Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 23

"Centurion?" the emperor said, taking his time to utter the word.

Li Chen was sure to sound firm. "Yes!"

The emperor suddenly recalled his teenage years. Back then, Empress Dowager Lan taught him how to handle court matters. She had always sat behind him as she did, leaning toward him. She would reach forward and point to the things on her lesson, her voice gentle as she said, "Young emperor, look…"

The emperor took in the sight of the young man before him.

Empress Dowager Lan had taught Li Chen well. After leaving the Palace of Merciful Peace, he had kept her teachings at heart and became an honest and good man. Now, he had his own family. At that moment, the emperor felt proud. In Our youth, We were unable to leave the capital for there were too many with their own intentions around, their sights glued to Us and the empress dowager. But now, because We are here in the capital, the princes can guard the capital. And during this period of lofty aspirations and high ideals, he can naturally check on the tigers and wolves in the west, can check on Our foreign aggressors.

"We will consider it."

Li Chen"s expression relaxed. The emperor"s gaze fell upon him once more and he smiled. “Return.“

Li Chen dropped to kneel and then retreated.

The moment the news of the emperor"s agreement had spread to Ganzheng Palace, the empress and the Fourth Imperial Prince had just started a round of chess. As usual, the empress was acting generously during their game. She saw that her son"s heart wasn"t in it but did not find fault in him. The Fourth Imperial Prince hesitated for a while, before saying, "Imperial Mother, should Son-Official also request from Imperial Father permission to follow Second Brother and temper myself?"

The empress placed a piece on the chess board. Upon her lips, a smile as light as a cloud. "For what reason? One would fear that the result of your request would be the same as Prince Qing"s."

"But if Son-Official were to make a request, it would not be to ask Imperial Father to grant troops. Son-Official would mimic Second Brother and become a centurion, only bringing one hundred men to the border. Back then, Third Brother had asked for tens of thousands of the best troops."

The empress said, "Yet in your Imperial Father"s heart, your and Prince Qing"s motives are the same." Her tone grew increasingly cold as she spoke.

The game had yet to end, but the empress called a servant girl over in a magnanimous manner to pack up the pieces. She slowly said, "However, your Second Brother is different… He will just be a centurion. Zhao Weidu will not dare to call your Second Brother to the front lines. Let us see."

Once the Imperial Exams ended, the Fourth Imperial Prince would move to his own estate. Then in May, he would marry Marquis Wuding"s eldest daughter, Miss Su. As the empress thought this over, the corners of her lips tilted upward. Count Ziyang had already retired and relinquished his army. The Marquis of Beichang had also done so. On the other hand, the eldest young master of Marquis Wuding"s household had military experience since long ago. This time, among Zhao Weidu"s men were troops under Eldest Young Master Su"s command.  

Once Li Chen had returned to his estate, he made for his study. After he had stayed there for two hours, the sky had grown dark. The days were usually chill, the weather growing progressively colder. From the sky occasionally tumbled flakes of snow, pale and soft, melting once they hit the ground.

Qi Yunruo had taken a nap during the noon. And he had slept until now. He did not have much of an appet.i.te. Holding a bowl of porridge, he stirred the contents with a spoon. It wasn"t until a while later that he took a mouthful.

The brazier had long since been stored. When he had felt the bite of winter in the afternoon, Qi Yunruo draped one of Li Chen"s thick robes over himself that Luqing had brought. Read some of Li Chen"s books. Most were novels used to pa.s.s time.

After Li Chen had his meal in the inner courtyard, he went to see his two daughters.

As he watched on, an older female servant tried to prompt Yan"er to say "father" and "mother." Yan"er cut an adorable figure, with a cherubic appearance paired with very pampered actions. Li Chen held her to his chest for a while. Chu"er would eat until slumber and sleep until it was time to eat. A smile danced on Qi Niqun"s lips as she said, "I hope Chu"er will be as smart and wise as her elder sister."

Li Chen did not say anything, opting for a smile.

Then Qi Niqun turned to Consort Wei who was by her side. "After this concubine gave birth to Chu"er, this concubine now knows how much of a hardship labor is. Since this will be Consort Wei"s first birth, hopefully Your Highness will visit her often."

A thought flew through his mind. Yet Li Chen only smiled once more. "The princess consort is thoughtful."

"This concubine hopes that the other concubines can help propagate Your Highness" line," said Qi Niqun. "To have many children crowding the knees will bring this concubine much joy." Her gaze was magnanimous, not the slightest hint of avoiding his own.

Li Chen"s heart trembled with anger.

The princess consort"s words held another meaning. He took a sip of tea and after a short while, rose to his feet to leave.

Granny Song worriedly watched the prince"s departing figure. "The words Your Highness, the princess consort had said might have caused His Highness discontent."

Qi Niqun concealed the worries and misgivings in her heart. She calmly said, "In the past, when the prince estate did not yet have a main consort, a single man obstructed the growth of His Highness" line. The harem was vast, yet the prince only had one son and daughter. At present, how can I watch as Qi Yunruo becomes the second Ji Huan?"

Granny Song"s response proved ruthless. "Truly a mother and son pair of foxes. He himself is rotten, frequently swaying his hips in front of His Highness! He even bought out the people around the prince. Compared to that Ji Huan who had left, he"s even more worrying!"

Qi Niqun grunted in acknowledgement. Originally, she had thought the prince was just amusing himself with men, treating them as playthings. His method of adjusting. But after hearing Consort Ji"s words, she couldn"t guarantee it. If the prince had in fact grown enchanted by Qi Yunruo, then it meant Qi Yunruo was another person who had measures… She feared she would find her way on Consort Ji"s beaten track.

She had severely miscalculated.

Qi Niqun closed her eyes, heavy from exhaustion. Back then, she should have just brought Qi Dianxi instead. Qi Danxia could only see the present, her schemes easily detectable. She wasn"t like Qi Yunruo. What lay on his mind Qi Niqun could not be sure.

Now that the prince had kept Qi Yunruo in Ink Lotus Courtyard overnight, what could she do?

There were too many people in the prince"s estate. Places where there were many people would not have any secrets. Yesterday, Qi Yunruo did not return to Lakeside View House, and the people of Ink Lotus Courtyard had called Lulan to send over her master"s clothes. Qi Niqun, Consort Ji, and Consort Wei all heard the news.

She did not yet know what to do. Previously, Consort Ji had visited her residence with sincerity. She did not exaggerate when speaking. Did not dress up her words in fancy brocade, relaying only facts. Apparently, when she had been in need of an ally to keep the prince"s favor during pregnancy, she summoned Ji Huan to the estate. Consort Ji had thought that the prince would appreciate her thoughtfulness, but following her one month confinement after childbirth, she found that she had lost favor.

One mustn"t believe that the inner courtyard existed as solely a woman"s world. For the sake of getting what they desired, men were capable of much more than women.

According to Consort Ji, Ji Huan held a grudge against her. Who knew what he had said about her in front of the prince? What he had said to make the prince treat her colder and colder? After hearing her words, Qi Niqun felt even more pressured than Consort Ji. Consort Ji already had a son, yet she herself only had a daughter. And once she gave birth to an outstanding son, she did not want the prince to have other women. She balled her hands into fists, knuckles glowing white. Would Qi Yunruo be like Ji Huan, talking poorly of her in the prince"s presence?

…Qi Yunruo… If anyone saw her face now, they"d be terrified.

With an indifferent expression, Li Chen returned to the forecourt. As if he had not placed Qi Niqun"s words into his heart.

Used to drinking tea after a meal, Li Chen helped himself to some fragrant and elegant green tea, Maojian Er. Luqing placed a tray with a tea set in front of Qi Yunruo, and then made to stand at the side.

Li Chen glanced at the youth. If no accidents occurred, his Imperial Father would allow him to bring his men to the border. At that time, what would happen to Qi Yunruo?

Don"t support theft; read this at Chrysanthemum Garden.

When he had still lived with his grandmother, she talked about the mother of Prince Fu and Prince Yu, the most beloved and favored n.o.ble Consort Bao. That woman was extremely prepossessing with a heart full of poison. If it weren"t for her, his grandfather would not have had a body full of illness and leave the world at such a young age. Whenever his grandmother mentioned these topics, she held a neutral expression, yet her gaze would betray a heavy sorrow. From then on, Li Chen learned how to guess the intentions of the women around him. Consort Ji was known for being arrogant and wild; Consort Wei was indifferent and reserved; the princess consort was proud and self-possessed; Tertiary Consort Li"s heart was unmotivated; Concubine Ying did whatever she could to curry favor with everyone. Where there was a hole, she would attempt to push through it…

He thought of his Imperial Father. Everyone had said that his Imperial Father and Imperial Mother shared a harmonious marriage. With two legitimate sons, she should have had an unshakable position in Li Chen"s opinion. However, his Imperial Father boosted n.o.ble Consort Yuan to suppress his Imperial Mother. And he also favored a group of young women, new arrivals of the imperial palace.

Then what about his Imperial Mother? No matter how respectful she seemed toward the empress dowager, her heart bore a grudge. Li Chen thought this must be why she was so indifferent toward him. The ways she treated his fourth brother and himself were completely different.

Reaching for a cup of tea, Li Chen told Qi Yunruo to sit by his side.

Qi Yunruo did not have his hair arranged. It was merely tied simplistically, with a golden crown perched on top his head, exquisite and pleasant to the eye. However, Li Chen found it too eye-catching. He took in Qi Yunruo"s body shape and weight, as if he were deep in concentration. Qi Yunruo had lowered his head previously, and under the intense stare of Li Chen, he glanced up. The moment he realized Li Chen"s stare, however, he dropped his head even lower. A while later, as though he had thought of something, Qi Yunruo once again raised his head to smile at Li Chen.

In Li Chen"s heart swirled complicated emotions.

Little Qi was not like Ji Huan. Toward himself, Ji Huan was transparent, and it was due to the latter"s wealth of wisdom and intelligence. He was straightforward and did not hide anything from Li Chen. Allowed him to see his sincerity.

Whereas, Little Qi tried to conceal his thoughts, yet foolishly made them clear for others to see.

The result was that Li Chen appreciated Ji Huan but did not love him. Yet ever since he had laid sight on Qi Yunruo at the watery corridor, Qi Yunruo had left behind a trace in his heart that was difficult to erase.

After enjoying the tea, Li Chen wrapped his arms around Qi Yunruo, pulling him close, caressing his body. A soft gasp escaped the youth"s lips, followed by a moan. It brought a smile to Li Chen"s lips as he drank in his image.

Pure joy flaring within, Qi Yunruo felt hotter and hotter. As if he were burning up, his pleasure building wave upon wave, crashing onto the sh.o.r.e of his heart… Drowsiness overtook him, and he did not know when he had fallen asleep.

The next day, he woke with a yawn, not wanting to get up and get dressed. A while later, he finally sat up and called out, "Luqing."

"Ah, this slave is present."

Putting on his outer garment, Qi Yunruo said, "I"ll trouble you to have a servant girl send Lulan a message: return 250 g of silver to Guard Fang."

Luqing did not ask for any other explanation, merely nodding before she left.

The prince estate had rules regarding the monthly allowances of the masters. There was no need to weigh the silver. Lulan wrapped a 250g piece of silver in a handkerchief and Qi Yunruo went to find out if Guard Fang was on duty today.

Before that however, he had another thing on his schedule. Fengyuan had been punished to the rod, and was still groaning in pain while laying in bed. Qi Yunruo went to see him first. He felt guilty, for if it weren"t for him, Fengyuan would not be in such a state.

Fengyuan sighed. "It"s not your fault. The human market is full of different types of people. It was I who took the initiative to bring you there and caused you to meet those scoundrelly thugs."

Qi Yunruo poked Fenguan"s back, causing Fengyuan to yelp in pain and glare daggers at him.

"I don"t know why His Highness was so furious."

"You belong to His Highness," said Fengyuan. "How would His Highness not be mad when another man touches you?" The prince did not care the slightest that Qi Yunruo had purchased two servants.

All of a sudden, Qi Yunruo grew stiff. A moment later, he felt strange. He truly "belonged" to Li Chen now. Belonged to a man. From now on, he could not look at another man in the open, could not chat with another man, or work together with one… He suddenly felt that the piece of silver wrapped in his handkerchief burned to the touch. 

He left Fengyuan with his mind in a blur. Handed the money to Luqing to send to Guard Fang. As he returned to Lakeside View House, everything around him seemed so far away. Sounds muted, colors dim, as if they were not there to begin with.

Qi Yunruo recalled his childhood. He had once dreamed of being a high-ranking general, of leading troops to war. After reading and writing some articles, he wanted to become a small official or copy doc.u.ments. Then Count Ziyang and the countess changed his fate. Never had Qi Yunruo thought he would be married off as a dowry escort.

Send a dowry escort.

Long, long ago, a concubine was considered a female servant to the fathers, husbands, and sons of n.o.bility. The status grew higher as the years pa.s.sed, but with the characters "stand" and "female" used to form the character of "concubine," concubines could only stand at the side of the princ.i.p.al wife. Could only stand, not sit.

Both words carried the character for "female." As such, Qi Yunruo could not find his place.

Come nightfall, after he was told Qi Yunruo would be returning to his residence, Li Chen uttered an "understood" lightly. Then he made his way to the inner courtyard. 

The moment Qi Niqun heard Li Chen"s words, she was shocked to her bones.

"Your Highness wants to go to the northwest border?"

Li Chen nodded. "The ordinary men all have their duties, much less us."

Qi Niqun twisted the ends of her robes, not knowing what to say at the moment.

As Li Chen noticed her actions, his heart softened. He said rea.s.suringly, "With General Zhao and General Si around, apart from having the status of a First-Ranked Prince, I am just a n.o.body. Who would notice me?"

Yet Qi Niqun appeared close to tears. "This concubine does not understand. This concubine"s great-grandfather and grandfather were renowned generals who fought at the border. My father has also guarded the border for many years. Your Highness is a man and is also part of the imperial line, using your mental and physical efforts for the sake of this dynasty. This concubine is only worried about your honored self."

Li Chen sighed. "I will protect myself."

And he stayed overnight at Winter Plum Courtyard.

When Qi Niqun came to in the morning, she helped Li Chen pack his luggage. Once Li Chen had returned in the afternoon from court, he saw that Qi Niqun had not yet finished packing.

He had told his Imperial Father he would bring the guards of his estate. His Imperial Father also did not grant him additional troops. However, the Qian Nu Guards supplied him twenty men. The empress also sent two youths from the Zhao clan to follow Li Chen as personal guards, their skill in martial arts incredible.

The emperor and empress did not spread the news of the men he received.

In his study, Li Chen personally listed the people coming with him, writing down the names of his trusted guards one by one. A while later, he wrote down the last name.

Qi Yunruo.

This chapter has been sponsored by I. G. and E. K. Thanks for the coffee


Ok, I"m done screaming XD. Man, it was so cute when Little Qi noticed Li Chen staring at him and then looked down in embarra.s.sment. Yet he couldn"t help but flash Li Chen a smile in return. More proof that Little Qi"s a cutie: he pokes Fengyuan"s back out of curiosity

What"s worrying? Well first, I don"t want to say that Li Chen and Little Qi are terrible at communicating with one another, but they certainly keep a lot of thoughts to themselves. Being in such a toxic environment (aka with all these jealous women) doesn"t help. Maybe that"s why the t.i.tle of the chapter is what it is. Second, Qi Niqun looks to be on the brim of forming an alliance with Consort Ji… Uh oh.

After two more chapters we"ll be at volume 2. If you enjoyed this chapter, please like and add this novel to your reading list on CG and . Or comment below. Comments are my snacks. Thanks!

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