Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 874 - The letter

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 874 - The letter

The morning sun shines onto Feng Yu throughthe window. Feng Yu was standing by the windows looking at the clouds in theskies and the traffic on the roads. His expression looks like he is waiting forsomething.

Knock, knock, knock…

"Come in."

Ralph entered the room and pretended towipe his sweat from his forehead.

"Boss, this is your letter. I had brought.i.t over."

Feng Yu smiles when he saw the familiarhandwriting on the envelope. "Ok. Just leave the letter here. Good job."

It"s vital to give subordinates praiseswhen they do something for you.

"It"s my duty. Boss, I will go back towork." Ralph poured a cup of tea and placed it on Feng Yu"s desk before goingout.

Feng Yu tore open the envelope and took outthe letter carefully. The paper had a sweet scent of flowers.

The handwriting is so familiar to Feng Yu,and he took a sip of hot tea while reading the letter from Shanghai.

This letter had arrived in Seattle a fewdays ago, but Feng Yu had been in New York. Just happen, Ralph had to come toNew York, and Feng Yu asked him to bring this letter from his home to him.

"Are you doing well in America? Is yourwork busy? You mentioned that you are working at a world-renowned company thereand you must have not time to rest… I had joined a student handicraft societyin school. By the time you read this letter, maybe I have already made amasterpiece…"

Zhou Kexin had only written about her dailylife and trivial matters in the letter.

The relationship between Feng Yu and ZhouKexin was no longer ordinary penpals. Although they did not mention anythingabout their feelings for each other, Feng Yu could sense the changes from theway she writes the letter.

Feng Yu does not know whether if this is agood thing or not. He thought that since he is with Li Na in this life, ZhouKexin should seek her own happiness. But when Feng Yu think about Zhou Kexin inanother man"s embrace, he felt uncomfortable.

Not many things can make Feng Yu feeltroubled. Although many people said money is not everything but having lots ofmoney can do a lot of things.

At least, the problems that others willfeel troubled will not happen to Feng Yu. Feng Yu can easily solve his troubleswith money. But when it comes to relationships, money can"t do anything. Atleast Feng Yu does not want to use money to settle this.

In front of Kirilenko, Fu Guangzheng, andthe rest, Feng Yu acts like a relationship expert and often gives them advice.But he realized he was a joke when he was faced with relationship problems.

In the letter, Zhou Kexin mentioned that asenior at school was wooing her, and she hasn"t decided whether to accept him.Feng Yu suddenly got scared and was worried Zhou Kexin would accept thatsenior.

But Feng Yu thought about what he can giveZhou Kexin. Half of his heart or a material life which everyone envies?

Feng Yu was not willing to give up on ZhouKexin and knew it"s impossible to give up Li Na. At this moment, Feng Yu enviedthe ancient days where a man can have multiple wives.

Even now, many countries still accept polygamy,and in Asia, some countries legalized it. Why did China abolish this practice?

What made Feng Yu more frustrated was HongKong also stopped this practice. If not, Feng Yu"s Hong Kong pa.s.sport can beput to good use.

Wait… I have two pa.s.sports!

Feng Yu suddenly burst out laughing. Twopa.s.sports mean he has two ident.i.ties, and does it mean he can get marriedtwice?

All Feng Yu needs to do is to persuade ZhouKexin and Li Na. But this should be difficult.

Feng Yu came up with lots of ideas, but inthe end, he laughed at himself. Maybe Zhou Kexin does not even like him. If shehas no interest, he will not pester him and just be friends with her.


Zhou Kexin was sitting by the windows withboth hands under her chin. The last letter she received was when schoolstarted. Now, it"s almost school holidays, and she still has not received anyreplies.

Should I save up my money and send anexpress letter like him?

"Kexin, what are you doing? Thinking ofyour boyfriend?" A cheerful girl suddenly appears behind Zhou Kexin.

Zhou Kexin got a fright and patted herchest. "You gave me a scare."

"Writing letters every day is not thesolution. Do you know about email? Just send him an email and he can receive itwhen he is online. It will be faster, and you don"t need to buy stamps."

Zhou Kexin brightens up. That"s right. Whydidn"t I think of this before? There are computers in school, and I can sendand receive emails there. It will be much faster than regular letters.

Although I will not see his handwriting, Idon"t need to wait so long for his reply.

Waiting for letters was once Zhou Kexin"sjoy. But now, it had become a torture.

Zhou Kexin had asked herself before. It"sonly a penpal and why was she so eager for the other party to reply? They wereonly chatting about their daily lives.

Zhou Kexin"s roommates and close friendswere mocking her, saying her penpal is her boyfriend, and it"s weird that shehad never thought of denying it.

But the other party is a graduate ofBeijing University and is working at Microsoft currently. How can someone so capabledoes not have a girlfriend?

Even if he does not have a girlfriend inChina, he should have a girlfriend in the US. The women there are more open.

"Eh, Kexin, I am talking to you. What areyou thinking?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Why are you staying in the dormitory on theweekend? Let"s go to the supermarket. Tai Hua Supermarket in front of ourschool is having a promotion and I had won a 10 RMB voucher!"

"Ah, really? You are so lucky. Let me tiemy hair first."

When they reached the first level of theirdormitory, Zhou Kexin looked into the dormitory office as usual. She wasdisappointed when she did not saw the letter she was waiting for.

"Eh… Stop looking. Are you not tired ofstaring at the office window? The staff inside knows you. If they have yourletter, they will let you know." Zhou Kexin"s roommate looked at her.

"I am just taking a look. Let"s go to thesupermarket."

"don"t be so excited. The promotion isstill ongoing, and you can partic.i.p.ate in it too. If you won a 100 RMB voucher,we could buy lots of tidbits."


Zhou Kexin and her roommate returned fromthe supermarket, carrying a big bag each. They had bought all the cheap tidbitsthey could find and some hairclips.

On the way back to their room, Zhou Kexinglanced at the dormitory"s office window as usual. Suddenly, she pushed the bagof tidbits she was holding to her friend and ran to the office.

"Aunty Zhao! That letter! That is my letter!"

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