Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 24

Qi Yunruo soaked his feet within his inner chamber. The house was still and quiet. After Liusu brought the basin of dirty water outside, he climbed into bed. Prepared to fall asleep. Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps. In long, brisk strides, Lulan approached. "Young Master mustn"t sleep yet. His Highness will arrive soon."

He sat there in a daze. Liusu stood outside, her expression darkening as soon as she heard those words.

During the afternoon, some low-ranking servant girls had called Liusu over to Winter Plum Courtyard. Back then, she had not felt happy about seeing Liubai and the others. In fact, she had been laden with anxiety en route. Once she had arrived, they interrogated her about the circ.u.mstances between the prince and Qi Yunruo. About how they had gotten along. Yet Liusu had nothing to say. The prince seldom came to Lakeside View House, and even when he had he would only come chat with Third Young Master. The most the prince had done was drink a cup of tea before leaving. As such, Liusu had no idea why the prince suddenly favored her master for two nights.

"…It"s late," said Qi Yunruo, sitting up from bed. He poked his head out from the curtains to get a better look. "I should just stay in bed."

Thinking Li Chen would stay the night, Qi Yunruo waited for a while. After Li Chen had returned, he made a few instructions in the main chamber, but Qi Yunruo could not hear them clearly.

He waited until Li Chen had bathed and dressed in his sleeping clothes. When Li Chen had finally stepped foot in the chamber, Qi Yunruo said, "You"re here."

He had wrapped himself generously in the covers, leaning against the pillows stacked behind him. Said covers hung by his shoulders, exposing part of his white inner garment. His hair was tied low and fell upon one side of his chest. Li Chen smiled. "You sleep early.”

Qi Yunruo moved to make room for Li Chen. The s.p.a.ce where Li Chen now sat felt warm to the touch. "Does your honored self feel it"s too early?" asked Qi Yunruo. "I can accompany you for a chat."

Li Chen waved his hand to dismiss the servants. "Mm."

He held one of Qi Yunruo"s hands in his own, gazing upon it. White and delicate, with long, elegant fingers. As Qi Yunruo lay down on his side, not a word escaped his lips. He wasn"t that tired and still had some energy. He stared at Li Chen"s hand. Felt the light calluses on his palm. It gave Qi Yunruo the impression that Li Chen had a lot of strength, capable of shooting arrows, riding horses, and whipping said horses to go faster. He was caught in a trance, before lightly saying, "During my youth, I would play with the boys outside. But since I could not beat them in a fight, I wanted to take a teacher in martial arts."

Li Chen smiled. "Then what happened after?"

"After that… I don"t remember. Anyway, I didn"t get to learn."

In fact, it was Count Ziyang who opposed him learning the Qi family"s generations of martial arts.

The moment the sons of the Qi family knew how to walk, they would pick up the saber, spear, sword, halberd, battle axe, hook, and pitchfork, a large a.s.sortment of weapons.

Having a lowly b.a.s.t.a.r.d son, one born outside the estate, Count Ziyang feared Qi Yunruo would tarnish the reputation of his household.

Li Chen said, "When I was six or seven years old, no matter how cold or hot the weather was, I would wake up early in the morning to hold squats. At the beginning, my legs would hurt at night to the point of not being able to fall asleep. But I endured year after year."

The sons of the Qi family were all tall and large in built. The one who looked the most delicate was Qi Yunshan, yet his body was still stalwart. After a period of thought, Qi Yunruo also broke into a smile. "Men should naturally be large and tall."

A smile still on his lips, Li Chen lay down on the bed. "Little Qi, the name Qi Yunruo…Who came up with it for you?"

"My mother."

A while later, he said, "In the beginning, I wasn"t called Qi Yunruo. My surname was Shui. Full name Shui Ruo.”

Li Chen was not surprised, although it was his first time hearing his name. Qi Yunruo"s appearance was strange from the start. Count Ziyang was a hereditary first-rank count, a t.i.tle granted by the founding emperor of the dynasty. The t.i.tle had already been pa.s.sed down for four generations and had never been demoted. While Count Ziyang"s estate had a few unworthy male descendants punished by the household rules, or removed from the genealogy list, the family abided by strict rules, renowned for such in the capital. In the past, although the Imperial Censors had attacked Count Ziyang for his visits to brothels, his illegitimate child never appeared in public. Until the day of Li Chen"s marriage, when he saw on the dowry list a youth added as a dowry escort.

Naturally, Li Chen found it strange. Count Ziyang did not seem like a person who would so openly and honestly send off his son as a dowry escort. Yet things clearly progressed in this fashion. Since then, Qi Yunruo no longer was part of the Qi family. Rather, he was now a male dowry escort in Prince Chun"s estate, both his body and mind belonging to Li Chen.

"Sleep." Li Chen patted Qi Yunruo"s back.

One nod later, Qi Yunruo quickly surrendered to slumber.

The next day, when Li Chen awoke, Qi Yunruo did as well, albeit still in a daze. Once Li Chen had dressed, Qi Yunruo draped a robe over himself. He sat up on the side of the bed. But after he had finally become more sober, Li Chen was already about to leave for court. Qi Yunruo glanced at the sky outside. It was dark still.

Li Chen saw him slipping on his shoes and said, "There"s no need for you to come out. Continue to sleep.”

Yet Qi Yunruo had already gone to his side. With a smile blooming on his lips, Li Chen reached out. Stroked his face. But he did not say anything as he left Lakeside View House.

Qi Yunruo tried to fall back asleep. Before he could, however, he heard from the outside the shrill voice of an unfamiliar eunuch, along with the voices of Lulan and Liusu. Qi Yunruo rose to his feet. "What"s going on?"

As Lulan entered through the door, her expression did not speak of good things. "Her Highness, the princess consort has said that from now on, your honored self must come pay respects in the morning."

He lowered his head. Thought for a moment. "Starting from today?"

"Yes. It is said that the secondary consorts have arrived as well."

The eunuch who pa.s.sed on the message said he had tried reaching them in the past. Yet in the end, His Highness stayed overnight at Lakeside View House, and the eunuch did not want to bother them. Therefore he came early today to let them know. He gave off an arrogant impression, as if he did not place the people from Lakeside View House in his eyes.

Qi Yunruo stood there without a word. So I"m already a member of the harem.

He wore thick robes to combat the weather outside. As its name suggested, Lakeside View House was situated near a lake, and stood between the forecourt and the inner courtyard. It wasn"t far from Winter Plum Courtyard. Trailing him was Lulan and the eunuch Yuzhi. As they walked, Lulan said, "The estate does not have a precedent for this. For this reason, it will depend on what Her Highness, the princess consort decides. If Her Highness tells your honored self to pay respects every day, His Highness would have no reason to deny her."

Qi Yunruo nodded. Anxiety resurfaced in his heart. He felt more and more unclear about his position here. Being with Li Chen wasn"t difficult for him. Li Chen was gentle and considerate. Sometimes, his heart would beat with joy when they were together.

But after Li Chen left, being a man in the inner courtyard would prove difficult. He could find himself abandoned in the future due to old age, or an even more miserable fate.

Winter Plum Courtyard was already before his eyes. The moment Qi Yunruo entered, he was quiet.

Up ahead, Qi Niqun"s gaze slowly fell upon him.

Consort Ji"s stare was especially full of ill will. She felt that her grievances with him had increased. When Qi Yunruo saw the hateful look in her eyes, a wave of uncertainty crashed into him. He did not know how he had offended her. In fact, he had only seen Consort Ji once, and didn"t even remember how she looked like.

Consort Wei sat at the side supporting her abdomen. Her cheeks were rosy, on her lips a smile that, depending on how one looked at it, seemed to both exist and not exist at the same time. The other tertiary consorts and concubines did not dare to look at them, keeping silent.

Concubine Ying, Ying Qiu, appeared to be deep in thought. Then she smiled. "Indeed it is only from Your Highness, the princess consort"s household that such a superb character will exist. A good child that will have a good future. This slave sees Young Master Little Qi and truly feels inferior."

Qi Niqun"s smile did not quite meet her eyes. "Really?"

Ying Qiu did not feel awkward, face still carrying a smile. But she kept looking at Consort Ji. Consort Ji sent a sideways glance at Qi Yunruo. Her voice seemed to alter between sudden loudness and sudden softness as she said, "We cannot compare to Young Master Qi. Although Young Master Qi does not yet have a rank, he has His Highness and Her Highness" support. Compared to us, he is more n.o.ble. Perhaps in a few days, we will be the ones needing to kneel and perform the full ceremony of greeting to Young Master Qi."

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For a moment, Qi Yunruo fell into his thoughts. When Qi Niqun had first married into the estate, he had to kowtow to and greet Consort Ji and Consort Wei. He glanced at Qi Niqun. Her expression was dark. Qi Yunruo then knelt before her. "Paying respects to Your Highness, the princess consort."

Qi Niqun grunted in approval.

He rose to his feet and then dropped to his knees facing Consort Wei. "Paying respects to Secondary Consort Wei."

Consort Wei lightly smiled. "I don"t dare."

Once more did he stand, before kneeling in front of Consort Ji. "Paying respects to Secondary Consort Ji."

Consort Ji lifted the tea cup by her side. She separated the tea leaves with the lid and blew at the steam. Took a small, dainty sip. Then she looked at Qi Yunruo. Her gaze dripped with disdain.

The start of spring proved frigid. He knelt until his legs grew numb. Yet no one told him to rise. Qi Niqun stared at him, expression cold enough to freeze. She truly had never thought that, after sharing a heart-to-heart chat with the prince, and even shedding tears for his sake, he would not return to Winter Plum Courtyard the next day. Out of four days, he visited Qi Yunruo three times, making her believe Consort Ji"s words more and more. That like how Ji Huan had taken away Consort Ji"s position, Qi Yunruo would push the princ.i.p.al consort, herself, aside.

However… A smile graced Qi Niqun"s lips. In the coming period, the prince would not be at the estate. With Qi Yunruo in her hands, wouldn"t he have to do whatever she wanted?

After Consort Ji had enjoyed watching Qi Yunruo kneel, she said, "Oh my. Why is your honored self still kneeling? I can"t afford it. Your honored self"s status is very n.o.ble, a blood-related brother of Her Highness, the princess consort. The most favored person of His Highness currently. I fear that with just one word of pillow talk, I would meet disaster.  This concubine begs your honored self not to hold it against me. Don"t be like the common me.”

Qi Yunruo rose to his feet without a word. Staggered. Lulan, who was standing not too far away, rushed over to support him.

As Qi Niqun looked at Lulan, her brows drew together. Then she shifted her gaze to Consort Ji. She felt contempt toward her, because all the maidservants whose name started with Lu once belonged to His Highness. And now this servant girl had witnessed how Consort Ji bullied Qi Yunruo, while she herself came out clean.

She said to the people around her, "Bring a chair for him."

Sitting in the seat of honor at Winter Plum Courtyard"s main hall was Qi Niqun. The two rosewood chairs carved with hollow floral patterns below belonged to the secondary consorts. The four tertiary consorts each had their own simple four-poster chair. The other concubines stood behind them. Two maidservants brought over a tall stool and placed in the last position. Qi Yunruo took his seat on it.

"In a few days, His Highness will be leaving," said Qi Niqun. "The estate"s rules must not be slacked on. In fact, they must be held even more strictly. I hope everyone will abide by them. First, do not ask about matters occurring in the forecourt. Second, do not ask for information outside of the estate. Third, curfew will be pushed forward one hour. Fourth, once His Highness leaves, the clothes and accessories of the concubines must not be too eye-catching. And last but not least, may everyone remember to pray to Buddha for His Highness" safety during one"s leisure time. His Highness is working hard, calming his Imperial Father"s worries… Us sisters have been in the estate for a while, and should be familiar with protocol."

The concubines stood and curtsied at once. "Yes."

However, Qi Yunruo was shocked during the whole ordeal. His Highness was leaving? Where was he going? For the sake of calming His Majesty"s worries? There"s war at the border? He needs to go to battle? What else…?

His Highness… Why did His Highness not tell him last night?

As Qi Niqun glanced at Qi Yunruo, her expression was one of unadulterated unhappiness. A light laugh left Consort Ji"s lips as she sat back down. "Speaking of rules, Your Highness, the princess consort"s brother, Young Master Little Qi, should be ignorant of them."

Her words threw Qi Yunruo into shock. He quickly stood. And then he realized that everyone was sitting down. From one corner came a snicker.

Qi Niqun waved her hand in annoyance. "You can leave. In a few days I"ll have an older female servant inform you of the rules."


As he left, he felt their disdainful and hateful gazes boring through his back.

He also caught someone say, "Ah, a man in the inner courtyard, hehe…"

The road back home was more quiet than the road to Winter Plum Courtyard. Yuzhi was a man of few words, and Lulan did not know what to say at the moment.

"Those people all look down on me," said Qi Yunruo.

Lulan forced a smile. Rea.s.suringly said, "Young Master, what is the point in thinking about these things? His Highness seldom visits the inner courtyard. They are just jealous. Your honored self should not be like them."

He shook his head. "Those women are jealous of me, but what do I have? Since long ago, I"ve been the same type of people as them. They are right to be jealous of me. I am a bizarre existence in this place. They see me and find me strange, as if I should not be here. But apart from here, I do not belong anywhere else."

Lulan lowered her head. Her heart was full of worry. Her master had offended many people, whether it was the main consort or other concubines or supervisors of the staff. After His Highness left for the border, no one would be there to protect him. How could her master handle this?

A smile slide across Qi Yunruo"s face and he shook his head. "Why am I thinking about these things? I am already a person belonging to the prince"s estate. How things should be done will be done like so. I don"t have another place waiting for me outside. From now on, we will close our doors and blow out our candles early. Whether I have to wake up early to pay respects or not, I will still pa.s.s my days as usual."

Lulan also smiled. "That Young Master thinks like so is a good thing."

"If we don"t step foot outside, they cannot bully us," Yuzhi gently said.

Qi Yunruo nodded. "Exactly."

However, Yuzhi and Lulan were not as relaxed as him. They understood the inner courtyard more than Qi Yunruo did. To mess with someone was in reality too easy of a task. The high-ranking princess consort or the other secondary consorts need not use their own hands to punish him. There would already be those who wanted to curry favor with them and deal with Lakeside View House on their behalf.

As Qi Yunruo went on ahead, Lulan whispered to Yuzhi, "Thank goodness we used to be from Ink Lotus Courtyard. So even if they wanted to mess with us, they wouldn"t go too far."

Yet Yuzhi was of another opinion. "You came from Ink Lotus Courtyard and master is someone who sleeps by His Highness" side. Do you think those people will actually hold back?"

All of a sudden, it were as if terror had struck her heart.

Later, as Qi Yunruo ate the morning meal at Lakeside View House, he asked, "When will His Highness leave?"

Lulan also did not know. "This slave will ask.”

His mood tanked in an instant. He slowly said, "It"s fine. Since His Highness did not tell me, there"s no point in asking."


Come nightfall, the prince did not visit Lakeside View House. When it came time to sleep, Qi Yunruo had people lay down the mattress. Lulan"s worry grew. "I want to sleep," he said. "Tomorrow, I must rouse early, so remember to wake me up."

"This slave understands.”

Yet as he lay in bed, he found that he could not catch the coattails of slumber. He tossed and turned in bed all night, falling asleep for a moment and then waking in the next.

The sky still dark and quiet and lonely, Qi Yunruo sat up.

Just when we had that lovely reprieve last chapter, the angst G.o.ds strike us down again. Well, I have to say the author did a good job with the symmetry: the end of the chapter mirrors the beginning in that both times, Little Qi experiences a period of still and quiet. However, the context of these periods and the emotions they inspire in Little Qi are different. Silly Li Chen. He totally forgot to let Little Qi know his plans.

Consort Ji is hilariously stupid. Like Qi Niqun pointed out, Lulan witnessed her bullying Little Qi. Lulan was given to Little Qi by Li Chen, so obviously she would report this to him if he ever asked. What p.i.s.sed me off the most was the d.a.m.n stool. I can picture this old, rickety thing, and Little Qi forced to sit on it like a clown. Really boils the blood.

1 more chapter and we"ll be at volume 2! The quicker we get out of this house, the better for my blood pressure!

Oh, and before I forget, I want to apologize for a stupid typo last chapter. I only realized two days after releasing chapter 21 that I wrote the general"s name as “Zhao Weidu” instead of “Zhou Weidou.” My GOODNESS my brain must have been farting or my eyes crossing. I"ve already fixed those.

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