CECIL. Because if I were in London I might possibly get a brief. It"s not likely, but it"s possible. And if I got a brief I should have to be mugging in chambers, or wrangling in a stuffy court, instead of sitting under a tree in the shade with you.

EVELYN. But _ought_ you to waste your time like that?

CECIL [_genuinely shocked_]. _Waste_ my time! To sit under a tree--a really nice tree like this--talking to you. You can call that _wasting time_!

EVELYN. Isn"t it?

CECIL. No! To sit in a frowsy office adding up figures when the sky"s blue and the weather"s heavenly, _that"s_ wasting time. The only real way in which one can waste time is not to enjoy it, to spend one"s day blinking at a ledger and never notice how beautiful the world is, and how good it is to be alive. To be only making money when one might be making love, _that_ is wasting time!

EVELYN. How earnestly you say that!

[_Cecil leans forward--close to her._]

CECIL. Isn"t it true?

EVELYN [_troubled_]. Perhaps it is. [_Looks away from him._]

CECIL. You know it is. Every one knows it. Only people won"t admit it.

[_Leaning towards her and looking into her eyes._] You know it at this moment.

EVELYN [_returning his gaze slowly_]. I think I do.

[_For a long moment they look into each other"s eyes. Then he takes her two hands, draws her slowly towards him and kisses her gently on the lips._]

CECIL. Ah! [_Sigh of satisfaction. He releases her hands and leans back against the tree again._]

EVELYN [_sadly_]. Oh, Mr. Harburton, you _oughtn"t_ to have done that!

CECIL. Why not?

EVELYN. Because.... [_Hesitates._] Because you _oughtn"t_.... Because men _oughtn"t_ to kiss girls.

CECIL [_scandalized_]. Oughtn"t to kiss girls! What nonsense! What on earth were girls made for if not to be kissed?

EVELYN. I mean they _oughtn"t_ ... unless.... [_Looking away._]

CECIL [_puzzled_]. Unless?

EVELYN [_looking down_]. Unless they _love_ them.

CECIL [_relieved_]. But I _do_ love you. Of course I love you. That"s why I kissed you.

[_A thrush is heard calling in the distance._]

EVELYN. Really? [_Cecil nods. Evelyn sighs contentedly._] That makes it all right then.

CECIL. I should think it did. And as it"s all right I may kiss you again, mayn"t I?

EVELYN [_shyly_]. If you like.

CECIL. You darling! [_Takes her in his arms and kisses her long and tenderly._] Lean your head on my shoulder, you"ll find it awfully comfortable. [_He leans back against the tree._] [_She does so._] There!

Is that all right?

EVELYN. Quite. [_Sigh of contentment._]

CECIL. How pretty your hair is! I always thought your hair lovely. And it"s as soft as silk. I always knew it would be like silk. [_Strokes it._] Do you like me to stroke your hair?


CECIL. Sensible girl! [_Pause; he laughs happily._] I say, what am I to call you? Do you know, I don"t even know your Christian name yet?

EVELYN. Don"t you?

CECIL. No. You"ve never told me. What is it? Mine"s Cecil.

EVELYN. Mine"s Evelyn.

CECIL. Evelyn? Oh, I don"t like Evelyn. It"s rather a _stodgy_ sort of name. I think I shall call you Eve. Does any one else call you Eve?


CECIL. Then I shall certainly call you Eve. After the first woman man ever loved. May I?

EVELYN. If you like--Cecil.

CECIL. That"s settled then.

[_He kisses her again. Pause of utter happiness, during which he settles her head more comfortably on his shoulder, and puts arm round her._]

Isn"t it heavenly to be in love?

EVELYN. Heavenly!

CECIL. There"s nothing like it in the whole world! Say so.

EVELYN. Love is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.

CECIL. Good girl! There"s a reward for saying it right. [_Kisses her._]

[_Pause of complete happiness for both._]

EVELYN [_meditatively_]. I"m afraid Reggie won"t be pleased.

[_The chatter of sparrows is heard._]

CECIL [_indifferently_]. Won"t he?

EVELYN [_shakes her head_]. No. You see, Reggie"s in love with me too.

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