Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 697 –

Extraordinary GeniusChapter 697 – The Enthusiastic Victor (Part 2 of 2)

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Victor called Pfizer’s R&D head, Mark. Mark had receivedinstructions from George to consolidate all the information on the failedproducts. He compiles all the information and sent it to Victor through anEmail.

Victor opened the email and scan through it.

Medicine for treating high blood pressure. Might cause bloodpressure to go lower than usual. Although this medicine was effective, theresults from clinical trials show that this medicine was not suitable to beintroduced to the market.

Anti-lymphoma medication. It kills healthy lymph easily andworsens the patient’s conditions. It also lowers the patient’s immunity. Thismedicine did not pa.s.s the first trial.

Anti-inflammation medicine for treating Prostat.i.tis. Itcaused a heavy burden on the kidneys. This medicine might cure Prostat.i.tis, but.i.t will also cause kidney failures. The trial was stopped after the firstphase.

Medicine for Cardiovascular disease. No obvious sideeffects., but the effectiveness of this medicine was not visible. After thefirst trial, this medicine was found to be heading in the wrong direction.

Behind every medicine listed, the reason for the failureswas stated. The R&D cost of these medicines was also listed. Some of thedeveloped medicines were not in the right direction and did not serve thepurpose it was developed for. These medicines were still worth a bit of money.

Some of the medicines listed had side effects and could notpa.s.s the US FDA requirements. The researchers at Pfizer could not find any waysto lower the side effects, and all their effects in developing this medicinewere wasted.

The R&D cost for these medicines was more than 100million USD. Mark told Victor that this list was only part of their medicationsthat were considered confirmed failures. If they include all the other halfdeveloped medicines, the cost will be much more than that.

These medicines that were on the list were mainly used bynew researchers to practice.

This was common in R&D. Sometimes, effects and resourceswere wasted when the final product did not serve the purpose it was designedfor. But if the final product was a success, the returns might reach more than100 times its cost.

The cost used for developing these failed products could notbe recovered in the past. But today, Victor said a Chinese businessman wants tobuy these failed products. A stupid China businessman was willing to buy theformula of these failed products at high prices!

Although Mark was not convinced, he still followed George’sinstructions to compile a list for Victor. If Victor could sell these failedproducts’ formula, they would be able to have more research funds for more newprojects.

All the researchers’ salaries depend on the success of theirR&D at Pfizer.

Victor read through the list and rearrange it before callingFeng Yu.

“Mr. Feng, I am Victor. I have convinced my CEO to sell youpart of our research. When are you free to meet up for a discussion?”

Victor was impressed by Feng Yu. He saw Feng Yu travelingaround with a convey and had dozens of bodyguards surrounding him. In China,firearms were banned. But those bodyguards’ suits were bulging and seems to becarrying weapons underneath.

Feng Yu was overjoyed when he received Victor’s call. Hisfirst step was considered a success.

Feng Yu immediately call his men to accompany him to meetVictor. He also hired a translator, although he does not need one.


“Mr. Feng, I am still at work and cannot leave my workplace.Thank you for coming over to my office?” Victor politely said. This was only atrip to his office at Pfizer. Was there a need to bring so many people along?

Feng Yu raised his brows. This Victor was very polite.

“It’s okay. If you can leave your office anything you want,you will also not be sent over to China to take charge of the operations here. Arethe things I want ready?” Feng Yu asked eagerly.

“Mr. Feng, don’t be anxious. This is the list given by mycompany. Please take a look and see which medicines you are interested in.”Victor pa.s.sed a piece of A4 paper to Feng Yu.

Feng Yu scanned through the list and saw a medicine for Cardiovasculardisease. But he knows that Sildenafil was not included in the list.

Feng Yu pretended he did not understand the list and pa.s.sedto his translator beside: “Help me take a look. What’s written in this paper?”

The translator read the list while Victor’s secretary pouredcoffee for Feng Yu. Victor invites Feng Yu to taste his coffee. Feng Yu took asip. Too much sugar and milk were added to the coffee. Victor’s secretary wasafraid that Feng Yu was not used to the taste of coffee, and she added more sugarand milk. But with more sugar and milk, the coffee tastes weird.

Feng Yu and Victor chatted for a while and during theconversation, Feng Yu “casually” mentioned how rich he was. Victor was smilingall along.

“Mr. Feng, there is 3 types of medicine on the list. Themedicines are used to treat high blood pressure, Cardiovascular disease, and Lymphoma.But all these medicines are not developed successfully yet. It stoppedhalfway.” The translator whispered into Feng Yu’s ears.

Feng Yu pretended to frown. “An unfinished product? Theseare all half-developed products? Have the clinical trials started?”

“It is not stated in the list.”

Feng Yu turned to Victor: “Mr. Victor, have these drugspa.s.sed the clinical trials?”

Victor shook his head. “My company would not sell if thesemedicines entered clinical trials. These are still in the development phase.Because of limited resources and our company’s change in directions, thedevelopment of these medicines was stopped. This is why we are willing to sellthem to you.”

Limited resources? Change in company’s direction? Bulls.h.i.t!

These medicines should have gone through the clinical trialsand found that it was not effective, or there were too many side effects.Pfizer is a big pharmaceutical company. Even if they have to stop the R&Don these drugs, they can also sell this research to other pharmaceuticalfactories or laboratories. Victor does not need to sell them to China. Pfizercould easily sell this research to the companies in the US.

“Mr. Victor, there are only 3 kinds of medicines? We are notinterested in anti-cancer drugs. Currently, there are no effective anti-cancerdrugs in the world. If your company’s research in this drug has no problems,you all will not stop the development of this medicine. As for the other twomedicines which are used for treating high blood pressure and Cardiovasculardisease, I need more detail information on the research. I will ask myresearchers to go through the information before I can decide.” Feng Yu saidafter he pretended to discuss with the person beside him.

“This….. Ok. But the information cannot be taken out of ourfactory. I can bring your researchers to our laboratory to take a look. Theywill understand how much this drug is worth when they see the research data.”Victor replied. If he gave Feng Yu the information and data, Feng Yu’sresearchers might discover that these drugs will not be developed successfully.

Feng Yu pretended to be troubled. “We still need to go toyour laboratory? Fine. But can you prepare more medicines? It is a waste offtime to visit your lab for just two medicines!”

Hahahaha……. Feng Yu knew that Victor will never give him theresearch data. What Feng Yu wanted was to visit Pfizer’s lab. Victor had finallyinvited him to visit his laboratory. I will be easier to deal with those nerdyresearchers than a businessman!

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