"Hear ye, and give ear; be not proud, For the Lord hath spoken.

Give glory to the Lord, your G.o.d, Before he cause darkness, And before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains; And while ye look for light, He turn it into the shadow of death, And make it gross darkness."

"I am the light of the world; He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, But shall have the light of life."[282]


[218] Duff"s India, 127.

[219] Somerville"s Connection of the Physical Sciences, p. 83.

[220] Poole"s Horae Egyptiacae.

[221] Henri L"Egypte Pharonique.

[222] Atlas Ethnographique, Eth. I.

[223] See Cruden"s Concordance, Art. _Day_.

[224] Dan., chap. xii. 10. Job, chap. x.x.xviii. 4. Col., chap. ii. 18.

[225] Chap. I. _Did the World Make Itself?_

[226] Genesis, chap. i. 21.

[227] Genesis, chap. i. 27.

[228] Psalm civ. 30. Eccl., chap. xii. 1.

[229] Psalm li. 10. Ezekiel, chap. x.x.xvi. 26.

[230] Genesis, chap. ii. 1-5. Isaiah, chap. xliii. 1-7; chap. xlv. 1, 2.

[231] Wiseman"s Lectures on the Connection of Science and Revealed Religion, 1-297.

[232] Commentary on Genesis, i. 2.

[233] Exodus, chap. i. 5, 8.

[234] Isaiah, chap. xi. 3, 4.

[235] Psalm xc.

[236] John, chap. i. 1.

[237] Revelation, chap. i. 8.

[238] Proverbs, chap. viii. 22.

[239] Samuel, chap. xxii. 43. Isaiah, chap. xl. 19; chap. xliv. 24; chap. xlii. 5. Psalm cx.x.xvi. 6. Numbers, chap. xvii. 38. Job, chap.

x.x.xvii. 18.

[240] Cosmos v. 2, p. 60.

[241] Genesis, chap. xix. 26. Exodus, chap. xiii. 20; chap. x.x.xiii. 10.

Jeremiah, chap. i. 18. Galatians, chap. ii. 7. Song, chap. iii. 6. Job, chap. ix. 6; chap. xxvi. 11. Psalm lxxv. 3. 1 Timothy, chap. iii. 15.

Revelation, chap. iii. 12.

[242] Job, chap. x.x.xvi. 27.

[243] Job, chap. xxviii. 24--literal reading.

[244] Ecclesiastes, chap. i. 6.

[245] Isaiah, chap. xl.

[246] Job, chap. xxvi. 7.

[247] Ruth, chap. iii. 15.

[248] Job, chap. x.x.xviii. 37; chap. xxvi. 8; chap. x.x.xviii. 9; chap.

x.x.xvi. 29. Psalm cv. 39; lxxvii. 17.

[249] Isaiah, chap. xliv. 22. Jeremiah, chap. iv. 13. Job, chap.

x.x.xviii. 37. Proverbs, chap. x.x.x. 4.

[250] Ecclesiastes, chap. xi. 4. Psalm civ. 3. Matthew, chap. xxix. 30.

[251] Isaiah, chap. xlv. 7. 1 John, chap. i. 5. Daniel, chap. ii. 22. 1 Timothy, chap. vi. 16.

[252] Job, chap. x.x.xviii. 9, 10. Literally, _In my making_, etc.

[253] Revelation, chap. xxi. 23; chap. xxii. 5. Isaiah, chap. lx. 19.

[254] Job, chap. x.x.xviii. 7.

[255] 2 Corinthians, chap. iv. 6.

[256] Somerville"s Connection of the Physical Sciences, Sec. 19-23.

[257] Amos, chap. viii. 8.

[258] Jeremiah, chap. xlvi. 7. Genesis, chap. xli. 1-18. See Parkhurst"s Hebrew Lexicon, sub voce.

[259] Neander.

[260] Cosmos, Vol. I. p. 196.

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