Chapter 42

Sure enough, on the second day, those of the Student Holy Spirit Group who wanted to secretly protect other students were a.s.signed to go inside the forest in order to find an earth bear so they could use its magic core as a medicine to treat the sick students.

Things were urgent, and several people have started preparing in a hurry.

Long Shiyan looked at the already ready Edgar and others and then glanced at the confused person beside her. Zi Linglong had forgotten the last night"s events and was completely silent.

System Qian Qian spoke next to her, “Host, what are you going to do now? Currently, you haven"t rehabilitated the girl"s morality nor conduct yet. If things get dangerous, then it won"t be beneficial for us.”

Long Shiyan did not reply to her words. She packed her things and together with her other four team members, she began to embark on the journey.

On the road, the three men wanted to talk to Long Shiyan, but they were all obstructed by Zi Linglong. While it was noisy, the journey wasn"t too dangerous.

After a few days, Long Shiyan finally recovered her loli body, and they entered the inner clearing, the area with high-level magical beasts.

“Everyone, be careful. Our aim is to kill the earth bear successfully. Afterward, we will go back.” A group of people sat by the fire as Long Shiyan relayed the words that had been repeated over the past few days.

“Hey, President, why do I find that you had suddenly become more talkative these past days. Is this the side effect of getting bigger?” The red-haired teenager Brands waved his hand, signaling that he already knew.

Long Shiyan added more wood to the fire and said, “Don"t be arrogant, the earth bear is an eighth-level magical beast; it"s not easy to deal with. Of course, the combat power of five people is absolutely capable of killing it, but we will certainly have to pay a heavy price.” She paused and said, “If…if something goes wrong, then you must flee as soon as possible.”

“President, it"s going to be all right. Why would you suddenly say this? If we leave, then what will happen to you?” Brands"s smile disappeared as he stared at her in suspicion.

Edgar took off his straw hat, and the ox-headed man opened his eyes. Zi Linglong also looked at her with a bewildered expression.

The silent Long Shiyan, although small, had always given people a sense of security. Being with her was as if there were no difficulties in the world and that everything could be solved. But when she suddenly spoke like this, it was abnormal.

“Nevermind, I simply had a feeling, nothing more. So don"t take it too seriously. Well, we should start setting off.” Long Shiyan just smiled and immediately got up.

It took a few more days to get there as their journey was relatively safe. They didn"t encounter many powerful magical beasts. The conversation on that day seemed to have been forgotten from their memories.

At night, Long Shiyan"s thighs were covered with animal hides as she slept on a pillow beside Zi Linglong. At midnight, she woke up, and after a few seconds, she left her original position and walked towards Chris.

Chris was touching his own horns. When he sensed that someone was coming, he stopped his movements and said with a serious expression, “President, how come you"re here? Isn"t Linglong on watch duty tonight?”

“I will subst.i.tute for her, so I let her sleep first!”

“Oh.” Chris mumbled a few times before saying, “This G.o.d will head to sleep first.”

“Sure, go ahead and sleep!”

Chris departed in agreement, but after a while, he strangely returned. He sat right next to her, silently holding a big sword.

“What"s the matter?”

“The power of the Beast G.o.d in this G.o.d"s body is getting restless, and so this G.o.d cannot fall asleep for a while. You should go back to sleep. Since you are so small, it"s easier for you to get tired,” Chris said calmly with a stiff expression.

Long Shiyan could not help but say, “If that"s the case, then stay here and chat with me! Do you have anything that you want to talk about?”

Chris hesitated for a long time, but he eventually spoke, “The Beast G.o.d told me that these past few days have been very strange. We clearly entered the inner clearing for several days, but we have yet to encounter any decent magical beasts. President…you have also been acting very strangely, right? Is there anything that you are withholding from us?”

“Haha, don"t worry. This president is very strong, so there will be no problem. I can completely protect you guys.” Long Shiyan smiled. She picked up a leaf, leaned against the tree, and looked at the distance.

Chris looked at her and said, “This G.o.d is the messenger of the Beast G.o.d and does not need protection. You won"t need to protect me; I will protect you. I am the messenger of the Beast G.o.d.”

Long Shiyan glanced at him as she hugged her legs. “You say that you don"t need protection? Then, Chris, do you have something else that"s bothering you? Do you have a girl you like?”

Chris groaned and replied, “Whether or not I have a girl I"m interested in doesn"t matter; there are too many things to do. Right now, I have to become stronger and stronger, and only then will I continue to discuss this matter.” He faced toward the north, the location of his home, with an expression filled with hope.

Long Shiyan smiled and said, “Chris is the next patriarch of the ox-headed beastmen. You indeed have a lot of things to do. You must become stronger in order to protect your tribe. This is also a very good goal. That said, don"t forget, we are the brothers in life and death. No wait, that"s wrong, I am a girl. Regardless, you can still treat me as a boy.”

Listening to her, Chris touched his horns. “President is so interesting. After this G.o.d returns home, I can talk about everything I have encountered here.” He paused and said, “I have my own matters to settle, but does President also have some? Do you have things to do in the future?”

“I do! There are a lot of things for me to do!” Long Shiyan"s eyes became hazy. “I have a heavy responsibility, so… I won"t die so easily. I will succeed. When I rejuvenate my people, I will help everyone else! I will help Edgar find his loved ones, and also help Brands with his revenge. I will go back with Linglong and live out a good life.”

Although she was whispering, Chris could still hear her. He sighed. “President, you must tell us what troubles you. We are not useless.”


Zi Linglong woke up. Noticing that the person who should be sleeping next to her was no longer here, she instantly sobered out of anxiety. Listening to the sound of footsteps, she immediately looked toward the direction of the sound and shouted, “Hey! Ox-head, where is Elder Sister?”

“What?” Chris replied and looked at her. “You woke up? Oh, the president is over there,” he said, pointing in the other direction.

Zi Linglong hurriedly ran over to Long Shiyan.

“Things don"t appear that simple. Host, you allowed them to follow you. Is that really alright?” System Qian Qian floated in front of her with a worried expression.

As Long Shiyan listened to the familiar footsteps, she said, “There is no other way. If we leave them, they will act recklessly. If they find out the reason, they will definitely not let me go. Either way would only add to our troubles, so why don"t I just let them choose what they want to do. As long as I can protect them, they will be fine. Besides, I currently need their help.”

“Elder Sister!” As the voice sounded, Zi Linglong rushed over to her. “What happened? Undoubtedly, I should have been on duty during the second half of the night. Why did you wake up instead of me?”

“I couldn"t sleep, so I woke up and fooled around.”

“Did you really just mess around, or did you talk to little Qian Qian about whatever the so-called big plan is? It"s really not safe at all, so you have to be punished.” Zi Linglong stopped smiling. She picked Long Shiyan up and placed her on her lap. Using a single hand, she slapped her palm against Long Shiyan"s b.u.t.t.

Long Shiyan"s face flushed, and after struggling a few times, she stopped moving. She furiously said, "You…do you know what you are doing? Playing with your own sister, no! Playing your own master"s b.u.t.t! This is a big mistake! Who taught you how to do this?”

“No one taught me; I learned it myself.” Zi Linglong"s face was right in front of hers. This was the first time she saw this type of cute expression on Long Shiyan. She was obviously blushing, yet still trying to pretend to be an adult. This expression was really amusing.

Zi Linglong didn"t expect she would act without thinking, but at least she was able to see this kind of rare scene.

Long Shiyan was on Zi Linglong"s lap. Because of the discrepancy in size, her physical strength was completely inferior to Zi Linglong"s. In addition, she currently couldn"t use Douqi. Therefore, the suppression was unbreakable. “Ling"er, let go of me! Or else, you will not receive any pocket money in the future.”

“Elder Sister, does my spanking feel painful to you?” Zi Linglong didn"t care about her response as she was self-satisfied with the sight of Long Shiyan"s little b.u.t.t. She stared straight at Long Shiyan"s face. She did not expect her sister would show this sort of expression. It was utterly adorable.

Long Shiyan took a deep breath and said, “What my little sister is doing is rude, so why are you doing it? Hurry and let go of your sister, otherwise, I won"t recognize you as my sister anymore. I will leave you alone in the wilderness and feed you to the wolves.”

“It doesn"t matter! You will just follow me afterward.”

Long Shiyan was flabbergasted.

This girl…what was even happening?

“I decided!” Zi Linglong was face-to-face with Long Shiyan. She picked her up, let her sit on her lap, stared at her face, and said with a serious expression, “From now on, I will be the elder sister, and you, Long Shiyan, will be my little sister. It"s an elder sister"s duty to protect her younger sister, and elder sisters have the right to bully their younger sisters. So starting today, our roles will be reversed.”

Long Shiyan: “…”

“Do you agree or disagree?” Zi Linglong puffed her cheeks out and covered them with both hands. She said, “Do you not think that I am more like an elder sister than you? You are only acting mature, like a little adult, but nothing more. You look pretty cute this way.”

She kneaded Long Shiyan"s b.u.t.tocks as she held and tickled her. Long Shiyan was forced to pant angrily as she was unable to compromise nor resist. She always felt that…Zi Linglong was spoiled.

No! It was her own fault that Zi Linglong became so spoiled!

In the corner of her vision, she saw System Qian Qian sitting on a small branch. Her legs swayed in the air as she watched the two of them in high spirits. Both her appearance and expression were annoying.

Long Shiyan simply did not move and closed her eyes as she moved back and forth along with Zi Linglong"s movements.

Unconsciously, she became so tired that she sunk into a deep slumber.

Zi Linglong placed her down, using a layer of animal hides as a cushion. Then, she put her cloak on Long Shiyan, allowing her to rest on Zi Linglong"s lap so she could enter a nice dream. Her sister"s sleeping appearance was quite cute. No! Even her awake appearance was quite interesting.

They weren"t really different in age nor appearance during childhood! At that time, they were similar in shape and supported each other, but now they seemed to be getting farther and farther apart. She absolutely did not want this to continue.

Furthermore, the main reason for that was related to the little person sitting on the branch. She didn"t know the actual relationship between that tiny girl and her sister, but she understood that the two must have some kind of connection or transaction. However, she wanted to get involved with her elder sister"s affairs. She wanted to destroy the relationship between the two even if that miniature girl was indispensable to Long Shiyan.

(TLN: Please donate to my personal ko-fi! The ko-fi b.u.t.ton on the side goes to the site and not to the translators. 4 ko-fis=1 extra chapter.


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