Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 18, will be split into two parts since it"s long. We"ll get to see retribution served on a hot dish. From now on, all chapters longer than 4200 characters will be split. Next regular release: October 12, 2019 at 12 pm EST.

Qi Yunruo rose to his feet and patted his clothes of dust. Rubbing his forehead, Qi Yunying said, "I couldn"t see the path clearly. Sorry."

To which Qi Yunruo merely shook his head.

Although Su Ge had heard the commotion, as he was standing far away, he could not discern what had been said.

Returning inside, Su Ge turned to Li Chen. "The three young masters of Count Ziyang"s estate are conversing."

"It"s cold out there. Tell them to come back inside," Li Chen said casually. 

Originally, Qi Yunruo was about to make his leave. But as soon as he heard Su Ge"s invitation, he went over a bit unhappily, taking his time to do so. He and his brothers spoke not a word. Once Li Chen saw them, he realized his mistake.

Qi Yunruo"s unwillingness was clear on his face. Count Ziyang coughed once. "Child, I haven"t seen you in a while."

Recently, Qi Yunruo"s joy had been hard to ignore, yet now he was sitting without a word. Count Ziyang felt increasingly awkward. He gestured for his two sons to break the ice.

Su Ge quickly understood the situation. He broke into a smile. "Young Master Little Qi, are you a.s.sisting Fengyuan?"


Su Ge said to Li Chen, "Your Highness may not know, but Young Master Little Qi is very patient and has beautiful calligraphy. These days, he helps Fengyuan in the storeroom."  

"It must have been hard for Little Qi," said Li Chen. "Did you see anything you like among the gifts sent today?"

A moment of thought. "I really liked the set of seven crystal cups of varying sizes."

Li Chen glanced at Su Ge. With a nod, Su Ge said, "In a little while, this slave will have the storeroom send them to Young Master Qi."

Shortly after, Li Chen shifted his gaze to Qi Yunruo. "It seems Little Qi has grown taller. Back then, you were much shorter than your brothers. Now the difference in heights has decreased."

"These days, I"ve eaten well."

Meanwhile, Qi Yunshan watched as Li Chen and Qi Yunruo conversed, one asking a question and one answering. They seemed to get along well. Something Qi Yunshan would be lying to say he approved. On the other hand, Qi Yunying wore a neutral expression.

The sky grew darker. Countess Ziyang prepared to leave. This time, when Qi Yunruo caught sight of her, Countess Ziyang was shocked at first. Then her expression darkened.  

Qi Yunruo lowered his head. Softly yawned.  

The countess said, "After staying at the prince estate for so long, you still don"t follow protocol. Your legitimate mother is standing right in front of you, yet you act in such a manner?"

It were as if frost had grown around Qi Yunruo, layer upon layer covering every inch of his body. He kept quiet.   

Seeing this, Count Ziyang acted as the mediator. "My lady, do not blame him. Little Qi has always been quiet."

The countess smiled. "So it was like that. I almost thought that since Third Young Master is managing the estate and very capable, you won"t put anyone in your eyes."

Such words caused a slight furrow of Li Chen"s brows. Was the countess" words meant for him?

At this point, Qi Yunruo resembled a quail covered by frost, shrunk into a ball at the side. Countess Ziyang"s heart burned with fury. But she didn"t have the right to say any more. With a toss of her sleeve, she left.

Count Ziyang and the others followed her out.

All of a sudden, a smile graced Qi Yunruo"s lips.  

Realization struck Li Chen like lightning. Then he couldn"t help but smile as well. He studied Qi Yunruo, eyes bright with curiosity. Today, Qi Yunruo seemed in good spirits for no apparent reason.

Previously, the autumn allotment caused many issues. Now, the time to make the winter season"s clothes drew near. As Qi Yunruo discussed with the servants of the textile workshop, one of the staff, Granny Yu, looked up at him with a complicated expression. The mess from prior was mostly caused by the textile workshop. They had serviced people according to position instead of rank, causing Consort Ji"s ego to swell. Later, when they had made her clothes according to her actual rank, Consort Ji sent people to throw a fuss at Lakeside View House. Young Master Little Qi grew very ill due to this. Because no one dared to ask what had truly happened, Granny Yu had not been able to relax until now. 

"The winter chill has arrived earlier this year," Qi Yunruo said. "For the next few days, Granny Yu should find more people for a.s.sistance. Make the more important clothes first. Mm… Add a rabbit-fur cloak for Consort Wei. And a fox-pelt short coat too. Eldest miss and eldest young master must also have their clothes quickly made. The children must not get cold."

"Understood. This slave will remember."  

With that, he continued to watch them work. Granny Yu smiled and said, "Young Master only remembers what other people need, but forgets about your honored self. Does your honored self not want a large fur coat this year?"

After a moment of thought, Qi Yunruo broke into a smile. "What you"ve said makes sense. What style do you think will look best on me?"

Granny Yu breathed out a sigh of relief. Once again, a smile lit up her face. "Young Master has such pale skin. Any color will suit your honored self, and so will any material. This mink pelt will not go well with just anyone. It will look best on your honored self."

Qi Yunruo nodded. After he finished writing the records, he said, "Have someone retrieve the items from the storeroom."

Don"t support theft; if you"re not reading this at sleep chaser"s word press, the version you"re reading is stolen.


Following that, the crafting department sent a few samples of new jewelry for Qi Yunruo to examine. However, he was not knowledgeable of such things nor did he have an eye for them. As such, Qi Yunruo had people send them to the other residences for the other masters to choose. The servants of the crafting department also sent a drawing of hollow golden crown. One glance, and Qi Yunruo knew it was meant for him. A small "Yun¹" character was engraved on the side, and the little crown did not use much gold. A single sapphire glistened. However, it required a lot of human labor to make. Just to melt the materials and to form the shape one layer at a time should have taken at least half a month.   

Although Qi Yunruo was unwilling to use the crown, Lulan tried to convince him otherwise. "Once a man reaches fifteen years of age, he should wear a crown. This slave can tell that the crown is light. Wearing it won"t weigh down the hair. Young master does not yet have an attractive headdress."  

Qi Yunruo smiled. "I"m not a woman. What would I do with so much jewelry?"  

Yet Lulan did not respond to his question. She merely flashed a smile as she turned to the older female servant who was waiting on their confirmation. "Then let"s go with what Seamstress Lu says. If it"s done well, our young master will reward you." 

During the coldest part of the year, General Situ had already reached the front lines and started battle. The Ministry of War and Ministry of Revenue became extremely busy. Even Li Chen, who was the supervisor of the Ministry of Revenue, had not returned home for several days.   

The Ministry of Revenue managed the nation"s taxes and food. Along with the Ministry of War, they arranged the military rations and various necessities for the families of the generals and troops². Li Chen did not stop worrying about the battle at the border. But he did not have the clearance to go himself, and could only work his hardest in the capital.

Many years ago, the Qiang people forcibly occupied the west. In the recent years, they had gradually moved toward the north. In the north, there was an oasis where the country of Xinyuan stood, and this country had many relations with the Qiang people. It was mostly due to the fact that they shared a common enemy.

The Qiang people originally had split into many smaller subsidiary tribes, and some of these tribes were antagonistic toward the Qiang people. Their language had also differed over the years, which made communication difficult. However, every couple of years, they would support the Gonzhu³ Agu Er Mu. And they would gather and attack the Li Country. Gonzhu Agu Er Mu would select beauties from every subsidiary tribe as his concubines. Most of the time, they were the daughters of the tribe leaders. His princ.i.p.al wife, maiden name Yan, was the eldest legitimate daughter of the leader of the most powerful faction of tribes under the Qiang people. 

There existed no issue with the production and delivery of the winter clothes. What caused Qi Yunruo a throbbing headache, however, was the fact that preparation for the new year"s allotment had already started. 

Qi Yunruo closed his eyes as he rubbed his temples. Would Li Chen"s yearly salary be enough to support the ma.s.sive spending in the inner courtyard?  

In the past, there had not been a female master of the estate. For this reason, Li Chen only needed to engage in social intercourse with men, and did not need to deal with the womenfolk. This year, since there was a princess consort in their estate, their estate also must entertain the womenfolk and send them gifts. In fact, now that Prince Qing had just gotten married, their household must send an even larger amount of gifts.

As Qi Yunruo dealt with his headache, Li Chen returned to the estate.

Qi Niqun"s pregnancy was more conspicuous than ever. The estate had summoned a few midwives a while ago. And also several female physicians and four nursemaids. With such cold weather, Qi Niqun occasionally strolled within her residence but did not go outside. This was to be her first birth and she took this very seriously. There could not be any mistakes. 

Meanwhile, Qi Yunruo and Su Ge discussed the new year gifts for the other princes" households with Li Chen. And also the gifts for the imperial concubines. Under the strain of his heavy workload, Li Chen grew a scruffy beard. A moment later, he said, "This year, I married the princess consort. Originally, she should be the one managing these things. It has been hard for Little Qi."   

Yet Qi Yunruo only smiled. "It"s alright."

Regarding the new year gifts, the prince estate gave few relative to how much they received in return. It"s just that the gifts to be sent to the imperial palace took a lot of consideration. Qi Yunruo said, "Eunuch Su Ge and I have already prepared the gifts meant for His Majesty and the empress. However, for the empress dowager…"

Li Chen took his time saying, "Every year, it is this prince who personally prepares the empress dowager"s gifts."

To which Su Ge quickly said, "It is this slave that failed to explain it clearly to Young Master Little Qi. The empress dowager raised His Highness. Every year His Highness would copy a roll of Buddhist scriptures. Nothing else is sent."

Qi Yunruo stood there, shocked. He had not seen this in the records and troubled himself thinking there had been some sort of mistake, adding to his already intense headache. The moment he made to leave, Li Chen did not say anything.

However, once he left, Li Chen shook his head with a bitter smile. Why was Little Qi venting his anger at Li Chen"s circ.u.mstances?  

Qi Yunruo took his time returning to his residence, thoughts wandering the universe. The empress dowager had raised His Highness and the princess. Six years ago, the princess married the Gongzhu of the Qiang people, Agu Er Mu. One year later, the empress dowager sealed her palace, never again meeting guests. Nothing else was known about it. A gust of wind brought a thick flurry of snow over. Qi Yunruo lifted his head to admire the sight, heart beating with joy as he stopped in his tracks.  

"Young Master Qi—"

"Young Master Qi, your clothes!"

Turning around to the direction of the voice, Qi Yunruo caught sight of a low-ranking eunuch sprinting over with mink pelt cloak in his arms. He waited for the eunuch to arrive. And he also saw that Li Chen had left the comfort of his chambers. 

Qi Yunruo draped the cloak over his shoulders, gazing at Li Chen from afar. Li Chen had not worn a cloak. Su Ge followed him holding an umbrella. There was also a low-ranking eunuch behind him, a black fox pelt fur-collar cloak⁴ held tight in his arms. 

Li Chen made his way to Qi Yunruo"s side. "Come with me."

"Mm, alright."

With a wave of a hand, Li Chen dismissed Su Ge.  "Your Highness should just wear the fox pelt fur-collar cloak," said Qi Yunruo. “It"s very cold out here. Don"t catch a cold."

Light laughter tumbled out of Li Chen"s lips. "There"s no need to cover up so much for just a stroll outside."  

Taking the fur-collar cloak from the low-ranking eunuch"s hands, Qi Yunruo stood on his toes and draped it over Li Chen"s shoulders. "It"s better not to get sick."

Li Chen declined to comment on that. Rather, he merely told Qi Yunruo to follow him, and the latter did so without a sound. He did not speak until they reached the watery corridor. "This was where I first saw you." Li Chen"s eyes were covered in a hint of haze.

Qi Yunruo stared at the frozen lake"s surface. He smiled. "I wonder if I can walk over it right now."

Li Chen also smiled, albeit lightly. "It"s better not to try."

As the two of them walked the corridor, snow fell upon them, white powder catching on the dark of their hair. Qi Yunruo said, "If the corridor freezes, it"ll be dangerous to walk on."


A while later, Li Chen broke the silence. "This year I fear I won"t have time to copy Buddhist scriptures for the empress dowager."

"Is it because of what"s happening in the west?"

"Every day, I discuss those matters with the Ministry of War," said Li Chen. "And every day, we receive the reports of those who fell in battle. My heart cannot stay calm, and as such I will not do a decent job in copying scriptures."

Smile dancing on his lips, Qi Yunruo said, "Even so, Your Highness" intentions will reach Her Majesty, the empress dowager."

Li Chen shook his head. And sighed. "Grandmother and I have not met for many years."

Not a word left Qi Yunruo"s lips. At that moment, he did not know what to say.

Li Chen"s face was the picture of sadness. Qi Yunruo tilted his head as he stared at him. From the warmth and protection of his large cloak came a hand, reaching out to hold Li Chen"s own. "Your Highness, I am a person with a weak affinity for familial bonds. Your parents and elders are still around. Why Her Majesty, the empress dowager does not meet you, I am unsure. However, Her Majesty is in good health. One day, the ill feeling between you two will vanish."

Li Chen took in the sight of their clasped hands. Smiled and shook his head.

They left the watery corridor, Qi Yunruo momentarily going ahead. As Li Chen watched him, he said, "You"ve really grown taller. Last time, I couldn"t tell for sure, but today it is clear to see."

Qi Yunruo smiled.

He noticed that Li Chen was looking in the direction of Lakeside View House. Winter was frigid. At the side of Lakeside View House lay a field of white ice. There were a few furnaces inside, so it wasn"t cold. However, when standing outside the house, looking out to the lake, the chill was more noticeable than ever. 

Li Chen slightly frowned. "Do you want to move again?"

"No need. I think this place is the best. Although the lake is frozen over, it"s nicer to look at than the bare ground."

Li Chen nodded. As he walked he said, "What are Little Qi"s plans for the future?"

"…Why is Your Highness asking that?"  

"You"re already sixteen years old. A sixteen-years-old young man. Even if you can"t forge a career for yourself, you should still be doing something."

Li Chen"s gaze fell upon Qi Yunruo. "Back then, have you thought about this?"

The young man looked down. "In the past, no one supervised me. In my free time, I would read some books. Whatever Count Ziyang gave me was what I had. No matter what, I still had to pa.s.s my days."

"You did not want to come here." Li Chen"s voice was light, his tone carrying his certainty of the fact.

"If it were one year ago, I would not dare to say. Even if I had said something, it would be of no use. Due to my birth, I cannot be picky. But a few months ago, after Your Highness and Her Highness let me manage the estate temporarily, I experienced many things. And I"ve learned to accept what I couldn"t in the past."

Li Chen stopped in his tracks, his expression that of unspeakable surprise. "Accept?"

Hey guys! I"ve been thinking of switching to Patreon for advanced chapters instead of the sponsor chapter system I"m currently using. Please let me know what you guys think in this poll:

You can also comment what you feel about this down below, but definitely fill out the poll first. This poll won"t decide 100% for me, but it will influence my choice. Oh, and don"t worry about the progress for the current and almost-filled sponsor chapters of FPYQ and TJOAIC. If I decide to shift to an advanced chapter system on Patreon, I"ll be sure to release those first. This poll will be closed one week from now.

Anyway, ughh so cute Li Chen and yunruo held hands…

The next chapter, which is Chapter 18, will be split into two parts since it"s long. We"ll get to see retribution served on a hot dish. From now on, all chapters longer than 4200 characters will be split. Next regular release: October 12, 2019 at 12 pm EST.

Edit: Sigh, Novel Updates always takes 2 hours for FPYQ to show up on their database. It"s not that I released this chapter hours late.

If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a like or a comment below, or on NU ?

Chapter Supplement

Fur-Collar Cloak (裘衣)


Yun: (云) This is the character for "cloud" and is the same "Yun" in "Yunruo.” various necessities for the families of the generals and troops: (补贴) The raws are vague. It could either mean stuff like warm clothes and blankets for the troops, or money and items for the families of the troops. I chose the latter. Gonzhu: (共主) Could either be a “co-sovereign” or THE leader of the Qiang people. Not too sure, because in chapter 13, they referred to the leader of the Qiang people as “Chanyu (单于).” I don"t know if it"s a synonym or something, but the important thing to get out of this is that he"s practically the leader. fur-collar cloak: (裘衣) A picture will be provided in the chapter supplement.

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