Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 1

On her third day of marriage, Qi Niqun returned to her paternal family"s estate¹, Liubai and her other dowry maidservants following along. As Liusu learned of this, a bit of envy sparked in the pit of her heart. 

Qi Yunruo had stayed behind, coincidentally receiving an invitation from Ji Huan in the forecourt. His eyes shined with excitement as he studied it. And it caused him to miss Liusu"s piercing gaze. 

The premise of the invitation was as followed: to admire a painting with Ji Huan. Noticing her master"s unbottled excitement, Liusu went for a few words of caution. "Wait until eldest miss returns and ask her what she thinks."


Her lips twisted into a frown. "Are you still unable to see it? We don"t have a good relationship with that Secondary Consort Ji and Ji Huan is her elder brother. Naturally, he won"t have any good intentions toward you either."  

"Not necessarily. Sir Ji"s calligraphy is beautiful, so he must be a decent person."

Liusu had the impression she had been rolling her eyes too often recently. Before she could respond, Qi Yunruo had already asked her for a set of clothes fit for the outside.

Because of the hot water incident, Liusu still held disgust toward Eunuch Yunbao.  This time, since it would be her master leaving the suite, she had to choose a respectful servant as an escort. Liusu searched for Eunuch Jixiang to tell him the situation. He appeared decent enough as a person. 

As soon as Liusu finished speaking, Eunuch Jixiang summoned a lower-ranked eunuch called Xiao Lizi to escort Qi Yunruo.  

Since entering the Winter Plum Courtyard, this was Qi Yunruo"s first time going outside. The prince estate was large, the inner courtyard consisting of only one third the entire s.p.a.ce. A river separated it from the forecourt, and a large performance field² sat in the latter. 

Ji Huan lived alone in the guest quarters. Qi Yunruo glanced at the sign hanging above the main doors, which read "Beautiful Forest.” Not long after,  a low-ranked male servant pushed the doors open and paid respects to him. "Our master is awaiting you."  

Once Qi Yunruo stepped foot within, he observed the courtyard with wide eyes. Although it wasn"t as large as his sister"s, that its master took extreme care of it was apparent. There were even grape vines hanging over carefully placed scaffolding. Under such scaffolding sat a rocking chair. 

A tall man watched Qi Yunruo from afar. He waved his hand, beckoning the younger male over. Qi Yunruo observed the man"s smile. All of a sudden, he felt slightly happy.

Ji Huan was twenty-two this year. Unlike his younger legitimate sister"s famous good looks, his brand of beauty was more elegant. More refined. His eyes were narrow yet watched others with a gentle gaze.    

As Qi Yunruo approached him, he felt slightly awkward. Ji Huan wore the attire of a literati, and like himself, did not have his hair up in a crown. Instead, his hair was tied low, the hairband a light shade of lilac. As if it were only natural, Ji Huan grabbed Qi Yunruo"s hand, leading his guest into the house. He personally poured the tea.  

"In these past few days at the prince estate, have you come across anything you"re not familiar with?" said Ji Huan soft and gently.

Qi Yunruo blinked. Cautiously, he said, "I"ve had no issues. Thank you, older brother Ji, for inviting me."

""Older brother?" That"s great. I don"t have such an obedient and sensible younger brother like you." Ji Huan gestured for Qi Yunruo to come closer. His main purpose of today was not to admire paintings with a partner. Rather, he was curious about the person that Count Ziyang"s estate had sent. Was this an enemy or someone who could become a friend? He simply needed to observe Qi Yunruo longer in order to find out. But the more he looked at Qi Yunruo, the more he felt that further consideration was needed.  

Qi Yunruo sized up Ji Huan"s house. His desk was large, various brushes, a stack of thick rice paper, and a few books bound together laying on top of it. "Older brother Ji"s calligraphy is beautiful."

Sometimes, fate was full of wonder. Whenever Qi Yunruo looked at Ji Huan, he felt pleasant. And Ji Huan would be lying to say he didn"t feel a bit fond toward this well-behaved teenage boy. He rose to his feet. Searched for his copybook of calligraphy for Qi Yunruo to observe. Noticing that the teen refrained from drinking tea, he asked, "Do you dislike it?"

"No, it smells very fragrant. I"m just afraid of burning my tongue."  

Before Ji Huan had realized it, he smiled. "If you"re afraid it"s too hot, then just put the cup down. Come here."  

This translation is the property of Sleepchaser at . If you read it anywhere else, it"s stolen.

Qi Yunruo obeyed, curious about the copybook. Ji Huan had kept several examples from famous experts. “I can see that these are amazing,” said Qi Yunruo, “but I can"t tell by exactly how. What do you usually do?"  


"I"m bored every day, so what does older brother do to pa.s.s time?"

For a moment, Ji Huan was unsure how to describe his schedule. That although he was a "guest" of the estate, he was quite busy most days. Other than collecting the calligraphy and paintings of famous experts, he also imbued his emotions into his own calligraphy and paintings, perused many books, and studied a plethora of articles on current political issues and suggestions to the court. The prince estate possessed a huge library, but these books were unsuitable for Qi Yunruo.  

Staring at a bookcase, Qi Yunruo asked, "Does older brother want to take the imperial examination?"  

After a moment"s hesitation, Ji Huan nodded. He sat down on a chair, a bitter smile gracing his lips. "I am the eldest illegitimate son of my family. Since childhood, I wanted to past the imperial examination. The last time I took the exam, my birth mother had pa.s.sed away. After that, I refrained from taking the exam for a year, and my legitimate mother and sister convinced me to come to the prince estate. Although outsiders aren"t clear about this matter, the truth will soon come out."

"Older brother is quite ambitious," said Qi Yunruo.

Through the grapevine he had heard that the two young masters of Count Ziyang"s estate were preparing for the same exam. Once the eldest young master Qi Yunshan finished his,  the countess would have Count Ziyang write a proposal to the emperor, asking him to announce that son as the count"s heir. Furthermore, to arrange a good marriage for Qi Yunshan.

Count Ziyang"s family held the position of count for three generations, and received this t.i.tle through military achievements. The current count had secured the border for many years. Now, he controlled the capital"s garrison. His legitimate eldest son was adept with the pen and sword. However, because the border had been peaceful for a long time, Qi Yunshan chose the path of a civil official. The count"s second son, Qi Yunying, was not good with his studies. If he did not pa.s.s the exams this time, Count Ziyang would find him a position as an imperial guard.

Ji Huan said, "Prince Chun is an ambitious person. I don"t wish to be overshadowed, to feel ashamed of my lacking self." 

Vaguely understanding what Ji Huan meant, Qi Yunruo put some more thought into it. In the end he said, "Older brother will definitely get what you desire."

Ji Huan shook his head. He still had such a long-cherished wish. However, Qi Yunruo was a dowry escort no matter how one put it. This would follow him for the rest of his life.

Because Qi Yunruo would have his noon meal here, Ji Huan happily had people prepare a table for a fine feast. Four servant girls carried the dishes into the room. Among those was something special. Osmanthus wine, sweet and spicy to the taste. This was Qi Yunruo"s first experience with alcohol, and with just a sip, he felt his belly warm. A very comfortable sensation.

Count Ziyang"s estate.

In order to give face to Count Ziyang"s family, Li Chen personally accompanied Qi Niqun to her paternal family"s home. Since it was the count"s day of rest, he was present for this occasion as well. Count Ziyang did not have any brothers and his family did not have many members. For that reason, the males occupied only one table. The count, his two sons, and the prince. On the other side of the screen divider sat Qi Niqun and the womenfolk of Count Ziyang"s estate.   

With rapt attention, the countess listened to her daughter explain in detail her first few days at the prince estate. Her eyes reddened as she reminded Qi Niqun to eat more.

Then the second young miss of Count Ziyang"s estate, Qi Danxia, rose from her seat. She gently said, "I will toast eldest sister a cup. Congratulations to eldest sister."  

Qi Niqun"s response was faint. "Thank you, younger sister."

Following that, the six-years-old fourth young miss, Qi Runxue, was unwilling to be left oout. "I also twoast eldest sister."

Qi Niqun smiled as she lifted her cup, tapping it against her sister"s. "Little sister is very obedient."

This translation is the property of Sleepchaser at . If you read it anywhere else, it"s stolen.

"Eldest sister, is the pwince estate a lot bigger than ours? Is there a lot of things we"ve never seen before?" 

Qi Niqun glanced at the birth mother of Qi Ruxue, Concubine Bai. Hummed in approval. "Tell mother to bring you over someday. You"ll have to be obedient."   

Qi Ruxue nodded. "I"m obedient. A few days ago, mother pwaised me."

Qi Niqun smiled and did not respond.

Concubine Yi and Qi Danxia"s birth mother, Concubine Liu, stood next to each other. Concubine Liu was extremely beautiful. Whenever the countess laid eyes on that beauty, her heart burned with anger and she turned around. Out of sight, out of mind. Additionally, Concubine Liu"s family was respectable and clean. Its status wasn"t humble, and as such, she wasn"t as timid and anxious as her colleague, Concubine Bai. She said in a generous manner, "This concubine notices that eldest miss seems happy. How is third young master faring in the prince estate?" 

As soon as those words left Concubine Liu"s lips, Countess Ziyang"s smile froze, and she sent a glare that woman"s way. 

But Qi Niqun was prepared. "Once I return to the prince estate, I will definitely let third younger brother know of your concern. I"m afraid that he is unaware of your care for him."  

Concubine Liu smiled and did not answer.  

Meanwhile, Count Ziyang used his status as father-in-law to speak familiarly with the prince. Unlike their father, Qi Yunsan and Qi Yunying were tense as they sat there, viewing the scene.

Noticing their stiff expressions, Li Chen smiled. "Only outsiders address me as prince. We are family, so the two of you can just call me brother-in-law."

The two dared not, and tense they stayed.    

A slight smile spread across his lips as Count Ziyang watched his two sons. But for some reason, the figure of another person suddenly flashed before his eyes. His smile dimmed. Fortunately, the image disappeared as soon as it had appeared, and once he saw his eldest son and Li Chen conversing again, the uncomfortable emotions in his heart vanished.

After finishing their meals, Count Ziyang followed Li Chen to their performance field, his two sons trailing them. Qi Niqun continued to relay the events in her new home to her mother.  

"…That Consort Ji is very arrogant. My child has suffered."   

"She gave birth to the prince"s eldest son. Naturally, she has a reason for her arrogance."

Countess Ziyang scoffed. "I heard that that child isn"t healthy. Perhaps…"  

"Mother, be mindful of your words," said Qi Niqun, frowning. "Yesterday I entered the imperial palace, and Her Majesty, the empress mentioned that child. She said that the emperor would bestow him a name. Perhaps there will be an imperial edict in the coming days."  

Countess Ziyang clenched her jaw. "It"s just an illegitimate child. Yet he even has the privilege of the emperor personally naming him. That secondary consort is certainly arrogant."

"Don"t worry, mother. So what if His Majesty bestows him a name? His ident.i.ty is low to begin with, and the prince has dragged on the process of naming him³.  That must be why the emperor stepped in. You can tell how much the prince likes this child by how he treats it."

A moment of silence as Countess Ziyang ran over her thoughts. "Once you give birth to a legitimate son, then I will no longer worry. What if you tell the prince that you will raise the child instead? Didn"t that Tertiary Consort Li ask you to raise her daughter?"

A somewhat dissatisfied expression flashed across Qi Niqun"s face. "Mother, I don"t want to raise other people"s children."  

Countess Ziyang sighed. "You"re young so you are unaware of this tactic. If you raise children from a very young age, they will see you as their parent and be close to you when they grow older. Then, once you have children on your own, those other people"s children will a.s.sist them." Then Countess Ziyang went on a bit of a tangent. "Did that boy cause you any trouble?"  

"Third younger brother has been quiet these past few days. The prince does not have any intention toward him."

Countess Ziyang nodded. "Then I"m relieved."  

After that, the topic of conversation shifted to managing the prince estate. Countess Ziayng"s expression grew unhappy. "I heard from Granny Song that she isn"t sure where General Manager Cheng"s loyalty lies. It probably isn"t with you.  If not, then why did she fail to proactively talk to you about managing the estate?”

"She"s someone the prince trusts."

"Perhaps… Perhaps you should ask the prince directly for the managing power. You are the female master of the estate, after all."

Qi Niqun thought for a moment. She hesitated to say, "I think I should figure out how to get out of this mess myself." Ever since her wedding day, Prince Chen had been chivalrous and treated her with respect. However, she felt there was a lack of closeness, as if a wall had sprung out between them.

The rest of their conversation consisted of Countess Ziyang doing as mothers should: nagging her daughter to take care of herself.  

Once evening drew near, Qi Niqun bid her parents goodbye and went home with Li Chen. Since Li Chen had stayed in the count estate for a whole day to give her face, she felt grateful toward him.  

When they returned, Li Chen said, "I"ll head to the study first. The princess consort can freshen up as she wishes."

Qi Niqun saluted him, and left on a palanquin toward her residence.

Several of Li Chen"s guests had stayed in the forecourt in the past. Some of them were his strategists. Others were famous experts in their field. Some came in groups, and some  were knowledgeable in ruling a country. Li Chen was a prince that had already come of age. Not to mention, he was one of the few princes from the legitimate line. Other than indulging in the matters of the heart, his world was saturated with many things of importance.   

Li Chen dismissed his servants to travel by himself. As he walked, his thoughts were unending.

In the evening, the lights around flickered. It was springtime, the path before him full of flowers in bloom, still carrying a sweet fragrance.

His ears suddenly caught a strange sound. Quickly, Li Chen lifted his gaze from the flowers at his feet.

In the heart of the bloom sat a person.

His clothes a dull gray, his eyes lightly shut. This person kept rubbing his eyes. It appeared he had just awoken, and looked around in a daze.  

Li Chen approached him, and as he did, could smell the lingering scent of osmanthus wine.

It took Qi Yunruo some time to realize there was someone else besides him here. He shook his head. But as soon as he tried to get up, his knees collapsed beneath him.

Yet his head hit did not hit the ground.

Instead, a hand cushioned the back of his head.

Qi Yunruo widened his eyes, studying the face of the person above him.

"…I seem to have lost my way." 

Wheee, finally some Li Chen x Yunruo.

To those of you guys that are feeling put off by all the women, I totally understand. A lot of BL lovers are in it for the fluff, so when there"s so many rivals it feels upsetting. Plus, it"s been four chapters but we hardly see our main couple interact, let alone interact fluffily (is that even a word?) I wouldn"t worry about this too much though, since this novel is tagged as “pure love” in the raws. So it shouldn"t be bitter or have any tragic elements.

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returned to her paternal family"s estate: During imperial China, it was the custom for recently-married daughters to make a trip to their paternal family upon the third day of marriage. performance field: (演武场) Yǎnwǔ chǎng. It"s like a flat area where and estate"s guards or militia train and spar. naming him: (正名) Zhèngmíng. Literal translation was “give it a real name.” During imperial China, men received four names. One is their “real name,” or Zhengming. The other was a “nickname” that they received as an infant, and which they were called until they were an older child. That"s because back then, babies died often, and the parents wanted to keep the baby safe from death by using a nickname. Superst.i.tion, really. The third name is a “courtesy name,” which males received once they were of age (twenty years old). Once they were of age, most people would call them by their courtesy name. Only a few people called them by their real name, and these people included his parents and his wife. The fourth name is… yeah I forgot what that was.

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