Finding Stardust

Chapter 6

Emma rubbed her wet eyes with her sleeve and slowly sat in her chair. She hadn"t cried for her parents in a long time. She knew crying would accomplish nothing. At the moment, her focus was on finding ways how she could return to France and find her parents" tracks.

However, she did not expect, merely seeing a poster about the study trip to Paris would be able to wrench her heart like this. And just like that, she was struck by a deep longing for her parents.

Emma tried to suppress her feelings and focus her attention on the subject taught by Mrs. Wen. Her homeroom teacher taught Mathematics. This was not her favorite subject, but Emma never had any difficulty understanding it.

Hour after hour pa.s.sed so slowly.

Finally, the recess came, and some students who were interested in Emma approached her to get acquainted. Most male students seemed attracted by her beauty, while the female students were just trying to be polite.

Emma had no time to make small talk. She immediately asked about the study trip to Paris.

"Oh .. that"s a special trip organized by the French teacher. It is meant for kids to practice their French. It"s not compulsory to take part. Only those who want it. After all, it is quite costly. Only rich kids go. They don"t actually go to Paris to practice language, but merely shopping and traveling." Mary explained.

Instantly Emma became disappointed. She had thought the study trip was part of the school"s main program, and all students would go. Ah ... if this was only an extracurricular program, it meant that she would not be able to ask the Government to pay for her.

"How much does it cost to join?" she asked, trying to hold back her disappointment, so that her voice didn"t sound bitter.
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"About two thousand dollars," answered Nadia, the girl with who sat at the desk next to Emma. "Only five people are going from our cla.s.s, including me."

Emma could only swallow and nod. "Thank you. Excuse me."

She rose from her chair and rushed out to hide her uneasiness. She was not yet 17 years old and didn"t have a job. She could not think of a way to make that kind of money in a short amount of time.

Emma walked out of the cla.s.sroom with a heavy heart. Her murky face made her cla.s.smates thought the girl was arrogant and did not want to hang out with them.

"Hey, you! Wait a minute ..." Suddenly Bianca came over to Emma and patted her shoulder. "Mrs. Wen asked me to take you around the school to explain the things you need to know."

Emma turned and stopped walking. "Okay."

"Hmm ... I am Bianca. Why did you transfer school?" Bianca asked, holding out her hand. Emma shook the girl"s hand reluctantly.

"Mrs. Wen already said I moved house," Emma answered curtly. She did not like Bianca. From the very beginning, the cla.s.s leader had looked at her with a look of contempt that reminded Emma of Mabel.

"Hmm .. I see. Okay. No need to be angry. I"m just curious." Bianca shrugged her shoulders and signaled Emma to follow her. "I"ll take you around. Follow me."

Emma nonchalantly walked following Bianca"s steps to the end of the corridor to go down to the first floor.

"Maybe you don"t know yet, but Cla.s.s A students are the smartest students in this school. Followed by Cla.s.s B, C, and so on. The kids in Cla.s.s F are either the dumbest students or the troublemakers." Bianca pointed to the cla.s.srooms they pa.s.sed one by one. "You won"t want to hang out with them."

Her last sentence was referred to a group of students who were hanging out in front of cla.s.s 2F.

"Hey ... Stardust!" Suddenly a familiar voice came from the direction of those said students. Emma narrowed her eyes to see properly, who was calling her name just now.

Ah ... it was Haoran.

Was he in cla.s.s F?

The young man rose from among his friends and smiled broadly, facing Emma and Bianca.

"Do you know each other?" Bianca turned her head to Emma. The girl nodded.

"Yes." She looked back at Bianca and pushed her away. "Thanks, but I don"t need you to show me around the school. I want to talk to Haoran."

When she saw Haoran in cla.s.s F, Emma suddenly had an idea to make money.

She walked over to Haoran and pulled his hand toward the stairs and went down to the first floor, leaving Bianca and the students from cla.s.s F behind. They were all astonished by the scene. A moment later, the students from cla.s.s F cheered for Haoran and Emma while Bianca pursed her lips with an angry expression.

She did not expect this new student to be very shameless. Instead of being grateful because she was willing to take Emma around and explain everything about this school, the girl act vulgar by taking the hand of a cla.s.s F student and walked with him, hand in hand.

"Wow ... I didn"t know you missed me that much," Haoran commented in a mischievous voice. He smiled happily because Emma held his hand in front of many people. Emma was the most beautiful girl in St. Catherine High School today. Her action must have made so many boys jealous of Haoran.

"I don"t miss you. Don"t be stupid," Emma said curtly. She brought Haoran to a quiet place next to the school building and let go of his hand. "I need your help. I paid your service in advance by holding your hand just now, so you can"t say no."

"Eh ..." Haoran was stunned by Emma"s words. This girl was really not the shy type, he thought. "Alright ... what can I do for you?"

"I need money, 2000 dollars," Emma said quickly.

The young man looked at Emma with a confused look. His brows furrowed as if he was making an a.s.sessment of the girl"s request. "You ... want to sell your body ... to me?"

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