Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let's Get Married

Chapter 241: The Both of You are Equally Horrible

Chapter 241: The Both of You are Equally Horrible

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Staring at the back of the three of them, Yan Ruke could no longer keep her composure. She gritted her teeth with such force, it was almost as if she would actually shatter both rows of her perfect teeth. Her body was swaying a little as if she could not keep her balance, she finally snapped and yelled. “Yan Qingsi… Just you wait, we’ll see how long you get to have things your way!”

Yan Qingsi had apparently hurt Ruke’s left foot pretty badly. The skin at the back of her foot was completely sc.r.a.ped off, it was bleeding pretty heavily. Due to the amount of blood oozing out of her mangled foot, it was hard to tell if she had fractured her metatarsals. She could barely manage a slight twitch before the pain was too much for her to manage. She looked like a complete wreck. Her hair was also messed up due to the scuffle both of them had earlier.

As if the situation could not get any worse, her walk of shame was filled with blaring laughter and judgemental glares from the public as she limped her way into the washroom to clean herself up.

She had come so far, she could not give up now.

After they had taken their seats, Mrs. Yue glanced over to Yan Qingsi. She had a slight twitch at the edge of her lips, tempted to speak her mind but she remained silent.

Yan Qingsi must have read the situation well enough. She understood how Mrs. Yue felt. Maybe her outburst scared this sweet, gentle old lady. She broke the silence and asked, “Are you afraid of me, Mrs. Yue?

“Don’t you worry, you’re such an adorable, gentle, and sweet old lady, how would I even have the heart to even think about hurting you?” She added.

Mrs. Yue sighed in disapproval, she turned her back to ignore her.

After a brief moment, Mrs. Yue felt that she had to get it off her chest, she could not keep it in any longer. She turned to face Yan Qingsi and hesitated for a brief moment and questioned her, “I… I see that… Ruke, she didn’t even say anything to you. How could you…”

Without letting her finish, Qinsi interrupted and said, “Mrs.Yue, let’s not beat around the bush here. You and I, we’re both women. If anyone were to sleep with the man you love, how would you feel? What would you do?”

Mrs. Yue gave it some thought and said, “I… think I’d murder her.”

Yan Qingsi smiled and hugged Mrs. Yue by the shoulder and said, “Of course. Aren’t her intentions clear enough? She wanted to kill me and yet she hid behind her innocent smile. Say… isn’t someone like her dangerously scary?”

Mrs. Yue pondered for a minute and agreed that she did make a pretty good point!

Seeing how Mrs. Yue was deep in her own thoughts, she chuckled and said, “You know, you’re really lucky Aunty Yue.”

“What?” Mrs. Yue said in shock.

Yan Qingsi smile widened as she continued with her statement, “You’re really lucky for being able to act innocent for so long.”

Yan Qingsi envied Mrs. Yue’s innocence, or more accurately, naivety and ignorance toward the world. Not a single care was given to the world around her. However, someone would have to s.h.i.+eld her innocence from all the corruption in the world, right?

Mrs. Yue glared at both Yan Qingsi and Yue Tingfeng and exclaimed, “I always thought my son would eventually get tired of you, you seemed like a damsel in distress, always crying for the slightest things. However, it is only until today that I know that both of you were equally as horrible. I was worried for nothing. Who knows who will be the last one crying.”

Yue Tingfeng sighed and said, “Mom, can we not talk about this right now?”

Yan Qingsi burst out in laughter and said, “Aunty Yue, you were absolutely right, maybe your son will be the one.”

Mrs. Yue shrugged off Yan Qingsi’s hand and said in disgust, “Don’t bother me, you made me sick.”

“Brother Tingfeng, Mrs. Yue, what are you guys sitting around here for? I was looking for you both for a long time.” A high-pitched, cheerful voice broke the tension. It was like a young sparrow taking flight from its nest for the first time. This was as symbolic as the voice of freedom and innocence.

Hearing this, Yan Qingsi could not help but look away in disgust.

It was coming from a young, slender-looking lady who was holding Helan Fangnian’s arm. She had the most cheerful smile on her face. Both of them stood side by side and were almost uncanny. Following behind was a very wealthy looking middle-aged couple.

Without any moment of hesitation, Yan Qingsi knew who this group of people were. They were none other than the infamous Helan family. That young pet.i.te looking lady was the star for the day.

Mrs. Yue stood up with a beaming smile on her face while holding the lady’s hands, she said, “Now aren’t you the most beautiful young lady today, you grew up so fast. Look at you now, what a fine elegant young lady you’ve become.”

Yan Qingsi could not help but observe the exchange of those two. Judging by the lady’s stance and looks, she seemed like an eighteen-year-old, filled with innocence, hope, and youth. She could not help but compare herself with that young lady. She was nothing like this lady. She was eighteen, elegant, confident and most importantly, happy and certain about herself. Unlike her, she viewed the world with hate and malice. Damaged beyond repair.

She was wrong though, not every eighteen years old perceived the world with such innocence. Compared to when she was eight, she had a much more complicated life than this lady could even comprehend.

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