Finding Stardust

Chapter 152

Emma rolled her eyes at Xion"s mysterious words.

"You must be joking," she grumbled. She then shrugged. "I still love my life and want to continue living, thank you very much. That"s why I won"t force you to tell me about your family."

"That is wise." Xion smiled. 

He actually felt baffled by Emma"s nonchalance. She was really different from most girls he knew. Other girls would force him to tell them stuff and wouldn"t take no for an answer, or they would feel offended. This girl, somehow, couldn"t care less.

They finished their drinks in their and then decided to rest.

"Don"t you dare wake him up!" Emma threatened Xion as they stood up from the sofa and walked toward the door. "I want him to know what it"s like to curl up and sleep on such a small couch. Very uncomfortable."

Xion burst out laughing when he saw how Emma could be so petty. Emma quickly ambushed the man and covered his mouth with both hands.

"Gosh ... Sshhhhh... don"t make a noise! You will wake him up..." Emma blurted. Her topaz eyes narrowed with a menacing look. Xion was stunned. He subconsciously closed his eyes as his nose smelled Emma"s scent in such close proximity.

"Hmm ... you smell so nice," he commented.

"I smell like wine, and so do you," Emma replied. She released her hands from Xion"s mouth and slapped the man"s shoulder. "Let"s go!"

She walked with light steps, leaving the lounge. Xion just stood staring at Emma"s back, walking further away from him. His eyes did not blink, and his face looked amazed.


When Therius woke up with an aching body, he immediately realized that a certain someone had deliberately let him sleep uncomfortably on the lounge sofa because she wanted revenge.

A smile curved up on his face as he imagined Emma smiling triumphantly because she could make Therius pay for what happened the last time. He didn"t mind her being petty like this.

"Ouch ..." His head suddenly felt so painful. With a low grunt, he rose from the couch and walked back to his room. His hands were ma.s.saging his temples trying to get rid of his ma.s.sive headache.

Natan arrived shortly after and gave him remedies for hangover and sleeping pills so he could rest properly.


Emma remembered Therius told her that there will be no cla.s.s today because he must be having a ma.s.sive hangover. Therefore, after her second cla.s.s with Anddara, she decided to spend time with Haoran at the clinic.

Emma just sat next to Haoran"s capsule and read one of the books that Therius put in her tablet. Natan left her alone in the room while he took care of several patients. There were four patients coming with some mild complaints or asking for some medicines.


The next day, when they met again in the library, Emma and Therius did not discuss what happened in the lounge on Therius" birthday. The prince did not seem angry because they left him to sleep on the sofa lounge. He also didn"t seem to remember that he had confessed his love to Emma when he was drunk.

Apparently, Xion was right when he said Therius would not remember any stupid things he said when he was drunk. So, Emma also did not bring it up at all. What for? The atmosphere between them would definitely become awkward if she mentioned it.

At present, Emma didn"t need another problem. Her current situation was already bad enough for her. She didn"t need a new thing to worry about.

However, when she saw Therius teaching her new words and how to make sentences, the girl couldn"t help but remember the events of two nights ago when the prince suddenly confessed his love to her.

"Gosh... he"s crazy," Emma murmured.

How could Therius fall in love with her? They had only known each other for a little over a month. Crazy.

"What did you say just now?" Therius asked in puzzlement.

Emma gasped. She fluttered her lashes subconsciously and looked at Therius with a guilty face, like a thief being caught in the act. She finally shook her head. "Nothing"

Therius stared intently at Emma. He was a telemancer who was far stronger than her, ​​and he should have been able to read her mind easily. In normal circ.u.mstances, he should be able to find out what Emma was thinking just now.

But unfortunately, he could not read Emma"s mind as long as she did not allow it. That"s the thing of being a telemancer; they cannot read the minds of the people they loved. The other person must allow them to do so.

Ugh... Therius could only sigh and try to guess what she was thinking, but it was futile.


"So ... this is the contract?" Emma asked to confirm.

Therius nodded. After Emma learned to read for a long time, she finally stated that she understood the Akkadian writing language well enough. She had managed to read more serious books and she quickly mastered a variety of new knowledge.

To keep his promise, Therius made a contract between himself and Emma, ​​for the next five years, witnessed by Xion and Atila.

"I"ll read it first," Emma said.

She took the sheet of paper and sat in the corner of the library. Her forehead creased as she read every word written there. Xion and Atila stood watching her from the other corner, while Therius busied himself with other doc.u.ments.

Emma saw that the contract was made in very simple language. Maybe Therius deliberately wrote it that way so that Emma could understand its contents easily. The agreement contained several clauses.

Emma and Therius would pretend to be lovers in front of the king and the Akkadian people for the next five years, and they would get engaged to promote peace agreement with Thaesi.

This agreement would become the secret between Therius and Emma, plus Xion and Atila as the witnesses. None of the four of them were allowed to reveal this agreement for any reason.

If Atila disclosed this secret, she would be sentenced to death for treason because she went against the crown prince"s orders.

If Xion disclosed this secret, he would also be sentenced to death for treason because he went against the crown prince"s orders.

If Emma disclosed this secret, then their agreement would automatically be canceled and everything Therius promised for her would be void.

If Therius disclosed this secret, then Emma had the right to cancel the agreement, and Emma would automatically receive everything Therius had promised her.

Over the next five years, Emma would act as the crown prince"s fiancee and fulfill her obligations as a crown princess. These include but were not limited to getting all the training on how to be the future queen of Akkadia, maintaining Therius" reputation as well as the royal family"s wherever she was, following state duties, and acting on behalf of the royal family in public.

In return, for the next five years, Therius would protect Emma and Haoran in Akkadia. He would free Kaos.h.i.+n from prison and send him back to Thaesi to reunite with his wife and son, and make peace with Thaesi.

Therius would also make sure Haoran get the best medical care. Emma could check with the best doctors and hospitals in Akkadia to treat Haoran"s condition.

Within five years, Emma could train and become stronger to challenge Therius to a fair fight. If Emma won, Therius must cancel their engagement properly and let Emma return to Thaesi with Haoran to reunite with her family.

If Emma lost the fight, then she must be willing to marry Therius and become his wife, the future queen of Akkadia. She had to help Therius become a good king and carry out her duties as a queen. As the wedding gift, Therius promised to free all their colonies and propose equality among all kingdoms on their planet.

Emma raised her face and looked at Therius intently when she read that clause. She could not believe Therius really listened to her wishes.

Free the entire Akkadia"s colonies? Just like that? Only because Emma asked?

The girl swallowed. For some reason, reading this contract made her feel like she was reading a love letter, not an agreement.

Her face became hot and her cheeks blushed.

Ah, Therius ... you better find another woman to love, thought Emma. Your love is wasted on me.

She could not possibly return the prince"s love, even though she no longer hated Therius.

She was already married and she really loved her husband.

Hmm ... maybe over time, Emma would be able to make Therius turn away from her and anch.o.r.ed his heart to another woman.

Emma suddenly thought of the girl Therius mentioned two nights ago. Didn"t he say that he actually planned to marry the princess from Terren had he not known about Emma"s existence?

Maybe, after Emma arrived in Akkadia and met the girl, she would be able to make Therius change his mind and decided to marry Ydwlyna instead.

Well.. at least this contract would buy her time to do that. She would have five years.

"I"ve read this contract," Emma finally said. She raised her face and looked at Therius intently. "Where should I sign?"

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