Finding Stardust

Chapter 10

Alex and Emma chatted while they were waiting for their drinks. When she saw him, suddenly Emma thought of Haoran and she remembered what she heard, that Mary liked him and wanted to go to China because of him.

"Oh, by the way... I just found out that it turns out a cla.s.smate of mine deliberately chose the study trip to China because of Haoran," Emma commented. She glanced at Mary, who was still busy eating while chatting with Nadya. "I can"t imagine how disappointed she will be when she finds out that Haoran will be going to Paris instead."

Alex followed Emma"s direction and then chuckled.

"Ah, that"s none of your business, right?" he said nonchalantly.

Emma only smiled thinly at Alex"s words. The young man was right. This was none of her business. It"s just that, knowing Mary actually liked Haoran made Emma feel bad.

She decided that she would never tell the girl that she actually knew Haoran quite well, and even often went to his home. Inwardly, she could only hope that Mary wouldn"t ever find out. At least, until after they graduated from high school.

"Here are your drinks," the drinks counter staff interrupted their chat. Emma took her order and nodded towards Alex.

"See you later."

Alex just nodded with a smile. He stared at Emma as she walked to meet her two lunch buddies. He then took out his cellphone and photographed Emma from afar. With a smirk, he sent the photo to Haoran"s phone.

[Ha. Look whom I met at the cafeteria just now] He wrote a message under the photo.

Emma was happy because Mary and Nadya invited her to lunch together. The two girls seemed to like her. Because they sat nearby, Mary and Nadya interacted with Emma more than their other cla.s.smates. After a few weeks, they finally concluded that Emma was not at all arrogant as some of their peers a.s.sumed, since Emma didn"t socialize. They realized that she was just reclusive and minding her own business. She was never interested in other people"s affairs and gossip - like most people.

After lunch with Mary and Nadya that day, Emma"s relations.h.i.+p between Emma and the two girls became better. Occasionally, Emma would even come to the cafeteria with them, though not often. She still liked to spend her break time alone in cla.s.s to prepare her tutoring materials.


As the summer holiday was fast approaching, Emma diligently counted the days to the Paris study trip. She could not wait to set foot in the city and look for information about her parents.

Over time, her att.i.tude became increasingly tense. She was really impatient. However, she tried to calm down and focus her mind on her semester final exam and also her students" final exam.

Emma felt somewhat responsible for improving Haoran, David, Eric, Dinh, and Alex"s grades. She would feel bad accepting their money if she failed to help them with their test scores.

"How about we increase the frequency of our lessons to every day during the exam week?" Haoran asked Emma one week before the semester"s final exam. They were working on the mock tests prepared by Emma, and he felt that their preparation was far from adequate. Their target was pretty ambitious: move up to cla.s.s A in the next school year.

"Yes, I do think we need a lot more exercise. The week before the exam, and every day during the exam week," David added.

His father, a well-known lawyer, was delighted to see his son"s determination to study. He had promised the boy a special gift if David did succeed in moving to Cla.s.s 3A next year: A brand new car! This made David more excited than the other three.

Emma nodded. "I agree. What about the rest of you?"

Emma should have known that her question was not needed, because, for Eric, Dinh, and Alex, Haoran"s words were law. So, of course, they will agree with his plan. Moreover, David also supported the idea of increasing their tutoring frequency during the exam.

Seeing them all nod in unison, Emma smiled with satisfaction. "In that case, this Friday, we will study for the Monday exams. Later on the exam week, we will meet every day. Starting Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Friday, the last exam day, we can just rest and relax."

The five young men nodded together.


"Gosh ... it"s coming!! Next week is exam week. After that, we will have our break, and we will go to PARIIIIISSS ..." Nadya exclaimed excitedly. She plopped herself on a seat next to Emma and pulled her hand. "Emma, ​​what do you say if we go shopping for supplies for our Paris trip next Friday, on the last day of the exam?"

Emma, ​​who was packing up her books, furrowed her brows. It was the last Friday of school before they had their exam the following week.

Nadya had noticed that, lately, Emma was looking a bit tense, and she thought the girl was troubled by the exam week. That was why she proposed to Emma to entertain themselves after the exam was over by going shopping.

"Shopping for what? We don"t need special things for the trip to Paris, do we?" Emma asked in surprise. "It will be summer in Paris. It"s not like we need to bring coats or anything."

"That"s not what I meant," Nadya rolled her eyes and chuckled because somehow she wasn"t surprised to find out that Emma didn"t like shopping. She had known Emma well enough by now to know that she was different from normal girls like herself - who would enjoy the activity. "We have to shop for cute outfits. Don"t you want to look beautiful in every photo taken in front of the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coeur, and all the tourist attractions in Paris?"

Emma shook her head, and flatly said, "No."
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"Gosh ... Are you really a girl or not?" Nadya chuckled. She then turned to Mary. "What about you? Will you go shopping with me before our study trip? You want to look beautiful in front of Haoran during the trip in Beijing, right?"

Mary nodded vigorously and smiled. "Of course!"

Hearing how Nadya and Mary were so excited about their shopping plans, Emma became slightly jealous. She was not into shopping. She didn"t even have a lot of personal stuff. However, she liked to be friends with Mary and Nadya. Surely she could compromise this one time, right?

Finally, even though she was not really interested in shopping, Emma felt that she had to make an exception for her new friends.

"Uhm ... I"ll go with you." Finally, Emma said to Mary and Nadya, who were excitedly making made a list of the items they wanted to buy. The two girls turned to Emma when they heard that she was planning to tag along. They looked elated. Emma quickly added, "I will come along, but I don"t think I will buy anything ..."

"Wow, great! You can say whatever, but you"ll see, when we go to the shops and see so many cute stuff, I"m sure I can find one or two items that you will like," said Nadya with enthusiasm.

Emma wasn"t sure Nadya could convince her to buy unnecessary items. She was just glad to see her friend look so happy because Emma decided to come with them.

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