After taking in a deep breath and thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir opened her glowing scarlet eyes, unnerving the people before her in the process. Repeating back the same words, albeit modifying them for her use, Fenrir icily stated, "You have three minutes to leave this place. This is your last warning. If you do not listen, I will cut off all of your hands and feet and make you watch as I hunt down your Clan..." Though part of Fenrir"s mind was telling her not to take such extreme action, she was very quickly growing tired of dealing with people like this. She didn"t understand how a world could produce so many despicable people, as it seemed like every male Cultivator was her "enemy" at this point...

As if they had just heard the most ridiculous and entertaining joke in the world, nearly half the group began laughing. Those that had looked directly into Fenrir"s eyes had hesitated for a short moment but, after hearing their companions laugh, they quickly joined in. Even Huo Yan San released a light chuckle before unsheathing his sword and saying, "It looks like this Old San will have to educate you in place of your Master. Know this, girl, there are always mountains beyond mountains and heavens higher than Heaven. You have become very strong for someone so young but, with that arrogance of yours, you are nothing more than a frog in a well..."

Fenrir felt like something inside of her brain "snapped" as she heard the man"s words, making it impossible for her to even form thoughts. She had never, in two different worlds, encountered someone as foolish as the person in front of her. However, it wasn"t his ignorance that had "broken" her, but the fact that he believed he was in a position to lecture her. In her entire life, the only people whose words had any weight were her Master"s, and her Master"s Master, Eva. Having learned from them, Fenrir simply couldn"t believe someone had the audacity to try and "educate" her, especially when he couldn"t even qualify as a frog...he was more like an amoeba...

Disregarding her previous words, Fenrir turned into a midnight blue blur before "vanishing" from the sight of all thirty-one men, including the one who had referred to himself as "Old San". This unbelievable speed made the latter try to form a trail of flames with his sword but, long before he was able to swing his hand in an arc, all the muscles in his body had stopped communicating with his brain. Then, before he could even open his eyes wide in shock, Huo Yan San felt an unbelievably fierce cold begin to spread through his body. It seemed to have taken less time than a thought for it to completely encase his entire being, freezing him solid as he began careening towards the earth below, thirty human-shaped snowflakes trailing behind him...

Fenrir watched with cold eyes as they all smashed into ground below, shattering into small pieces that would take hours to thaw. For a short moment, Fenrir watched as life slowly faded from their eyes and, similar to what her Master always did, she gave them a small moment of silence before looking away. Then, without sparing them another glance, Fenrir followed their scent in reverse, tracing it back to the Flame Jade Sect, the second bunch of fools who had triggered her hatred in a single day. If they were anything like the group of fools, Fenrir would slaughter them, just like the members of the Fen Clan who had harbored intentions about her body...

(Fenrir"s Commentary: "Single-celled organism...brainless...stupid...!")

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