Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2887  Crimson Heaven Falcons" Plan!

Chapter 2887  Crimson Heaven Falcons" Plan!

The Moon Empress evolved from a birth horoscope to a spirit fire expert through Lin Yuan before quickly ascending to the Divine Kingdom level. It could be said that she had not been in contact with faith power for long.

However, upon reaching the Divine Kingdom level and harnessing faith power, she possessed far more of it than others. The Moon Empress could gather more faith in the Radiance Federation than Lin Yuan.

As one of the three Cla.s.s 5 Creation Masters in the Radiance Federation, the Moon Empress was revered by its citizens. Part of the reason Lin Yuan had obtained only so much faith power from the Radiance Federation was due to his ident.i.ty as Black. However, most of it was because he was the Moon Empress" disciple.

The glowing dots of faith power produced by the Radiance citizens toward the Moon Empress were not something Lin Yuan could compare to in a few years. Furthermore, she later became the leader of the Major Federation Union and ruled the entire main world, bringing benefits to the various alliances in the main world.

If not for the fact that Lin Yuan controlled the five dimensional worlds and had faith power injected into him by Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, the Moon Empress would definitely possess more faith power than Lin Yuan.

Regardless of whether she acted as a manager adept at governing or as the possessor of a large amount of faith power, the Moon Empress had a deep understanding of acquiring and utilizing faith power.

When a lifeform was already capable of producing faith power, enhancing its sense of happiness could significantly increase the rate at which faith power was produced.

Therefore, the best way to accelerate the production of faith power was to invest more resources in building a faith country and increasing the happiness of the lifeforms living in it. N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter"s release on N0v3l--B1n.

At present, it was vital to obtain faith power from all the members of Sky City in the Sky Beyond the Clouds and also to develop a faith country, as it was equivalent to giving the faction a brighter future.

After reaching World Emperor/Divine Kingdom, faith power became an equally important power source as spirit qi.

However, the Moon Empress would not take the initiative to make any big moves before Lin Yuan returned. Therefore, as long as the Crimson Heaven and Spinning Wings White Falcons did not take any drastic measures, the situation would continue to be maintained as it was.

However, the Moon Empress felt that the Crimson Heaven and Spinning Wings White Falcons would definitely respond to their resistance since they were already prepared to target the King Blood Jackals.

In the Crimson Heaven Falcons" eyes, the King Blood Jackals were the inferior species in the Sky Beyond the Clouds. What they did to the Spinning Wings White Falcons was equivalent to defying the Crimson Heaven Falcons.

The Spinning Wings White Falcons had visited the King Blood Jackals" territory under the Crimson Heaven Falcons" banner. As a superior species, the Crimson Heaven Falcons would want to uphold their dignity unless more pressing matters were at hand.

The Spinning Wings White Falcons were currently holding a meeting, and the atmosphere throughout the meeting could only be described as explosive.

Every Spinning Wings White Falcon Elder was in a state of wrath. The messenger Autumn had spared to send a message also attended the meeting.

The Spinning Wings White Falcon envoy, fortunate enough to have his life spared, shuddered at the thought of the handsome, indifferent man who had effortlessly obliterated the entire envoy team with a single wave of his hand.

The bleakness in that killing move lingered in Bai Yuan"s heart, causing him to no longer be able to recover his previous confident state and fully display the spirit of the Spinning Wings White Falcons" younger generation.

The Spinning Wings White Falcon Elders took notice of Bai Yuan"s state. One of the female Elders, in particular, found Bai Yuan increasingly displeasing and snarled, "Bai Yuan, have you been scared out of your wits? Hurry up and pull yourself together! I don"t believe a word you"re saying. White Howl is only one step away from reaching the pinnacle of World Emperor/Divine Kingdom.

"Even facing Kani, who has just reached the Holy Spirit level, White Howl should at least be able to withstand a few moves. It can"t be as dismal as you"re making it out to be. If you really suffer from hysteria from fear, deal with it yourself. Why are you trying to spread rumors?!"

Many Spinning Wings White Falcon Elders found Bai Yuan very displeasing and hated his current state. However, most of them still did not agree with Bai Yan"s a.n.a.lysis of the situation.

Bai Yuan was an outstanding Spinning Wings White Falcon. Due to their bloodline, Bai Yuan was filled with courage. There was only one possibility for such a situation to happen: Bai Yuan had suffered a huge blow during the attack, which led to his current state.

What Bai Yuan had said about a one-hit kill was definitely true. He had no reason to lie. Moreover, the Crimson Heaven Falcon envoys had already verified the truth of Bai Yuan"s words. However, his words were really beneath his status as an Elder.

The white-browed old woman, sitting in the first seat on the left, coughed twice and said in a quavering voice, "Bai Yuan, I understand that your emotions may be affected by the loss of some of your blood relatives, but please refrain from making baseless accusations. Your words are equivalent to questioning the judgment Crimson Heaven Falcons" Lord Envoy. Can you bear this responsibility?!"

Bai Yan, enraged, lowered her head and remained silent. However, the killing intent in her eyes showed no signs of dissipating.

Initially, Bai Yan thought that Kani, the King Blood Jackal Queen, who had just reached the Holy Spirit level and was still unstable, would definitely show great respect to the Spinning Wings White Falcons upon their arrival in her territory, and the former would definitely be able to reap a lot of benefits. It had taken a lot of effort for Bai Yan to include her two sons, who shouldn"t have been part of the envoy team in the first place.

Apart from Bai Yuan, all the other Spinning Wings White Falcon envoys had met their demise. This was a fact that Bai Yan was unwilling to accept under any circ.u.mstances.

At that moment, Bai Yan only had one thought in her mind, and that was revenge.

However, the Crimson Heaven Falcons monitored the Spinning Wings White Falcons" movements. The Crimson Heaven Falcon envoys were the ones who truly had the ability to make decisions.

As the Third Spinning Wings White Falcon Elder, Bai Fang was already very dissatisfied with Bai Yan"s selfish actions. Having done such a thing without permission, she did not even have the ability to bear the responsibility when something went wrong!

In recent years, the Crimson Heaven Falcons had increasingly valued the Spinning Wings White Falcons and provided them with many resources. If Bai Yan"s words really reached the Crimson Heaven Falcons" ears, they would no longer use the Spinning Wings White Falcons and would not give them so many resources. In that case, Bai Yan would be equivalent to a sinner of the entire species.

After reprimanding Bai Yan, Bai Fang paused for a few seconds before continuing. "Based on the information from Bai Yuan, Kani"s evolution in strength is probably not due to her own ability. There"s a faction that"s secretly helping the King Blood Jackals, or perhaps they"ve already joined a faction!

"We don"t know the strength of this faction. None of the two groups of spies we sent have successfully returned. I"ve already reported the situation to Lord Chi Jue. We just have to wait for the news.

"Lord Chi Jue wants us to try our best to check the strength of the faction behind the King Blood Jackals. Then, we can facilitate a conversation between the two sides on the Crimson Heaven Falcons" behalf."

Bai Yan, who had lowered her head, slammed her fists on the table when she heard Bai Fang"s words. "We only sent out envoys under Lord Chi Jue"s orders. Regardless of which faction is controlling the King Blood Jackals, they are making an enemy out of the Crimson Heaven Falcons! Why doesn"t Lord Chi Jue attack the King Blood Jackals directly? Could it be that the power behind them is stronger than the Crimson Heaven Falcons?!"

The old man sitting in the front seat had remained silent until now. Upon witnessing Bai Yan"s outburst, he said coldly, "Bai Yan, it"s all thanks to the Crimson Heaven Falcons" support that we can prosper today.

"Even my evolution to the Holy Spirit level was facilitated by the Crimson Heaven Falcons! If it wasn"t for the spiritual herb that Lord Chi Jue gave me, I wouldn"t have been able to activate the faith power in my body to condense the holy spirit in the fountain of faith.

"I"m the only one in our species who has reached the Holy Spirit level. However, it"s not because we don"t have any talented people. On the contrary, many of our members have been improving extremely quickly in the early stages until their spirit fire. They are stuck at World Emperor/Divine Kingdom because of their bloodline.

"All these years, I"ve been fighting for more benefits for the Crimson Heaven Falcons through Lord Chi Jue, striving to elevate the Spinning Wings White Falcons from being a dependent species to an affiliated one.

"This way, our species will have a chance to obtain the Crimson Heaven Falcons" bloodline! Breaking through the upper limit of the bloodline allows the strength of the members to increase beyond their original foundation. This is the meaning of the development of the species!

"Bai Yan, your presumptuous words have already affected the Spinning Wings White Falcons" foundation. If you can"t correct your att.i.tude in the future, then you should no longer serve as a permanent Elder.

"Currently, the investigation department has suffered two consecutive losses in a row. Don"t make me question your qualifications for such a job!"

Although there was hatred in Bai Yan"s heart, the killing intent in her eyes had dissipated a lot. Cold sweat seeped out from Bai Yan"s back.

Bai Yan did not want to go to the Spinning Wings White Falcons" investigation department. If she was sent to manage it, she would lose her position as a permanent Elder. Then, she would become a marginal figure among the Elders. Moreover, if possible, Bai Yan also wanted to obtain the Crimson Heaven Falcons" bloodline and break through the current restrictions.

Bai Yan opened her mouth and reflected in front of all the Elders, "Lord, thank you for your teachings. I definitely won"t make such a mistake again in the future."

The Spinning Wings White Falcons only had one Holy Spirit expert, Bai Yunzong. He had officially stepped into the Domain Mountain cla.s.s decades ago. Since then, Bai Yunzong"s control over the Spinning Wings White Falcons had become stricter. Many Elders who were not very obedient had been marginalized and eliminated by Bai Yunzong without exception.

It seemed like the Spinning Wings White Falcons would frequently hold a meeting among the Elders when they encountered issues, but in fact, there wasn"t much difference compared to the situation with the King Blood Jackals before.

Bai Yunzong had absolute authority among the Spinning Wings White Falcons but was usually too lazy to make decisions. Bai Yunzong knew very well that the Crimson Heaven Falcons controlled their entire species and not only him. Therefore, he could not afford to act excessively within the Spinning Wings White Falcons" internal dynamics.

Bai Yunzong"s words today carried no implications of making grand promises. Chi Jue had indeed promised Bai Yunzong that he would bestow three portions of Crimson Heaven Falcon blood essence to them within ten years. Bai Yunzong was definitely going to occupy one portion of the blood essence.

As for who would receive the other two portions of blood essence, Bai Yunzong required further observation.

Firstly, these two people had to be talented enough. Secondly, he had to ensure that these two people would still stand on his side and listen to his orders after their strength increased.

Although they were all Spinning Wings White Falcons and shared the same bloodline, there would be significant differences in the level of acceptance of the blood essence.

The Spinning Wings White Falcons, who showed higher levels of acceptance of the blood essence, would have a higher potential development limit in the future.

Without obtaining the blood essence, Bai Yunzong was unable to determine his level of acceptance, and this made him very hesitant.

Recently, Bai Yunzong had been observing the Spinning Wings White Falcons and took in the expressions of all the Elders present as he revealed that piece of information.

The meeting continued for a few hours before Bai Yunzong decided to end it.

Chi Jue, the Crimson Heaven Falcon envoy to the Spinning Wings White Falcons, had already returned to his species with the information. When Chi Jue returned, the Crimson Heaven Falcons would probably take action. When the Spinning Wings White Falcons agreed to cooperate with the Crimson Heaven Falcons, they would have to strive to do their best.

However, after Chi Jue returned, his response exceeded Bai Yunzong"s expectations. He immediately called Bai Yunzong over and instructed him, "Your species will temporarily stop all operations against the King Blood Jackals" territory."

Bai Yunzong never thought that he would receive such an undefined answer. It was fine if Chi Jue did not give him an explanation, but he could not give the Spinning Wings White Falcons no explanation. This would definitely affect his status as their leader.

"Lord Chi Jue, we acted under the Crimson Heaven Falcons" instruction, not on their own. The people behind the King Blood Jackals are disrespecting the Crimson Heaven Falcons. I propose—"

Before Bai Yunzong could finish, Chi Jue said coldly, "Bai Yunzong, since when is it your turn to suggest my instructions? You just have to follow my instructions. The decision I bring back is from the Crimson Heaven Falcons.

"I recall mentioning to you that we have been having some internal issues within that require us to lay low for a while. You understand better than I do why the King Blood Jackals targeted your envoys."

With that, Chi Jue casually threw out a crystal bottle. There was a sticky red-brown liquid inside. "This is the blood essence that you tried your best to obtain from me. I can give you a bottle to transform your bloodline first.

"This is the Crimson Heaven Falcons" grace. From now on, don"t do anything that will disgust me. Otherwise, you know what will happen to you. As for the faction behind the King Blood Jackals, we will naturally settle scores with them when the time comes!"

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