Finding Stardust

Chapter 66

"How can you convince Professor Ren Hanenberg to give you his access code and pa.s.sword?" Haoran asked in amazement. He had placed the tray with cinnamon rolls on Emma"s bedside table and returned to the kitchen to help the girl prepare tea.

"I made him," Emma said casually. She handed Haoran the teapot while she brought two cups for them to her room.

Haoran followed Emma with furrowed brows. He did not understand the meaning of her words. He placed the teapot on Emma"s table and poured tea into their respective cups and then sat in a chair, while Emma sat on her bed.

"I don"t understand what you mean by "you made him"," Haoran said again. He looked at Emma with an inquisitive look. "What did you do to him? Did you blackmail him?"

Emma shook her head. "I didn"t blackmail anyone."

"Plus, even if he did give you his access code and pa.s.sword, how can you be sure that he won"t report you and change those codes?" Haoran asked again.

"He won"t do it. I have locked his mind to never change his access code and pa.s.sword for the next three years," Emma said, smiling faintly.

"You ... locked his mind?" Haoran looked at Emma with round eyes. He almost did not believe in his own ears.

A moment later, he remembered when Emma was telling her secret in Paris. The girl explained that her mother had locked her memory for so many years, so that Emma didn"t know her real ident.i.ty and could live as regular human.

Gosh ...

He just realized

Emma must have one more power.

"So... you can control your mind?" the young man asked in a low voice. "Is that true?"

Emma pressed her lips. She forgot that she never told Haoran that she had the power of telemancy. Oops...

She nodded involuntarily.

Emma was too excited because managed to get direct access to s.p.a.ceLab unexpectedly... and slipped. Finally, she realized that there was no point in hiding her telemancy from Haoran.

"I ... inherited the power of telemancy from my mother," the girl said softly. "I can read minds and control them. I used my telemancy to get Professor Ren Hanenberg"s access code and pa.s.sword and make sure he won"t change them for the next few years."

"Gosh ..." Haoran looked astonished. "You are truly amazing! That means you have a total of six powers!"

Emma nodded. "It is true."

"Do you still get all the visions from your past when you use your power?" Haoran asked attentively.

Emma shook her head. "Not anymore. I have recovered all my memories completely. Now, I can remember everything that happened in the past. I no longer need to use my power just to get glimpses of memories."

"Hmm ... you"ve only trained your powers a few times when we were sailing. But it looks like you can already use them so well. I wonder if everyone from your planet could use their powers so naturally like you do. And.. I didn"t even know you could control people"s mind," Haoran commented enthusiastically. "Is there anything interesting you found out about Professor Hanenberg? Anything that might be useful for us?"

"Hmm... not much. Ren Hanenberg is a very complicated person. I"m having a little trouble reading his mind because his brain was too busy thinking of so many things at once. I don"t think I"ve ever met anyone whose brain is so active like his. But I know he sympathized with me when I told him that I am looking for my parents. He is an orphan and he deeply misses his parents ... "

"Oh ..." Haoran was stunned by Emma"s words. He then nodded. "I didn"t expect that. He looked so tough overbearing from the outside."

"Oh ... about that. I know that he has very severe insomnia. Days could go by before he can get a wink of sleep. That"s what makes his mood so bad. Since I got his access, I gave him a small reward. I made him sleep for several hours," Emma said with a smile.

"Ohh .. can you control such mind that well?" Haoran asked curiously. "Alright ... I want to know if you can control my mind."

Emma looked at Haoran in amazement. "You want me to control your mind? Why? I respect you and will never do that to you ..."

Haoran laughed at Emma"s answer. "I just want to know and feel it for myself. Come on ... you can tell me to do something and I"ll try to go against your orders. Or, you can just tell me to sleep like you did to Ren Hanenberg earlier."

"Hmm .. okay." Finally, Emma relented.

She patted Haoran on the shoulder and looked into his eyes deeply.

"Haoran, you better sleep now. You look so sleepy already," the girl said softly.

Haoran looked at Emma with furrowed brows. but, he couldn"t help but let out a really big yawn. His vision slowly became blurry, and a moment later he suddenly faltered.

Emma hurriedly held Haoran"s body and pulled him to the bed. The girl just shook her head when she saw Haoran asleep so fast. She then took some photos of Haoran sleeping and sent them to the young man"s cellphone.

Five minutes later, Emma patted Haoran on the shoulder and woke him up.

"Haoran ... Let"s get up and have some tea," Emma said. "The tea will get cold if you leave it for too long."

Haoran opened his eyes one by one and frowned in surprise. He woke up and sat on the bed then looked around with a confused face.

"Why am I here?" asked the young man.

Emma gave a small smile and handed Haoran"s cellphone to him. "You told me to make you sleep. Try checking the pictures on your cellphone."

Haoran scanned his cellphone and chuckled in admiration several times. He then looked at Emma with cheerful eyes.

"Jeez ... you"re right! It"s amazing. You can make me obey you and sleep."

"I would never do that to you if you didn"t ask me," Emma said. "I respect your privacy and will never control your mind."

Haoran hugged Emma gratefully. "I know. You are indeed a sweet girl."

He scanned his cellphone again and frowned. Something then occurred in his mind.

"Emma ... can you control my mind so I can be smart and can do all my exams with perfect scores?"

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