Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 688 – Iron Fist Zhu’s conditions

Extraordinary GeniusChapter 688 – Iron Fist Zhu’s conditions

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Knock, knock, knock.

Director Fang knocked on the door and entered the office.Iron Fist Zhu asked without lifting his head. “What is it?”

“Premier, j.a.pan’s Prime Minister Office had sent you aninvitation. They want to invite you over to j.a.pan for a visit.” Director Fangreplied.

“Not going. Tell them I am busy.”

“Yes. I know.”

j.a.pan’s Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama was walking up anddown in his office. j.a.pan will have to face another financial crisis? This timewas different from the previous crisis. The crisis this time was caused by somenegative news, and it resulted in the lack of trust in j.a.panese companiesworldwide. This crisis might bankrupt several j.a.panese companies.

Now, this crisis must be solved before it gets any worse.The root cause must be handled well. If the Chinese Government could issue anofficial statement that these were all a misunderstanding, then most of theproblems will be solved. But the Chinese Government would surely have harshconditions. j.a.pan will have to suffer heavy losses this time.

But Tomiichi Murayama did not expect his invitation to beturned down by the Chinese Government. Didn’t China want to visit j.a.pan allthese years? Why did they reject his official invitation?

Tomiichi Murayama immediately asks his men to contact IronFist Zhu. He wants to speak to Iron Fist Zhu and tell him that if China was notwilling to send diplomats over to j.a.pan, he could visit China instead.

“Mr. Zhu, I sincerely invite you to represent China to visitj.a.pan. We can cooperate economically in many areas. We can even talk aboutmilitary cooperation!” Tomiichi Murayama had expressed his full sincerity.Military cooperation can only happen behind closed doors if not, the US willinterfere.

“China is a neutral country and will not engage in wars. Wedo not need to have military cooperations with j.a.pan. As for our economy, weare doing well, and we do not need any cooperations with j.a.pan. Also, we arenot interested in your j.a.panese companies.” Iron Fist Zhu rejected him flatly.

Rejection. Iron Fist Zhu had rejected j.a.pan’s offer forcooperations! j.a.pan’s air force and navy had more advanced weaponry than China.Tomiichi Murayama thought Iron Fist Zhu will be interested. But he rejectedthis offer!

The reason given was a joke. China was still in the war inthe southwest region. There were still lots of small scale fightings. Thesefightings were not considered engaging in wars?

“Mr. Zhu, j.a.pan, has many technologies that are the mostadvanced in the world. We can set up joint partnership factories in China andpa.s.s those technologies to you. This will increase the technological levels ofChina’s industries. It will be good for China’s developments.”

“I’m sorry. We are not interested in working with companiesthat damage the environment and ignore the wellbeing of its workers. Also, wewill drive all j.a.pan related factories out of China. We do not welcome suchcompanies to set up factories in China.” Iron Fist Zhu repliedstraightforwardly.

Tomiichi Murayama panicked when he heard this. “Mr. Zhu, pleasedon’t do this. We have been working well all this while, and if all ourcompanies were to pull out of China, there would be a significant impact onChina’s economy. You should take this into considerations.”

The translator translated what Tomiichi Murayama said toIron Fist Zhu, and Iron Fist Zhu’s face turned black. Tomiichi Murayama wasthreatening him!

But China had never given in to these threats. Even if theyhad to go to war, China has never been afraid of anything!

“You all want to pull out of China? Great. We welcome youall to leave. Maybe you are still unaware that the US, Germany and some othercountries had contacted us. They want to have multi-aspect cooperations withus. Industrial developments are included in these cooperations. Maybe oureconomy will be affected slightly. But we can withstand it. j.a.pan’s industriesare strong. But we can still grow and develop without your industries.”

The old industrial cities in the Northeast had beendeveloping well in recent years. Many former Soviet Union experts were stillworking there, and all the new technologies developed, belongs to China. It wasnot like those j.a.panese companies. The Chinese were working for them, and allthe technologies developed belongs to j.a.pan. It was obvious which side theGovernment should support.

Welcome? China welcomes j.a.pan companies to pull out? How canthis be possible?! j.a.panese companies were the biggest investors in China. Havethe Chinese Government gone crazy?!

Tomiichi Murayama knew that it was not the ChineseGovernment that had gone mad. It was because the Chinese Government knew that.i.t was impossible for the j.a.panese companies to pull out of China. If thej.a.panese companies really leave China, j.a.pan will suffer even higher losses.

Withdrawing from China might have an impact on China’seconomy, but with j.a.pan’s investments, there will still be investments comingin from other countries. Also, there will be existing factories and skilledworkers. These will attract more foreign direct investors.

j.a.pan will then lose the vast Chinese market. They will nothave low-cost labor, and without these factories, j.a.pan’s economy will suffereven more.

Because those j.a.panese companies will need to rebuild newfactories elsewhere, it will take time, and their losses will be higher. Theircost will also increase because of the increase in their transportation cost.All their efforts in developing the Chinese market will be wasted.

China’s economy could afford to take such a beating. Anyway,the Chinese have been poor for decades. They could afford to wait 1 or 2 yearsmore. But the j.a.panese economy had just crashed a few years ago. These fewyears, j.a.pan’s Prime Minister had changed 7 to 8 times. If j.a.panese companieswere to withdraw from China, then Tomiichi Murayama will have to step downsoon!

Tomiichi Murayama absolutely does not want this to happen.He will have not to prove himself. Also, the longer he stayed in power, themore benefits he will get when he retires. He also needs to remain in power forthe development of his family.

“Mr. Zhu, you have mistaken. That’s not what I meant. What Iwanted to say was, I will let those companies who had damaged the environmentleave China. The rest of the companies will increase their investments inChina. We can cooperate in many areas and prosper together.

Tomiichi Murayama had given in, but Iron Fist Zhu does notcare. What he wanted was not only these. He had waited for a long time, andthere was still not an apology from Tomiichi Murayama.

“Really? It might be an error with the translation. b.u.t.those companies who had polluted our country cannot only just leave China. Theyhave to compensate us. The compensation includes the expenses for the clean upof the pollution, the expenses for the treatment of those who got sick becauseof the pollution and all other related costs. They also have to pay finesaccording to international laws.

“Of course. We will also punish those companies. Most of ourcompanies are still ethical. These companies are the black sheep. We candiscuss the compensation amount when you come over to j.a.pan for.”

“I am not free. It will be better if you come over. Also,before you come over, ask your Emperor to make a public apology for the actionsof those companies!”

What? Ask the Emperor to apologize? Even if the Emperoragrees, it will also be Tomiichi Murayama’s last day as j.a.pan’s Prime Minister.j.a.pan’s Emperor symbolized j.a.pan. How can the Emperor apologize?!

“Mr. Zhu, the Emperor, will not interfere in this matter. Heis meditating today. I can let our Foreign Minister issue an apology. This isthe most we can do.” Tomiichi Murayama tried to negotiate.

“Foreign Minister? Seems like j.a.pan is not sincere at all.There’s no need to talk anymore!”

“Wait, Mr. Zhu, if Foreign Minister is not enough, we canstill let other Ministers or the parliament to represent j.a.pan to apologize toChina.”

Translator’snotes: Didn’t know j.a.pan changed their Prime Ministers so many times duringthat period.



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