Finding Stardust

Chapter 22

"What did you find?" Haoran asked her when he saw Emma"s face beaming. The young man narrowed his eyes and observed Emma. "Be careful when walking while checking your phone. You could trip."

Right after saying that, he pulled Emma"s hand so that she wouldn"t hit a wall while walking down the stairs.

"Oh... right... Thank you," Emma replied. She started to pay attention to where she was walking. In her heart, she grumbled. If she didn"t have to hide her abilities from other people, it would be so much easier for her to just fly. She wouldn"t need to worry about tripping over something.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Haoran asked again.

Emma looked back at Horan and thought for a moment. Could she share what she found with Horan or not ...

Finally, she handed her cellphone to the young man. Haoran put on his and read the news on Emma"s phone. The article quickly grabbed his attention. He even paused to read its contents.

"Wow ... it really did happen. Can the news source be trusted?" Haoran asked enthusiastically. He did not wait for Emma"s answer because he had personally checked the name of the media who wrote the article and found it was legit. "This is a well-known media ... meaning this news was accurate... Gos.h.!.+ It"s great that something like this happened. It turns out there really is someone like that ... The government should have given them a medal for what they did."

Emma was struck by Haoran"s enthusiasm. "You think so?"

"Right. I"m sure there will be so many companies in the world who would want to get their inventions. Imagine how many starving people in the world could be fed if this technology was used..." Haoran said excitedly.

When she heard Haoran"s words, Emma"s chest suddenly felt tight. For some reason, she thought that she had heard those words before. But why did her chest feel tight?

"What happened to you?" Haoran asked again. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

Emma shook her head. "It"s okay. I just thought I"ve heard someone say the same thing you just said."

"Of course, right? If there really are people who could boost farming in such a way, we will be able to feed so many people. There will be no more hunger in this world." Emma nodded. Haoran handed Emma"s cellphone back to the girl. "This is very interesting. Let"s walk faster. Our friends have gone far ahead of us."

Haoran and Emma refocused their mind on their walk to catch up with their friends. Emma kept her phone in her bag and held back her urge to check more articles. She felt that if she kept checking her phone, then she would not be able to stop. She did not want to attract Madame Delaval"s attention.

"All right, Kids. We"ve arrived at the second garden. You may now sit on the gra.s.s and enjoy your lunch. This is such a beautiful view to accompany our meal. We have half an hour to have lunch together and rest. After that, we will enter the Palace of Versailles to see the inside," Madame Delaval said. She signaled to the students with her yellow umbrella so that they gather in a field near a beautiful fountain.

Madame Delaval was great with the timing. When they all sat down to enjoy a picnic lunch, the sun was not too hot. The atmosphere during the picnic was delightful. All 44 students of St. Catherine High School immediately searched pleasant positions for them to sit and then began to open their lunch bags. Haoran and Alex sat next to Emma because they walked the slowest, so they were behind everybody else.

While munching on her croissant, Emma couldn"t help but think about the mysterious harvest in Limoges fifteen years ago. Indeed, with her father"s ability to control plants, her father should be able to eradicate famine throughout the world. She remembered her memory of her parents in West Africa. Her mother and father worked together to bring rain and grow plants to make the entire desert valley green.

If so, why did her father not reveal his power to the government? The government must be pleased to have someone with his abilities. Anyone who could succeed in eradicating hunger on earth will be considered a hero. They would be adored and praised by all humans, Emma thought to herself.

Why didn"t her father do that? Did her mother and father deliberately not want to attract attention?

"Hey ... look at this," Haoran suddenly touched Emma"s shoulder gently. Apparently, he also kept thinking about the same thing when eating his lunch. Haoran had taken out his cellphone and typed in some keywords about bio-hackers and the mysterious harvest because he was curious.

"What is wrong?" asked Emma, ​​who was immediately moved from her reverie.

"I was searching for more articles online using the keywords of bio-hacker and mysterious harvest. You know what, there are some interesting articles from so many years ago," he said to her, showing his cellphone to Emma. The girl examined Haoran"s cellphone screen and skimmed its contents.

"The Ibukun* Valley in West Africa is a natural miracle phenomenon. When hungry people prayer"s finally got answered.." Emma read the first sentence and immediately her chest was pounding. This must be article about what her father and mother did at that time. She remembered it was in West Africa that Arreya Stardust brought down rain, and Kaos.h.i.+n Stardust grew plants on the entire valley.

"This is amazing!" exclaimed Haoran. "Come on, keep reading. You will be amazed by the contents."

On a typically hot day in 2042, suddenly there was an oddity in an area in West Africa that had been suffering from a drought for five years due to global warming. Suddenly it rained heavily during the day, and several hours later, the people living around the valley reported a miracle. The whole valley that had turned into a desert because it hadn"t been touched by water for so long, suddenly saw trees and food crops growing throughout the entire valley.

The valley was still green and had a source of natural spring that gave life to so many people around it. Now the valley was a natural reserve and was called the Ibukun Valley by the people.

"The valley is still there ..." Emma murmured. "This is truly extraordinary."

"Right? I will try to persuade my father to allow me to travel to Africa if you want to go there," Haoran said suddenly.

"To Africa? Why do you want to go there?" Emma asked in surprise.

"I said, I want to go to Africa if you want to go there," Haoran repeated his words. "Or to Limoges. Whatever you wish ..."

Emma looked at the young man with a surprised look. She didn"t expect Haoran to say this kind of thing. Why did Haoran want to accompany her to Limoges or West Africa? Was Haoran suspecting something?



[1] Ibukun = Blessing (Yoruba)
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