“If you don"t, I will teach you.” 
Yang Anyu didn"t have time to react. Yi Chenyan"s lips suddenly sticked over. It"s cool and soft, but it"s not a light touch. Yi Chenyan did not stop, his lips still with a slight vibration, began to ponder and suck Yang Anyu"s lips. 
Yang Anyu"s eyes were full of consternation, which is a feeling he is not familiar with. 
Under the panic, Yang Anyu"s subconscious hands forced the Yi Chenyan to push away a little. 
The two people"s bodies were slightly separated. Yang Anyu"s lips were moistened with body fluid, and his chest was slightly undulating: “Yi Chenyan, do you… do you like me?” 
“Not for friends, but for that kind of like?” 
Yang Anyu finally asked the question he didn"t ask that day. 
With this, how can he not think about it! 
In the process of getting along with Yi Chenyan, Yi Chenyan"s att.i.tude gradually changed, and the various actions of Yi Chenyan before, and today"s kiss, even though Yang Anyu is slow, he understands. 

Yi Chenyan did not have a positive answer. He leaned over to kiss Yang Anyu, and his arms slowly tightened. A big hand was also buckled behind Yang Anyu"s head, he continued to deepen the kiss. 
Yes, constantly deepening, Yi Chenyan sucked and bitten Yang Anyu"s soft lips, then opened Yang Anyu"s mouth and probed his tongue. 
The taste inside the mouth was even sweeter. After sweeping Yang"s gums, Yi Chenyan"s tongue chased his little tongue, making the two tongues intimately entangled. 
Feeling the enthusiasm of Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu"s heart "thump thump" jumped non-stop. In this case, he also responded with a clumsy tongue, and a trace of sweetness spread between the lips of the two. The kiss is also getting stronger and more intoxicating. 
After a while, Yi Chenyan finally let go Yang Anyu.

With an arduous and tense mood, Yang Anyu, who had no skill, couldn"t help but breathe a few mouthfuls. At this time, his mouth was slightly swollen. 
“Now, do you know my answer?” 
At the end of a kiss, Yi Chenyan looked at him with a deep feeling and tenderness that had never been seen before.
Yang Anyu"s heart trembled fiercely. 
“You still don"t understand?” Yi Chenyan lowered his head and touched their nose. 
The warm breath was sprayed on Yang Anyu"s cheek. His eyes" light changed a few times. He was surprised and delighted. Now he is gradually firm and persistent. Yang Anyu stretches out his hands and then actively embraces Yi Chenyan"s waist. 
“Yi Chenyan, have you really thought about it?” 

Yang Anyu asked very seriously, and slowly hugged Yi Chenyan. “I like you too, really like you! So once I hold you tight, I won"t let go, you can"t run away!” 
Yang Anyu"s black and white eyes, shining with a strong and serious light, this usually optimistic and free-spirited teenager, at this moment, actually gave birth to an exclusive desire. 
“Well, I won"t run.” Yi Chenyan said, and also hugged Yang Anyu. “You too, always stay with me, don"t run away.” 
Yang Anyu"s heart was touched again, he could not help but silly smile, what to do, this Yi Chenyan, made him greedy. 

Once again, he was “guided” by Film Emperor, and he experienced such a real and warm kiss. The “fake kiss” of Yang Anyu and Su Qinjia was smoother now. 
The Director felt a bit strange, but it is not convenient to ask the reason. 
Su Shijia, who was with Yang Anyu, saw the smile on his lips, and he also had a very good mood. Se immediately saw what happened. She observed Yi Chenyan and found that Yi Chenyan"s expression also eased a lot.
Oh, her brain is wide open now and couldn"t stop for a while. 

Yang Anyu"s original intention to divorce was completely dispelled by a kiss by Yi Chenyan.
The ignorant teenager opened up, and after exchanging feeling and thoughts with Yi Chenyan, these days, Yang Anyu was too lazy to think about other messy things, and fell into a sweet love. 
For the present Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu"s heart is not only with respect and worship, but also with love and admiration. These emotions are all stacked together, and now he does not have to hide and squat, and his heart is not stuffy anymore, so Yang Anyu"s geek force has risen to a new height. 
This evening, after the door was closed, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan used voice chat on WeChat, while rolling on the bed, like a happy dog. 
“I was filming during the day, so close to Sister Qinjia, my face was against her face, were you upset?” Yang Anyu asked. 
“Yes.” Yi Chenyan blurted out, not a bit hesitant. 
Hearing this, Yang Anyu could not help but smile. 
“You seem to be very happy?” 
“I"m okay, ordinary.” The mouth said so, but Yang Anyu was happy in his heart. This is called “jealous”. I want to look at the expression of Yi Chenyan"s jealousy… 
He didn"t want Yang Anyu to be proud of himself. Yi Chenyan changed his mind and suddenly said: “I have also taken a lot of kisses before.” 
Yang Anyu: “Oh.” 
“Not happy?” 
“A little.” Yang Anyu lowered his eyes. Suddenly, he raised them again, smiling and laughing. “But in the future, you will let me have more kisses.” 
Yi Chenyan: “…” 
He seems to be optimistic forever. 

Outside the room, listening to Yang Anyu"s laugh from time to time in the room, Tang Guo was also happy for his young master. 
He thought that the relationship between the young master and Mr. Yi was so alienated and indifferent. Mr. Yi was very busy. The young master was always alone and guarded the house by himself. He was distressed, but the situation is completely different now. 
Oh oh, they are like newlywed husbands. 
“Don"t stand at the door and eavesdrop.”
Qi Sen"s voice suddenly sounded, and it really shocked Tang Guo. 
He explained: “Qi Ge, you misunderstood, actually I didn"t-” 
Qi Sen interrupted him and changed the subject: “You are a bodyguard, courage should be great, but you seem to be an exception. Or do you say… I am scary?” 
Tang Guo: “…” 
Oh, Qi Ge, he finally realized it? Also, his recent words seem to have increased. 
Sure enough, I am terrible? Qi Sen frowned slightly: “Forget it, it doesn"t matter if you don"t want to say it.”
After that, he was ready to turn and walk away. 
“No…no!” Suddenly, Tang Guo spoke up. He shook his head. “You are not scary.” 
“Qi Ge, I know that you are a very serious person, you know, sometimes you"re too demanding on requirements. Pushing people and yourself too hard…”
Seeing Qi Sen frown again, for fear that he was angry, Tang Guo panicked and quickly added, “But this is just my personal opinion, does not mean for everyone, Qi Ge, I"m just saying it.” 
“I know, thank you.” Qi Sen"s eyebrows stretched out and his face was not so terrible. 
“…” Tang Guo was stunned, it was for the first time Qi Sen said “thank you” to him.
After, Qi Sen went out to pick up the phone, “Theft of the Heart” is about to end the filming. After the crew finishes the work, Qi Sen has to arrange the next itinerary for Yang Anyu. 
Tang Guo is very clear, Qi Sen is very busy, and the work pressure he faces every day is also very great. There are some things he can"t help Qi Sen, but as long as he can do it, he will definitely help. 
I don"t know Mr. Qi Sen"s laughing face, what would it look like? 

Two weeks later, the filming of “Theft of the Heart” ended, and the villain Mu Yunxun was defeated. The brother of him, Mu Yunzhen inherited the throne. The new emperor gave Mu Yunxun a gla.s.s of poisonous wine. Finally he smiled and drank it.
Lord Luo got rid of the charges, but he came out from prison with falling ill, died soon after. On his deathbed, Lord Luo gave his daughter Luo Yuqing to Luo Shunxin, and the hero and heroin became together satisfactorily. 
Late at night, the town is quiet, the streets and alleys are closed, people have already entered the dreamland, and even the chirping of the insects gets smaller. 
But there was a shadow across the roofs of high and low buildings.
This person is physically strong and returns the unjust property of some corrupt officials to the original owner, secretly leaving a “gift”… 
In the last scene of “Theft of the Heart”, many of the “stolen hearts” disappeared, re-emerged back to the people"s side. 
With a new day, as long as there is a man in your heart, sooner or later you will get your own surprise. 

Yi Chenyan"s part of the drama is relatively small. He did not leave in advance, but he still stayed in C City and waited for Yang Anyu for a week or so. 
After that, the two chose the same flight and planned to fly back to S City. 
In the first cla.s.s, with acting for a few months, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan both were very tired, they fell asleep together. 

The smoke rises, the horses squat, the ground is full of blood-stained flags and broken helmets, and countless figures fall down. The scene in the dream is a cruel battlefield. 
Yi Chenyan stood outside the battlefield. He always wanted to rush to kill the enemy with the soldiers, but was blocked by an invisible wall. 
Then he heard someone shouting at himself. 
“Yi… Yi Chenyan! Yi Chenyan!” 
Who is it? Yi Chenyan can"t tell, but only knows that a teenager is shouting, with deep concern. 
“General.. General! Where are you?” The boy wearing the armor appeared, his face was very clean, but his expression was painful and helpless. “General, I… I can"t find you…” 
Yi Chenyan seeing such a teenager, was distressed: “Who are you looking for? I am not a general.” 
Through the invisible barrier, he suspected that the teenager could not hear him.
Who knows, the boy has heard it! He turned his eyes and stared at Yi Chenyan. 
Yi Chenyan was shocked. This ancient juvenile warrior not only heard him, but he could also see him. 
The young boy"s eyes flashed, and his arms extended to him with excitement. Yi Chenyan"s heart was soft, and he could not help but want to hold the boy. 
In the past dreams, no matter how many times Yi Chenyan tried, it was futile, because every time he was about to pull the boy, there would be a b.l.o.o.d.y sword shining over. 
But this time, Yi Chenyan took the boy"s hand. 
The juvenile"s hand is very soft and warm. Once it is held, it will no longer be loosened. 

In the first cla.s.s, when Yi Chenyan woke up, the whole person was still awkward. He looked at Yang Anyu who leaned on his shoulder. The big boy closed his eyes, his lips were slightly open, he looked at his serene and cute appearance.
I should still be immersed in the dream. 
Yi Chenyan couldn"t help but chuckle twice. He thought of the last scene in the dream, and he slowly took Yang Anyu"s hand. 
After returning to S City, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan each have a new itinerary, and they can"t always be together, but they can understand each other, so they won"t make any mistakes. 

On this day, Yang Anyu, who is now the popular “Little Fresh Meat”, attended the event of a fashion brand. 
At the scene of the event, under the flashlights, he wore a black and white suit and a small bow tie. He looked like a heroic person, but when he smiled, he immediately had two small dimples. In only one second he became a cute man. 
There are also many stars attending this event. There are seniors who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, and there are potential newcomers who have just debuted. Yang Anyu has heard about them, but there are very few people who he have actually contacted. 
Among the same company, within the male stars who just debuted like him, there is Tang Xiao. 
Today, Tang Xiao wore a beige windbreaker jacket, and his words and deeds were elegant, just like the name “Little* (Xiao) Prince” that his fans gave him. He really looked like a handsome prince. 
Tang Xiao took the initiative to talk with Yang Anyu.
“Yang Anyu, h.e.l.lo.” 
Tang Xiao extended his hand to him and smiled. 
The surprise on Yang Anyu"s eyes were flashing, but he quickly shook it up and said with a smile: "h.e.l.lo." 
Because Yang Anyu signed up for “The Voice of Tomorrow” but did not pa.s.s the re-election, and Tang Wei is not a S city local, the two could not meet before. 
After the show ended, Tang Hao was signed to Shang Huan Company, but Yang Anyu was often busy filming in other cities. The two had never met each other, but today, they finally met. 
“I always wanted to meet you, but unfortunately I didn"t have a chance.” Tang Xiao said, the smile in his eyes is deeper. “It seems today was a good day to see you.”
“Oh.” Yang Anyu faintly said. In the past, when he was a guard at the side of the general, many officials flattered them, and he had long been used to it. 
“I also have this feeling.” Yang Anyu changed his mind and secretly began to guard. The appearance of Tang Yan is really perfect, but his mind should be deep. 
“I think we will meet soon, and I am looking forward to our future cooperation.” Cooperation in the future? Yang Anyu"s thoughts turned around and he always felt that there was something in Tang Xiao"s words. 

Two days later, Yang Anyu received an invitation from the “Challenge First Time” program group. In addition to him, this season"s guests also included comedian Hong Yao, famous celebrity host Fan Yishan, ratings queen Xie Tao, as well as newcomer singers Qin Nuoxi and Tang Xiao.
He is not familiar with other starts, but seeing Qin Nuoxi"s name, Yang Anyu"s heart is happy, then… 
How come, Tang Xiao? Yang Anyu"s eyelids jumped and suddenly there was a bad feeling.

I was planning to translate later but since ‘Anarchy" said (s)he hates cliffhangers, I did another one haha ♥
Hope you guys like it!

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