The plain drop is lowered

Cymbal crash The lights come up


_The Music_ _The Pantomime, etc._

Tambourine jingles _Ghurri-Wurri_ discovered above at center, with his dark pushed up on his forehead, counting his money.

Tap on piece He finds a bad coin of crockery

Sand blocks Bites it

Tap crockery Throws it away

Begins the Princess Hears the _Princess and retinue_ approaching rhythms on Chinese wood block

[Telegraphically He pulls over his eyes expressed it is ... ...

... ... Musically, accented triplets, common time, _presto_] He grovels

Princess rhythm _Princess and retinue_ enter from the right continues They pa.s.s by Ghurri-Wurri without pause

Drum crash _Ghurri-Wurri_ runs ahead and prostrates himself before the Princess

Tap _Princess" retinue_ halts

Tap _Princess_ signals to attendant

Tap _Attendant_ signals to nearest slave

Tap _Slave_ proffers chest

Tap, Tap, Tap _Attendant_ opens it, takes coin, closes it

Tap Gives coin to Princess

Tap on crockery _Princess_ drops coin in beggar"s hand

Princess rhythm _Princess and retinue_ exit at the left

Begin drum roll _Ghurri-Wurri_ looks at coin, scrambles to _pp. cresc. to ff._ his feet, looks after Princess, shakes his fists, starts to the right, turns, shakes his fist again, exits at right, raging

Cymbal crash Lights out In the darkness Ghurri-Wurri crosses to left of stage, ready for Scene III The drop is lifted

Cymbal crash Lights up


[The Wazir"s Garden as in Scene I]

_The Music_ _The Pantomime, etc._

Ba.s.s chords _Wazir_, _Vizier_ and _Nubian_ asleep as before

Tap on drum _Ghurri-Wurri_ enters at the left

Tap on drum Prostrates himself before Wazir

Ba.s.s chord _Wazir and court_ sleep on

Tap on drum _Ghurri-Wurri_ again prostrates himself

Ba.s.s chord _The Court_ sleeps on

Drum crash _Ghurri-Wurri_ slams himself down hard

Drum crash _Wazir_, _Vizier_, _Nubian_ awake

Drum roll _Wazir_ shakes his fist at the beggar

Wood-block tap Signals Vizier

Sand blocks _Vizier_ runs thumb along his scimiter blade

Tap _Ghurri-Wurri_ retreats to the right

Tap He stumbles over the telescope

Tap, tap He picks it up and hands it to the Wazir

Tap _Ghurri-Wurri_ points to the "Distance."

Tap _The Wazir_ uses the telescope

Princess rhythm The "Distance" is revealed as in Scene I _Princess and retinue_ are seen traveling [across the platform from right to left]

Tap _The Wazir_ lowers the telescope The "Distance" vanishes as in Scene I

Drum crash _Wazir_ stamps his foot

Drum roll He shakes his fists, first at the distance, then off left

Tap Points at Ghurri-Wurri

Tap _Vizier_ seizes Ghurri-Wurri by the scruff of the neck

Tap _Vizier_ points off left with his scimiter

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