Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 849 - OlympicGames bombing

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 849 - OlympicGames bombing

Many people remembered this year"s OlympicGames is not because it is the Centennial games, or many world records arebroken. It is because of a tragedy that happened!

The US claimed that they had invested over220 million USD for this year"s games, and over 10,000 police officers weredeployed. But there was still an incident which left 2 people dead and over 100people injured.

The irony of this tragedy was the bomb hadbeen discovered, and the no officers, who were at the scene, knew how to defusethe bomb and the bomb exploded. It was a pipe bomb and the nails and shards inthe pipe caused ma.s.sive damage.

The bomb had been discovered, and the staffand officers at the Olympic Park could not evacuate the people there on time.By right, 5 minutes is more than enough to evacuate the people and there shouldbe 0 casualties.

To appease the public, the Police had ablunder. They arrested the park"s staff, who called the police, as the bombingsuspect, and released him one month later.

The real suspect is arrested after 7 to 8years because of another crime. Feng Yu and many people felt that the suspectwho was arrested might be a scapegoat.

How can Feng Yu let Li Na go to such adangerous place? He could not remember the exact time and date of the bombing,but he knows it is during the games. That"s why he will not allow Li Na tovisit that area.

Li Na looked at the nervous Feng Yu andasked. "Why can"t I go? If I did not visit the Olympic Park when I am here, itwould be a waste."

"There are too many people and it is notsafe. Everybody will have the same thinking as you and all the tourists will bethere. We can go when the Olympic Games end. You can stay there for as long asyou want." Feng Yu made up an excuse.

"But after the games ended, I have toreturn to school." Li Na was disappointed. She did not think that Feng Yu waslying to her. To her, Feng Yu will never lie.

"Listen to me. I will bring you to otherplaces of interest, and I promise you it will be fun. There is nothing at thepark, except for some statues. You are interested in those?" Feng Yu starts tofool her. "Remember when we visit the Great Wall of China for the first time?Before climbing it, we are very excited, but after a while, it got boring."

"That"s true. Let"s talk about this anothertime. I heard you can pick up gold in the parks here!" Li Na said excitedly.

"Those are all exaggerated claims by themedia to attract tourists. Even if you can find gold, how much can it worth? Ican buy gold for you and melt them into nuggets and scatter it on the groundfor you to pick." Feng Yu joked.

The gold found in the gold mines at touristattractions had too many impurities, and it is only a form of promoting. It isjust like China"s Great Wall"s slogan. You are not a hero if you have not beento the Great Wall. But are you really a hero after you been to the Great Wall?There is nothing interesting there. You might as well go to the ancient cities.

Li Na rolled her eyes. "What"s the point ofpicking up the gold nuggets you threw in front of me?! Furthermore, I will notpick them!"

"That"s right. We will not pick up the goldothers threw. We got to make them give us the gold willingly!"

Feng Yu successfully made Li Na forgetabout visiting the Olympic Park, and they returned to the bedroom.


"What did you say? Fine. I know… Yes, goahead. I don"t care how much I got to spend. All I want is the result!"

Li Na saw Feng Yu not looking well andasked. "What"s wrong? Did something happen at your company? Do you need to goback? We have been out for quite long."

"It is not my company"s matters. There isan incident at the Olympic Park… luckily we did not visit there." Feng Yu toldLi Na about the incident.

"You are right. It is dangerous in crowdedplaces. What is that bomber thinking? What can he gain by doing such things!"Li Na was impressed with Feng Yu"s "great foresight."

To be honest, Feng Yu also don"t know whatthat bomber is thinking. Maybe he is only trying to disgrace the US government.If this is his goal, he had succeeded.

Also, this bomber had helped Feng Yuindirectly. He had embarra.s.sed the organizing committee, and Feng Yu can makeuse of this incident to criticize them openly.


Outsourcing the Olympic Games tocontractors is not right!

The US had s.n.a.t.c.hed the hosting of the 100thOlympic Games from Athens but failed to make it a success!

The US government must give an explanationof the bombing incident during the games!

If the US government cannot even providesecurity, how can they host the Olympic Games?


All sorts of negative news appeared on theheadlines of the papers all over the world. During the Olympic Games period,people"s focus is on the games, let alone this tragedy.

The European countries, especially Russiaand Greece, reported this incident the most.

Whenever there is an opportunity to attackthe US reputation, Russia will be the first to start. Of course, the US is alsothe first to attack Russia when they have the chance.

Greece had lost the bid to host this year"sOlympic Games to the US and were unhappy. The first Olympic Games are held inGreece and this year is the 100th game. Yet, they lost to the US.

You all want to host the games, but you hadmessed it up!

Many other nations remained neutral and didnot laugh at the US. They only express their condolences.

Feng Yu also felt the organizing committeeis a joke. How can security allow such an incident to happen? They had 5minutes to disperse the crowd and there are still so many casualties. Theperson-in-charge should step forward and take full responsibility for this!

What"s the use of mourning? You all shouldarrest the culprit! No matter what you do after the incident, you can neverbring back the lives of those two deceases.

At this time, a news article blew up thisincident.

Feng Yu had arranged his men to write aletter to the Atlanta Government, reminding them to increase the securityduring the Olympic Games. But they ignored this letter and resulted in this...o...b..ng.

Now, the contents of the letter are exposed,and the Atlanta Government, the US Olympics Committee, the US government, etc.becomes the target of the public"s anger!

Someone had reminded you all to increasethe security, and you all choose to ignore it? You all are asking for trouble!

But what happened next was the same as FengYu"s previous life. That staff who called the police was arrested as thebombing suspect. The US government wants to use him as a scapegoat to appeasethe public.

Wilson, who was tasked to blow up thismatter, got the media to report that the arrested staff is not the culprit. Nosuspect would be so stupid to call the cops themselves unless he had gone mad.If he is the suspect, he keeps quiet for the bomb to create the maximum damage.If he regretted at the last minute, he could stop the bomb from going off andthere will be no casualties. Moreover, he did not have any motive.

This year"s Olympic Games being handed overto private operators to host was discussed by the public again. The US had notgiven enough respect to the Olympic Games and why should they get the right tohost the games?

Is there anything behind the curtains the public is unaware of?

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