Female Protagonist Is A Blackened Villainess

Chapter 12: Long Aotian"s Worldviews 

Chapter 12: Long Aotian"s Worldviews 

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System Qian Qian became immersed within its thoughts as it watched Long Shiyan. It continued to explain, “Long Aotian"s fate is very strong, and he won"t just control his own. He will also absorb the fates of his female harem members, thus changing the rules of this world.”

“Some things will change with just his imagination. For example, as long as he believes an ordinary rabbit can fly, then the rules of the world will bend and after a while, the rabbit will grow wings.”

Long Shiyan: "…"

“You don"t believe me?” System Qian Qian stared at Long Shiyan and shouted.

“Nope!” Long Shiyan reached out with her hand, grabbed a strand of black hair from her head, and then rubbed her cheek with the end of her hair. “I"m just curious. If this was the case, then won"t the world collapse?”

“The host is incorrect!” System Qian Qian sighed. “If he had enough control over the fate of this world, then the world could become reversed. For example, if he said that a Saint cannot beat ordinary people, then even if the Saint was originally strong, the Saint still wouldn"t be able to defeat an ordinary man. Another example is that if he said that hens can"t lay eggs, then instead of hens, the c.o.c.ks will be the ones laying eggs in the future.”

Long Shiyan: "…"

“There are too many things like these, so I won"t list them all!”

“Do you mean to say that he is G.o.d?!” Long Shiyan"s hand stopped moving as she looked at it.

“I didn"t expect the host to know about the Bible.” System Qian Qian was stunned as it said, “Well, that isn"t that far from the truth. You see, the Creator made Long Aotian undergo a slight alteration, so he temporarily has that ability.”

Long Shiyan"s little hand moved again, allowing the ends of her hair to caress her cheek. And G.o.d said, "Let there be light," and there was light. G.o.d saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. G.o.d called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 

(TLN: The author took out the verses straight from the Bible. Genesis 1:3-5.)

The verse from the beginning of the Bible automatically floated into Long Shiyan"s head. It was the chapter in which G.o.d created the world. Nowadays, was it really difficult for Long Aotian to do the same?

“But the host shouldn"t keep on thinking this way,” System Qian Qian continued explaining. “While Long Aotian has the ability to change the rules of the world, the most important thing is that he has to believe that he can change the rules.”

“You, what do you mean?”

“The loathsome host already knows,” System Qian Qian said. It added, “Long Aotian is still a human being, and his worldviews are also brought from Earth.”

“For instance, imagine a skeleton. Do people just randomly imagine that it can instantly turn back into a live human? Ordinary people normally don"t suddenly think so. Even if you have the ability to resurrect, but you don"t know you have that ability, then it is impossible for you to resurrect. This is because your subconscious mind has already prevented this from happening. Even if your ability was stronger, it wouldn"t activate if you didn"t know you had it”

“This is the power of Long Aotian!”

“Since he hasn"t used his powers of imagination due to curiosity yet, the world is still safe. The host should already know that the present world is vastly different from the one in the original work,” System Qian Qian said.

“This is troublesome!” Long Shiyan continued to brush her cheek with the ends of her hair. Long Aotian was indeed some kind of powerful magical being.

“That is why he can make a breakthrough in every life or death battle. It"s because he believes that he will not lose," System Qian Qian said.

Long Shiyan finally stopped fidgeting and earnestly replied, “Was this why you desperately asked me to save Zi Linglong and made me stop Long Aotian from fighting the group of hooligans?”

“That"s right!” System Qian Qian sighed after saying those two words. “Now that Long Aotian had just crossed over. Many events from the novel that will soon occur in this world are still in their early stages. When in doubt, think about the events from the original novel, then try to match them with reality and see if there is a way to help Zi Linglong.”

Long Shiyan closed her eyes and replied, “You mean that because Long Aotian belittled the magic and Douqi of this world, the rules of this world changed, right?” Long Shiyan opened her eyes. Her eyes were bright, like the stars in the sky.

As expected, it really was a necessary step to rescue Zi Linglong and stop Long Aotian from fighting. With System Qian Qian, she could understand any theoretical knowledge about "Long Aotian". 

Formerly, Long Aotian was a martial arts fan. He really liked the novels by Jin Yong, Gu Long, and other novels by renowned martial art authors. He dreamt of possessing martial arts and replacing the protagonists of these books.

Like the protagonist of Jin Yong"s novel, he also wanted to fall into a toilet, cross into a mysterious western fantasy world, and use Jin Yong"s novel"s martial arts.

First of all, he didn"t know much about the world. After crossing over, he had to work hard to practice his inner strength technique—the Miraculous Nine Yang method. With this, he was able to protect himself.

When Zi Linglong was rescued, he was easily able to defeat a group of hooligans, and then win against a fourth-level swordsman. Around that time, he began to look down upon the magic of this world.

He clearly practiced his inner strength for a month, yet he could defeat others who worked hard for more than ten years. It was easy to imagine how delighted Long Aotian was when he learned about this. From this moment on, his worldviews were reformed and he began to scorn this world"s Douqi and magic. Compared to Chinese martial arts, they weren"t as strong in his eyes.

However, was this magic-filled world, which was dominated by battles, really not as good as the 5,000-year history of Earth"s China?

The answer given by Long Shiyan was: Impossible!

Long Shiyan had been in this world for nine years and traveled around the world. Of course, her knowledge about this place was extraordinarily rich. Magic and Douqi were not so simple. Magic spell incantations were very complex to cast and Douqi was difficult to acc.u.mulate successfully.

After observing many life or death martial art battlefields with her parents, Long Shiyan"s knowledge of this world was even higher than Long Aotian"s. After listening to her parents" explanation, Long Shiyan understood even more about this world. Suppose that there were two beasts who were fighting to the death, but those two were intelligent and had similar combat power. Then, they could only use their heads and tactics.

After the death of her parents, Long Shiyan realized the importance of strength. The magic of this world could destroy cities and even overwhelm the most valiant of soldiers.

Long Shiyan only believed in her own eyes. She did not believe in the book"s descriptions. The world…was even more dangerous than she could ever imagine.

Long Shiyan shared her inferences. Sure enough, System Qian Qian praised her and continued to add, “The host"s sense of self-awareness is really strong! Hm, I will answer to the several doubts that the host has!”

“Why is it that Long Aotian can easily defeat the fourth-level warriors who have been cultivating for more than ten years? How is this possible? His worldviews haven"t been formed yet, so how could he defeat them?” System Qian Qian spoke in a positive tone, “There is actually a flaw in the host"s a.s.sumptions. It"s simple. It wasn"t that he had beaten them himself, but instead, it was the secret guards beside him who dealt with the warriors.”

“I don"t know whether or not this incident was the indirect cause of Long Aotian"s hatred from Douqi and magic. But because of this incident, Zi Linglong began to look at him, which also gave him many hidden benefits. The value of this day established a good foundation for Long Aotian"s future achievements.”

“Of course, the host could also say that the author just randomly wrote so that Long Aotian could act cool,” System Qian Qian added.

“You are speaking some awfully profound words.” Long Shiyan smiled at it. It couldn"t be helped that Long Aotian was in defiance with the natural order and that the system was very stubborn. Although she didn"t receive any important information, she was able to a.n.a.lyze Long Aotian"s halo"s properties and seek means to break it, then stop his heaven-defying protagonist powers.

“Hmph, you should understand how great I am!” System Qian Qian was full of pride. “After your interference, Long Aotian"s quick rise to power was also interrupted. But sooner or later, he will personally confront your household"s old man. At that time, he will no longer hold magic nor Douqi in high regard.”

“Granted that does happen to him, then he would still no longer be able to brandish the powers of his halo properly and he won"t be able to change the rules of the world. However, that might not be the case if he continues to conquer wives.”

“This time, he lost three women. Long Yuqing, the host, and Zi Linglong. If you continue to stay with Zi Linglong and that there are no accidents, then she will never be affected by Long Aotian"s halo. Unless…” System Qian Qian suddenly stopped talking.

“Unless?” Long Shiyan frowned.

“Well.” System Qian Qian paused and replied, “The host"s const.i.tution can still be affected by drugs. Even in your normal state,  you can still attract the male s.e.x. If aphrodisiac is used, then you could imagine that… "

Long Shiyan was completely silent.

Drugs could actually affect her body. In fact, her original physique was able to unknowingly attracts others, regardless of gender.

This kind of physique was terrible in the original work, and it had brought many troubles to Long Aotian and others. It was also because the women who were originally attracted by Long Shiyan"s physique came to hara.s.s her, but ended up being forced to xxoo by Long Aotian.

(TLN: xxoo was how it was written in the raws.)

However, whenever Long Shiyan thought about her ability and being stuck in a small body for eternity, she became solemn. She was only ten years old and her body had not finished developing.

"But it"s strange!" System Qian Qian suddenly cried out. "Your body"s scent seems to have been sucked away by your strange "Douqi", which makes it impossible for the scent to exude properly."

“Douqi?!” Long Shiyan"s eyebrow raised by a large margin. “Care to explain?” Long Shiyan also knew that she didn"t have the same body fragrance that could attract people as the original anymore. She adorably raised her arm to sniff her armpits in order to check whether or not she still had the smell.

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