At the press conference of “Heart Engraved on Bones” , Yi Chenyan suddenly appeared. The first thing he did was to go on to the stage, he took the initiative to shake hands with the newcomer Yang Anyu and said h.e.l.lo.

The spotlights of the cameras was already lighted, and the reporters have captured this wonderful scene. After the news spread to the internet, it immediately set off a new round of discussion.
The two are in the Shangyi Media. Some people praised Yi Chenyan"s care of the newcomers. However, some people tought that it is not normal for Yi Chenyan to be interested in newcomers.
Many people suspect that Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu have long known each other, and may be friends. After all, Yang Anyu has a background as the younger brother of Shanghao"s boss.
Of course, with the position of Yi Chenyan in the film industry, the media are somewhat scrupulous, did not dare to write it, only said that the relationship between the stars is friendly, we believe it will be a happy cooperation and so on.

At five o"clock in the afternoon, the film conference was temporarily over, and there was a moral dinner. Director Xu asked the crew to have a good meal, and also welcomed Yi Chenyan who had returned from the B city today.
However, after Director Xu was drunk, he made a joke with a red face and pulled Yang Anyu and Ye Lin. He kept talking about “losing weight” with them, making everyone laugh until their tears come.

Everyone was noisy until 9 o"clock. Director Xu and other actors had already left, and Yi Chenyan also sat in the car, waiting quietly for his agent. 
Li Ye and Yang Anyu talked about some things. Now Yang Anyu became a star. His privacy is very important. In order to avoid suspicion, Yi Chenyan certainly does not intend to return to Wanxin Garden House.
Yi Chenyan actually has several houses in S City, all in the high-end villa area. However, he has always been low-key, so outsiders don"t know where he usually lives.
The house on the side of Wanxin Garden was bought by Yi Chenyan six months ago. It is also the wedding house of him and Yang Anyu. Initially, the contract was written for two people, but now the house has been completely transferred to Yang Anyu.

“The new address of Chenyan, I will send it to your mobile phone later.”
When Yang Anyu heard the news, joy of seeing Yi Chenyan almost disappeared. 
“Young Master Yang, you have to listen to Mr. Qi"s words in the future, come on.” 
“Thank you.” Although his heart was very lost, Yang Anyu smiled. “Mr. Li, will he come to see me later?”
This “he” naturally refers to Yi Chenyan. 
Li Ye slightly stunned, and then smiled: “Well, he definitely will.”
After returning home, Yang Anyu opened his own microblog and found that his number of fans, just in a short day, burst into a five-digit number, he was even on a rising trend.
Before the conference, the company had already helped him to open Weibo and Twitter, but few people knew it, so there were only a few hundred fans. 
After accepting interviews with reporters today, Yang Anyu issued his first post according to the instructions of Qi Sen.
[h.e.l.lo, I am Yang Anyu]
Very brief self-introduction, but a series of three consecutive shots were made below. Yang Anyu either smiles or blinks to sells meng but this brought more love.
In the evening, the number of reposts and comments were thousands, and his microblog was also popular, the company specially asked the water army to make the tag of #YangAnyu starred at Heart Engraved on Bones# popular, which greatly increased his exposure rate.
Suddenly, there are so many people who like him. Yang Anyu is still uncomfortable, and also vowed to continue his efforts to live up to the expectations of these fans.

Yang Anyu was lying in bed, using a mobile phone to look at the news and found that Ye Lin and Gu Xin had already follow him. Director Xu also followed him, and then there was another person on the fan list.
His fingertips were stiff, Yang Anyu instantly widened his eyes. After a few seconds of petrification, he suddenly got out of bed.
Yi… Yi Chenyan is his mutual follow?! 
Yang Anyu clung to the phone tightly, smirking and screaming, his mood suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, but due to excessive excitement, he did not sleep well that night

Three days later, because “Heart Engraved on Bones” was going to take more pictures, Yang Jue made arrangements with the school to let Yang Anyu follow the crew and leave S City.
The first thing they want to do is go to the Z City. As a big city along the coast, the economic level is high, people"s life is fast and the whole city is full of vitality.
The highlights of “The Heart of the Heart” will all be shoot here. Compared with the other two cities, Z City is the main shooting location of the crew, and everyone stays longer.

This is the first time Yang Anyu is flying. No matter how good the ancient people are, it is impossible to reach such a high alt.i.tude. Like a bird flying in the sky, it is like a dream.
In the first cla.s.s, Yang Anyu was extremely curious. He looked at the window for a long time, and Qi Sen and Tang Guo did not have the exuberant energy of him. They took a nap for a while.
After eating the lunch on the plane, Yang An"s mouth was filled with peppermint candies, and he was holding the iPad and Tang Guo to watch “The Voice of Tomorrow” together.

The third season of “The Voice of Tomorrow” has been broadcast on Friday. In the first episode, five players will be eliminated from the 20 players, and the top 15 will be selected. It is not a surprise for Yang Anyu that Qin Nuoxi and Guo Lixu was successfully selected. It is a pity that he is going to film in the field now and can"t celebrate with them.

After the program was broadcast, several popular singers were exposed. Not only did their voices have their own characteristics, but their control was also very high. The popularity of singers related topics on the major entertainment websites continued for nearly a week.
At present, the popular vote on the official website is still in progress. Guo Lixu is in the ninth place, while the second and third places have similar votes. The compet.i.tion between the two is fierce. It is Qin Nuoxi and Shen Donghao.
“Nuoxi is a great singer. I have been voting for him all the time.” Yang Anyu proudly said that while he also pulled Tang Guo to him. “Tang Guo, you also quickly call some friends to support him.”

“Oh” Tang Guo nodded and asked with a worry. “Young master, you seem to like Mr. Qin?”
“I always like him very much, singing beautiful, he is really beautiful!” Yang Anyu said frankly, such a naked “confession”, it really scared Tang Guo.
His face changed, frowning: “Young master, you are a married man, don"t forget about Yi…”
Tang Guo stopped, remembering President Yang"s instructions in his mind, in front of Yang Anyu, you must not mention a certain movie emperor.
Qi Sen"s face who was next to the two people changed slightly but did not say anything. About Yang Anyu"s situation, he had already learned from Yang Jue.
Tang Guo suddenly mentioned his and Yi Chenyan"s affairs. Yang Anyu was awkward and tried to change the topic: “Tang Guo, this time you are willing to come to Z City with me, it must be really hard on you.”
Tang Guo is now accompanying him to run around, not only as a bodyguard, but also as a part-time life a.s.sistant.
“Haha, not hard and not hard, anyway, President Yang gave three times the salary.”
Yang Anyu: “…”

After arriving in Z City, Yang Anyu rested for one night and reported to the crew the next day. 
President Xu"s appointment with them was on the dock side. For the sake of filming, the crew rented a luxury cruise ship in the local area. When Yang Anyu returned, the man was already sitting on the boat.
Suddenly dizzy, Yang Anyu touched his head, facing the cool sea breeze, trying to suppress this discomfort. He was used to go to the warship with the general, and also he"s seen a lot of things, but… he was seasick.
It is also strange that Yang Anyu is in a different body now but still has this problem.

Before the start of the shoot, Director Xu and he talked a few words, Yang Anyu frequently nodded, secretly happy that his play today is not much, just will say some words to Yi Chenyan and Dou Bin.
The actor of Dou Bin"s body is very good, a handsome male uncle, but unfortunately a man with years, he played another killer “Gao”, which is fierce and sinister. Compared with Kenn, it"s more like a killing machine in the hands of Big Brother Hong Jin.

Yi Chenyan and Dou Bin first met inside the cruise ship, accompanied by the screams of the extras. The two had several shots and then they went to the deck to fight. 
Although the play is not heavy, the expression is as long as the whole process is indifferent, but Yang Anyu still has to take a few close-ups. As a killer, Kenn, he has to fight with some small police officers next to him, thus escorting Hong Jin to escape.

However, Yang Anyu and two or three martial arts subst.i.tutes have played several times. Several fighting actions have been repeated, and Director Xu has been shaking his head. He was not satisfied.
Both Qi Sen and Tang Guo feel a bit strange. They have heard NG several times. Is Yang Anyu nervous? The Yi Chenyan, next to him, had a deep light in his eyes and seemed to realize something.

“Cut!” Director Xu cried again
“Xiao Yu, you are going to be heavy for a while, and light for a while. How do you do it? You are not–“
“I"m sorry…” Yang Anyu quickly interrupted him, saying, “Director Xu, I… Can I go to the toilet first?”
“…” Director Xu was in a stagnation and waved his hand. “Hurry!”
After coming out of the bathroom, Yang Anyu still felt weak and weak. He has to be strong when he was filming. Forbearance, the nerves are stretched very tightly, but now they can"t hold it, and the dizziness is really uncomfortable.
I really want to vomit! 

When Yang Anyu wanted to rush into the toilet again, he heard a familiar voice. 
“Yang Anyu.” Yi Chenyan came over. 
Yang Anyu suddenly trembled, with Yi Chenyan in front of him, closed his mouth.
How did he come to find himself? Did he just perform that badly?
Yang Anyu was originally dizzy and wanted to vomit. At this moment, he saw Yi Chenyan, and the tension was even more extreme. It felt like he was about to spit out in minutes.

Seeing that Yang Anyu was in the same place, a small face had already begun to whitish. Yi Chenyan said nothing, and he pulled him over. 
There was a tumbling in the stomach, and Yang Anyu felt that he was almost unable to hold back. He immediately shook his head and struggled to push Yi Chenyan.
Yi Chenyan freezed, couldn"t react, but watch Yang Anyu vomit!

Later, after learning about Yang Anyu"s seasickness, Director Xu let him go back to rest first. In the nearby hotel, Yang Anyu was unable to lie in bed, and Tang Guo took care of him.
“Young Master, when others see Mr.Yi, they want to kiss him, but you are really good, almost threw up on him.” Tang Guo felt quite admire of the courage of his master.

Nihahaha Yi Chenyan you deserved that lol
Sorry about the reaaaally late release. Sora lost the ambition to translate and I didn"t want to do it alone ? But here is the chapter! I will translate whenever I have time and will do double updates for missing chapters in the future.
(Since there was no one to proof-read there should be lots of mistakes… Helpppp!)
Thanks for reading ♥

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