Mao couldn"t bear the thought of the soft little thing he held this afternoon. He waved his hand and said, “Go and see him now.”

Su Qingbai gave him a worried look. “Wait for me, I"ll be back soon.”

“Qingbai, why are you back?” Madam Su was hugging Su Caicai.

Su Lingchuan was also there. When Su Qingbai came back, after he asked a few questions, he put his heart down and went back to bed. He was busy with the school in the village and was tired for a day.

Su Qingbai quickly took Su Caicai and said, “I haven"t gone far yet and heard Caicai cry, so I came back to take a look.”

Madam Su handed Su Caicai to him. “He cried as soon as he woke up and found you weren"t there.”

Su Qingbai listened, wiping his son"s tears with his hands and said in annoyance, “Su Caicai, you almost waking up your neighbors.”

Su Caicai was wearing thin underclothing, so Su Qingbai quickly pulled a quilt and wrapped him up.

Su Caicai let go of his paws on Su Qingbai"s chest and just laid them on Su Qingbai"s collar. Once he saw Dad, he stopped crying. Now he just couldn"t control hiccuping in Su Qingbai"s arms.

In the evening, he was alright to have fallen asleep. But if he woke up without Su Qingbai, he would cry.

“Niang, you have a good rest, I take Caicai away.”

Madam Su said, “But you said you want to go out with friends?”

“It"s all right.” Su Qingbai tightened the quilt in his arms. “I"ll take him with me.”

After that, he took Su Caicai out.

Back in his own room, Su Caicai grabbed Su Qingbai"s neck in vain, rubbing under his Dad"s neck like a puppy.

“Let"s go to bed and Dad will sleep with you.” Su Qingbai put Su Caicai in bed, intending to put him to sleep and then carry him back to Madam Su.

“Wuu…” As soon as he put Su Caicai down, Su Caicai"s shriveled his mouth and was about to cry.

Su Qingbai had to pick him up again.

In the end, Su Qingbai simply took Su Caicai out of the house to meet Jiang Mao.

It"s colder outside. Jiang Mao was still waiting outside.

In the dark, Jiang Mao watched Su Qingbai holding a black ball in his arms without blinking.

Su Qingbai apologized, “He refused to sleep, what to do?” What he meant was: shall we take a rain check?

He had not seen his lover for half a year, meeting was already difficult, but still couldn"t accompany him properly.

Jiang Mao looked at the child, whose face was muddy this afternoon that he could not see clearly. At night, it was dark, still he could not see clearly.

Jiang Mao reached for Su Caicai and asked, “How old is he?” After asking, Jiang Mao weighted the little bundle in his hands; he was very light. Why did he felt that the little thing was quite big when he first met him?

“He"s almost one and a half years old.” Su Qingbai coughed to change the subject. “What, what"s going on tonight? Or shall I get him to sleep soon, and you"ve to wait a little longer?”

Jiang Mao licked his lips vaguely where Su Qingbai could not see him. “Go to your house.”

“No!” Su Qingbai jumped up. “We"re going to be discovered.”

That"s too bold!

“I"ll leave early morning.” Jiang Mao did not allow refusal and pulled him in lightly and quietly to go to the Su House.

The family of three was in bed. Su Qingbai"s heart could not calm down after a long time.

Jiang Mao pulled open another quilt and saw Su Qingbai"s eyes shining in the darkness. He opened his mouth and asked him, “Why haven"t…”

Before he had finished, Su Qingbai sat up, covered his mouth and lowered his voice. “Don"t talk.”

Too arrogant, Jiang Mao didn"t consider his Dad in the next room.

Jiang Mao"s planned for spring night was over.

Su Caicai was chubby and sandwiched between them. Jiang Mao was very well behaved towards Su Qingbai that night. The next morning, when it was dawn, Jiang Mao was woken up.

Su Qingbai uncovered the quilt and hurled at him. “Get out of here.”

Jiang Mao rubbed his eyes, did not respond, subconsciously looking for the child.

Su Qingbai urged him, “Hurry up! My Dad, who runs a school these days, wakes up very early. Certainly must not stumble on him.”

Jiang Mao dressed up, rubbed his eyes, and lay back lazily. “Where"s your son?”

“Dad ya~” Su Caicai was also awakened by the two.

Following the sound, Jiang Mao looked behind Su Qingbai, just happened to see the gliding eyes.

Jiang Mao was stunned to see that the child looked just like his face, and his heart was in a state of turmoil. At last, he ascertained his conjecture.

It was a long time when he suppressed the fluctuations in his heart. Jiang Mao even couldn"t resist holding Su Qingbai in his arms. “You"re really my big baby,” he said.

He wanted to hold Su Caicai and was blocked by Su Qingbai. “Don"t make him cry.”

Jiang Mao only put his head on Su Qingbai"s shoulder and looked at the small baby without blinking.

Su Qingbai was embarra.s.sed and felt it necessary to explain, “It"s amazing, isn"t it? I was surprised to see you at first. How do you look so similar to Caicai? But after thinking about it, the world is so big that nothing is too bizarre.” In the end, Su Qingbai felt a little guilty and stuttered.

Jiang Mao looked at him with a deep smile. “No need to explain, it"s you who gave birth for me.”

Su Qingbai was embarra.s.sed. “How can this matter be made a joke?”

Jiang Mao said, “Actually, I came to your house yesterday…” Su Qingbai was shocked. Looking at over, he heard Jiang Mao say, “I heard something different.”

Hearing that, Su Qingbai"s heart was full of ups and downs.

“There are some things you won"t say, I understand, but we are going to walk together for a lifetime, I hope you can be honest with me. Remember, I love you.” Jiang Mao dropped another sentence.

“Qingbai, who are you talking to?” They were talking, and suddenly they heard Madam Su shouting.

“No-nothing. I"m teasing Caicai.”

Madam Su gave Su Qingbai a chance to escape. He pushed Jiang Mao, “You hurry up and go. My mother ought to have found out.”

At this time, Jiang Mao was very proper when talked to and went out following Su Qingbai.

But when he reached the door, Jiang Mao suddenly stopped walking.

Su Qingbai pushed him, “Hurry up!”

Jiang Mao pinched his hand. “By the way, is our son called Caicai?”

Su Qingbai paused and nodded.

Jiang Mao was somewhat disgusted. “Let"s have a discussion and change the name.”


> Chapter 41

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