Finding Stardust

Chapter 117

Seeing Emma holding her gla.s.s hesitantly, Therius immediately drank his wine to show the girl that the wine he gave her was safe and he did not spike it with anything.

However, before the gla.s.s touched his lips, suddenly there was a gust of wind from the side that turned his gla.s.s upside down and spilled his wine.

"You...!" Therius jumped up, when he realized his wine was spilling, to avoid his beautiful clothes from getting splashed. Unfortunately, he was not fast enough. His upper garment was wet with wine spills and left a red stain.

"It"s for the cup you ruined just now," Xion sneered as he sipped his wine with an annoying grin.

"You!" Therius scoffed. If Emma wasn"t sitting there in the room with them, he would have pounced Xion and beat the c.r.a.p out of him. But because Emma was staring at him with rounded eyes, Therius could only clear his throat and rose from his seat. "Please forgive my childish friend. I"ll excuse myself for a moment to change my clothes."

He glared at Xion before walking into his room and disappear behind the door. Emma just shook her head at the sight of the two men quarreling like boys.

They both behaved like children, she thought to herself. She placed her gla.s.s on the table and chose to wait for either Therius or Xion to drink their wine before she touched it again.

She didn"t want to just accept drinks from people she did not know well. There were already too many stories about girls being hara.s.sed after they drank spiked drinks.

Although Emma had magical powers, she could not guarantee that she would be able to resist spiked drinks. Moreover, the two men in front of her were not ordinary humans. They also had magical powers like Emma. She didn"t know if she would win in a fight against both of them.

"I hope you can be patient. He will be inside for a while," Xion said in a mischievous tone. "It takes Therius two hours just to choose his outfits."

Before he finished speaking, the door to Therius"s room was opened with a loud bang. The young man he was gossiping about came out in a practical black outfit, and his face gave out a murderous aura.

Xion pressed his lips in surprise.

Wait ... how can Therius change his clothes that fast? Did he tear his stained clothes and put on a new one in lightning speed?

Xion suddenly hiccuped at this thought, and he gulped down his wine. A man in love is so scary!

"What did you say just now?" Therius asked in a menacing voice. "I DO NOT need two hours to choose an outfit!"

Xion coughed a little and then rose from his chair. "I didn"t say anything. Well.. I will leave you two to talk. It seems like there are a lot of things you have to talk about between yourselves. I will go down and walk around to get some fresh air."

Emma quickly stood up and held Xion"s hand. "I want to talk to both of you. Please don"t leave."

Xion immediately pulled his hand away from Emma"s grip as he felt a murderous stare from the side.

"Stay," Therius said in a commanding tone.

He knew that Emma did not trust him and wanted a third person in the room to get confirmation about everything that Therius would say.

"Hmm ... okay. I"ll stay." Xion poured wine back into his gla.s.s and Therius"s empty gla.s.s. "Come on, please drink. It suddenly feels hot in here."

Emma saw Xion sipping his wine and he looked fine. So she figured it was safe to drink hers. She shouldn"t act rude toward these two men. She nodded slightly and took a sip of her wine.

The taste of this wine was very rich and gave a refres.h.i.+ng sensation in her head. She really liked it.

"I"m glad you came to see me," Therius began the conversation. He sat elegantly and looked at Emma attentively. His att.i.tude looked like a state official who was holding a diplomatic dialogue with a foreign state envoy. "Xion said you guys talked last night?"

Emma nodded. "He explained a little about the situation in Akkadia now. To be honest, I don"t understand many things, and I need to ask you directly."

"I"m here. Please ask," said Therius. Unknowingly, a faint smile had adorned his face, which usually looked expressionless.

Emma looked at the handsome man in front of her and for a moment her chest pounded. When she saw Therius, she felt like she was seeing herself. Why do they look so alike?

"Do we have a familial relations.h.i.+p?" Emma asked suddenly.

Therius shook his head. "As far as I know, my father is from Thaesi, but he has absolutely no familial relations.h.i.+p with your mother."

Xion cleared his throat and spoke as if to himself after taking a sip of his wine. "According to Akkadian belief, men and women whose faces look similar are fated to be together."

Therius, who was sipping his wine gracefully, suddenly coughed at Xion"s words and spurt his wine. Now, his clothes were wet again with a red stain.

"Xion! What are you doing?" Therius glared at his best friend.

"I am helping you. You can thank me later," Xion replied while raising an eyebrow.

"You have not been helping at all. You"ve ruined my clothes twice." Therius began to growl.

"Only the first time, it was because I was making you pay for the cup I was a.s.sembling. The second time is your own doing."

"You have embarra.s.sed me in front of this girl. Watch out. Someday, when you meet a girl you like, I will make sure you remember what happened today." Therius glared menacingly.

Emma looked at Therius and Xion alternately with a confused face.

Judging from the expressions of these two young men, it was clear both of them were arguing. However, unfortunately, no one made a sound, and Emma could not invade the minds of either of them to know what they were arguing about.

She suddenly felt so weak. The power that she had to easily read other people"s thoughts and influence them was completely useless in front of the two men acting like two boys fighting over a soccer ball.

Finally, she cleared her throat. "I"m right here. Please don"t talk behind my back. That"s rude."

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