IVORY. But if I see him tremble, Mr. Sud, wouldn"t I ask him if he had a chill?

SUD. It"s not your business to be looking his way just then. Again, Inkwell.

[_Inkwell trembles, etc._]

SUD [_yells to Ivory_]. Don"t catch his eye!

IVORY [_to Inkwell_]. Will you tremble again please?

[_Inkwell does so patiently._]

SUD. Count five for the tremble. Again please, "Daughter dear, do you know anything about the papers in the safe?"

IVORY. Daughter, dear, do you know anything about the papers in the safe?

SUD [_excitedly_]. Everybody look away. Tremble, Inkwell--Now, Inkwell, count five--now look at Inkwell--Again, please.

IVORY. Daughter, dear, do you know anything about the papers in the safe?

SUD [_claps his hands_]. One--two--three--four--five--

IVORY. Those valuable papers!

SUD. That"s it, go ahead!

MISS IVORY. I don"t even know the combination, father. Could they have been stolen?

WOULDBY. Did Inkwell really take them?

SUD. He"s the villain, isn"t he? I couldn"t let the hero do it.

IVORY. What shall I do? Where shall I look? Where, oh where?

[_Ivory goes up stage back of Miss Ivory to table and knocks off a revolver._]

MISS IVORY. Oh! Revolvers!

RULER. Let me, sir. [_Picks them up._]

MISS IVORY [_in terror_]. Where did they come from?

WOULDBY [_hands to ears_]. Are they going to use them?

SUD. Of course. I had to show the audience the revolvers are there, so Ivory had to knock them down.

IVORY [_is up stage. Places one revolver on table_]. I have to have these near by when a strike is on, one never knows what to expect.

RULER [_places other revolver on table_]. Even I have one in my pocket.

INKWELL [_slaps his side pocket_]. And I in mine--

MISS IVORY. Oh! dear, how dreadful! Suppose one of them should go off!

Oh! Do be careful!

INKWELL [_insinuatingly_]. Have you changed your mind, Mr. Ivory? Have you decided to accept my proposition?

MISS IVORY. What is your proposition, Mr. Inkwell?

INKWELL [_goes left to Ruler_]. I believe your father wishes to discuss it with you. Mr. Ruler, will you have a smoke with me in the orangerie?

SUD [_corrects him with great disgust_]. Orangerie!!!

[_Inkwell and Ruler exeunt right._]

MISS IVORY [_crosses right--anxiously_]. What does he want to know--

IVORY [_almost breaking down. Sinks into chair left of table_]. Oh! My daughter--how can I tell you--how can I--I am ruined--ruined!

[_Sud rises, and beats time in rhythm like a conductor to their "Ohs."_]

MISS IVORY [_a little up and left of table_]. _You_--_ruined_--_Oh!_--



SUD [_turning to Wouldby and whispering audibly_]. When you are hard up for conversation use Oh"s--

[_Sits quickly._]

IVORY. We have lived beyond our means--Oh!--my child--I have only brought you misery--

MISS IVORY [_goes to father, stands back of his chair and caresses him_]. Poor father--don"t take it that way--I _love_ you--we must live differently--anything you say--

WOULDBY [_to Sud_]. How sweet and sacrificial!

SUD [_enthusiastically_]. Ah! She"s pure Ivory--a chip off the old block!

IVORY. That is not all. Inkwell represents the brick-layers; he will continue the strike unless I can buy him off.

[_Sud goes up right, to be behind them. Faces them. Follows every line in his ma.n.u.script._]

MISS IVORY. And you can"t raise the money?

IVORY. He doesn"t want money. He wants to marry you! He will stop at nothing to get me into prison--any place to crush me--he has power. I have cause to fear him.

[_Ivory at right._]

MISS IVORY [_at left. In distress_]. Oh! Oh!--How terrible--how terrible--what am I to say! Oh--father--and I can save you? And I hesitate? Yes--yes--I will--father!

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