Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 650 – Tricks (Part 2 of 3)

Extraordinary GeniusChapter 650 – Tricks (Part 2 of 3)

Chief Li replied calmly: “I want to see what this small-timecriminal have to call himself Brother in front of me!”

Feng Yu, Chief Li, and Store Manager Zhao left for themanager’s office.

Wow…… this Brother Hei was bigger and looks stronger thanWen Dongjun. His height should be more than 1.9m.

Chief Li suddenly says: “You are not Brother Hei. Where isyour boss?”

Feng Yu and Manager Zhao were confused. This person is notBrother Hei? How come Chief Li knew about this? Have Chief Li met Brother Heibefore? It should not be the case. If he had met Brother Hei before, he shouldhave said it earlier.

Da Zhuang was shocked to see Chief Li in his police uniform.Why was the police here? Brother Hei did not say anything about the police. Hehad only asked Da Zhuang to come and fetch Yingzi back. This Police Officerseems like a high-rank officer.

“I am Brother Hei. Who is the one who called me just now?”Da Zhuang pretended to be calm and asked. But his expressions were unnaturaland kept looking at the door. His body language had already betrayed him. Hewas already thinking of ways to escape.

“You are just a n.o.body. Stop your pretenses. I can tell fromone look! You can"t-fool me! Tell me, where your boss is? Did he send you hereto be his scapegoat?” Chief Li asked.

Mind games were the simplest way to make the other partyyield. Since Chief Li had come to help Feng Yu, he must put up a show for him.

What’s the use of arresting a n.o.body? If they must arrestsomeone, then it must be the boss of the syndicate and all its members. Thiswill be a huge favor.

Luckily, Chief Li still had some capabilities. He was not inthis position because of his connections. He had lots of experiences, and if hecould not even tell this simple trick, he might as well hang up his uniform.

This person’s size was so big, and how can he mix into thecrowd to steal things?

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Where is Yingzi? Iam here to fetch her.” Da Zhuang insisted.

Feng Yu took out his mobile phone and dial the number Yingzigave. A phone rang, and it was from this person.

Da Zhuang took out a mobile phone and showed it to Feng Yu.“I said that I am Brother Hei. Where is she? We have agreed that you willrelease her once I am here.”

“I am the one who called you just now. You can’t recognizemy voice?” Store Manager Zhao suddenly said.

“Of course. But it is not very clear over the phone justnow.” Da Zhuang tried his best to remain calm.

Now, everyone knew that this person was not Brother Hei. Thesound quality of mobile phones was not very clear, but Store Manager Zhao’sheavily accented mandarin was a vast difference from Feng Yu. Anyone would beable to tell the difference.

“Call your boss. Tell him that if he does not come over, Iwill put him on the wanted list all over the city.” Chief Li laughed.

This person wants to be the leader of a syndicate with hisintelligence? The leader of a thief syndicate must have the skills and must bevery smart. If not, he will have no way to tame his followers. This person wastoo stupid to be the leader. If he were really the leader, no one would want tofollow him.

“I am Brother Hei.” Da Zhuang firmly insisted.

“That woman had told us that your leader is not so tall.Even if you all want to get someone to impersonate the leader, you all shouldget someone that has some resemblance. Both you and your leader size are toodifferent.” Chief Li slowly said.

Yingzi did not say anything. These were all made up by ChiefLi. Although he does not know who this Brother Hei was, he could not recall anycriminal bosses thatwere over 1.9m tall. Furthermore, this size was too obvious...o...b.. a thief. He can’t even squeeze himself through a window.

This was why Chief Li dares to claim that Brother Hei wa.s.shorter than this man.

After Chief Li finishes saying, that man’s face changed.“What’s wrong with me coming over? My boss is busy with something else. He sentme as a representative.”

“You cannot represent him. I think you are still able tocontact your boss. Call him here. I will speak to him.”

Da Zhuang was hesitating. He was not sure if he shouldcontact Brother Hei. But this person said he will put Brother Hei on the City’swanted list. That means he must be somebody from the City’s Police department.This person wants to speak to Brother Hei. What if the negotiations fail and hearrests Brother Hei?

“Just tell me what you want, and I will pa.s.s the message toBrother Hei.”

“Who do you think you are?! Call him and tell him that I, LiChangshan, is here. Tell him to be here within 10 minutes! If I don’t see himin front of me, he will suffer the consequences!” Chief Li said.

Da Zhuang was scared. He dialed a number on his mobilephone: “Brother Hei, I have reached…… Errr….. I still have not seen SisterYing…… There is a police officer here, and he says his name is Li Changshan. Hewanted you to be here within 10 minutes…… Ok. I know.”

After hanging up the phone, Da Zhuang turned to Chief Li andsaid: “I have told Brother Hei. He is on his way here. Can you let me seeSister Ying?”

Yingzi was brought into the office, and she was stunned whenshe saw Da Zhuang. Why was Da Zhuang here? Where’s Brother Hei?

“Seems like Brother Hei dare not to come over. Maybe he isalready on the run. Is it worth for you to follow such people?” Chief Licontinued with mind games.

Before Yingzi could say anything, Chief Li asked the femaleofficer to bring Yingzi out. Yingzi and Da Zhuang cannot be locked up together.Chief Li still need to make them spill everything out to get the evidenceagainst Brother Hei.

From Yingzi’s expression, Chief Li was sure that the man inthe office was not Brother Hei. His instinct was right.


Brother Hei hangs up the phone and thought for a while. Hethen made a phone call. After that call, Brother Hei’s hands were trembling.

Li Changshan was the police chief of a district and also theCity’s Police Department deputy chief. This was only stealing from asupermarket. Was there a need for someone of this rank to show up?

Brother Hei regrets asking Yingzi to go to Tai HuaSupermarket. To be targeted by someone like Li Changshan, there will be direconsequences. But after thinking for a while, it was just a small incident ofshoplifting. Li Changshan should only reprimand for a while and at most stay inthe lockup for a few nights. He will just avoid Tai Hua Supermarket when he wasreleased.

Yes. I must go there with the right att.i.tude and admit mymistakes. There is no point going against him.


“Good afternoon, leaders. I am Hei Zhi. Please call me XiaoHei. This time it is my woman that is at fault. I promise I will teach her alesson and make sure she will not steal again.” Brother Hei walked into theoffice and start apologizing.

“Xiao Hei? Tell me your real name!” Chief Li shouts.

“My name is Qian Jing. Because my complexion is darker,people gave me this nickname.” Qian Jing explained.

“Qian Jing? Your parents really know how to name you. Fromwhat you said, coming here to steal is all her decision? This has nothing to dowith you?” Chief Li sneered.

“I am not aware of this. I have already turned over a newleaf. I am now running a small video lounge.” Qian Jing replied.

Video lounge? Chief Li’s eyes brighten up. This will beeasier to convict him!

Translator’snotes: “Hei”, , means the color black in Chinese. “Qian Jing” soundsthe same as money coming in.

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