MADELEINE. Ah, men are very--I"ll say the word after I leave. [_She goes out through the little door._]

MARCEL [_alone_]. "Men are very--!" If we were, the women would have a very stupid time of it!

[_He is about to follow Madeleine._]

[_Enter Francoise._]

FRANcOISE. Who was that stylish looking woman who just left, Marcel?

MARCEL [_embarra.s.sed_]. Madame Jackson, my American friend.


MARCEL. My picture? Sold!

FRANcOISE. Ten thousand? Splendid! Don"t you think so? You don"t seem very happy!

MARCEL. The idea!

[_He picks up his hat._]

FRANcOISE [_jealously_]. Are you going to leave me?

MARCEL. I am just going to Goupil"s and tell him.

FRANcOISE. Then I"ll have to lunch all by myself! [_Marcel stops an instant before the mirror._] You look lovely.

MARCEL [_turning round_]. I--

FRANcOISE. Oh, you"ll succeed!

[_A pause._]

MARCEL [_enchanted, in spite of himself_]. What can you be thinking of!

[_Aside._] What if she were after all my happiness? [_Reproachfully._]

Now, Francoise--

FRANcOISE. I was only joking.

MARCEL [_ready to leave_]. No moping, remember? I can"t have that!

FRANcOISE. I know!

MARCEL [_tenderly. He stands at the threshold. Aside_]. Poor child! Well I may fail!

[_He goes out, left._]

FRANcOISE [_sadly_]. Where is he going? Probably to a rendezvous. Oh, if he is! Will my luck fail me to-day? Soon he"ll come back again, so well satisfied with himself! I talk to him so much about my resignation, I wonder whether he believes in it? Why must I be tormented this way forever?

[_Enter Jean, with a visiting-card._]

JEAN. Is Monsieur here?

FRANcOISE. Let me see!

[_She takes the card._]

JEAN. The gentleman is waiting, Madame.

FRANcOISE. Ask him to come in. Quick, now!

[_Jean goes out._]

[_Enter Guerin, at the back. As he sees Francoise he hesitates before coming to her._]

FRANcOISE [_cordially_]. Come in, Monsieur. I have never seen you, but I already know you very well.

GUeRIN [_a large, strong man, with grayish hair_]. Thank you, Madame. I thought I should find Monsieur Desroches at home. If you will excuse me--

FRANcOISE. I beg you!

GUeRIN. I fear I am intruding: it"s so early.

FRANcOISE. You intruding in Marcel"s home?

GUeRIN. Madame--

FRANcOISE. My husband will return soon, Monsieur.

GUeRIN [_brightening_]. Good!

FRANcOISE. Will you wait for him here in the studio?

GUeRIN [_advancing_]. Really, Madame, it would be most ungrateful of me to refuse your kindness.

FRANcOISE. Here are magazines and newspapers--I shall ask to be excused.

[_As she is about to leave._] It was rather difficult to make you stay!

GUeRIN. Forgive me, Madame. [_Aside ironically._] Too bad! She"s decidedly charming!

[_Having gone up-stage, Francoise suddenly returns._]

FRANcOISE. It seems a little strange to you, Monsieur--doesn"t it?--to see a woman in this bachelor studio--quite at home?

GUeRIN. Why, Madame--

FRANcOISE. Before leaving you--which I shall do in a moment--you must know that there is one woman who is very glad to know you have returned to Paris!

GUeRIN. We just arrived this week.

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