Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 715 – The pathetic Zhao Yan

Extraordinary GeniusChapter 715 – The pathetic Zhao Yan

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During the lesson, Li Na kept glancing out of the windows.She knew what Feng Yu’s bodyguard meant and also felt something was off.

She wondered about the situation outside and was worriedthat Feng Yu would get hurt.

After her lessons ended, Li Na rushed out to the schoolgates. But the streets outside were empty. There were only pedestrians walkingthere, and she did not see Feng Yu around.

“Sir, did anything happen outside the school?” Li Na askedthe security guard.

“Teacher Li? How can anything happen outside the school?There is only a fight in the morning, and the police came and bring everyoneback.”

Li Na was relieved when she heard that. Zhang Han’s fatherwas the Chief of Police there. Nothing will happen if they were brought to thepolice station.

Li Na returned back to her office. She wanted to give FengYu a call but did not do so. She knows nothing will happen to Feng Yu and doesnot want to disturb him as he might be busy.

At this moment, Feng Yu was sitting crossed legged in one ofthe district’s Police Station. He was in a room, drinking a cup of tea slowly.Zhao Yan, who was beaten up badly, was sitting opposite him.

“How many times have I said? My father is Zhao Shuanggang.This hooligan had asked people to beat me up. Why is he not arrested?” Zhao Yanshouted and banged the table.

“This is not your home! Try banging the table again?” APolice Team Leader said.

d.a.m.n. If your father is not Zhao Shuanggang, will you stillbe sitting here? You are the one who gathered those people to beat up Mr. Feng.But in the end, all of you are beaten up by his bodyguards.

Also, can someone with so many ex-soldiers bodyguards anordinary person? From the moment they stepped into the police station, thisperson only says one word. “Wait.” He was very calm and even when Zhao Yan saidwho his father was, he didn’t even flinch.

There was only 2 possibilities. First, there was somethingwrong with this person’s brains. But this was not possible. Second, your fatherwas a n.o.body in front of him.

Did you see what this person’s car? I have never seen thismodel in Beijing! You are still stupidly shouting threats here? I shall seewhat you will say when this person’s connection comes.

If it were not because you kept harping about who yourfather was, this matter would have been settled now. I would not have to stayhere to deal with such a small case.

After a while, a car from the Education Department stoppedoutside. Someone who looks like a leader alighted. He was looking furious. TheDistrict Police Chief was standing by the windows upstairs and saw this car. Heturned to his secretary and told him that no matter who comes and look for him,just say he is not in the office!

In terms of rank, both Zhao Shuanggang and the DistrictPolice Chief were the same. Both have high authority in their respectivedepartments. But both of them does not have any dealings with each other. ThatMr. Feng does not seem to be someone easy to trifled with. The District PoliceChief decided to wait and see. If this Mr. Feng was only an ordinarybusinessman, then he will come out and help Zhao Shuanggang.

Zhao Shuanggang entered the District Police Station and sawa Deputy Chief coming out to receive him. He frowned and did not say anything.After all, they were from different departments, and the Police department wasa powerful department. It was normal for the Chief to avoid him.

Zhao Shuanggang had called the District Police Station, andthey did not give him any face. He was not pleased. My son is beaten up, andyou all claim my son is the mastermind for an a.s.sault with intention charge? Iknow my son well. He is a good boy.

When the door of the room was pushed opened, Zhao Shuanggangand the Deputy Police Chief entered. The Team Leader immediately stands up andsalute to the Deputy Chief. Seeing the Deputy Chief did not introduce the ZhaoShuanggang, the team leader did not greet him.

“Dad!” Zhao Yan also stands up when his father enters. Hisface immediately changed. All this while, he had a fierce look on his face, andhe quickly switched to a pitiful expression. His voice was also shaking.

Feng Yu looked at him. This brat can really act pitiful. Butno matter how good your acting was, it will still depend on your father’satt.i.tude. If he made the wrong decisions, then don’t blame me!

Zhao Shuanggang looked at his son and then turn to theDeputy Chief, waiting for an explanation. When I called, you all gave me allsorts of excuses. Now I am here personally. Are you still not giving me face?

“This incident is settled. Zhao Yan can leave.” The TeamLeader saw the Deputy Chief’s expression and immediately said.

Zhao Yan still wanted to say he will teach Feng Yu a lesson.But his father stared at him, and he kept quiet. But when he walked pa.s.s FengYu, he mouthed the words: “You are dead!”

Feng Yu put down the teacup he was holding and suddenlysaid: “Did I say you all can leave?”

The whole room became quiet when they heard what Feng Yusaid. The Deputy Chief and Zhao Shuanggang’s face changes. Zhao Shuangganglooked at Feng Yu. The Deputy Chief was in his uniform, and Feng Yu should knowhe was one of the leaders in the district. He still dares to say these words?

Who does he think he is?

“d.a.m.n! I still have not teach you a lesson! You still dareto behave so arrogantly?” Zhao Yan shouted. His father was there with theDeputy Chief. This person still dares to speak to him in this manner?!

“Shut up!” Zhao Shuanggang scolded.

Zhao Yan does not understand why his father did not askpeople to deal with Feng Yu. Why was his father not helping him?

“You are his father from the Education Department? I thinkyou should have heard of my name. I am Feng Yu.” Feng Yu was still seated as hecasually said.

Feng Yu? How come this name was so familiar? But ZhaoShuanggang could not recall who this person was. This person was so calm, andit was not an act. He had worked in the government service for many years andknew how to judge a person from their looks.

Zhao Yan was furious. He moved closer to his father andwanted to let his father look at his injuries. He wanted his father to getangry and teach this arrogant brat a lesson. It would be best if his fathercould make this person disappear from Beijing. If that happens, Teacher Li willsurely be his girlfriend.

At this moment, the District Police Chief enters the room.

The Deputy Chief was surprised. Didn’t the Chief asked himto settle this incident? How come he come over personally?

The most surprising part was after the Chief enters theroom, he did not greet Zhao Shuanggang. Instead, he extended both hands andwalked towards Feng Yu quickly.

“Mr. Feng. I’m sorry for being late. Please forgive me.”

Zhao Shuanggang’s jaws almost dropped to the floor. What washappening? Why was Chief Liu so respectful to this person? He seems to be……afraid of him?

Feng Yu? Feng Yu!

Zhao Shuanggang finally recalls who this person was. In thepast few years, many Tai Hua buildings were built in Beijing’s schools. It wasFeng Yu, who had donated those buildings! No matter how capable Feng Yu was,the higher-ups will surely want to maintain a good relationship with him. If thisincident spreads, there will be an uproar.

How did Zhao Yan offend this person? From Chief Liu’sbehavior, he must have gotten some instructions from the higher-ups. ZhaoShuanggang and Chief Liu were holding the same rank. Chief Liu’s higher-ups werealso his higher-ups!


Zhao Shuanggang gave his son a hard slap suddenly. Zhao Yancould see stars and took two steps back from the impact, before landing on hisb.u.t.t.

He could not believe that his father had slapped him.

“Mr. Feng, I am sorry for the troubles my son caused. Helacks discipline. There is an opening for an exchange at his workplace. I willlet him partic.i.p.ate and send him over to the Western provinces for training.Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Feng!”

Zhao Yan was stunned. Go to the western regions? Those poormountainous areas?

But when he saw his father’s stern expressions, he stilllowers his head and apologizes unwillingly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Feng.”

Feng Yu slowly stands up: “You have a good reputation. Butyou should not spoil your son. It is also a good thing for him to go over tothe western regions for some training. I will not pursue this matter.”

Feng Yu walked out of the room, and his bodyguards werealready waiting outside. They left the District Police Station in neat rowsbehind Feng Yu. Even after all of them had left in their vehicles, the peopleat the station were still looking out from the windows.

Who was this person?

If it was not because Feng Yu still have some matters toattend; if it was not because Zhao Shuanggang had a good reputation; if it wasnot because Zhao Yan still has not done anything to Li Na…… Feng Yu would neverlet him off so easily.

Feng Yu called Zhang Han’s father to thank him and then dialanother number: “You have arrived? I will be there in a while.”

Translator’snotes: Some children of Government Officials in China were very arrogant. Theythought they had immunity from the law. I believe the author was trying to tellhis readers about how overbearing these people were. A real-life example wasthe “My father is Li Gang!” incident. Here is the link to the infamous Li Gangincident in 2010.


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