Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 828 - Capable person

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 828 - Capable person

LiJingwei rushed into Zhou Dawei"s office angrily. Even the secretary outsidecould not stop him.

"MayorZhou, is the city going to sell Jianlibao? How am I not aware of this?" LiJingwei was the one who plotted this, but he is here to question the Mayor.

"Old Li,where did you hear this? Who is going to sell Jianlibao? We are just going toset up a joint venture with foreign direct investors. This will increaseJianlibao"s scale, and furthermore, Jianlibao has a shortage of funds now andyou wanted the city to help. Now, I am helping you settle this problem." ZhouDawei calmly replied and pulled Li Jingwei to the sofa.

"Jointventure? Even if it is a joint venture, you should inform me first. After thejoint venture, will it be those foreign investors making the final calls? Whatabout me? I had made significant contributions to Jianlibao over the years.What will I get in return?" Li Jingwei asked.

"Old Li,who says after the joint venture is set up, the foreign investors will have thefinal say? You will still be Jianlibao"s General Manager, and nothing willchange." Zhou Dawei said.

"MayorZhou, we don"t need foreign investors to invest. The management team and I canraise a sum of money. Sell some of the shares to us, and I promise we willbring Jianlibao to greater heights." Li Jingwei said.

However,Li Jingwei knew the City Government will not agree to his request.

ZhouDawei replied. "Old Li, where will you all get the money? We cannot do let yourepay the amount over 3 years, as you proposed. This will be using Jianlibao"smoney to purchase Jianlibao"s shares. Do you think the City will agree?Furthermore, what did the 4 deputies you hired do? They are the ones who causedthe cashflow problems in the company. Didn"t you say that if no new fund isinjected into the company, Jianlibao will be bankrupt? What will happen to theworkers if this happens?"

"MayorZhou, you think I am the one who caused this crisis for the company? I had toldyou all not to withdraw so much money from the company, but you all neverlisten to me. If the City returns the money to the company, Jianlibao willsolve all its financial problems."

LiJingwei knew the funds had already been distributed to all the departments andwere spent. The government departments had spent over their budget last year,and the funds they received were used to pay their debts.

LiJingwei knew the City Government does not have money and deliberately saidthis.

"Old Li,what"s the meaning of this? Are you saying I caused Jianlibao to be in thissituation? Who are you to speak to me this way?!" Zhou Dawei was furious.

ZhouDawei looked at Li Jingwei angrily and said: "You will still be the GeneralManager of the company, and we will increase your salary and benefits after wegot the investment."

LiJingwei took a deep breath. This was why he wanted to move Jianlibao out ofSanshui Government. Increase salaries and benefits? I want the company"sshares!!!

"What isthe city going to do?"

"We willlet the foreign investors invest 40 million USD in exchange for 40% shares."Zhou Dawei replied confidently.

"No way!We will be making a loss!"

"Huh?Loss?" Zhou Dawei asked.

"OurJianlibao"s fixed a.s.sets are worth more than 400 million RMB. Although we havesome debts, we should also be worth 350 million RMB. We may look like we hadgotten a good deal from them, but Jianlibao is set to make high profits in thefuture. They can recover their investment in 3 to 4 years. How can we let themhave their way?"

"Whatshould we do then?" Zhou Dawei asked. "We just sell them the shares? Theoutcome will also be the same. The money will still be invested in Jianlibao.Also, we are not able to get much from selling the shares. What if they want tomove Jianlibao out of Sanshui?"

"MayorZhou, I have a suggestion. We can use Jianlibao"s shares to set up a new jointventure company with them. This new company can be located elsewhere, butJianlibao will remain in Sanshui. This way, we will get more funds forJianlibao"s growth!" Li Jingwei said after a short pause.

"Use thecompany"s shares to set up a new joint venture company? What do you mean? Ihave never heard of this before." Zhou Dawei was confused.

"Thatmeans we will use 90% of Jianlibao"s shares as capital to set up the jointventure with them. They will have to increase their investment to match thevalue of our shares, and we will own 51% of this new company, and they will own49%. This way, we will get more than 300 million RMB of funds. We can evenadjust our accounts, like hide our debts to the distributors and our outstandingsalaries to the workers. I am confident we will get 500 million RMB from thoseinvestors."

"Howmuch? 500 million RMB?" Zhou Dawei"s eyes opened wide.

"That"sright. 500 million RMB. The company will have sufficient funds to develop and oursales, profits, and tax will increase." Li Jingwei was slowly persuading ZhouDawei into his trap.

"Old Li,you are really our Sanshui"s hero." Zhou Dawei patted Li Jingwei"s shoulders.

Sanshui"shero? This is how you treat a hero? Look at how the other local governmentstreat the people who had made contributions to their state-owned enterprises.

"This newcompany will be a joint venture, and we will be the majority shareholder. Iwant to be the Chairman and the General Manager of the company." Li Jingweisaid his condition.

"Noproblem. Other than you, no one is capable enough for these two positions! OldLi, the city is right to choose you. You are indeed someone capable. Prepare aproposal for us. I will speak with Secretary Xu first."

Li Jingweistepped out of the office and sighed. He was utterly disappointed with thesegovernment officials and does not regret what he did!


"We havemade a decision. We will use 90% of Jianlibao"s shares, and you all will use500 million RMB to set up a joint venture company, Chinese Beverage Group. Wewill own 51% of the shares and you all will own 49%." Li Jingwei said.

"ManagerLi, where did you get these figures? A few days ago, we can get 40% shares with40 million USD. 500 million RMB is equivalent to more than 60 million USD. Howcan it be 49%?" Fu Guangzheng pretended to ask angrily.

"This isbecause the city"s leaders are not familiar with Jianlibao"s a.s.sets and madethe wrong evaluation. This is the latest Jianlibao"s valuation report, and itis worth more than 500 million RMB."

XuSicheng and Zhou Dawei were pleased. The invested amount is more than theyexpected. Old Li really has his ways.

"But whyis it only 90% of the company"s shares? Base on this valuation report, you allshould be investing 100% of the company"s shares." Feng Yu tapped on the tableand asked in English.

Thetranslator explained to Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei, and they turn to look at LiJingwei. How should they explain this?

"Ourbrand has value, and have you all taken this into consideration? This is ourbottom line, and if you do not agree, this cooperation is over!" Li Jingweifirmly said.

XuSicheng and Zhou Dawei panicked. Why is Old Li so firm? Will the negotiationsbe called off? Those businessmen had met Le Baishi, and what if Le Bashi offersbetter conditions?

FuGuangzheng looked at Feng Yu and the rest. Feng Yu picked up the gla.s.s of waterand put it back on the table without drinking. Fu Guangzheng immediatelyunderstood him.

"We needto consider this before we give you a reply."

"Ofcourse, but please hurry up. Maybe in another few days, Jianlibao"s value willincrease." Li Jingwei thundered.

In Feng Yu"s heart, he had agreed to this proposal, but he got to put up his pretenses. He will be attacking the US beverage industry with the Chinese beverage alliance!

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