HIGGINSON. Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic.

DANA. How to know the Wild Flowers. $2. Scribner.

BLANCHAN. Bird Neighbors. 35 cents. Doubleday, Page.

NORTON AND STEPHENS. Heart of Oak Books, No. 5. 50 cents.


CHURCH. Stories from Virgil.

MORLEY. A Song of Life.

STEVENSON. Treasure Island.

_Ages Eleven to Twelve Years_

ALCOTT. Little Women. $1.50. Little Men. $1.50. Little, Brown & Co.

LUCAS. A Wanderer in London. $1.75. Macmillan.

ALDRICH. Story of a Bad Boy. $1.25. Houghton, Mifflin.


SCOTT. Tales of a Grandfather. The Talisman.

EDGEWORTH. Parent"s a.s.sistant.

_Ages Twelve to Thirteen Years_

KIPLING. Just So Stories. $1.20. Doubleday, Page.

SETON-THOMPSON. Wild Animals I have Known. $2. Scribner.

WYSS. Swiss Family Robinson. 60 cents. McKay; also Dutton.

PALMER. The Odyssey. $1. Houghton, Mifflin.

GOLDSMITH. The Vicar of Wakefield.

d.i.c.kENS. A Christmas Carol. The Cricket on the Hearth.

HUGHES. Tom Brown at Rugby.

_Ages Thirteen to Fourteen Years_

SWIFT. Gulliver"s Travels. $1.50. Macmillan.

LONGFELLOW. Evangeline.

DANA. Two Years before the Mast. $1. Houghton, Mifflin.

NORTON AND STEPHENS. Heart of Oak Books, No. 6. 55 cents.


LAMB. Tales from Shakespeare.

COFFIN. Old Times in the Colonies.

FRANKLIN. Autobiography.

STOWE. Uncle Tom"s Cabin.

_Ages Fourteen to Fifteen Years_

DEFOE. Robinson Crusoe. $1. McLoughlin. $1.50. Harper.

BUNYAN. Pilgrim"s Progress.

NORTON AND STEPHENS. Heart of Oak Books, No. 7. 60 cents.


AUSTEN. Pride and Prejudice.

Th.o.r.eAU. Walden.

_Ages Fifteen to Sixteen Years_

COOPER. Leather Stocking Tales.

BURROUGHS. Birds and Bees. 15 cents. Strawbridge and Clothier.

PYLE. Robin Hood. 60 cents. Scribner.

SCOTT. Ivanhoe. 60 cents. Appleton. Lady of the Lake. 35 cents.

GINN. Lay of the Last Minstrel. 25 cents. Macmillan.

_Sixteen Years Old and Older_

IRVING. The Alhambra. 25 cents. Macmillan.

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