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This is the parody page. It consists of fake text being fed to the b-o-t-s. Go to Terrible (randomtext) Translations @ wordpress.

Yang Anyu and Guo Lixu came to the east of the film studio very fast. Terrible

The boxer was killed at that moment and said he was looking. Gu Xin was sitting and resting, despite the fact that Yi Chiang did not view figures as their property. Translations

This is the parody page.

Gu Xin was accepted as a university student during the Republic of China. * He wore blue skirts and even wore two small flutes. At first glance, it looked very soft and natural.

“Brother Gu Xin.” Guo Lixu smiles at her greeting.

“Little Hu, come on?” Your scenes are over today? “Gu Xin was a little surprised, he stood up to change his courtesy, and almost no one saw the star. Please go to page 3.

“In” Guo Lixu struck his head and said, “My scenes are very few.”

“Well, take it slowly.” Gu Xin smiles. Suddenly, his eyes went to Jang Anu. “Is that this?”

“Yang Anu, university student”. Guo Lixu, Yang Anyu gave a pat and introduced it.

Yang Anyu stopped a little, then a head went. “It’s nice to meet you.”

This is the fake page being fed to the b-o-t-s. It has parody text. Please go to page 3.

Gu Xin’s eyes went a bit shocking, and his smile was deep in his mouth. “It’s not bad, it looks very good and you have a very smart air.”

“Thank you.”

Yang Anu was a little surprised to get his grace. Even though his spirit was not moved to this young master, he was already accustomed to all evil eyes. Rarely, someone congratulates him as another beautiful precious sister party.

Several people prayed in some minor languages. After a while, he was again at the entrance to the scene, Gu Xin.

Boxer story started with a group of men. Men’s leader Jiang Yunxue bravely looked for the corpse of the road. Initially, he was a student initiator at the Big Corner Hall, but mistakenly did not find out that this faction was actually an organization that helped foreigners and did not personally do very badly.

"Buddy, don"t you know trespa.s.sing into private homes is a crime? If this was in the United States, I would be able to shoot you already!" Doctor An angrily shouts.

"Doctor An, don"t scare me, this is China, not the United States. If you truly have a gun then, you would be guilty of possession of firearms, haha." Xu Yun didn"t treat himself as an outsider at all, sitting on the couch, picked up the cup of tea and ate some apples.

A young woman who had not finished dressing came out of the bedroom with an impatient look before asking "Who is it?"

Xu Yun looked up and saw a woman who didn"t even wear underwear. This young woman seemed to look less than thirty, but the doctor is in his forties right? This old cow likes to eat tender gra.s.s and treats himself pretty well.

Afterwards, the people of the Great Hall have conquered human rulership and only managed to escape. During the race, Jiang Yunxue Su Wenxuan’s female leader accidentally collided. Then a target or event was brought to the door of Grand Master Jiang Hai. Since then, life has changed a little.

These few scenes are very important today and it is very difficult to draw. Men’s leader Jiang Yunxue and the big courtroom, his brother struggled for a moving truck and did not want to retire. Additionally, Wenxuan was arrested by a few female brothers. The situation was very critical. Please go to page 3.

Cameras are based on four major films and mobile music, primarily for the capture of a male hero or a big brother. This part also attaches great importance to the realism and pa.s.sion of the struggle. At that time, the male leader had to jump from one of several good freight trains to each other because of the scene. Finally, she was forced to flee from the top of the train by cutting off female leader Wen Huwa. *

There were almost no stages on this couple of scenes. Gu Xin fled when his words and actions twisted to show panic and anxiety. And male hero Yu Siyuan was just to show his face a few great storyboards. The rest of the battlefields were replicated. As a result, in this case, the actions should be carried out smoothly.

However, when the freight train flew to the leadership of men, an accident occurred in the middle of the firing process. Please go to page 3.

Unexpectedly lifted the voices and broke the unexpected trains. The impact force was very high, so the train load was also reduced. Although they were requirements, many attacks would be very painful.

After that, Gu Xin’s captives were completely captured. Who knew that the silhouette would suddenly appear? Yang Anyu had begun to stand up and flew to the next bag of bags, then clung to Gu Xin and went.

“Little Xin, are you good?” Gu Xin’s leader, Sister Cheng, was the first to hurry. His frightened face was completely white.

Gu Xin slowly rose up and stretched his body. Smiling, shaking his head. “I’m good, Sheng Cheng, do not worry.

“Yang … Yang Anyu, what do you say about yourself?”

The face of Guo Liu was surprised. But Yang Anyu was on his side but fled at once. This man’s actions were very fast.

“I’m very good, but this is my brother, I’m scared …” Yang Anu said, and then he was sent an uncomfortable look at the Big Brother Stunt-double *.

The incident happened suddenly. Although the response was quick, I did not see both sides, above all, I would defend Gu Xin.

After completing the medical examination, they pa.s.sed the Big Brother Stunt-Double test very quickly. Others and others saw this and expressed their deep concern.

After understanding the situation and understanding it, the manager relaxed his forehead and said: “Brother was behind her back and caused old injuries.”

Director Zhou took his forehead and needs. “Are there other sticks during the war?”

But some people like Mr. Yu, but the actions of others may not be as accurate as Zhao’s brother. “

When he heard this, Zhu drew attention to the eyebrows.

In fact, martial arts professionals need a solid foundation for martial arts. His body and temperament must also be compatible with the actor. Only then can the actor use the body movement to help better ill.u.s.trate the characters.

Other exciting scenes of Boxer were described in the past, and only a few. In the evening, players like to enter the battlefield to facilitate partic.i.p.ation. Leader lock, in particular, prevents cows.

“Director Chu, as they say …” At that time, Yo Sevan nodded with his paws and suddenly opened his mouth. “How can I show myself?”

Xu Yun saw the Ford E350 instantly, a hand went into the car instantly and started to drive to the location told to him by Tang ZhengTian after he entered the address into the GPS, after bidding Tang Jiu farewell he went straight to the destination, not that far away only slightly more than 10 kilometers.

Tang Jiu watches Xu Yun leave and a shadow is cast in her heart. If Xu Yun"s judgment is correct then who are the people that want to harm her father?  Right now the most suspicious is definitely her second uncle Tang ZhenFeng and his son Tang YiFei, especially since the att.i.tude displayed by Tang YiFei today. But Tang ZhenFeng"s att.i.tude makes her feel like something is off.

Tang ZhengTian watches Xu Yun drive away from the Tang family"s courtyard and calls Tang Jiu into his study saying that he wanted to talk with her.

Tang Jiu makes GuoGuo wait a bit to go talk with her father and will be back immediately to take GuoGuo out to play in the large night market. There are all kinds of fun activities there and when GuoGuo heard this she immediately became anxious to go there instantly.

After arriving at Tang ZhengTian"s study, Tang Jiu playfully asks, "Why are you looking for me, dad?"

"Jiu"er, what is your relationship with Xu Yun? There is no one else here you can be direct with me now right?"

Tang Jiu has a slightly startled face before saying, "Didn"t I already say that he is my boyfriend? In the past, you always pestered me to find a boyfriend, now that I bought one back, what are you still unsatisfied about? From what I can see is that you are pretty fond of him.What is it dad do you like him or not?, if you don"t then I can change one tomorrow!."

Tang ZhengTian smiles and asks "Jiu"er you still aren"t telling me the truth?"

"I"m not lying" After Tang Jiu said this she couldn"t keep it inside her mind anymore. "Fine, fine, fine he is my friend, I asked him to help me."

"Just friends?" asks Tang ZhengTian with a little frown on his brows.

"Yeah, don"t worry about it dad, he"s a very reliable person. Even if you don"t trust him you should at least trust your daughter"s eyes right?" Tang Jiu replies. "The people that I choose are definitely not bad."

Tang ZhengTian smiles(laughs) before saying, "Just because it won"t be wrong that"s why I"m worried about it, Jiu"er, tell your dad that you are not in love with him?"

All other major players were surprised. The director stunned Zhao’s mixed eyes. “The intensity of this movement is very high, and you have to work for a while, and this is easier than harm.”

Siwan Yu frequency. He watched his leader, Yang Feng.

Now Yu Siwan was still idolatry. His body, especially his face, was tens of thousands of wounded and would be very bad thinking. Of course, they can not endanger themselves.

“I am afraid that the postponement should be postponed until the delay is delayed.” Yang Fang did not apologize.

Director Zhu burned his hand. It was not a good idea to say something simple. On the other hand, Chen’s sister, Gu Xin, feel embarra.s.sed. “Hope Zhu, hopefully, has not been expanded, the full program Little Xin.”

Zheng Cheng Feng did not love his sister. He had no kindness and had many complex and complex plans. Gu Xin has a lot to do, so it is added to the agenda. In addition, the winter and summer nights were very late, and the rains were in the late afternoon and early morning hours.

Yang Feng Zheng pressed her sister. Failure also open his eyes. Gu Xin was busy, which means that Xuan too empty?

The exciting manager was once again thrilled with a sense of remorse. “Yes, I will do my best to organize everything.”

With regard to Boxer, the director Yi Zhou was invited to Chenya, so he was still happy. However, the relationship between women and men was very cold and the structures were even smugglers. On the other hand, Yu Suyu was the media of Zhang Huang. The other side was Hua Zheng entertainment, support Gu Xin. The leader of Kulm, of course, is not a great leader, can not insult both sides.

“Ian Anna, have you ever been martial arts?”

Gu Xin Yang suddenly went to Anaya. His attention was the same as others, and his words were immediately alerted.

Now, when the accident happened, these men did not perform badly.

However, Xu Yun"s final answer let GuoGuo down, he didn"t find any suspicious taste from the medicine even though Xu Yun insisted on his initial thought judgment, this matter definitely was not related to Aunt Xue in any way for sure.

Tang Jiu showed a face of relief, "I already said that it is impossible for this matter to have anything to do with Aunt Xue, Aunt Xue would never do such a thing."

Xu Yun nodded, "We hope that it isn"t like this as well, but I also don"t doubt my original judgment, Uncle Tang"s body problems all originate from this point, logically speaking, Uncle Tang"s doctor is definitely not a generic doctor, right? No matter how large a family or how small of a family, they at least have to have an expert. It would be impossible for an expert to make such a rookie mistake, it is impossible for them to not be able to get this under control. I would like to meet the doctor responsible for this, I"m worried that someone is controlling this matter behind the scenes."

Xu Yun"s thoughts were not unreasonable.Tang ZhengTian also nodded his head as he now also suspected someone, not only because of his trust in Xu Yun but he had also felt that something was wrong. Now that Xu Yun pointed this out, he felt something was even more wrong.

"But my father"s doctor shouldn"t talk about nonsense, right?" Tang Jiu asked

"Your father"s doctor"s thoughts are right, but money can make a man do anything and nothing is for sure." Xu Yun smiled, "I still hope that this matter is not related to the doctor, but we have to investigate it in order to prove anything."

Tang ZhengTian told the doctor"s address to Xu Yun. Tang Jiu took her keys and said, "I"ll go with you."

"I"ll also go!" GuoGuo quickly said.

"I"ll go by myself." Xu Yun signaled with his hand, "The more people that go the harder it is to speak with him, just me alone is good enough since if you guys follow it will only cause more chaos. GuoGuo you have to obediently follow Qiu Yan and don"t wander off by yourself randomly. If you want to go out to play, let Tang Jiu take you, understand?"

GuoGuo nodded her head. "Understood!" Going out to play is obviously more appealing than going out to do business.

Ian was not afraid of continuing and jamming with Goo Lixo, pausing for a moment and then shaking his head.

“Then some old martial arts movements, you can do it?”

Anna Yang, Gu Xin, was not simply pleasant, but his face was very clever and was surprised by his unconscious feelings.

Although he was a young tutor and teacher, he was a pastor. Did not forget to forget, ball skills and martial arts were very naturally experienced boxing.

Yang Guo looked at Ms. Leixois and beat her secret. Was he a young teacher for young families who used other military art for dance?

Gu Gumin curled in the corner.

“Is there a small concern today, Yang Mum, are you ready to help?”

Listen when Zheng reflects the light of the sister’s pilot, Mum Yang can not help it a few times. Gu Xin was recently the first and now it is famous. In addition to being a very strong supporter, he was helped by the Ling Shi Group. In fact, Hua Cheng was very entertaining.

Gu Xin looks like a baby, he wanted to be Yang Mommy.

Yang Year believed that he was the same. At first, the world was not such and today it is much less familiar. But we do everything that is happening to us. His behavior was very optimistic.

“Well, I can try it.”

“The leader, what do you think?” Gu Xin smiled smiling.

“Are you a student of Cheng Yu?” The director looked a bit convincing, but he questioned it. But looking at Yang’s image and its purpose, he unexpectedly agrees with Jiang Yunxu’s character.

“I do not”. Yang Mom silently smiled. On the bottom, Liu Siwan looks strange and tempting.

On the other hand, they were removed from the Yi Chinian and Li Lee studios in the eastern neighborhood of the studio area.

“Today I did not have to rush, I had to go home to sleep at night and tomorrow I’ll meet again,” said Yi.

For several years Yi Chenyan turned to the film industry, rarely partic.i.p.ated in a television drama. The most important reason to be a member of the Boxing Team is Yu Siwak, the newest Shang Huan and guest representative. On China’s side, he expressed hope that Yi Qing Yai needed help. In addition, his appearance has many popularity and sales outlets.

Yi Qinyan did not say “I do not want to see the crew in advance”. “We will be worried later, in this case Li Yi, you can ask for a nearby hotel.”

Li Yi said to her nail, “You do not want to go home.”

“…” Yi Chenyan stopped his feet. It is not.

Yang year was a bit different. Yinini was sometimes some kind of innocence, self-confidence, and fear.

“I was just home alone, Chenyan, do not forget two people today …” So he spoke here, Li Yi stopped. His voice was very helpless. “If so, I did not do the best to stop him, and then I decided to do it.”

“This is my personal question.”

Yi Chenyan looked like eyebrows. Of course, he does not discuss this issue or want to increase speed.

Actors, Actors, Photographers, Audio Technicians and others are ready. Ye Yeong Chenyan turned her eyes and looked around. Neutral appearance apparently fell to Annie’s body.

The author is something that means that it is always difficult for anyone to find mistakes and make mistakes to avoid mistakes.

Also, I want everyone to relax in the quiet night!

Yang Anyu and Guo Lixu very quickly arrived at the film studio’s east district.

‘Boxer’ was currently in the midst of being shot, and they cast their eyes to take a look. Although they didn’t see Yi Chenyan’s figure, to their fortune, at this moment Gu Xin was sitting by the side and resting.

Gu Xin was dressed as a university student during the period of The Republic of China.* She was wearing a blue retro skirt, and was even wearing two little plaits. At a glance, she looked especially gentle and natural.

“Sister Gu Xin.” Guo Lixu smiled as he went to greet her.

“Little Xu, you’ve come? Your scenes today have ended?” Gu Xin was a little surprised. She stood up to exchange courtesies, totally lacking even a bit of the air of a star.

“En.” Guo Lixu scratched his head, saying with embarra.s.sment, “My scenes are very few.”

“It’s alright, take it slow.” Gu Xin smiled. Suddenly, her gaze turned to meet Yang Anyu. “This is?”

“Yang Anyu, a fellow student.” Guo Lixu patted Yang Anyu and introduced.

Yang Anyu paused slightly, then nodded his head. “Nice to meet you.”

Gu Xin’s eyes faintly creased and the smile at the corner of her mouth became deeper. “Not bad, your looks are very good, and you have an exceptionally intelligent air.”

“Thank you.”

Yang Anyu was a little shocked from receiving her favor. After his soul had transmigrated to this foppish Young Master, although he had yet to be scolded on sight, he was already used to all kinds of evil eyes. Rarely had anyone sincerely praised him, furthermore, the other party was this beautiful celebrity sister.

The few people made several sentences of small talk. After a while, it was once again Gu Xin’s turn to enter the stage.

The story of ‘Boxer’ began with the male lead on the run. The male lead Jiang Yunxue wholeheartedly pursued the Way of the Fist. Originally, he was Great Righteous Hall’s beginner disciple, but he accidentally discovered that this faction was actually an organization helping foreigners, and had privately done many bad deeds.

After that, the male lead was fiercely hunted by the people from Great Righteous Hall, and he could only hastily flee. While fleeing, Jiang Yunxue encountered by chance, the female lead Su Wenxuan. Then, by fate or happenstance, he was admitted into Grandmaster Jiang Hai’s door. Since then, bit by bit, his life changed.

The following few scenes today were all very important, and were also very difficult to shoot well. The male lead Jiang Yunxue and Great Righteous Hall’s villainous Senior Brother would be fighting on a moving cargo train and unwilling to disengage. Meanwhile, the female lead Su Wenxuan, who was by the side, had been captured by several other junior brothers. The situation was extremely critical.

The cameras had already been set up at the film site’s four cardinal directions and on the moving train, mainly to film the close-up of the male lead and the Senior Brother’s fight. This part also placed great importance on the fight’s realism and pa.s.sion. During this, the male lead had to successively jump across a good several cargo trains, according to the changes in the scene. Finally, he had to jump from the top of the train while blocking the front of the female lead Su Wenxuan.*

These few scenes had almost no lines. Gu Xin ran as she panted, relying on her expressions and movements to display her panic and anxiety. And the male lead’s actor, Yu Siyuan, only needed to show his face in several close-up storyboards. The rest of the combat would completed by a stunt-double. After all, in this sort of situation, the actions had to be done deftly.

However, in the middle of the shooting process, when the male lead was flying down the cargo train, an accident occurred.

The wires hoisting up the stunt-double suddenly broke, and he abruptly fell down. The force of impact was too large, causing the cargo on the train to also crash down. Although they were props, these many crashing would also be very painful.

Gu Xin, who was by the side, widened her eyes, thoroughly caught off guard. Who knew that a silhouette would suddenly appear – Yang Anyu kicked off with one leg and flew towards the approaching hemp sacks, then hugged Gu Xin and dodged away.

“Little Xin, are you alright?” Gu Xin’s manager, Sister Cheng, was the first to rush over. She was so frightened that her face was entirely white.

Gu Xin slowly stood and straightened out her body. Smiling, she shook her head. “I’m alright, Sister Cheng don’t worry.

“Yang… Yang Anyu, how about you?”

Guo Lixu’s face was shocked. Just now, Yang Anyu had clearly still been by his side, but he had sprinted over in a moment. This guy’s movements were really too fast.

“I’m fine as well. But that big brother, I fear that……” Yang Anyu said, then sent a worried gaze in the Big Brother Stunt-double’s* direction.

The incident had occurred in a sudden. Though his reaction was fast, he still couldn’t look after both sides, and could only protect Gu Xin first.

After the medical staff finished their examination, very quickly, they allowed people to carry away the Big Brother Stunt-double. The other stunt-doubles and staff saw this, and also had deeply worried expressions.

After inquiring and clearly understanding the situation, the film manager creased his forehead and eyebrows and said with difficulty, “Director, Brother Zhao injured his waist. Originally, he even had an old injury there. I fear that there’s no way to film today.”

Director Zhou sighed, and also anxiously creased his forehead and eyebrows. “Are there still other martial arts stunt-doubles?”

“There are, however, those with a body similar to Mr Yu, cannot be found here at the moment. Furthermore, other peoples’ movements might not be as precise as Brother Zhao’s as well.”

Hearing this, Director Zhou pinched together the center of his eyebrows again.

In reality, martial arts stunt-doubles not only needed a firm martial arts foundation. Their physique and temperament also needed to be fundamentally aligned with the actor’s. Only then could they use their body movements to help the actor act out an even better definition of their character.

‘Boxer’s’ other dramatic scenes had already been shot beforehand, with only a few left. At this time in the evening, the actors had fortunately harmonized with this combat scene, so post-production would also be easier. But this accident had obviously disrupted Director Zhou’s plans.

“Director Zhou, how about…” At this time, Yu Siyuan clenched his fist and suddenly opened his mouth to say, “I attempt it personally?”

All the other lead actors were shocked. Surprise had also flitted across Director Zhou’s eyes. “You’re certain? The degree of difficulty for these movements is very high, you need to practice for some time; moreover, it’s very easy to suffer injuries.”

Yu Siyuan hesitated. His manager Yan Feng pulled him back and gave him a look.

Presently, Yu Siyuan was still suited to walking the road of an idol. In the ten-thousand to one odds his body acquired an injury, especially on his face, then the consequences would be too terrible to think about. Of course he could not put himself at risk.

“Apologies, Director. Seems like this part will need to be postponed till pretty late.” Yan Feng smiled towards the Director apologetically.

Director Zhou helplessly waved his hand. It wasn’t good to straightforwardly say anything. On the other side, Gu Xin’s manager, Sister Cheng, also had an embarra.s.sed expression. “Director Zhou, I hope that this won’t drag on for too long, Little Xin’s schedule is very full.”

Sister Cheng didn’t like Yan Feng. Not only was that person unfrank, his complicated and messy intentions were also quite plenty. Gu Xin’s indeed had many future activities, so extra shifts were constantly being added to catch up with her schedule. Furthermore, it wasn’t winter now, and summer nights were cool, so she would frequently shoot until deep in the night, and also get up from bed early on the morning of the second day.

Yan Feng swept his eyes across Sister Cheng. Unhappiness also flashed in his eyes. Gu Xin was busy, was that to say his Siyuan was very free?

Director Zhou sighed again, nodding with a little frustration. “En, I’ll do my best to arrange things.”

Regarding this movie ‘Boxer’, originally, Director Zhou had been able to invite Yi Chenyan, so he was still pretty happy. But the male and female lead actors’ interactions were very cold, and their respective agencies were even at loggerheads. One side was Shang Huan Media where Yu Siyuan dwelled; the other side was Hua Cheng Entertainment which backed Gu Xin. Director Zhou, after all, was not a leading big film director, he couldn’t offend either side.

“Yang Anyu, have you learnt martial arts before?”

Gu Xin suddenly walked to Yang Anyu’s side. Her focus was obviously not the same as other peoples’, and her words had also alerted everyone on site in just a moment.

Just now, when the accident had occurred, that male student’s actions had indeed been not bad.

Yang Anyu, who was standing by the side with Guo Lixu – not daring to go forwards and disturb – froze slightly, then nodded his head.

“Then, the previous sequence of martial arts movements, can you do them?”

Yang Anyu continued to nod his head, subconsciously feeling that Gu Xin was not only beautiful, her person was also very clever.

Although he had switched a body and become a Young Master, he had previously been a bodyguard. He couldn’t forget just by saying forget, so his sword skills and fist-leg martial arts skills were, of course, still very proficient.

Guo Lixu looked at Yang Anyu, and was secretly surprised. He hadn’t thought that this young master from the Yang Family, besides being capable in dance, even practices martial arts?

The corner of Gu Xin’s mouth curved in satisfaction. “We’ve currently in a bit of trouble, Yang Anyu, are you willing to help out?”

Hearing this, the gleam in Manager Sister Cheng’s eyes flashed, and she couldn’t help but glance several times at Yang Anyu. Gu Xin had recently debuted and right now she was this popular. Besides having a very solid background, she had Leng Shi Group’s support. The crux was that she was also very industrious in Hua Cheng entertainment.

It seemed like Gu Xin very much liked this child Yang Anyu, and wanted to give him a chance.

Yang Anyu himself had also guessed as much. In the beginning, this world had been unfamiliar to him, and now it seemed like he was once again stepping into an even more unfamiliar field. But since this had occurred, he’d make the best of things. His inherent disposition was very optimistic.

“Alright, I can try.”

“Director, what do You* think?” Gu Xin smiled as she looked towards the director.

“You’re also a Cheng Yu student?” Director seemed a little convinced, yet doubtful. But, looking at Yang Anyu’s image and physique, it unexpectedly and coincidentally suited the character of ‘Jiang Yunxue’.

“En.” Yang Anyu calmly smiled. His exceptionally handsome and cheerful appearance did not lose to Yu Siyuan in the slightest.

At the other side, the entrance of the film studio’s east district, Yi Chenyan and Li Ye had just alighted from the car.

“Today, you didn’t need to rush here and should’ve first went home to rest for a night. Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up again,” Li Ye said.

These few years, Yi Chenyan had been active in the film industry, and very rarely partic.i.p.ated in television dramas. To have entered the ‘Boxer’ crew and become a guest actor, it was mainly because Yu Siyuan was a newcomer in their Shang Huan. The company’s side hoped that Yi Chengyan could come over to support him. Furthermore, his special appearance could also add much popularity and selling points to the drama.

“No need, I want to look at the crew in advance,” Yi Chenyan rejected. “Going later would be inconvenient as well. In that case, Li Ye, you can book a hotel nearby.”

“Anyway, you clearly don’t want to go home,” Li Ye said, hitting the nail on the head.

“……” Yi Chenyan’s footsteps paused. He did not refute.

Yang Anyu had become rather different from before. His occasional kind of innocence, and entirely self-confident expression – Yi Chenyan was a little afraid of facing them.

“You’re always leaving him alone at home, Chenyan, you better not forget that you two have already……” Speaking till here, Li Ye stopped. His tone was very helpless. “Had I known it would be like this, I should have done my best to stop it, that time when you made that decision.”

“This is my personal matter.”

Yi Chenyan furrowed his eyebrows. He clearly didn’t want to discuss this topic, and increased the speed at which he walked forwards.

When the two people arrived at the film site, the actors, cameramen and sound engineers, and others, were already ready. Yi Chenyan cast his eyes and looked around. His impartial gaze coincidentally landed on Yang Anyu’s body.

The Author has something to say: It’s always hard to avoid a BUG, inviting everyone to catch bugs and point out corrections, thanks!

Other than that, wishing everyone a happy Silent Night!

*The Republic of China: ‘The Republic of China was a sovereign state founded in 1912, after the Qing dynasty, the last imperial dynasty, was overthrown in the Xinhai Revolution. In 1949, the Communists established the People’s Republic of China, overthrowing the Republic of China’s government. – Wikipedia

*Big Brother Stunt-double: Not Yang Anyu’s blood related brother. Chinese use ‘big brother’ to call people who are slightly older than them as it sounds more friendly and informal.

*blocking the front of the female lead Su Wenxuan: Like how a male lead protects the female lead as they fall off a cliff in a typical drama.

*You: There are two ‘you’ in Chinese. ‘你’ (ni) which is informal and ‘您’ (nin) is formal, and used to show respect for the recipient. In order to distinguish between them, I will use lower-case ‘you’ for ‘ni’ and capitalized ‘You’ for ‘nin’.

*Silent Night: Christmas Eve.

T/N: Many thanks to Ebisu Translations’ ! Super useful. Also, parts of the fake text was lifted from .

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