Shootings for the ending part of “Heart Engraved on Bones” have started.
In order to conform to the image of Kenn"s last skinny scenes, Yang Anyu, who is not fat, became even thinner. His original face had a little baby fat but now his chin is sharp. After the makeup, his face is so thin that people feel bad.

In the movie, just after a round of fierce fighting, the male No. 2 Sergeant Liang was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and Kenn was also scarred. He covered his bleeding abdomen, gasping heavily and still fighting with a few people.
The lens turned, on the other side, the male lead Yuan Zhiming also fought hard with the killer Agao. When Yuan Zhiming slammed his foot and knocked down Agao.
A person, who was lying on the ground, suddenly struggled to get up, groped a pistol not far away, and then aimed at Yuan Zhiming"s direction. 
In the chaotic battle scene, although the line of sight gradually became blurred, Yang Anyu, who was worried about his brother, was the first to noticed it. He instantly rushed over and blocked the oncoming bullets for his brother. 


Yuan Zhiming hugged his brother Kenn, because of the drugs, and the torture of the killer organization, Kenn is now really thin and very gaunt.
Kenn gradually lost blood. He said with a difficult voice: “Brother, sorry… you… you must be good… alive…” 
This moment, holding Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan, his heart is inexplicable. A cone of pain, this familiarity, like the heartache of his dreams. 
He does not want the person in his arms to die! Not want… not want at all!
In order to escape the cruel reality, Yi Chenyan"s eyes were refusing and struggling, and the arm holdin Yang Anyu trembled. He did not cry, but instead gave people a more sorrowful grief. 
At this time, everyone was infected by this scene, and some of the staff outside the stadium also had some fascination, but then Director Xu shouted “Cut”!

Everyone was a little surprised, obviously this acting should be fine?
“Chenyan, you played well before, this is a close-up shot, the expression of emotion is too much, mixed with some other things.” Director Xu slightly frowns. 
Yi Chenyan nodded, thinking that Xu is not a new director in the circle, sometimes his eyes are sharp, always catching some details that are difficult for outsiders to see. 
“One more time, you and Xiao Yu are brothers. When you act, don"t think too much.” 
“Understood.” Yi Chenyan said. 
“Come on!” Yang Anyu looked to the eyes of Yi Chenyan, then closed his eyes, lying down and dying. 
Yi Chenyan"s mood suddenly eased a lot. If he can really have a younger brother like Yang Anyu, it is also very interesting. 
Then the shooting was very smooth… 

After Kenn"s death, Kang Jing played by actress Pan Qi got rid of the ident.i.ty of Hong Dajin"s mistress. She regained her freedom, but since her love for Yuan Zhiming was unrequited, she and Yuan Zhiming didn"t become together.
Sergeant Liang Hong collected enough evidence to successfully arrest the gangster Hongda Jin, and Yuan Zhiming took the Corgi dog to the tombstone of his younger brother…

In the end, the film ended with such an ending. It may be a bit simple, not satisfying the expectations of each viewer, but there is a little regret, the next will have better expectation.
Because it was filmed in three major cities, after several months of hard work, near the New Year, the shooting was finally finished, everyone in the crew cheered, but they were also sad.
Several major stars surrounded Xu, and everyone took a big photo together.

After the dinner, Yang Anyu got on the plane, with Qi Sen and Tang Guo, they returned to the long-lost S city. 
Yang Anyu turned the calendar on the wall by one page, feeling the time flies fast, in the blink of an eye, half a year had pa.s.sed. 

After having lunch at home, Yang Anyu held the pillow of Yi Chenyan, who had bought it before, leaning on the sofa and quietly looking at a martial arts novel.
This week before the next year, as a newcomer just debuted, with the lack of popularity he is not qualified to partic.i.p.ate in any New Year activities. The post-publicity of the movie “Heart Engraved on Bones” was also placed after the year. Yang Anyu was idle because there was no schedule. He was ready to just relax before the New Year.

“Pa!” Hearing the sound of the door opening, Yang Anyu, who leaned on the sofa, was still motionless. The chapter of the novel was wonderful. He was fascinated, and since the other party has the key to the house, it should not be a stranger. 
“Yang Anyu.” 
Yi Chenyan"s voice sounded, really scared Yang Anyu, he hurriedly stood up, then the pillow in his arms also slipped down, the pillow with the head of Yi Chenyan printed on the floor. A circle, then… happened to fall to Yi Chenyan"s feet.
Yi Chenyan looked down. 
Yang Anyu: “…”
His sight stayed on the pillow for a few seconds. Then, Yi Chenyan bent over and picked it up. 
Embarra.s.sed Yang Anyu slammed his head and wanted to find a hole to hide. 
They have never seen each other since the film was finished. Because Yang Anyu returned to S City, and Yi Chenyan went to another place. Today, Yi Chenyan came over. He is very happy, but what should he do now? 
“This pillow…” Yang Anyu explained indiscriminately, “I happened to see it by chance. I think it… It looks good, so I bought it.” 
Seeing Yang Anyu"s face embarra.s.sed, and obviously telling the truth, Yi Chenyan also did not say anything and put the pillow back on the sofa. 
When facing back to Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan bent his lips, he harbored such a special “fan.” 
“You…you suddenly came over today, is there any urgent matter?” Yang Anyu asked, trying to ease the current embarra.s.sing atmosphere. 
“Take you to a place.” 

Situated in Beixing District, this is a remote suburb. I didn"t expect Yi Chenyan to live in the forest villa here.
However, Yang Anyu turned to think about it again. This is also normal. In order to prevent the media from disturbing him, Yi Chenyan will change the residence regularly. There is not many people here, so that he can really settle down. 
It is mid-January, the winter season, and the temperature in the suburbs is lower than in the city center. After Yang Anyu just came down from Yi Chenyan"s car, the sky suddenly started to snow. 
The crystal clear snowflake is really beautiful. Yang Anyu took off his gloves and catched a piece with his palm. Unfortunately, the snow quickly dissipated. 
Yi Chenyan will always watch his every act with his eyes, and sure enough, Yang Anyu always has the heart of a young person. 
He walked over and took Yang Anyu"s hand: “Come with me, with this weather, standing for a long time, it is easy to catch a cold.” 
“Okay.” Yang Anyu nodded well-behavedly, let Yi Chenyan lead him all the way into the the first floor lobby of the villa. 
“You said to take me to a place, it turned out to be your new home.” Yang Anyu looked around the hall, still did not think about the intention of Yi Chenyan. 
“This, is it still counted?” 
Yi Chenyan said, suddenly took out a note paper, a fat duck on it, the painting before Yang Anyu was in hospital in Z City gave to Yi Chenyan.
“Of course!” Yang Anyu smiled, his eyes were clear, and the two little tiger teeth were exposed. 

Soon after the Lunar New Year, Yi Chenyan"s parents have pa.s.sed away, and there are no relatives around, so he has always been alone. In order to create a little atmosphere, Li Ye purchased some new products in his home, and the kitchen also has a lot of ingredients such as chicken, duck and fish. 
Unexpected things came out one after another.
When Yang Anyu was reading novels in the afternoon, he would not have thought that he would be busy eating ducks in the kitchen of Yi Chenyan"s home. 
However, Yang Anyu is humming a little song and is in a good mood.
In the evening, relying on the existing ingredients, Yang Anyu made five dishes and two soups, and he was busy. He had just solved the ap.r.o.n on his body. Who knows then Yang Jue called him. 

“Xiao Yu, what are you doing? You are not here at Wanxin House?” Yang Yu"s tone was anxious and worried.
“Well, I went out.” 
“Where did you go?” Yang Yu wondered. 
“One…friend"s home.” Yang Anyu turned his eyes. If his brother knew that he was staying with Yi Chenyan at this time, he would be angry. 
“Tell me the truth!” Yang Jue felt that it was wrong. 
“I…” Frustrated, Yang Anyu had to be honest, “I am here at Yi Chen"s house.” 
Yang Jue was shocked, Yi Chenyan is an artist of Shang Huan; so about his itinerary, Yang Jue is clear. 
Didn"t he just return to S City in the morning? Why did he “abuse” his younger brother Yang Anyu in the afternoon? 
Yang Jue is really angry. 
Yang Anyu smiled and said, “Don"t worry, I will accompany him to dinner. I promised him before.”
“…” Yang Jue did not speak, they should have done other things before. Tang Guo certainly did not report to him truthfully. 
“Sorry, I will go back later.” 
“In short, protect yourself.” 
Yang Anyu: “…” 
Brother always swears at him, as if Yi Chenyan will do something terrible to him…

After a few days, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan had a rare dinner together. At the dinner table, Yi Chenyan"s words were still very few, but Yang Anyu noticed that his mouth always had a faint smile, and his heart was also happy.
At eight o"clock in the evening, the snow outside is still there, and there is some snow on the ground. Yang Anyu wore the scarf and put on gloves, intending to leave. 
“You want to go back?” Yi Chenyan said, 
“Well, I can"t stay here overnight.” 
“Why not?” Yi Chenyan turned his eyes and looked into Yang Anyu"s eyes. 
Yang Anyu froze in his place.
“It"s snowing heavy, it is estimated that it will stop tomorrow morning. From here, Wanxin House is also far away, you can stay.” Yi Chen"s tone is plain, but his eyes are not like this, his eyes have a faint light. 
Yang Anyu shook his head, still insisted: “Never mind, it"s a big deal to come home late, and I"ll leave you in trouble.”
“Stay with me, will you?” 
“…” Yang Anyu once again was stunned. 
Now this time, it is no longer him asking Yi Chenyan to accompany himself, but him asking Yang Anyu to accompany him. 
“After the end of the year, I will go abroad for a trip in February, stay with me a little longer.” 
After listening, Yang Anyu"s heart is soft, but now he is using the ident.i.ty of the original owner. He often has some contradictory ideas. 
Pinching his hand, Yang Anyu still wants to be sure. 
“Who do you want to accompany?” 
Yang Anyu asked, is he himself? Or is it just a person called “Yang Anyu”? 
“I want you, this you in front of my eyes.”

Thanks for reading this at rottengirlstranslation :*

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