Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 24 marks the end of volume 1. And I"ve got to say, volume 2 is a nice change of pace.

(I"ve taken a bit of creative license with the t.i.tle. 洲 "zhou" is like island or continent, but since it"s his residence, I thought changing it to "house" would be more suitable. Doesn"t really matter in the grand scheme of things.)

When Ji Ru had first entered the second prince"s estate, her father was still a small official in the Ministry of Revenue, a position called Yuan Wailang. Because the rank was so low, his words did not hold much weight, and Ji Ru"s ident.i.ty consequently wasn"t high. However, she was still a secondary consort in Prince Chun"s estate.

Back then, the tertiary consorts had yet to enter the estate, only a few low-ranking concubines and personal attendants around including her. Ji Ru was even able to grasp the privilege to manage the estate with her hands. Not to mention, she and Li Chen  once shared a period of mutual joy. As such, Ji Ru had sometimes felt like she wasn"t any different from a main consort.

But life was not without setbacks. Later, once Tertiary Consort Li had received the prince"s affections and became with child, Ji Ru worried that after she herself gave birth, the prince would be allured by those other beautiful tertiary consorts. It so happened that one of her servants discovered something interesting: the prince had visited a man in South Reedpipe Pavilion, a well-known pleasure house. After that, an idea formed in Ji Ru"s mind.  

She would have her eldest brother enter the estate as a guest.

However, never had she thought Prince Chun would favor Ji Huan to that extent! A single Ji Huan took away half of his affections!  

When it rained, it poured. Shortly after, Secondary Consort Wei entered the estate. She was a literate person and very knowledgeable about many topics. She also had a n.o.ble temperament. After just one year of living in the estate, she was already in the position to compete against Consort Ji. Later on, once Qi Niqun married in, Ji Ru felt the difference between a main consort and a secondary consort. In front of the main consort, she was as lowly as dirt.

But the more she felt this way, the less she wanted to submit to Qi Niqun. She just needed to gain the prince"s favor again, like she had done so a few years ago. Then she could compete with her.

"So eldest brother is unwilling to a.s.sist me…"

"When it comes to love, one cannot force it." 

Cold as ice, Ji Ru said, "Next year, I hope eldest brother will be one of the top exam takers."

"Thank you for the kind wish."

As Ji Ru watched Ji Huan leave without a word, vicious thoughts formed in her heart. He knew the reason for his birth mother"s death. He was also talented enough to be one of the top exam takers. Not only that, he possessed the prince"s interest and love. With him around, her full-blooded brothers didn"t stand a chance.

Ji Huan… Qi Yunruo!  

A sinister smile slid its way across Ji Ru"s face.

In the house across from Consort Ji"s, Consort Wei watched Ji Huan"s departing figure. A light yawn escaped her lips. "Consort Ji is starting to worry."

Her maidservant Little Qiao said, "These days, His Highness does not want to see her. If the princess consort gives birth to a son, her son would become irrelevant."

"Whether the prince is fond of Young Master Ji Huan or not, it does not concern the affairs of us women. Consort Ji is stupid, and has now been pushed to this point."

Little Qiao smiled. "After managing the estate for three years, Consort Ji has grown a large ego."

Consort Wei held the jade handle of a green and silver threaded fan embroidered with mandarin ducks, lightly fanning herself. She laughed and shook her head as she left the window. Stroking her abdomen, she said, "Tonight, tell the kitchen to send another plate of this sour radish."

"It has been already done," Little Qiao said with a smile.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival drew near, Qi Niqun"s pregnancy symptoms progressively increased, her abdomen more conspicuous than ever. Even if she were reluctant, she knew in her heart that it was getting harder for her to manage the estate. In order to maintain a good relationship with those families friendly with the prince estate, Qi Niqun, as the prince estate"s princess consort and female master, must arrange many functions for those families to attend. She must also be there to oversee the events and act as the hospitable hostess. Even those families that weren"t as n.o.ble, she must still form a connection with them. Not only that, she had to supervise the supervisors of the hundreds of servants in the estate. And she had to bribe those supervisors to her side. Those who weren"t obedient would be kicked aside. Those who were obedient would be boosted up the ladder of hierarchy.

Although she was the princess consort, Qi Niqun had yet to give birth to a son. Moreover, she had not married into the estate for long. Many people still did not obey her. Especially some of the older female servants. They came from the imperial palace and had attended to the empress dowager and the empress. How could they put a legitimate daughter from a count estate in their eyes? Fortunately, Qi Niqun still had the means to frighten and buy the other servants. However, before she could control the whole estate, she first had to bring those old servants on her side. Her stomach churned as she thought about this through the night.

It was a shame that yielding the power to manage the estate was out of the question. She still had not controlled the whole estate so she could not give it away just yet. Otherwise, it"d be a waste of effort. She wanted people to see that despite her current physical condition, she was still the master of the estate that could promise her word.

Yet, when Count Ziyang came for a visit, she was of a different opinion, her fury nearly palpable. "Do you think this is more important than your son? Darling Qun, why can"t you see clearly? Once you"ve given birth, who can compete with you in this entire place?"

Her expression poor, Qi Niqun forced out her next words. "If it were I who mentioned this, His Highness would just give the power back to Consort Ji. Consort Ji is not an easy target."

"Then you can recommend someone that you trust," said the countess, her heart throbbing in pain. "Don"t tell me that during the month after giving birth, you still want to manage the estate?"

Qi Niqun took her time to speak. "In the estate, other than Consort Ji, the only other possible candidate is Consort Wei. Consort Wei and Consort Ji don"t see eye to eye. However, she and I are not close."

The moment she heard those words, Countess Ziyang smiled. "Once you yield the managing power into her hands, she will naturally be close to you."  

"I will listen to mother."  

Sure enough, Qi Niqun mentioned this idea to Li Chen at nightfall, shocking him for a moment. But his response was even more of a shock. "Consort Wei is pregnant. She most likely cannot take on this responsibility. Princess consort should recommend a different person."

After standing there in a daze, Consort Ji smiled. "This situation, why was this concubine not aware of it?"

In a nonchalant manner, Li Chen said, "Her pregnancy is not yet stable. I wanted to let you know after three months."

A moment of thought. "Then I will not trouble Consort Wei with it. Consort Ji still has to take care of Sweet Jing, so what about Tertiary Consort Li—"

"She"s no good!"

Qi Niqun"s jaw dropped. A few thoughts flashed in her mind before she recovered with a smile. "Then this concubine will recommend a different person. I hope to hear Your Highness" honest opinion."


Smile never leaving her lips, Qi Niqun said, "This concubine"s younger brother is literate and bright. It"s also convenient for him to walk through the inner and outer courtyards, as he can just directly go see Eunuch Su Ge if something is needed in the forecourt. If he can"t command others" respect by himself, this concubine will back him up. I wonder what Your Highness thinks of this?"

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Li Chen thought for a moment. Hesitated before he said, "Little Qi is a man after all." 

"Third brother is Your Highness" person," said Qi Niqun, once again smiling. "Everyone knows of this fact."

"Since the princess consort wishes for this, then it"s settled."

Although she wasn"t sure if she was upset or happy about the conclusion, since both husband and wife agreed, Qi Niqun did not hold any regrets. The next day, she called Qi Yunruo over to discuss this.

Qi Yunruo"s eyes shone with confusion, face twisted into a frown. He had no clue what managing the estate had to do with him.

Expressionless, Qi Niqun slowly said, "This is I and His Highness" intentions. Take the ledgers and go. You must follow how things were done in the past. If you don"t understand something, come look for me." 

Aware that his sister didn"t want to speak much, Qi Yunruo grabbed the items and left. Qi Niqun had also sent her most trusted servant Granny Song to him temporarily. Granny Song brought her covers, pillows, and luggage to Lakeside View House. The moment she arrived, Lulan arched a brow. Then she cleared out a room for Granny Song, sending the original occupants, two lower-ranked servant girls, to a vacant room.

As soon as Liusu saw Granny Song arrive, a tinge of unhappiness crept upon her heart. When it came to status, Granny Song was the nursemaid of the estate"s main consort, the most useful person at Qi Niqun"s side. Just her age and experience alone, every servant in the residence could not compare to her. For this reason, Granny Song might become the person managing the estate in the shadows from now on.

Although Lakeside View House was small, the main chamber was s.p.a.cious. The master bedroom lay in the innermost chamber. To the left and the right was a side room each. One was used as a waiting area for the maidservants on night duty. One was used as storage. Just beyond the inner chamber was the study, with a shelf holding decorative treasures on one side and a shelf for books on another. During her move, Granny Song brought many servants with account books over, her action broadcasting to the whole estate that the managing power now lay in Qi Yunruo"s hands.

Ever since Li Chen had established his own estate, Zhongzheng Temple gave him his rightful share of tax-free farm land. A prince"s share. Li Chen"s retainers helped him manage his stores and personal forests. As a prince born from the empress, his yearly allowance was 450 kg of silver, though it wasn"t considered that large of an amount. This year, when he got married, the imperial palace gave him 1,400 kg of silver. The wedding gifts, which  mostly composed of money, was an even larger amount. 

Suffice to say, Li Chen was extremely wealthy. As Qi Yunruo calculated his a.s.sets and money, he couldn"t help but sigh.

After he had moved to Lakeside View House, the forecourt provided his monthly allowance. Su Ge gave him 500 grams of silver for the first month in the form of two heavy silver ingots. Compared to Li Chen"s total wealth, this was nothing.

His concubines could either let the estate manage their dowries, and have their total amounts calculated every month and every year, or they could find someone skilled to manage those accounts.  The dowry of the two secondary consorts was relatively small. It couldn"t even compare to that of Qi Danxia. Consort Ji possessed the deed to a store that sold perfumes and other beauty products. Her dowry escort was the one managing it. Consort Wei had a plot of farmland that also had a hot spring, which was outside the city. Li Chen had went there once. The prince estate managed this place for her.  

After spending a whole day, Qi Yunruo still did not finish going through the accounts. On the third day, the monthly allowance would be given to the members of the inner court. However, the inner court did not have a treasury. Rather, the two chests of silver were still in Winter Plum Courtyard. Qi Niqun had received these two chests a few months ago from the estate"s storage.

Li Chen had a key to the estate"s treasury. Qi Niqun had another, and Su Ge had one as well. All three keys were required at once to enter the estate"s storeroom, the treasury lying deep in the middle of it, out of sight. Hidden guards kept it safe.

On the second night, Qi Yunruo finished calculating the expenses, wrote them down, and asked Qi Niqun to look over it. Qi Niqun then sent her hey to him.

One key down, and two to go. Now Qi Yunruo looked for Su Ge in Ink Lotus Courtyard. The moment he arrived, he hesitated at the door. The guards looked at Qi Yunruo suspiciously. After stating his purpose for coming, he went inside to search for Su Ge.

Su Ge smiled. "Young Master Little Qi, you"ve finished calculating the expenses?"

"Yes. This month"s expenses is 65 kg of silver. I want to take out 250 kg of silver to use. In case we need more later." 

"That"s reasonable," said Su Ge. "His Highness has not yet returned. He"ll be back in about less than one hour, so please wait inside."

"Oh… Alright." 

As Su Ge sent someone to serve tea, Qi Yunruo said, "Eunuch Su Ge, for you to manage the forecourt must be hard work."

Su Ge couldn"t help but smile again. "Those gentlemen staying at the forecourt also have monthly expenses. And then there are the servants. If Young Master Little Qi finds it too difficult, it"s because it"s your first time managing an estate. After completing the task once, you"ll find it easier."

"It"ll be better next month."

Su Ge nodded. "That"s correct."

Qi Yunruo was a man of few words. Seeing that he did not speak further, Su Ge called for someone to serve some desserts and fruits. "How does Young Master Little Qi feel about your current duties? Do you find them  uninteresting?"

Qi Yunruo smiled. "Not at all. Although it"s a bit busy, it"s interesting. I just need to talk. The rest will be done by the servants."

"Interesting, you say?" Su Ge watched him closely.

Qi Yunruo nodded. "Mm. Yesterday, I went over the estate"s general ledger. Starting in the afternoon, I looked at all the residences in the inner court. Besides that, I looked at the Labor Department"s allowances, award money and penalties. I also heard that there are guards that patrol every night. I"ve already arranged for all of that. It"s so interesting."

Not a word left Su Ge"s lips. He personally poured tea for him.

The sky grew dark. Su Ge heard a sound outside and said, "Looks like there"s something keeping His Highness. He went directly to the outer study. I don"t know when he"ll be back. Young Master Little Qi, are you hungry?"

He nodded.

When Su Ge went outside to personally deliver desserts and tea to the outer study, he noticed that Li Chen"s expression was not good. He had yet to change out of his Prince of the First Rank robes. Su Ge served tea for each of the four gentlemen in the room. He did not dare to ask them if they wanted dinner even after a long while had pa.s.sed.  

These four men were Li Chen"s retainers. They did not have an official rank. One of them, named Li Xiuqi, used to be an official however. Another one, Cao Manjin, was a Juren, someone who attained the second-highest degree in the imperial examinations. However, because he charged a fee for his calligraphy in storefront signs and the like, he garnered a bad name. He could not get the Chief Examiner to like him, and could not pa.s.s the next rank"s exam even after trying many times as a result. But Li Chen admired his intelligence and talent, inviting him to his estate to work.

The next one was the eccentric Gentleman Ouyang. He was like a crane who couldn"t sit still. Who knew where Li Chen found him? The last one was Li Chen"s reading partner, Li Yue. He was born of the n.o.bility. Since his grandfather"s generation, his family had set up business in Jiangnan. However, he didn"t like to study nor did he like to work in his family"s business. After he was of age, he asked Li Chen to work for him.

"…My dear third brother wants 100,000 soldiers to crush Beiqiang. In our empire, every year we spend an astronomical amount of funds and send numerous men to maintain order at the border. Yet after reading a few books, he thinks he has the ability?"

Li Xiuqi said, "Your Highness, don"t be upset. The way I see it, apart from the n.o.ble consort, there is no one that agrees with Prince Qing"s idea. Beiqiang is different from the small tribes of the south. Since long in the past, we have had conflict with Beiqiang, winning only half our battles. The current emperor has a large vision and a wealth of ability. His att.i.tude toward Beiqiang is strong and forceful. In his old age, His Majesty would not for the sake of his most beloved son risk such a huge loss for the empire."

Li Chen did not speak. Ever since young he had practiced martial arts and drowned himself in military theory. But he was worried that if he directly asked his Imperial Father to lead troops into battle, the latter would hardly be in a good mood. Now that his sons were grown, this aging father might not like for his sons to directly pick up a sword.

It wasn"t just Marquis Beichang that had his army seized. Count Ziyang had as well. Despite there being many important generals in the empire, none were not as good at commanding troops as those two. Yet if there were a prince behind them, the situation might prove different.

So the question remained, would Li Chen ask to lead troops to battle?

Wow, the chapter"s actually out early for once haha. Currently translating the last bit of  TJOAIC 8. 

In my opinion,  yunruo"s sister didn"t give him the two chests of silver in her courtyard and her key to the storeroom to begin with in order to haze/bully yunruo. Also, the bit with Consort Ji/Ji Ru thinking that Ji Huan “took half of Li Chen"s affections” or whatever is just what it seems like in her distorted view. I don"t blame her for thinking that, though. Recall that Ji Huan came to the estate when Ji Ru was pregnant. She originally wanted to use him to keep Li Chen"s eyes from straying, just like how Qi Niqun is trying to use yunruo right now. But Ji Ru"s plan worked a bit too well: Li Chen liked that Ji Huan was intelligent and a pleasant listener when he just needed to unwind. And since Li Chen was gay to begin with, of course he preferred chilling with such a nice eye candy like Ji Huan than pretend to be interested in what his concubines had to say.

That"s my interpretation of it.

War is brewing. Chapter 24 marks the end of volume 1. And I"ve got to say, volume 2 is a nice change of pace.

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