VIOLANTE [_continuing_]

Pray draw the arras, Lizzia, and close out The things that they bring by.... They have begun To move the night"s innumerable Dead.

[_Lizzia draws the large arras.... From now on, till the very last, just before climax, sound and murmur of processions are continually heard._]

VIOLANTE [_persistently_]

I think she will not come-- But, if she does, she should be spared the cruelty Of his heart"s change, And he, her marred, plague-broken face!


Stand aside--let me pa.s.s....

LIZZIA [_barring way again_]

He took his oath Before that altar, to the most high G.o.d!

You shall not break his vow....


Let me go to him--here are my jewels!

FLORIO [_calling from within_]

Who is it speaks without? Whose voice is this Wrangling and breaking in upon my peace?


The Lady Violante Ugolini!


To-day, of all days, must I be alone....

[_Florio pushes out arras from small doorway and stands before it, so that he remains unseen to Violante and Lizzia._]

FLORIO [_to Lizzia_]

Go, Lizzia, I will speak with the Lady....

Have you the wreaths hung, Lizzia?


Aye, master Florio!


Have you the table heaped with delicacies In the green s.p.a.ce by the fountain-shaken pool?


I go to set the viands now, my master.

[_Lizzia goes out._]


Violante, if you would speak with me, Stay where you are--I cannot look upon you.


Not look upon me?


Nor must you look on me.... I have vowed a vow!


How strange you are!...

I had thought to rush into your arms!...

Have you forgotten so soon the oaths you took?

[_She starts toward him._]

FLORIO [_hearing the rustle of her garment._]

Move one step further and I draw the arras!

VIOLANTE [_halting and hesitating_]

Have you forgotten the first time you saw my face And sent a sonnet to me?... It seems but a day Since you were awed by my n.o.bility....

And when I let you press your burning lips Against my hand, you swore it made you G.o.d!


From that time it was not far to my mouth....

And, after that, what with the shining moon, And nightingales beginning in the dusk, And songs and music that you made for me-- In a little while I was entirely yours!...

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