Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Chapter 25

As Qi Yunruo slipped on his robes, his ears caught the telltale sound of falling rain. Indeed, he confirmed this once he stepped foot outside. Lulan retrieved a large umbrella. "Today is chilly. Young Master should put on more clothes."

He calculated the date. "Today should be His Highness" day of break."

Lulan nodded. After they were fully dressed and prepared for the weather, they set out. As they did, Qi Yunruo turned his head toward the lake. Gazed at the ripples upon its surface that resembled lilies in bloom. He rubbed at his head, trying to soothe the slight headache. His mind seemed to clear after he took in the cold air around him.

Parked outside Winter Plum Courtyard were a few sedans. Lulan"s expression darkened upon her noticing them. Yet Qi Yunruo"s complexion did not change as he stepped through the gates, wet, puddle-esque footprints trailing him. Far away, he could make out the sound of laughter and chatter from the main chamber. Once he was closer, he realized Li Chen was inside, sitting close to Qi Niqun.

Feet clad in slippers, he leaned against a chaise lounge. Surrounded by all his concubines, Li Chen seemed lazy and leisurely. Qi Yunruo was unaware of what they had been talking about before. He watched as Consort Ji covered her mouth with a handkerchief, laughing to the point where her eyes resembled crescents. On Qi Niqun"s lips danced also a smile. All of a sudden, Qi Yunruo stopped in his tracks by the door. He felt awkward. He could not bring himself to walk in there and spoil the merry atmosphere.

His body was clearly present, but his heart had already run away.

"…Little Qi is here," said Li Chen when he caught sight of him, a smile on his lips.

While Li Chen was speaking, Qi Yunruo had lowered his head, not paying attention. He looked at his shoes that had been soaked by the rain and the wet corner of his robes. And he felt the sadness in his heart rush out, bent on swallowing him whole.

Lulan nudged him. She said softly, "His Highness and Her Highness have told your honored self to enter."

Qi Yunruo lifted his head. Walked inside. The moment after Li Chen had asked him to enter, the other people in the room stopped their chatter. The stool from yesterday had already been moved. Qi Niqun smiled as she said to Li Chen, "This concubine has yet to inform Your Highness that these past few days, this concubine has added a few new rules. Without rules, there will be no order. If the members of the harem are too indolent, it would not do well for outsiders to see. From now on, this concubine"s Third Brother should pay respects in the morning."

For a moment, Li Chen stayed silent. Then he said, "Then let"s go with what the princess consort has decided."

A smile graced Qi Niqun"s lips. She gestured for Qi Yunruo to come closer. "Come sit with me. Liubai, bring a chair to my side."


Qi Yunruo went over to sit on the little stool. He pulled the ends of his robes down to cover his drenched feet. After a period of silence, Consort Ji smiled. "Previously, His Highness said Jing"er has become robust. He likes to eat everything, but cannot yet chew pork. This concubine has told the kitchens to stew meat until they are tender and scattered into pieces. To feed him a small bowl of it every time. Now he"s excited for his meals, always waiting eagerly."

Consort Wei smiled. "Sons will be like their father. His Highness also likes to eat meat."

Consort Ji was surprised that Consort Wei would follow her topic of conversation. Once more did a smile blossom on her lips. "Younger Sister Consort Wei has said it correctly. The more this concubine looks at Jing"er, the more he takes after His Highness."

Currently, Li Jing was Li Chen"s only son. Two years ago, he had been sickly, but last year he started to grow healthier, with a hearty appet.i.te. Now, he was as active as the other children his age.

Li Chen"s smile grew brighter. He said to Qi Niqun, "Sons cannot be pampered. In the future, when you socialize with the other households, make sure that some of them have children close in age with Jing"er. To fight and play with other children will be good for him. Climbing some trees and catching some b.u.t.terflies is fine too. This way, he will grow up well."

Qi Niqun rose to her feet and curtsied. "This concubine will remember."

Yet Consort Ji"s expression darkened. As a secondary consort, she must watch Jing"er, her child, call Qi Niqun his mother. Qi Niqun was also the one who would look for playmates for Jing"er.

Qi Yunruo had kept his head low as he listened to Li Chen and the others speak. He sat in a conspicuous place, yet he seemed invisible in others" eyes. Qi Yunruo felt more and more unable to endure sitting here. Yet, because no one announced that they would leave, he could not rise and do so. Fortunately, a while later Li Chen called for the morning meal to be served. And he said he would stay at Winter Plum Courtyard to eat. Out of all the concubines, only Consort Ji and Consort Wei remained. The rest had curtsied before returning. 

As Qi Yunruo rose to his feet and prepared to leave, Li Chen looked at him in surprise. He smiled and said, "Little Qi should also not have eaten yet. Have something to warm your body before you go."

"That"s correct,” said Qi Niqun. “Why is Third Brother being so polite?”

As such, Qi Yunruo could only stay. Consort Wei did not speak, only gently smiling, following the prince and Qi Niqun to the side chamber for their meals. As she did, she held Xiao Qiao"s hand for support. Her strides were slow. Consort Ji stared at Qi Yunruo, her gaze reflecting her uncertainty as to why Li Chen had invited the other party. She laughed coldly, holding Pei Er"s hand for support as she followed Consort Wei.

Breakfast was lean pork congee, four dishes of green leafy vegetables, and a plate of thin pancakes. After giving birth, Qi Niqun had a bowl of bird nest soup every day to nourish her body. For her, it could not be considered luxurious.

Qi Yunruo was not a fan of congee with meat in it. Whenever he had a taste, it felt as if he were forcing down bitter medicine. Several times, Li Chen would look his way, picking up on Qi Yunruo"s preference. But he only turned to look at Qi Niqun for a moment. He did not voice a comment.

After their meal, Li Chen stood and prepared to return to the forecourt. "Little Qi, follow me out."

In an instant, Qi Niqun"s expression froze. "The rain has yet to stop. How about younger brother stay until the rain lets up?”

Don"t support theft; read this at Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, Li Chen only smiled. "Little Qi"s clothes are dirty, so it"s better to quickly return to change."

With that, Qi Niqun did not say any more. She watched as Qi Yunruo followed Li Chen, an umbrella in his hands. Consort Wei also excused herself. Four strong eunuchs brought over her sedan to the main entrance. Consort Ji paused for a moment, before saying, "May Your Highness, the princess consort allow this concubine to stay here for a while longer."

To which Qi Niqun lightly replied, "You are most welcome."

The two returned inside to sit. A sigh escaped Consort Ji"s lips. "Has Your Highness, the princess consort realized that the way His Highness treats Young Master Little Qi is different from the way he treats us? It has been four years since this concubine entered this estate. Yet never have I seen such a look in His Highness" eyes."

Although it appeared the prince had looked at Qi Yunruo inadvertently, if Qi Yunruo so much as furrowed his brows, the prince would lightly frown as well. If Qi Yunruo"s complexion ever seemed the slightest bit good, the prince would follow in a smile. 

Consort Ji anxiously said, "Your Highness, the princess consort should think of a way to handle this as soon as possible."

Qi Niqun shot her a stare. "Why haven"t you thought of a counterattack?"

Consort Ji smiled bitterly. "If this concubine had measures, would this concubine have been suppressed by Ji Huan? This concubine is only a secondary consort. Yet your honored self is His Highness" main consort with a t.i.tle of first-ranked Honored Lady bestowed by the imperial palace. A proper daughter-in-law of the direct imperial line. Just one word from your honored self has more weight than the words of all us combined.”

Correct. While the prince was not yet head-over-heels for Qi Yunruo, while the prince would soon not be present at the estate… This indeed was the most opportune time to do something.  Qi Niqun inhaled deeply, her gaze cold. A while later, she nodded. "You"ve got a point."

Qi Yunruo held the umbrella high, his arm reaching toward the sky. Li Chen was built large and tall. As Qi Yunruo walked by his side, he felt that all the energy he had received from eating breakfast was already expended. Once they stepped foot out of Winter Plum Courtyard, Li Chen stopped in his tracks. With a smile, he shook his head. Then he took the umbrella from Qi Yunruo"s hands and held it himself.

The eunuchs by his side approached to take the umbrella, but Li Chen refused their efforts. He threw an arm around Qi Yunruo, pulled him close, and said, "We"re going to your residence."

"Oh." Qi Yunruo nodded. The rain grew heavier as they walked, a curtain of water forming by the umbrella"s rim. Once they had reached Lakeside View House, both were soaked from head to toe.

Lulan quickly helped Qi Yunruo remove his wet clothes and prepared him a new set. A clever little eunuch had long since brought over a set of Li Chen"s clothes wrapped in waxed paper. Shortly after, two bowls of ginger soup arrived from the kitchens of the forecourt. Li Chen gulped it down. On the other hand, Qi Yunruo took a long time to drink his soup, his brows drawn together through it all. He did not like the spiciness of ginger.

"…When will Your Highness leave?"

Li Chen watched him. "After three days."


Today was actually the last day Li Chen would be at his estate. In the evening, Li Chen would bring his people to the Western Mountain Camp and a.s.semble with Zhao Weidou. Then use two days" worth of time to turn his men into an organized team and count the rations. After that, he would not return to the capital. He would leave with the army.

"Come noon, I will return to the palace," said Li Chen.

Qi Yunruo looked up. So, Li Chen would only stay in this estate for another four to six hours?

Li Chen gestured for him to approach, until Qi Yunruo was right by his side. He pinched his arms and legs and lightly sighed. "Although it seems like you"ve eaten more, you"re still so thin. This won"t do."

Qi Yunruo"s emotions grew complicated. In a casual manner, he said, "I"ve been small since young. No matter how much I eat, it"s still the same."

Li Chen checked the sky outside. All of a sudden, a wave of worry crashed into him. Although it wasn"t a problem for him or his strong, st.u.r.dy guards, wouldn"t Qi Yunruo, with his small and frail body, be blown away by the northwestern winds?

The two had their own separate thoughts. A moment later. Li Chen shifted his gaze to Qi Yunruo, not knowing what the other party was thinking. He suddenly smiled. He just remembered that he did not yet tell Qi Yunruo his plans of bringing him along. Li Chen swallowed what he truly wanted to say, and instead said, "During your days in Count Ziyang"s estate, did the princess consort treat you well?"

Qi Yunruo was put in a daze. He did not know how to respond.

"Did she treat you poorly?"

Qi Yunruo shook his head. He and Qi Niqun did not cross paths often in the count estate. As such, it was difficult to say whether they had a good relationship or not. He only heard from the low-ranking servant girls that working in the eldest miss" courtyard was a most fortunate thing. Or he would hear how the eldest miss wore an article of clothing, wore some piece of jewelry, so eye-catching and beautiful, shockingly stunning to everyone. He and Qi Niqun originally should not have a relationship. Yet fate had tied them together ever since that day.

"How did you pa.s.s your days at Count Ziyang"s estate?”

Qi Yunruo thought for a moment. Then he broke into a smile. "My days were very simple, with not much to do. There were also not many people around…" At that moment, he realized he did not remember much about his time in his previous household. For in the eight years he had spent there, he had nothing to do. Every day, he woke up without a goal or a purpose, and then the end of the day would arrive. 

So lonely. So desolate.

"…Actually, there were things to do. I grew a few Chinese Herbaceous Peonies in my garden, and they were pleasant to look at in their bloom. Sometimes, I would copy books or go next door and see what they"re doing." As Qi Yunruo spoke, his voice grew softer and softer, until it could no longer be heard.

Previously, Qi Yunruo had purchased a pair of mother and daughter-in-laws. The older female servant with a surname of Kong used to work at Count Ziyang"s estate, and had once enjoyed a lot of face. The previous generation"s Countess Ziyang had personally taught her protocol. She was usually a serious person and took care of Qi Yunruo for five years, until he had turned twelve years old. Her son had then gotten married to a second-rank servant girl, and the old servant went into retirement. Later on, her son fell into trouble and brought trouble to the count estate. What Countess Ziyang hated the most was to have something dirty her household"s reputation. As such, she sold the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law pair.

Li Chen could not purchase the servants who had committed crimes in his father-in-law"s estate without a reason. So he investigated this matter. The situation had been simple. Unfortunately, his heart couldn"t stay calm.

Which large family"s young master was not surrounded by older female servants and servant girls while growing up? Qi Yunruo did not enjoy the comfortable and luxurious life deserving of a young master at Count Ziyang"s estate. Moreover, others used him as an exploitable thing without the least bit of hesitation.

…Thank goodness I accepted him.

After a period of strong winds and heavy rains, the sky quickly cleared, the sun bright above. Li Chen let out a sigh. Prepared to return to Ink Lotus Courtyard.  Qi Yunruo rose to his feet and said, "I"ll send you off." 


As he sent off Li Chen, while he wasn"t paying attention, Li Chen instructed a low-ranking eunuch a few words. The things he needed in Ink Lotus Courtyard had already been prepared. He could, at any time, leave for the Western Mountain Camp. Su Ge and Fengyuan personally looked over his luggage. Li Chen also personally inspected the guards. Some of the guards from the prince estate were male descendants of families of generals. Li Chen"s supporters, the ministers of the court, were planning a future for their descendants. To be a guard of Li Chen"s estate was a convenient and effective choice.

Li Chen had chosen sixty trusted men. Coupled with the twenty imperial guards sent by the imperial palace, the two youths from the Zhou family sent by the empress, the youngest son of Marquis Jingchuan Li Yue, and his own retainers, there was a total of ninety people.

Qi Yunruo did not want to leave Li Chen. He stood at the side, sweeping his gaze through people who seemed familiar and people who did not. He felt strange. Were all men subjected to this? Whenever the country faced danger, as long as there was a need, they would don the armor of a soldier and set off to war?

Regarding the idiom "the scholar would die for the sake of his confidant," he himself did not have such an opportunity to realize it. His life was probably more similar to the second half of that idiom: "embellishing oneself to please the lover."

At noon, when Li Chen returned to the imperial palace, Qi Yunruo made for Lakeside View House by himself. His mood was somber, despondent. As he pushed open the door to his house, he caught sight of two packages inside. A doubtful look to her eyes, Lulan said, "Why did your honored self return? This slave was about to send your honored self"s luggage to Ink Lotus Courtyard."

Thanks Z.K. for the ko-fi!

Aaand we"re done with volume 1. Good things to come soon! Thanks for sticking by with me!

“From now on, this concubine"s Third Brother should pay respects in the morning." For a moment, Li Chen stayed silent. Then he said, "Then let"s go with what the princess consort has decided."

But ugh, my heart broke when Little Qi tried to hide his wet, dirty shoes with the equally wet ends of his robes, while sitting on that SAME d.a.m.n STOOL. Fckin Qi Niqun. I can picture the shame he probably felt about his appearance, especially around all those beautifully dressed women. So I was very happy when Li Chen noticed his insecurities and had Little Qi leave with him. Ok, Li Chen. I somewhat forgive you for your bad memory last week. We also get to see more of Li Chen"s thoughts about Little Qi and his situation this chapter. And d.a.m.n, I"m happy you accepted Little Qi too, besotted prince.

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