Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 6

Thank you Mich.e.l.le O. for the ko-fi!

After Li Chen and Qi Niqun returned from the palace in the afternoon, Li Chen immediately left for the Ministry of Revenue, the emperor having summoned him there. Due to his wedding matters, Li Chen had been allowed a month of vacation, and was free to run a few errands for the emperor. 

Meanwhile, Qi Yunruo was taking a nap. Liusu shook him awake. Instructed him to leave for the estate"s storage warehouse.

As Qi Yunruo dazedly sat up from bed, from the corner of his mouth glistened a bead of drool. Liusu wiped it off with a handkerchief, her expression one of disgust. She lifted Qi Yunruo to his feet to adjust his attire. 

Count Ziyang"s estate had prepared 128 crates of dowry, two plots of farmland, and four storefronts for their precious daughter. Other than this, there were wedding gifts from other families and the imperial palace. For this reason, besides Qi Yunruo, Eunuch Gao brought four imperial guards and one older female servant to personally help Qi Niqun record and organize the items. 

The exterior general manager of Winter Plum Courtyard was Eunuch Gao. Whereas, the interior general manager was Granny Cheng. Directly under them were four older female servants and two eunuchs.

Qi Niqun"s nursemaid, surnamed Song, was about the same age as Granny Cheng. Granny Song gave off a clever impression. Granny Cheng was st.u.r.dy and peaceful¹, and did not mind that the other woman often showed off in front of her. 

Once the prince returned home again, he immediately headed for the study. On the other hand, Qi Niqun sat in the main room of her courtyard, watching as the servants recorded her dowry and sorted them into crates. Come nightfall, the servants would deliver the crates to the storage warehouse, to be further organized. There were also large, unwieldy items sent to the warehouse, such as screen dividers and lumber. 

The task of recording the dowry fell upon Qi Yunruo. He wrote down every word of Eunuch Gao.

"One golden great Argus and pearl dangling hair ornament², one golden jade-inlaid b.u.t.terfly-and-love-flower dangling hair ornament, one white-crystal peony dangling hair ornament, and one golden five-colored jewel jade-speck long hairpin³. Place these in box A⁴3." 

A dangling hair ornament, or buyao. A long hairpin, or zhangzan.

"One white-gold white-pearl jade medallion⁵ and one red-jade golden-pearl jade medallion. Place these in box A4." 

A jade medallion, or jinbu.

"A set of four embroidered four-seasons gold and sandalwood screen dividers. Place these in box C34."

"Five one-hundred-year-old gingseng roots. Place these in box B11." 

"One box of rubies, one box of sapphires… "

Qi Yunruo did not stop until the moment the servants lit the lights of the estate, the sun having set completely. He rubbed at his eyes. Pulled up the wick of an oil lamp"s candle so that it would shine brighter, when someone spoke right by his ear. "Young master should return. It"s meal time."  

He lifted his head and found himself eye to eye with Liusu. She and the rest of Qi Niqun"s maid servants were still busy, not one of them pausing from their work. He flicked his gaze at Qi Niqun. Upon closer inspection, her makeup was beginning to smudge.

"Third young master, just leave the work to others," General Manager Cheng said with a smile. "It"s almost time for the dishes to be served. Just let me know whatever young master likes to eat. Yesterday, this old slave was very busy in the princess consort"s Winter Plum Courtyard and couldn"t meet third young master. From your appearance you seem very steady, so don"t let yourself be wronged."    

"…Thank you General Manager Cheng," said Qi Yunruo.

Qi Niqun had left the main room a while ago. Qi Yunruo was unsure if he should also return. He paced back and forth the warehouse, and when he finally left for the Winter Plum Courtyard, he came across Qi Niqun. She merely glanced at him, not in the mood to gesture for him to come over. To chat for a bit. Qi Yunruo also had reservations of approaching her, in case she did not want him to do so.

This translation is the property of Sleepchaser at . If you read it anywhere else, it"s stolen.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of his own suite, Qi Yunruo heard someone announce, "The prince has arrived." He paused. Then he bolted inside as if frightened. Liusu, who had been following right behind him, was also startled from his abrupt actions.

"Why are you running?" she said, frowning.

He did not answer her, calling Xiao Shan to bring some water to wash his hands instead.

The evening meal consisted of two meat dishes and two vegetable dishes. This time, soup was also included. After Liusu had sternly lectured them, Xiao Shan and Xiao Jiu no longer dared to break protocol and eat with their master at the same table. Yet Qi Yunruo felt it was somewhat a pity. Since an early age, he had only ever eaten alone. When the count"s family ate their meals, they never sent someone to his small courtyard, to tell him to come eat with them. Rather, he would sit at a small table by himself and partake in his meal: a single dish and a bowl of porridge.

Earlier, they had also recorded Qi Yunruo"s dowry. After eating, Qi Yunruo and Liusu decided to organize them back into their designated chest. He furrowed his brow as he observed Liusu, who was scrutinizing the items. She patted the dust off her hands. "This is all you have?"

Qi Yunruo did not respond. He placed his dowry back into the small chest his mother had left him. This included a tiny box containing a few pieces of his mother"s jewelry and a single jade medallion from Count Ziyang. There were also two books of musical scores.  

In the afternoon, as Liusu had checked Qi Niqun"s dowry, her heart felt a little discontent. No matter what, Qi Yunruo was her master, and at the very least, he was still considered a young master of Count Ziyang"s estate. However, the estate had not given him any shop deeds or jewelry upon his departure. He did not even receive 5.5 kg of silver⁶.  

Even Liusu was wealthier than him. For a moment, she found him rather pitiful.

Now that it was nighttime, Qi Yunruo wanted to take a bath. As per her duty as a servant, Liusu went to find the fat Eunuch Yunbao⁷ in charge of water. He laughed, loud and reverberating from the pit of his stomach. "Everyone is exhausted today. Therefore, all of the water has been sent to the princess consort"s side. If young master wants to take a bath, I"ll have people go to the other courtyards and see if there"s any hot water left. Even if it"s just a little bit, we"ll still give it to you."

Understanding the meaning behind his words, Liusu ran back, fuming. Her expression was dark as she looked at Qi Yunruo. "They think young master is not n.o.ble enough! In just two days, they"ve already noticed that your ident.i.ty is low."

"I want to wash my feet," said Qi Yunruo. "They should at least have enough water for that, right?"

As Liusu was unwilling to endure the mockery again, he sent Xiao Shan and Xiu Jiu out instead. After a while, they returned carrying a wooden basin of water. Qi Yunruo removed his socks and shoes, sat down on his bed, and soaked his feet, rubbing them against one another. He lowered his head, hands pressing upon the bed to support his weight. Held his feet right above the basin. He watched the surface of the water silently. Droplets of water fell upon the water"s surface, creating ripples that lasted for just a moment.  

Back in Count Ziyang"s estate, there had been no one supervising Qi Yunruo.  Now, like clockwork, Liusu woke him up every morning. Then she would help him into a gray outfit and comb part of his hair up behind him, leaving the rest down. Currently, Liusu was also helping him comb his hair. She said, "Today is when all the secondary consorts, tertiary consorts⁸, and the rest of the prince"s concubines come to pay respects to our eldest miss. Don"t be late." 

Having just awoken, Qi Yunruo"s mind was not yet clear. A moment later, he said, "What should I do? Is that Ji Huan coming too?"

Liusu"s hand paused. "Young master Ji Huan is not the same as you. He is here as a guest of Secondary Consort Ji, and stays in the forecourt. You are a dowry escort and can only stay in the inner courtyard."

Qi Yunruo studied his reflection in the mirror. From his lips came a faint sound of acknowledgement.

Of the other concubines, he was the earliest to arrive at the parlor. His sister, of course, was already there as well. 

Liusu saluted. "Paying respects to eldest miss."

A slight smile graced Qi Niqun"s lips. She gestured for Liusu to approach. "Were these past few days at the prince estate well for you?" she said,  studying the servant before her. Liusu was one of her mother"s people. There was no reason to doubt her loyalty. 

Liusu quickly said, "This slave⁹ has been well. Thanking eldest miss for her concern."

Qi Niqun turned to look at Qi Yunruo, the latter unsure of what to call the former. Should he address her as eldest miss or princess consort? Until now he still could not decide.

She waved her hand, the faint smile never leaving her mouth. "Third younger brother, come here."

This translation is the property of Sleepchaser at . If you read it anywhere else, it"s stolen.

Although he complied, he did not feel too comfortable sitting next to her. Qi Niqun scrutinized the teen before her, gaze serious. They had lived in the count estate together for the past eight years. When the count first brought Qi Yunruo into the estate, the countess had been livid for several days. To this day, Qi Niqun still remembered her mother"s words back then. "I"ve had to endure many concubines in this estate, and the outside is filthy and odious. Why should such a dirty thing live in the same place as my own children? What kind of thing is her mother? What if this brat learned those vulgar methods from her? He"s going to ruin our estate"s good atmosphere."

Needless to say, her mother loathed the child Qi Yunruo and refused to take care of him. She did not have him pay respects to her in the morning, teach him the estate"s protocol, or teach him how to read and write. As if she had forgotten his existence. And since her father felt guilty toward her mother and had not much love for that son to begin with, he also ignored Qi Yunruo.  

That was the case year after year.

Until the emperor bestowed a marriage between Qi Niqun and Prince Chun, that was. Her mother had then wracked her head in trying to find a suitable person to be Qi Niqun"s dowry escort. But try as she might, her mother could not find someone. The countess was afraid that if she chose a servant girl, she would be led astray by greed. Greed for position, greed for power. Just like the mother of Qi Niqun"s illegitimate brother Qi Yunying. The only sister that was the right age to be a dowry escort had been Danxia. However, Danxia was beautiful and stubborn. Her mother saw her as even more of a threat. Then the countess remembered there was still Qi Yunruo.

Suitable. He was simply too suitable. He was beautiful, had an ident.i.ty that was not too humble, and could not give birth to a child. When she became pregnant and needed someone to attract the prince"s affection from the other concubines, wasn"t this younger brother the best choice?  

Qi Niqun raised a hand to touch her brother"s head. But as soon as she had lifted it, she hesitated. Instead, she opted for patting Qi Yunruo"s back a few times. She smiled. "Third younger brother does not yet have a vertical crown¹⁰. You look younger with your hair done like this. Later, tell your older sister Liubai to bring out some of the prince"s old crowns."

Before Qi Yuruo could respond, Liusu said, "The consorts have arrived.”

Qi Niqun sat up straight. Qi Yunruo rose from his seat and went to stand by the side. Then Qi Niqun slowly said, "Let them inside."

Not long after, several beautiful women entered the parlor, sashaying with each step. They saluted together. "Paying respects to Her Highness, the princess consort."  

Qi Niqun waved her hand once. "No need to stand on ceremony."

As he stood silently by the side, Qi Yunruo studied the first woman standing in front of the crowd. The word curvaceous came to mind. Her eyes beautiful, she was the one who gave birth to the prince"s eldest son, Secondary Consort Ji. He shifted his gaze to the woman standing next to her. She looked thin and frail. Her eyes reflected a delicate sort of beauty. Finally, the concubines standing in the back were not as distinguishable. They wore similar outfits and makeup as each other, though they were of different ages.

The main wife, Princess Consort Qi Niqun, gestured for them to take their seats. "This is my first time meeting with you sisters. I"m not sure of your preferences, so I casually prepared a few things. If you don"t detest them, then take them."

"We don"t dare to detest the princess consort"s things,” Secondary Consort Ji said. “It"s just that we are rough and are afraid that we can"t discern what is good."

Qi Niqun arched a brow. She did not respond. Liubai, Lifang, Liuyue, and Liuling each brought a tray of things over to the crowd of concubines. 

Once everyone took an item, Secondary Consort Ji broke the silence. "Today I should have brought elder brother here, but he caught a cold yesterday and could not get out of bed. I will bring him another day to pay respects to the princess consort.”

Tertiary Consort Li smiled as she said, "Every day, Sir¹¹ Ji either catches a cold or has a stomach ache, bothering the prince all day long.  Fortunately, the princess consort has married in, and will teach Sir Ji properly from now on.”  

Although Secondary Consort Ji"s expression took a turn for the worse, Tertiary Consort Li was not one bit afraid. "This slave"s servant girl was pregnant for two months,” she said, facing Qi Niqun. “If Your Highness is willing to teach her, it will be that servant girl"s blessing."

Secondary Consort Wei did not join in on the fun, sipping tea by herself. After a while she said, "Princess consort"s tea is not ordinary. This concubine can tell from the taste that this tea is Mount Lu"s Cloud Fog." 

Qi Niqun did not rush her words. "It"s not really something that good. If Secondary Consort Wei likes it so much, I"ll have a servant girl put some in a bag to give to you."

Secondary Consort Wei smiled. "This concubine thanks the princess consort.” She turned to Qi Yunruo. “Is this Count Ziyang estate"s third young master?"

Following her words, Qi Yunruo glanced at the young woman who had mentioned him. Then he turned his gaze to Qi Niqun.

"Third younger brother, why aren"t you paying respects to the two secondary consorts?"

As Prince Chun"s princess consort, Qi Niqun was granted the t.i.tle of first-ranked Honored Lady¹². The secondary consorts were second-ranked Honored Ladies and the tertiary consorts were given the t.i.tle of fourth-ranked Honored Lady. On the other hand, the other concubines were sixth-ranked Honored Ladies, and the personal attendants were seventh-ranked Honored Ladies. Since Qi Yunruo was a commoner, he had to do whatever Qi Yunruo said. Facing the concubines, he kowtowed before standing up. Not a word left his lips.

Secondary Consort Wei"s smile did not quite reach her eyes. She glanced at Secondary Consort Ji, who said, "What a beautiful younger brother. Come closer so I can have a better look."

Qi Yunruo lifted his head. Then walked over a few steps. Secondary Consort Ji said, "Never have I seen such a neat-looking child. As expected of someone raised by Count Ziyang"s estate."

"The two secondary consorts should stop jesting,” said Qi Niqun. “He"s just a small child that doesn"t know anything. He doesn"t even know how to speak properly."

Secondary Consort Wei observed Qi Yunruo some more. "Consort Ji"s elder brother is staying in the forecourt. If you have leisure time, you can go there to chat."

The moment those words left her lips, Qi Niqun"s expression held a bit of reluctance. Tertiary Consort Li, who was standing by the side, said, "This slave has been bothering the princess consort for too long. Princess consort has just recently married in, so there should be a lot of things to prepare. This slave will take her leave."

Qi Niqun"s expression darkened even more.  Secondary Consort Ji"s expression also did not fare well. She was the first one out of the remaining concubines to stand and salute. "If the princess consort has any pressing matters, just send someone to find this concubine. This concubine will take her leave." 

"Liubai, go send everyone off," said Qi Niqun.

After the concubines left, Qi Yunruo also returned to his own suite. Upon his departure, Qi Niqun"s expression was at its darkest of the day. "Consort Ji did not even mention giving back the ledger, deeds, and keys to the princess consort. They even talked about Sir Ji.” Granny Song"s voice betrayed her displeasure. “What was the meaning of that? At least that Tertiary Consort Li seems like a good person."

Qi Niqun lowered her gaze. She absentmindedly slapped the tea kettle.

A moment pa.s.sed. "Granny Song, just you watch. None of them are simple¹³."

Wow Yunruo. Why are you so nervous to see the prince (;

Yunruo"s sister is starting to get the heat. Good for her, that b*tch. Don"t worry guys, Yunruo and Li Chen will have a proper meeting soon. Also, next chapter we get to know this mysterious Ji Huan more.

The next chapter will be released on July 13, 2019 at 12 pm EST.

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st.u.r.dy and peaceful: (老神在在) Lǎoshén zài zài. Chinese proverb meaning st.u.r.dy, stable, and peaceful. dangling hair ornament: (步摇) Bù yáo. Or more literally, a step shake, since with each step taken, the dangling part of the hairpin will shake. A picture is provided in the text. long hairpin: (长簪) Zhǎng zān. A picture is provided in the text. A:  (甲字) Jiǎ zì. Originally, the word used instead of “A” was “Jiǎ zì.” Jiǎ zì is part of an organization system in China, synonymous with "A" in a, b, c sorting. 乙字 yizhi is the second (B), 丙字 bing zhi is the third in order (C), etc.  I decided to localize the the term here and use A, B, C instead of the Chinese counterparts because I"m sure 99% of the people reading this translation would have no idea wtf the word is. jade medallion: (禁步) Jìn bù. A picture is provided in the text. 5.5 kg of silver: (百十两) 110 liang. From Google- The liang is a traditional Chinese weight unit. In modern China, the liang equals 1/10 jin or 10 qian; this is exactly 50 grams (1.7637 ounces) So 110 liang = 5.5 kg. fat Eunuch Yunbao: (胖胖的元宝公公) Pàng pàng de yuánbǎo gōnggōng. Could be "fat Eunuch Yunbao” or “round-as-an-ingot eunuch.” Maybe Yunbao is only a nickname, since I"ve never heard of a last name called Yunbao before. Not too sure. tertiary consorts: Shufei. Just as a reminder, shufei were not included in genealogy books, but depending on the dynasty, cefei (or secondary consorts) were. Although shufei had the character of fei (妃) in the t.i.tle, in reality the t.i.tle was basically a consolation prize of sorts, since the status was pretty much just like a regular concubine except for the fancy fei character. The parents of the girls married in as shufei would like to say otherwise, of course. This slave: (奴婢) Núbì. A way a servant refers to themselves when  speaking with their master. In ancient and imperial China, those of lower status would often refer to themselves in a self-deprecating manner when speaking to those of higher status.  vertical crown: (竖冠) Shù guān. Sir: (大爷) Dàyé. first-ranked Honored Lady: (一品的诰命) Yīpǐn de gàomìng. This is a female official t.i.tle that has a salary but no actual power. Main wives of Fifth rank to first rank officials can have this t.i.tle, as well as the main wives of big generals and wives/ cefei of princes. None of them are simple: (省油的灯) Shěngyóu de dēng. Literally lamps that don"t save oil, use a lot of oil. It"s a Chinese saying, not a proverb.

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