Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 827 - Foreign Business Group

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 827 - Foreign Business Group

"OldZhou, how are you going to solve this problem? Everyone outside is sayingJianlibao is finished and will be bankrupt. Do you know how bad this is for ourreputation? Didn"t I tell you to suppress the rumors and not let it spread?"Sanshui Government"s No. 1, Xu Sicheng said.

"We cancontrol the local media, and it is the media from other regions that reportedthis. The only solution we have now is to get the banks to give Jianlibaoloans!" Sanshui Government"s No. 2, Zhou Dawei said.

Just asboth were still discussing the solution, Xu Sicheng"s secretary entered theroom to tell him that the Investment Promotion Agency"s head, Chief w.a.n.g Liang,have a piece of good news.

Goodnews? Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei looked at each other and asked Chief w.a.n.g Liangto enter.

"Leaders,I had just received a piece of good news. Two days ago, I went to Guangzhou andinvited a few wealthy businessmen over to our city!" w.a.n.g Liang excitedly said.

"Wealthybusinessmen? Old w.a.n.g, I know you are working hard, but which businessman willwant to invest in a place like Sanshui? You brought those businessmen from Guangzhou,and their purpose should be making use of us to negotiate with the Guangzhou"sgovernment." Zhou Dawei replied and shook his head.

Lastyear, a few businessmen also visited Sanshui, but in the end, they chose toinvest in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, despite the Sanshui Government offeredlucrative terms.

"Thistime is different. The businessmen are thinking of investing in beveragebusinesses. They had contacted Le Bashi not long ago!" w.a.n.g Liang said.

Invest inbeverage businesses? Then there will be room for negotiations. Jianlibao isChina"s beverage industry leader. That"s right. If they can get foreigninvestments, it will solve Jianlibao"s financial issues and will answer to thehigher-ups of attracting foreign investors. This is also considered a politicalcredit.

"Whereare the foreign businessmen? Prepare a banquet tonight. Old Zhou and I willreceive them personally. We must get them to invest in Sanshui!" Xu Sicheng decisivelysaid.

w.a.n.g Liangasked. "Leader, should we call Manager Li along?"

In Sanshui, only Li Jingwei is calledManager Li. During the City"s annual meeting, Li Jingwei will sit together withthe City"s leaders and is seen as the City Government"s No. 3 man.

Most of the Sanshui Government"s income isfrom Jianlibao. Without Jianlibao, Sanshui will not become a County Level city.

Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei looked at eachother and said. "Don"t tell him. Let the city speak to the businessmen first!"

w.a.n.g Liang was shocked. This matterconcerns Jianlibao, and the leaders do not want Li Jingwei to get involved? Didthe leaders really fall out with Li Jingwei?

It"s not a secret that Li Jingwei wantedJianlibao to be listed and get a management buyout. A lot of people in the cityknow about this, but the City leaders rejected this request. All the leadersknow about this despite sitting in the office all the time.

"Leaders let me introduce them to you. Thisis Mr. Kirilenko from Russia and Mr. Feng from the US. They run a company inNew York and this is Mr. Li. He owns a company in Canada. This is Mr. Fu. Hehas an investment company in Singapore. This is our Sanshui Mayor Zhou andParty Secretary Xu."

Xu Sicheng already knows that Mr. Li isSuperman Li"s youngest son, and Mr. Fu is the Hong Kong businessman who ownsseveral factories in Dongguan. Mr. Feng is also from Hong Kong, but he doesbusiness in the US. These are all wealthy foreign businessmen.

Feng Yu and the rest gave out their namecards. Other than Kirilenko, the rest of the name cards are in English.

Feng Yu knew Xu Sicheng does not knowEnglish, but he purposely prepared name cards in English. In this era, Englishname cards are more prestigious than Chinese name cards!

Xu Sicheng pretended to look at the namecard, but he does not know a single word. He laughed and said: "Welcome toSanshui. I will make sure you all will get the best government subsidies if youall invest here!"

"Secretary Xu, we are only here to inspectthe surroundings. Thanks for dinner." Fu Guangzheng purposely said.

Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei"s face changed.They were panicking, and Zhou Dawei said: "Mr. Fu, I heard that you all aregoing to invest in the beverage industry? Our Sanshui"s Jianlibao is China"stop beverage brand. No other brands can compete with us."

"Of course. We will not come here ifJianlibao is not located here. After all, we are about to start negotiationswith Lebaishi." Fu Guangzheng replied calmly.

Fu Guangzheng had met Lebaishi once, butLebaishi has no intention of letting them invest.

"That means you all have some interest inJianlibao, right? What sort of cooperation do you all have in mind?" Zhou Daweiasked.

"We have distribution channels in manyregions. Mr. Feng have connections with several supermarket chains in the US,Mr. Kirilenko have sales offices in many European countries and Mr. Li havepartners in Canada and the UK. I am familiar with the business environment inSoutheast Asia and Australia. We are thinking of setting up a joint venturecompany with Jianlibao with our funds and distribution channels." Fu Guangzhengexplained.

Among them, Fu Guangzheng"s Cantonese isthe best, and he is the one heading the negotiations. Feng Yu and the restpretended that Fu Guangzheng is the leader of the group.

"How much are you all going to invest andhow many shares are you all asking for?" Zhou Dawei asked.

This was the most crucial question. If FuGuangzheng wanted a lot of shares, Sanshui Government would never agree!

"We are planning to invest 40 million USDwith our sales distribution channels in exchange for 60% shares." Fu Guangzhenreplied.

"This is not possible. We must have controlover Jianlibao. We can only give you all 40% at most." Zhou Dawei said.

How can Zhou Dawei let Jianlibao falls intosome outsiders" hands? The government will not be able to plant people in andwithdraw the funds as and when they want.

"Everyone, let"s not make the decision now,we can talk about the details later. I will bring all of you to Jianlibaotomorrow and you all can make the decision then." Xu Sicheng said.

The government officials were good atplaying good cops bad cops. 40 million USD is more than enough to move them.With this money, Jianlibao can solve all its financial woes and help them getcredit.

The new fund can also help the US branch todevelop new products, and this year"s sales will reach a new peak.

The city will be able to solve Jianlibao"stroubles, and the leaders can score brownie points with their higher-ups. Theleaders do not mind selling away part of the company"s shares as this wasencouraged by the central government!

Feng Yu looked at the expressions of the two leaders and knew 40 million USD had convinced them!

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