Expelled From Paradise

Chapter 3 Part 2



Chapter 3 Part 2

Above her was the dirty ceiling of the land rover. There was something cool and soft on her forehead. A wet towel. She realized that she was sleeping in Dingo’s bed. She turned and saw Dingo sitting on an old couch. In his hands was a thick faded book.


“What’s with me?”

    Dingo looked at her.


“You’re awake.”


He closed the book and put it on a table. The side was labeled “s.p.a.ce Technology”.


“You’re tired. Your body is weak and you somehow managed to catch a pathogen.”


“I got sick?”


Dingo was amazed.


“You have a fever. And you also ran around like a maniac in this state, which only made it worse.”


Angela, reproaching herself, smiled bitterly.


“It’s an inconvenient thing, this physical body.”


“Did you really not notice, that you weren’t feeling well?”


“My support is provided by the operator at the combat station. He monitors my autonomic nervous system and reports a deterioration of my physical state if any. But there is no connection with him right now.


“Report? How could you not have noticed that you aren’t feeling well?”


“I thought this was how the physical body felt.”


“I see…” Dingo’s face was grim. “You’ve never been sick and tired before.”


Angela frowned.


“It’s strange, I’ve been vaccinated. And my genes have been improved to withstand different bacteria.”


Angela frowned.


Well, anything could happen. A human body isn’t as resistant as you think it is.”


Dingo put Angela’s bag on her lap and opened the retractable lid.


“I’ve been digging into your first aid kit, but didn’t find any medicine. Do you not have them?”


“A medical device is built in the middle. Depending on the physical condition it will make the necessary drugs. But the diagnosis could be carried out only when it’s online.


“So it’s time to use it.”


Sighing, Dingo touched the touch panel of the medical device. Since he was an agent, it activated after scanning his fingerprint. There was no connection yet, but a dialogue box was opened to connect to the closed network of Deva. On clicking the connection icon, they would enter online mode.


“Wait, what are you doing? No communication systems.”


“Without access to Deva, you will not recover. Do you think that you can fulfill the mission in such a state?”


“And what do people on Earth do when they’re sick?”


“If it’s a simple cold, we just eat properly, rest in the warmth. If it’s something serious, we immediately search for a doctor and medicine, playing a game of chance with death.


“Let me try too then.”


“Are you serious?”


“I told you, I was vaccinated. If the illness is unknown, then there’s nothing to be done… But if it’s simply overwork, then I just need to rest.”


“Are you sure? You will have to suffer until recovery.”


“I will carry out this mission without support. So I decided. And there is no other way out anyways…”


“Why are you exhausting yourself like this?”


“Because otherwise, nothing will work…”


Angela stared at the ceiling. Because of the heat, her vision was clouded, but at the same time full of confidence. “I am the holder of the third rank in the security service… And don’t you dare underestimate me. Do you think I can’t accomplish the mission entrusted to me? I will achieve beyond that. I will show everyone what I can do.”




Dingo said this with admiration and turned off the medical device.


“And you do not plan to stop at third rank, do you? You must keep going as far as possible.”


“Hmm… Of course. Otherwise just…”


Otherwise, why was I born into this world at all? She closed her eyes. She fainted again. How much time has pa.s.sed since then? She felt something warm and tasty. She felt weak; her head was unbearable. Her throat hurt. In front of her was a worried Dingo. He held a bowl from which steam came out.


“What is this?”


“Porridge containing millets; soft and easy to eat. And it is good for digestion.”


“Is it nutritious?”


“Well yeah. Just try and say for yourself…”


Angela began to lift her exhausted body.


“Okay, give me.”


He handed her the bowl and a spoon. She scooped up some porridge and put it in her mouth. It was hot, Angela burned her tongue and didn’t even understand the taste. And yet, she kept eating.

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