2. Head of _Nestor productus_. From a specimen in the Tring Museum.
7. _Lophopsittacus mauritia.n.u.s_. From ancient drawing and description.
8. _Necropsittacus borbonicus_. From a description.
9. _Mascarinus mascarinus_. From the drawing in the Volume commemoratif, Centenaire Mus. Paris.
10. _Ara tricolor_. From specimen in the Liverpool Museum. {xxviii}
11. _Ara gossei_. From Gosse"s description.
12. _Ara erythrocephala_. From Gosse"s description.
13. _Anadorhynchus purpurascens_. From description.
14. _Ara martinicus_. From description.
15. _Ara erythrura_. From description.
16. _Conurus labati_. From description.
17. _Amazona violaceus_. From description.
18. _Amazona martinicana_. From description.
19. _Palaeornis exsul_. From the plate in the "Ibis."
20. _Palaeornis wardi_. From the plate in the "Ibis."
21. _Hemiphaga spadicea_. From the specimen in the Tring Museum.
22. _Alectroenas nitidissima_. From the plate in the Volume commemoratif du Centenaire, Mus. Paris.
23. _Pezophaps solitaria_. Made up from descriptions and ancient drawings.
24. _Didus cucullatus_. From drawings.
24A. _Didus cucullatus_. See explanation, page 172.
24B. _Didus cucullatus_. See explanation, page 172.
24C. _Didus cucullatus_. See explanation, page 172.
25. _Didus solitarius_. From a picture supposed to be taken from a living specimen in Amsterdam, but beak and wing restored.
25A. _Didus solitarius_. After Dubois" description.
25B. 1, 2, 3. _Pezophaps solitarius_. Reproduction of ancient figures, see page 177.
4, 5, 7, 8. _Didus solitarius_. Reproduction of ancient figures, see page 177.
{xxix} 26. 1. _Hypotaenidia pacifica_. From Forster"s unpublished drawing in the British Museum.
2. _Pennula sandwichensis_. From the unique specimen in the Leyden Museum.
3. _Pennula millsi_. From skin in the Tring Museum.
27. _Nesolimnas dieffenbachi_. From the unique specimen in the British Museum.
28. 1. _Cabalus modestus_. From skin in the Tring Museum.
2. _Coturnix novaezealandiae_. From skin in the Tring Museum.
29. _Aphanapteryx bonasia_. From ancient drawing.
30. _Erythromachus leguati_. Made up from ancient outline figure and description.
31. _Leguatia gigantea_. Made up from ancient figures and descriptions.
32. _Apterornis coerulescens_. From description.
33. _Notornis alba_. From the plate in "Ibis," 1873.
34. _Notornis hochstetteri_. From the plate in the Zeitschr. f.d. ges.
35. 1. _Aechmorhynchus cancellatus_. From the plate in Seebohm"s "Charadriidae."
2. _Prosobonia leucoptera_. After the unpublished drawings in the British Museum, but the artist has not shown the white patch on the shoulder.
36. _Camptolaimus labradorius_. From the two specimens in the Tring Museum.
37. _Aestrelata caribbaea_. From the type specimen in the Dublin Museum.
38. _Alca impennis_. From the stuffed specimen in the Tring Museum.
39. _Carbo perspicillatus_. From a specimen in the British Museum.
40. _Dromaius peroni_. From the type of the species in the Paris Museum.
41. _Megalapteryx huttoni_. Restored from osteological remains and feathers.
42. _Dinornis ingens_. Restoration from skeleton and some feathers.