PARIS. You are as wise as you are beautiful.

HELENA [_smiling coyly_]. Why, you hardly know me.

PARIS. I know you! I, better than all men.


PARIS [_rapturously_]. Human law has given you to Menelaus, but divine law makes you mine.

HELENA [_in amazement_]. What!

PARIS. I alone appreciate your beauty. I alone can reach your soul.


PARIS. You hate your husband!

HELENA [_drawing back_]. Why do you look at me like that?

PARIS. To see if there"s one woman in the world who dares tell the truth.

HELENA. My husband doesn"t understand me.

PARIS [_with conviction_]. I knew you detested him.

HELENA. He never listens to my aspirations.

PARIS. Egoist.

HELENA [_a.s.suming an irresistible pose_]. I"m tired of being only lovely. He doesn"t realize the meaning of spiritual intercourse, of soul communion.

PARIS. Fool!

HELENA. You dare call Moo Moo a fool?

PARIS. Has he not been too blind to see that your soul outshines your beauty? [_Then, very dramatically._] You"re stifling!

HELENA [_clearing her throat_]. I--I--

PARIS. He has made you sit upon your wings. [_Helena, jumping up, shifts her position._] You are groping in the darkness.

HELENA. Don"t be silly. It"s very light in here.

PARIS [_undisturbed_]. You are stumbling, and I have come to lead you.

[_He steps toward her._]

HELENA. Stop right there! [_Paris stops._] No man but the King can come within ten feet of me. It"s a court tradition.

PARIS. Necessity knows no tradition. [_He falls on his knees before her._] I shall come close to you, though the flame of your beauty consume me.

HELENA. You"d better be careful what you say to me. Remember I"m the Queen.

PARIS. No man weighs his words who has but a moment to live.

HELENA. You said that exactly like an actor. [_He leans very close to her._] What are you doing now?

PARIS. I am looking into you. You are the clear gla.s.s in which I read the secret of the universe.

HELENA. The secret of the universe. Ah! Perhaps you could understand me.

PARIS. First you must understand yourself.

HELENA [_instinctively taking up a mirror_]. How?

PARIS. You must break with all this prose. [_With an unconscious gesture he sweeps a tray of toilet articles from the table. Helena emits a little shriek._]

HELENA. The ointment!

PARIS [_rushing to the window and pointing to the distance_]. And climb to infinite poesie!

HELENA [_catching his enthusiasm, says very blandly_]. There is nothing in the world like poetry.

PARIS [_lyrically_]. Have you ever heard the poignant breathing of the stars?

HELENA. No. I don"t believe in astrology.

PARIS. Have you ever smelt the powdery mists of the sun?

HELENA. I should sneeze myself to death.

PARIS. Have you ever listened to the sapphire soul of the sea?

HELENA. Has the sea a soul? But please don"t stop talking. You do it so beautifully.

PARIS. Deeds are sweeter than words. Shall we go hand in hand to meet eternity?

HELENA [_not comprehending him_]. That"s very pretty. Say it again.

PARIS [_pa.s.sionately_]. There"s but a moment of life left me. I shall stifle it in ecstasy. Helena, Helena, I adore you!

HELENA [_jumping up in high surprise_]. You"re not making love to me, you naughty boy?

PARIS. Helena.

HELENA. You"ve spoken to me so little, and already you dare to do that.

PARIS [_impetuously_]. I am a lover of life. I skip the inessentials.

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