
Chapter 63

Exile Chapter 63

Looking at the husband lying in bed and went to sleep, Su Ersao’s tears fell down splatter by splatter. Her heart felt very sorrowful.

On this night, Su Ersao didn’t sleep one whole night. After crying for a night, the next day in the morning, her eyes were red and swollen.

When Su Qingtong saw this, he couldn’t bear to be hardhearted anymore. After all, she was his wife who had been with him for many years.

Touching her face, Su Qingtong sighed and said, “No more crying.”

Su Ersao fixed her eyes to look at him and said while her tears fell down, “What’s good here? Can’t you leave?” She really didn’t want to stay here. Every day she had endless work, endless diapers, poor food and accommodation, and no one wanted to understand her suffering.

Su Qingtong sighed and his hands released her.  He did not speak and also had nothing to say.

After Su Qingtong left, Su Ersao sat by the heated brick bed and cried with head hanging low.

After finishing their meal, Sun Zhe came early.

Su Qingtong had stayed and waited for him.

“You go, I won’t go back to the capital with you.” Su Qingtong said to him.

Sun Zhe frowned. “Is that what my sister meant?”

“That’s right.”


Two voices were heard at the same time. One was Su Qingtong’s and the other was Su Ersao’s.

Su Qingtong looked at Su Ersao.

Su Ersao didn’t look at him, but she looked around at the people; her mother-in-law, her father-in-law, her eldest brother-in-law and sister-in-law. She couldn’t find any reason to stay.

“Yun?” Su Qingtong looked at her.

Su Ersao walked up to Sun Zhe and turned around with tears in her eyes. “When Su Family was down, I didn’t abandon you. I’d came with you to this small mountain region to live a hard life, washed your clothes and cooked for you, gave birth to your children, and suffered hardship  for you. Now, can’t you put yourself in my shoes and think about our daughter and leave with me? “

Seeing Su Qingtong looking at her, Su Ersao continued, “Let’s go to the capital city. It’s not that we won’t come back. When life gets better, we can still come back.”

Su Qingtong thought about it, but still refused. “That’s not good.” Not only was it a matter of leaving, but going to the capital involved a lot of things, especially with the Sun family. At that time, everything would be beyond his control.

Su Ersao’s tears fell again. “Well, you don’t want to go back to the capital with me, I’ll go by myself.” Su Qingtong was still reluctant to sympathize with her. Su Ersao just felt cold.

“Brother, let’s go.”

Su Qingtong was shocked that his wife would leave, which he never thought of. All along, no matter how down and out he was in, his wife did not abandon him but followed him all this time. So even after his wife was worse tempered by poverty, he understood.

They had been together and had two years of hard times. Today…

“Wh-what about our daughter?” Su Qingtong spoke with clumsy mouth. He didn’t know how to keep his wife. He thought for a long time and thought about the daughter that his wife cared most about.

Su Ersao did not look him and wiped her tears as she said, “You don’t think about her, what can I do? …..Think about it. Either you follow me or I go by myself.”

Su Ersao felt she had never been so bold, but she had to fight for herself.  She really had enough of living the days as she had for the past few years.

Sun Yun -Su Ersao- was really determined to go this time.

All along, although he did not say, Su Qingtong did not fail to see his wife’s suffering, and he was distressed by it. So he worked hard to earn more money.

But two years later, his efforts seemed useless.

“Fine, I’ll let you go.”

“Just go.” Originally, Su Ersao was streaming of tears. She had been trying to force Su Qingtong to leave, but she never expected that Su Qingtong would rather keep this mountain ditch than willingly leave with her.

Dressed in beautiful clothes, sitting in a gorgeous carriage, Sun Yun looked at the remote mountain village while holding the divorce letter.  Clearly, she no longer had to live a bitter life, but why her heart felt empty?

“Qingtong,” Madam Su opened the door and came in. She looked at her depressed second son who had turned more depressed and sighed, “Have a meal.”

Despite her heartache for her son, Madam Su did not speak to Su Ersao, nor did she ask her to stay when Su Ersao was leaving.

She had never been a magnanimous person.  That woman, her former second daughter-in-law was going to take her son away ah.

Su Qingtong quickly put away the divorce letter in his hand. “Niang, I’m not…”

Before the word ‘hungry’ was uttered, a baby’s cry was heard.

Su Qingtong was stunned. It was his daughter.

In the twinkling of an eye, spring and autumn pa.s.sed. In the winter, Su Qingbai gave birth to a boy nicknamed Fanfan and formally named Jiang Zhu. [Fan=cooked riceZhu=piebald]

Looking at the little boy of a day old, Jiang Mao felt more anxious. It was almost a year, who knew what their Caicai looks like.

“I promise you that next year, at the latest next year, I will turn over the case for your family and bring Caicai back for our family reunion.”

Of course Su Qingbai wanted it too, but how? He didn’t speak but sighed, and was accompanied with his youngest son’s fart.

Su Qingbai turned his head to look and said, “p.o.o.ped.”

Jiang Mao changed Jiang Zhu’s diaper with a black face and washed his b.u.t.tocks. Then with a black face again, went to Imperial Court.

In these five months, Third Prince let Jiang Mao see how sincere he was.

Seeing that Third Prince hated d.u.c.h.eng so much, Jiang Mao said he agreed to cooperate with Third Prince.

Now Du Cheng probably knew his recruited Third Prince was fed up with him, and he started to live in seclusion.

In the past few months, the originally dying Emperor stubbornly managed to stick out. He was still as before, half dead.

“Fourth Elder Brother.” After morning court, Jiang Mao was stopped by someone’s call.

The person was a younger-looking teenager with a beautiful face and taller than Su Qingbai. The only regret was that he had limp leg.

Jiang Mao stopped and looked over.

This was Seventh Prince Jiang Jun, just reached adulthood. He had reached the age to attend court and discuss official business.

Jiang Mao was quite vexed with him. This seventh younger brother of his, once he started to attend court, he made sure to bother him.

“Fourth Elder Brother, I don’t have any official business to attend to, today. How about I go to your house?”

“Not allowed.” Jiang Mao refused almost immediately with a cold face.

“Fourth Elder Brother, what’s hidden in your house? Why don’t you let anyone in?”

Jiang Mao ignored him and turned to the back of the palace, to Consort Lou’s place.

Exile Chapter 64

Yue w.a.n.g Residence.

“Why hasn’t Jiang Mao come back yet?” As he spoke, Su Qingbai looked at the time and frowned. Then he put on a cotton-padded garment and went out. “Forget it, I won’t wait for him.”

Today, before going to court, Jiang Mao said to wait for him to come back at noon and eat hot pot together.  After the court session ended, Jiang Mao sent someone back to inform that he went to Consort Lou’s place. As a result, lunch was over and Su Qingbai was not waiting anymore.

“Liu Wei, clean up. I want to go to the farm in the north.”

After Liu Wei gave a short answer, he withdrew. Not long after, a few carriages arrived. Su Qingbai got on one of them.

The farm in the north of the city was close to Yue w.a.n.g Residence. Jiang Mao had people planted a lot of vegetables. In this ancient winter, the cost of growing vegetables was higher. It needed a lot of coal and manpower. Jiang Mao did not grow too much, just enough for their whole family to eat.

In winter, there must be nothing to eat in the border town. Su Qingbai then picked a cart of vegetables from the farm to be delivered to them. Fortunately, it was winter now, so the vegetables would be less likely to spoil.  If they hurried, it could arrive after month or so to the border town.

“What are they doing?” Though not welcome, Jiang Jun was thick skinned. After court session, he went home and changed clothes before he came to Yue w.a.n.g Residence. When he arrived, he found several carriages outside the residence, hurrying, which was unknown what for. He took hold of the old steward and asked.

“This… It’s the kitchen going out to shop.” The old steward smiled as he answered.

Jiang Jun nodded and turned into the residence.

“Your Highness Seven…” The old housekeeper hurriedly followed in.

Jiang Mao came out of Consort Lou’s place with a cold face. When Hu Hong saw him come out, he hurriedly lowered the sedan chair.

After asking the eunuch next to him for the reason, Hu Hong could not help sighing and be indignant for his Lord w.a.n.g.

Hu Hong felt that Consort Lou, the woman who entered the Inner Palace by herself, was becoming more and more troublesome. The Empress of the old Emperor had died early, therefore no one to handle her. Otherwise, could she be making trouble?

Currently, they all waiting for the emperor to die soon and most of the imperial wives and concubines were living in seclusion, tried their best to rope in promising prince to compete for the imperial throne. Consort Lou was the only one who was making trouble to rise in power.

Neither did Consort Lou think about it. She was driven to Cangzhou by the emperor in the early years, why did no one object when she moved to the palace after she returned to the capital city?

――Was it not Third Prince who wanted to use her to create difficulties for Lord w.a.n.g?

Forget that she didn’t think about her own son, but she even dragged Lord w.a.n.g’s hind leg everywhere. Third Prince held up her stinky feet, and she got close to Third Prince. But she never thought that for her to live as she currently had depended on whom? Was it not Lord w.a.n.g, her son?

Now the dark tide was raging in the capital city. Yet, Consort Lou was looking at a hot spring villa and wanted Lord w.a.n.g to buy it for her, which she said she’s going to use it to invite the wives of cabinet ministers for Winter Solstice’s dinner.

The price of land in the capital was expensive, not to mention the hot spring villa near the capital; that’s a lot of money ah! Even though their Lord w.a.n.g could afford the price, but they also couldn’t afford to let her to do damage.

Sigh~ In the past, Consort Lou was devoted to Buddha, which was clearly not the way it was now.

Hu Hong felt vexed towards her, and Jiang Mao the ‘son’ also felt vexed towards her, but he could not ignore her. Otherwise, the unfilial-hat would surely be tied to his head.

“Lord w.a.n.g, here we are.”

Jiang Mao no longer thought about those worries when he thought of the people waiting for him at home. He had more important things to do now, which were, to have lunch with Su Qingbai and tease his youngest son after he was done with work.

The old steward had been waiting for him long ago. As soon as he came back, the old steward greeted him and said, “My Lord, His Highness Seven has come.”

Jiang Mao paused. He was a little unhappy as he asked, “Where’s Su Gongzi?”

“Su Gongzi went to the farm in the north of the city.”

Jiang Mao was immediately relieved. He had discussed with Su Qingbai last night, planning to give Caicai something to eat. Usually, he ordered his men to take care of Su Caicai’s livelihood and he wasn’t worried about anything else. Only, in ancient times, there was no other vegetable except for pak choy and radish in winter. Their Caicai might be young, but he was very picky. They were afraid he would not like to eat radish and pak choi. So they discussed about it and specially send people to deliver a cart of vegetables.

Jiang Mao walked towards the house. The old steward waited for him to leave before instructing the kitchen to prepare the meal. In fact, there was no need to prepare too much. Merely washed the vegetables, then cut everything and prepare some cured meat. The bottom material of the hotpot dish was finished product, and the shop under Jiang Mao will be sold.

“Fourth Elder Brother, are you back at last?” When Jiang Jun saw him coming back, he complained, “I’ve been hungry waiting for you to come back now. I don’t even know how much tea I’ve drunk.”

Jiang Mao sat down and said with a poker face, “for what are you looking for me?” Towards Jiang Jun, he was too lazy to keep his plain and polite smiling face. This person’s face was too thick; advised him in good tone, but he would not listen.

“Nothing. We are brothers. Do I have to have something before I could look for you?” Jiang Jun came over closer.

“Oh, that’s so.” Jiang Mao called in the old steward, “Have the kitchen cook a table of food for His Highness Seven, and remember to send the guest when he’s finished eating.” Turning to Jiang Jun, he said, “Brother still have matters to attend, I won’t be entertaining you.”

Jiang Jun stared with big eyes at Jiang Mao as he leaves. Fourth Elder Brother of his, what about having good talk with him? What about being kind and courteous?

The old steward looked aside: it is you, who have too thick of a skin.

After Jiang Mao ate a little, he went to look for Su Qingbai.

A while after Jiang Mao finished eating, Jiang Jun soon finished eating. After eating, he refused to leave and wanted to stay for tea.

“The tea in Fourth Elder Brother’s house is delicious.”

The old steward had no choice but to accompany him.

“Uncle Liu――” Taking a seat to chat with Jiang Jun, he suddenly saw a manservant bring a woman over.

“What is it?”

“Uncle Liu, the new wet nurse came.”

“Wet nurse?” Before Steward Liu spoke, Jiang Jun looked at him doubtfully first.

Turning back, Jiang Jun’s stare fixed at that wet nurse.

Steward Liu hastily explained, “My nephew’s wife gave birth to a baby without breastmilk, so I found a wet nurse from outside.”

Steward Liu had something to attend to. It was not proper for Jiang Jun to stay and disturb him, so he said goodbye.

Seeing Jiang Jun leave, the old steward wiped his sweat, took a long breath before he rushed to the back courtyard to place the new wet nurse. A while ago, something happened to the previous wet nurse’s family, so he found another one.

It’s snowing in the winter of the border town.

Su Caicai had gradually become accustomed to life without parents. He had become a wild monkey like the children in the village.

A group of small brothers were fighting s...o...b..a.l.l.s and making snowmen outside.

Su Caicai followed behind a big child. When he was not careful, a b.u.t.t crouched down and he fell but did not cry. He continued to walk ahead.

“Caicai, some people came to your house again.” An elder aunt walked from the east end to the west end of the village and saw the carriage coming Su House again. At the sight of Su Caicai, she went to tease him.

Su Caicai immediately opened his small mouth.

Others didn’t know, only Su Caicai knew that the carriage brought food for him again.

Su Caicai dashed home excitedly.

“Aiyo, this child. This road is slippery, why are you running? Did you fall?” Then the speaker hurriedly went to pick up the child.

“Waaaah…” This time, it really hurt.

Exile Chapter 65

In the end, it was the same elder aunt that saw Su Caicai’s pitiful state. Feeling unbearable, she took him back to Su House.

“Aiyoyo, why are you crying?” Madam Su was busy welcoming people.

The aunt said smilingly, “He fell on the road and got hurt, so he cried. He’s so small that he falls after a few steps. It’s rather pitiful.”

Madam Su repeatedly thanked her.

“By the way, are there guests at home?” When the elder aunt looked into the house, there were several strangers.

Madam Su laughed and said, “No, this from Caicai’s Dad. When winter arrives, there is no vegetable at home. So he had people especially pulled the cart of vegetables from the capital.” Caicai’s Dad meant Jiang Mao.

The aunt saw it strange. “Can vegetables grow in winter?” In the end, she sincerely said, “That’s good.”

Madam Su was pleased and in addition, the aunt helped bring Caicai back, so she went to the carriage and grabbed two handfuls of vegetable.

Although some of them were wilting but there were green and even a piece of mushroom was in it. The aunt left happily.

Such a carriage of vegetables, and there were several others. In winter, it was really strange [to have many vegetables variant].

In the past winter, Su Family also ate vegetables, but didn’t eat much. Generally speaking, they ate more meat.

“Niang, are there guests at home?” It snowed today, so Su Qingtong didn’t go to work. These days that Su Ersao was gone, there was no one to cook at home. Su Qingtong was here to eat. As soon as he came over for meal today, he saw several strangers at home surrounded the table.

Su Caicai was sitting on his stool, holding an iron bowl with a few mushrooms and a chicken drumstick in it. He was eating with relish.

Upon seeing his Erbo, who was holding the little sister coming, Su Caicai immediately took out the chicken drumstick in his mouth and handed it to the little sister to eat.

Su Qingtong touched his head. “Little sister is too young to eat chicken drumstick. Caicai eats it yourself.”

Su Caicai took back the chicken drumstick and thought about it. He put his oily claws into the bowl again, grabbed with a handful. He grabbed a piece of mushroom with a green leaf sandwiched between his fingers and handed it to her.

Madam Su hurried over and pulled Su Caicai’s claws back. “Caicai, well-behaved and eat by yourself.” Then she answered Su Qingtong, “Your little brother had people delivered a carriage of vegetable. I made them stay for lunch today.”

“That’s right.” Madam Su said to Su Qingtong, “I made a bowl of vegetable puree. I’ll go to bring it to Little Qin.” [Su Rui is formal name, Su Qin is infant name]

“Thank you, Niang.”

After lunch end, Su Lingchuan took out Su Qingbai’s letter and read it to everyone.

Madam Su was happy to hear that Su Qingbai had another big plump boy. But later, listening to the joy and satisfaction expressed in Su Qingbai’s letter, Madam Su felt a little unhappy, even took out her anger at that little one.

She stroked Su Caicai, who was eating non-stop. She felt very sorry for him. That family was very happy in the capital city, while Caicai, her darling baby, was all alone. No father and no mother, he followed them, the old couple in such a remote border town. The letter also did not say about taking Caicai over there.

“They don’t remember the big one when they have the small one. Poor Caicai has no one to worry about him and even have to follow us to eat rice husk and wild vegetables.”

There were only her husbands and sons here. Madam Su could say whatever she wants.

Having heard that, Su Lingchuan frowned, but he was accustomed to his wife’s complaints and would not scold her as he scolded his sons. His tone was even gentle: “Where is Caicai so poor? Eat rice husk and wild vegetables?” With that, he looked at Su Caicai, who was eating meat.

When Su Caicai was mentioned, he looked up in puzzlement, still chewing chicken in his mouth.

“Nothing. You keep eating.” Su Lingchuan touched Su Caicai’s head.

Madam Su had no bad intention. She just loved her grandson dearly and had to harbor a complaint.

Picking up Caicai in one hand, Su Qingtong said to him, “Caicai has a little brother. Caicai is a big brother, are you happy?”

Su Caicai could understand one sentence at a time. After three sentences, he could not understand some of them. He was picked up by his Erbo, and somewhat did not know why. After thinking about it, he handed the bone he gnawed with little meat remained to Erbo’s mouth and said, “Give.”

Su Qingtong patted his a.s.s and put him down. “Erbo doesn’t eat it. You eat it yourself.” How many people had been offered a chicken drumstick from Su Caicai?

Su Caicai was probably the kind of person who looked delicate, beautiful, gentle and quiet, but inside, he was the liveliest. He was delicate and beautiful like Jiang Mao, but lively like Su Qingbai.

As a matter of fact, not long after he gave birth, Su Qingbai was unable to sit at home. He was held back for half a year and once he was free, he wanted to run outside every day.

After Jiang Mao was done with court a.s.sembly, he dragged Jiang Mao to the opera house.

They went in a simple carriage. At first, Su Qingbai wanted to walk and play all the way, but Jiang Mao didn’t allow him, afraid that he would freeze.

He was nestled in Jiang Mao’s arms, even forced to wrap in a quilt. The two sat in the carriage, went to the opera house.

Sitting in the carriage, with only the two of them, still covered with quilt, Jiang Mao could not help but move his hands and feet.

Suddenly, there was beating of gongs and drums outside. Su Qingbai pushed Jiang Mao away.

He opened the curtain and looked out. It turned out that someone was married.

“Whose family is marrying? Today is not a good day. Why pick today to take a wife?” A bystander asked.

“It’s Minister of Rites, Minister Sun’s daughter.”

“About Minister Sun, I heard that he had just returned from other place. Why did he rush to marry his daughter as soon as he came back?”

Then, Su Qingbai stopped listening. He scratched his head and said to Jiang Mao, “My family has been with the Sun for many years. How can I not remember Sun Zhong having other daughters besides my Ersao?”

Having heard that, all the thoughts in Jiang Mao’s mind had been put away. Su Qingbai was about to give birth some time ago, so he didn’t tell Su Qingbai about all the things in Su Family. Up to now, Su Qingbai didn’t know that Erge and Ersao had divorced.

“Qingbai――” Before Su Qingbai gave birth, he did not say because he was afraid of affecting Su Qingbai’s state. Now that the baby had been born, he had no reason to hide it. “Your Ersao and your Erge are divorced.”

Su Qingbai looked over and did not digest the news for a while.

Jiang Mao went on to say, “The bride outside is probably your Ersao.”

Su Qingbai was unbelievable first and then angry. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

When Jiang Mao hid the news, he was prepared to withstand Su Qingbai’s anger. He bowed his head, which was rare for him to do, and obediently listened to be admonished.

Su Qingbai lost his temper and looked at Jiang Mao’s well- behaved manner of admitting his mistake. Su Qingbai couldn’t speak anymore.

“Forget it.” Anger couldn’t solve anything. He also knew that Jiang Mao did it for his good. At this moment, Su Qingbai’s mind was at home. “I don’t know what happened to my Dad and the others.”

They were not in the mood to watch opera now. They hadn’t arrived yet, and they returned home.

The more he thought about it, the less rea.s.sured he was. When they got home, after Su Qingbai reconsidered it through he said, “Why don’t I go back and have a look?” He consulted with Jiang Mao.

Jiang Mao disagreed.

Su Qingbai then begged, “Now that child has been born and my health has been raised, I want to go back and have a look.” First, he didn’t feel rea.s.sured about his family members. Second, he really missed Caicai.

Jiang Mao couldn’t change his mind, so he had to step back. “You can go, but it has to be a month later. You just have a baby. Raise your health for another month and when you’re better, I’ll let you go.”

Su Qingbai still wanted to bargain, but Jiang Mao refused to give in this time. Even in order not to let him sneaked away, many people were arranged to guard him.

With no other way, Su Qingbai had to wait at home for a month to pa.s.s.

As the Lunar New Year approached, Jiang Mao was really busy. He had to deal not only with trivial matters, but also with Consort Lou.

“Son has a hot spring manor outside the capital city, though not very big, but it is enough to entertain the families of the n.o.ble and ministers. On that day, the hot spring manor will be closed for a day and make room for you.” Jiang Mao couldn’t have specially bought hot spring villa for her.

Having heard that, Consort Lou was a little reluctant. “Who would want to go to that kind of place? Why don’t you buy it?”

Jiang Mao frowned. “It’s too luxurious to buy a hot spring villa just to use it once. Son doesn’t have that much money.” Jiang Mao had never been accustomed to extravagant life from previous life.

Whether Jiang Mao had money or not, Consort Lou could not be more than clear. At once, she wiped her tears. She even said ‘good’ three times, and then covered her chest in one hand. “This consort has worked hard to raise you. Now, for the sake of Imperial Household’s prestige, I had you to deal with a trivial thing and you shifted the responsibility onto others.”

“Mother, you saying such, Son certainly don’t dare to admit.” Jiang Mao bowed his head and said, “The Imperial Household’s prestige should also be considered by Third Prince. You should consider these…” Jiang Mao looked up at her and said, “Are you overstepping your authority?”

Consort Lou’s angry face was twisted.

People only said that she had been chanting Buddhist scripture and devoted to Buddha for the past few years, paying no attention to things of the world.

But who would spend time on scriptures without any reason?

Losing in the hands of the Empress and being driven away to Cangzhou was the pain in her lifetime. Now that Empress had died, and she came back. How could she not seize the opportunity to seize the power in her hands? How could she not seize this opportunity and enjoy the pleasure of rights that she had never had in the first half of her life?

These days, it could be said the happiest days of Consort Lou. She sat in the most beautiful palace, even the princes had to respect her.

Looking at Jiang Mao, the flesh that fell from her, disgust flashed in Consort Lou’s eyes. This son didn’t come to her when she was being favored.  Wait until he lost power, without requiring him to, he would come.

When he was a child, he wasn’t likeable, and when he grew up, he was even more unlikeable? Who didn’t know that Yue w.a.n.g Residence was rich and powerful? Now even a small hot spring villa, he would not buy it for her?

Seeing Consort Lou trembled with anger, Jiang Mao cupped his hands in obeisance and asked for leave. Without waiting for Consort Lou’s permission, he turned and left.

Wait for next year, he would return to Cangzhou. See if Consort Lou could bounce alone in the capital.

Consort Lou looked at his figure leaving and flipped the table angrily. The little eunuch outside came to report, “My Ladyship, Miss Lou has come to see you.”

Miss Lou was Consort Lou’s elder brother’s daughter, Lou Jingyu.

While waiting outside, Lou Jingyu was frowning.  A few years had pa.s.sed, she was no longer youthful and her feeling for her cousin also had paled. After all, it’s just admiration.

She had planned to find a husband who loved her dearly to marry. Unexpectedly, earlier on, her father had suddenly told her that her Aunt Lady Lou intended to let her marry her cousin.

Since she was ten years old, she had been listening to her father talk about how her cousin could hold back the foreign enemies and how he had strengthened Yue w.a.n.g Residence. Moreover, she had seen her cousin several times, but didn’t expect her cousin not only to have talent, but also tall and handsome. Lou Jingyu’s original intention to find a husband who loved her was shaken up again.

Today, he was not delayed too much time in Consort Lou’s place.

Out of the palace gate, Hu Hong had been waiting for him there.

He lifted the curtain and when he saw the person inside, his raised foot retreated.

“Fourth Elder Brother.” Jiang Jun limped and laughed while getting out of the sedan chair.

“What is it?”

Jiang Jun’s limp leg moved up and said, “I’ve said it several times. We’re brothers. I can come to see you even when nothing happened.”

Jiang Mao’s patience for him had really exhausted. He was about to raise his leg to leave, suddenly Jiang Jun said, “Fourth Elder Brother, why do you have a milky smell on you?”

Jiang Mao froze. “It’s nothing.”

Jiang Jun came up and said, “It’s obvious there is something.”

Jiang Mao didn’t want to care for him, stroked away his hand aside and went into the sedan chair. “I’m still busy, I go first.”

Jiang Jun didn’t catch up anymore. He watched Jiang Mao leave and thought of the wet nurse from a few days ago.

A guess came to him.

Fourth Elder Brother should have gotten a child recently. In order to protect the child, Fourth Elder Brother did not make a public statement. The mother of the child was actually the wet nurse. The ident.i.ty of the wet nurse was actually a cover.

Touching his chin, Jiang Jun thought: I didn’t expect Fourth Elder Brother to be such a good father, a good husband ah.

With regards to Jiang Jun, Jiang Mao felt vexed towards him, but he also knew that Jiang Jun had no malice towards or loathed him.

As early as when Jiang Jun had just entered the Imperial Court, Jiang Mao had made a thorough investigation of his background. Everything was normal, like a real teenager. The only abnormal thing was a love affair he had ever had.

Previously, Jiang Jun liked a person who used to have a good relationship with Su Qingbai, called Zhou Chang, who was one year older than Jiang Jun. Now he was in jail because he had offended the brother of Third Prince’s Consort.

Jiang Mao could probably guess why Jiang Jun sticks to him all day, but he was not going to meddle for the time being.

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