Finding Stardust

Chapter 93

Emma and Haoran walked out of the Ruby u0026 Co store and continued their journey to the women"s clothing store on the same floor. Emma helped Haoran choose a beautiful coat for his mother and a red scarf, which, according to Haoran, was his mother"s favorite color.

"My mother"s birthday is in a few weeks," Haoran said. "This is such great timing to visit her."

Emma remembered Haoran"s laptop pa.s.sword. 1204 or April 12. Was it Haoran"s mother"s birthday?

"Is it April 12?" Emma asked Haoran.

Apparently, her guess was right. The young man nodded excitedly.

"My mother would be so pleased and shocked to see us," Haoran said happily.

Emma joined in smiling to share Haoran"s happiness. They then stopped at the florist on the way to Haoran"s mother"s house. Haoran chose a large and beautiful flower bouquet. He also bought a basket of fruit.

"Gosh, Emma ... it"s been six years ..." the young man whispered as they drove back in the car to his mother"s home address. His voice sounded so nervous.

Emma remembered the last time Haoran saw his mother was when he was 14 years old, and now he was almost 20. It must have been six very lonely years for Haoran, she thought.

Emma hadn"t seen her father and mother for more than 14 years. Now, her longing for them was unbearable. But that made her understood very well how Haoran felt, and she was happy for the young man. She could not wait to see the meeting between Haoran and his mother.

Emma took Haoran"s hand and squeezed it softly. The journey to Haoran"s mother"s house felt so slow.

"Young master, we have arrived," the driver said respectfully as he opened the door for Haoran and Emma. Their luxury car had stopped in front of a large house with a lush garden visible from the outside. There was a metal gate in front of it.

Emma recognized the house as the house Haoran often watched through the satellite access that Goose had given him.

Ah, that must be it. This must be the house where Haoran"s mother lived.

Haoran looked rather nervous. He repeatedly fixed his collar and smoothed his hair. His handsome face was filled with a mix of emotions. He was very happy, and at the same time, sad for the separation. His hands trembled slightly as he rang the bell at the gate.

He insisted on bringing his own gifts for his mother and did not let the driver touch them. He had asked Emma to bring the bouquet of flowers for his mother while he was carrying boxes of gifts.

Not long after, the gate was opened by a middle-aged maid.

"h.e.l.lo, who are you looking for?" she asked with a thoughtful look.

"I-I... want to meet my mother. My name is Haoran," Haoran said quickly.

Instantly the maid pressed her lips. She widened her eyes and stared at Haoran in shock.

"You... Young Master Haoran?" she asked to make sure.

"Is my mother home?" Haoran asked. The maid nodded vigorously. Her eyes seemed to get wet. In a hurry, she invited the two guests to come in.

"Madame is sitting in the back garden," said the servant. She walked with quick steps. Haoran followed her excitedly, and Emma walked behind him. When they pa.s.sed through the beautiful garden in front of the house, she saw some orange trees that she had seen through the satellite camera many times.

Haoran and Emma immediately felt familiar with the outside of the house because they had seen it so often before. Haoran made time to see his mother every day via satellite, even though she didn"t know that her son is watching her from afar.

During this time, Haoran was content that he was able to see his mother from afar and make sure she was healthy and well. But now, his feelings were filled with immeasurable happiness, because he would soon meet his mother in person... after being separated for six years.

"Ma"am ... Ma"am ... we have guests!" The maid"s voice sounded so excited to call the lady of the house.

They walked through the garden and into the large, well-appointed house through the living room, kitchen, and back yard.

When Haoran arrived at the doorway to the backyard, he had seen the woman he had missed so much.

"Mother ..." he called out in a hoa.r.s.e voice. He immediately put all the items he carried on the floor and ran toward the beautiful woman sitting on a garden bench while arranging stalks of flowers in a gla.s.s vase.

The woman looked up when she heard Haoran call out to her. For a moment, she seemed transfixed to her place, with her hand holding a lily stopped mid-air. Her face was filled with surprise and disbelief.

"Haoran?" asked the woman in a doubtful voice. She might have thought that her longing for her only child was so severe to the point that she was hallucinating.

But when Haoran dashed out and hugged her with all his might, she immediately realized that she was not hallucinating nor dreaming.

"Mother ....." Haoran cried as he buried his head into his mother"s lap. She was still frozen in her place. Her beautiful grey eyes were in tears. She hesitantly touched Haoran"s hair and was finally convinced that he was indeed hugging his child.

A moment later, after his consciousness had recovered one hundred percent, soon there was a howl from the mother. He really screamed and hugged Haoran tightly back. Haoran"s mother kept kissing her child.

"Oh ... my son! Oh, G.o.d... you can come here? Oh, my dear child... I really miss you ... I really ... really miss you..."

She kissed her son"s cheeks, nose, and hair without stopping. Mother and son, who had been separated for six years, wept together unashamedly, and not caring for their surroundings.

Emma stood, watching from the doorway, feeling emotional. She did not want to come closer and disturb the moment Haoran had with his mother. They deserved to get private time to vent their longing between them without interference from others.

Because of that, Emma slowly stepped back and gave them personal s.p.a.ce and time. The maid, who had brought them in, understood what she was doing. She retreated with Emma into the house, leaving Haoran and his mother alone.

Emma sat in the living room with flowers in her hands. She looked at her surroundings and admired Haoran"s mother"s tastes in designing her house. The house had a calming and peaceful vibe, she thought. Everything seemed so soothing.

"Please have some tea, Miss." The maid came and served tea in a fancy tea set for her.

"Thank you," Emma replied.

She accepted the tea and took a slow sip while waiting for Haoran and his mother to finish their reunion.

Emma didn"t need to wait too long. Half an hour later, Haoran entered the house, holding his mother"s hand. When she saw them come together, Emma could see how similar Haoran looked to his mother.

"Mother, this is Emma," Haoran said sheepishly to his mother, walking to Emma"s side. "We"ve been together for a while now. Uhm ... we have gifts for you."

He walked happily toward the kitchen, where he had left his gift boxes on the floor and brought them back one by one. His mother was beaming with happiness, while Haoran and Emma were all smiles.

The cold spring weather suddenly felt so warm.

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