Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 703 – Bluff (Part 2 of 2)

Extraordinary GeniusChapter 703 – Bluff (Part 2 of 2)

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“Mr. Feng, this is all the information for this research. Itis worth at least 8 million USD, and it is because we have not gone far withthis research. If not, we will not sell even for 10 million USD!”

8 million USD? d.a.m.n! You think I am a fool?! You don’t evenget that much when you rob the bank.

“Mr. Victor. You also said that you all have not progressedfar for this research and the data is so little. How can it be worth 8million?”

“The prospect for this project is good. You all will gethigh returns after you developed the medicine successfully.”

“If this project is so good, why are you all selling it? Iam guessing that a large amount of funds is needed to carry on with the research,or there are problems with this research. No matter what’s the reason, thepotential of this project is not as good as what you claim.” Liu Michael said.

Victor frowned. This translator was really one of Feng Yu’snegotiator. He could discover the flaws from what I said. d.a.m.n! If it wasn’tfor this translator, Feng Yu might have already agreed to the price!

Before Victor could retort, Liu Michael continued: “Unlessyou all can package all these research together and sell everything to us.”

Victor was stunned. Pack everything together and sell as apackage? The effects of these medicines are similar, but if these medicineswere mixed together, they might become poison. Do these people know what theywere doing?

Even if they were ignorant about all these, Professor w.a.n.gshould know.

The Chinese were all like this. Their traditional Chinesemedicines also mixed all sorts of herbs together and claimed it can cureailments. They have no standard drugs, and the medicine formulas were allthought up by their doctors. It’s a miracle for the Chinese to survive so long!

“Mr. Feng, is this what you want?” Victor turns to Feng Yu.

“Yes. How is it? It cannot be done? Isn’t all these researchhalf completed? You all should not have spent a lot on these projects. Are youworried that the effects of these drugs will clash? We can just add someinhibitor in it, and it will solve all these problems.” Feng Yu replied with an“I am also an expert, don’t try to fool me” look on his face.

Victor was surprised that Feng Yu knew what an inhibitorwas.

Inhibitor could be used to stop or lower the effects ofchemical reactions between substances. It is a negative catalyst.

But even if inhibitor was added, it could not stop thechemical reactions of the drugs completely. An ignorant person is not scary.What’s scary is an ignorant person thinking he knows everything.

In Victor’s eyes, Feng Yu was such a person. But this typeof people has one plus point, which was they will be easily tricked when youuse some jargons they do not understand.

Liu Michael added: “Pfizer should have a lot of inhibitorproducts. You all can also sell us some inhibitors. We are willing to pay.”

They still want to buy inhibitors? Pfizer does have lots ofinhibitors that were added to their medicines. But if they were to sell theinhibitors, it must be useable, or at least in the experimental observationstage.

“Mr. Feng, I need to speak to my company first. Can wediscuss the prices for the other research?” Victor asked.

Feng Yu waved his hand: “We have to discuss the prices forall these drugs. We want to combine all these to create a super-effectivemedicine. How can we just discuss the price of one medicine?”

d.a.m.n! Do you think you are making a fruit platter? Mixingall these drugs together will not create a super-effective medicine. You willget a super poison!

Feng Yu did not give Victor any chance to persuade him andreturned back to his hotel.

Victor was feeling disappointed. He thought Feng Yu wouldbuy at least two abandon research today and he would hit his target of 10million USD easily.

If Victor could sell these research higher than 10 million,he could still get a handsome reward. But what were these people thinking? Theyreally believe that getting more research data and combining everythingtogether, they will get new medicine?

Victor reported to George and George was also hesitating.The inhibitor must be effective if they were to sell to Feng Yu. There was noway for them to fool Feng Yu for the inhibitor. But the inhibitors weredeveloped by them and had spent lots of funds. They had never consideredselling these inhibitors.

But if they package the inhibitors together with the otherresearch, they would be able to sell off those useless research data and getmore than 10 million USD. This was like money dropping from the skies.

“Mr. George, if there is an inhibitor included, they willsurely buy our products, and I am confident that we can sell them at higherprices. It will surely be more than 10 million USD!”

“No. We had also spent a lot on developing the inhibitors.10 million is not enough. We must get at least 20 million USD! Can you do it?”George made his decision.

Victor gritted his teeth and said: “Yes if you can tell Markto let them choose the ones they wanted from all our inhibitors!”

“No problem. I trust you, and I hope you will not disappointme. If this deal is successful, I will not forget you. But if you fail, I willtransfer you to Africa!”

Africa? Victor would never want to go to Africa!

Victor was determined to complete this deal. He needs to usesome underhand methods.

“Mr. George, I need a sum of money to entertain them.”

“How much?”

“1 million USD. I promise I will be able to sell theresearch data for more than 21 million USD. We will be able to cover back theseentertainment expenses! In China, the Chinese like to accept gifts.”

George looked at Victor for a while and then pick up thephone on his table to call the finance department: “Prepare a million USD forVictor as entertainment expenses.”

Victor thanked George and left. He was confident that hewill succeed!

In the afternoon, Feng Yu received a call from Victor.Victor told him that the company had approved the sales of inhibitors. He askedFeng Yu to go over to Pfizer’s lab to see which inhibitors they want.

Feng Yu told him straight that he was tired. Professor w.a.n.gand the translator will go on his behalf.

Victor did not expect things to proceed so smoothly. Feng Yuwill not be around, and the two who he wanted to bribe will be going over tothe lab.

Professor w.a.n.g was looking through the production techniquesof Pfizer’s inhibitors. He also spotted the research data which Feng Yu waslooking for.

“Professor w.a.n.g, you have come to America for so long, w.i.l.l.you be buying some souvenirs for your family?”

“Oh, I will be buying some.”

“Professor w.a.n.g, this is a gift for you. You can also cas.h.i.t in China.” Victor pa.s.sed a few cheques to Professor w.a.n.g. Victor knewProfessor w.a.n.g likes money when they were playing Blackjack on the plane.

Professor w.a.n.g narrowed his eyes. 100,000 USD? This Victorreally wants to bribe him.

“Mr. Victor. I cannot accept this gift.”

“Nonono…… This is for you. I think you need this, don’t you?No one else will know about this. After you return to China, I will still giveyou a sum of money.”

“What do you want from me?” Professor w.a.n.g asked.

“I only want to know which research data does Feng Yu wantsand how much will he pay for it?”

“I only know which research he is interested in. But I donot know how much he will pay for it. Translator Liu does know about that.”

“Thank you. It is enough to know which research he picks.”

“Don’t you think 100,000 USD is too little?” Professor w.a.n.gsuddenly said.

Victor laughed. He was not afraid of Professor w.a.n.g wantingmore. He was worried that Professor w.a.n.g does not accept his bribes.

“I will pa.s.s you another 200,000 USD after I got theinformation.

“300,000 USD.”

“Hahaha. Professor w.a.n.g, you are so direct. Ok. 300,000 USD.I will pa.s.s it to you later. Looking forward to working with you!”

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