Finding Stardust

Chapter 12

Her heart was filled with guilt, knowing that she was responsible for the blackout, even though she was not entirely sure how she did it. Emma moved her body naturally and drifted back to the top of the Eiffel Tower and stood there.

The beautiful city of Paris was now no longer visible since it was surrounded by darkness. She could only hear voices from so many people.

When her gaze swept the night sky, she was charmed by the view. Now, without lights coming from the city, she could actually see billions of stars from the bright milky way.

For some reason, Emma was overcome by a feeling of solitude as she gazed up at the sky.

Unfortunately, the solemn atmosphere did not last long. One by one, the buildings in Paris began to have their lights on. Almost all buildings have their own power generators for emergency situations like this.

Following that, her emotions began to calm down. Emma took out her cellphone and tried to contact Haoran. She must meet the young man to find out what happened.

Fortunately, the telecommunications towers were also equipped with generators that turned on automatically several minutes after the blackout. The connection bars on her phone started to appear.

The time on the cellphone showed 1 AM. The calendar on the top left side of the screen said June 21, 2056. The exam result was posted on June 19. That meant she had lost memories of the past two days.

"Happy birthday, Emma ..." the girl whispered to herself. She remembered her birthday because her mother always said Emma was the gift of summer for Arreya and Kaos.h.i.+n.

[Haoran ... are you still awake? I unknowingly sleepwalked, and now I don"t remember the way home. What is the name of the hotel we are staying in? Can you tell me?]

If Haoran had fallen asleep and couldn"t reply to her text, Emma would wait here until morning arrived.

Emma was so relieved when a minute later, a reply from him came.

[Send your location now, I"ll pick you up.]

The girl looked at her cellphone in surprise. Apparently, Haoran was still awake.. and even offered to pick her up!

[It is okay. I can take a taxi. I just need the name of our hotel.]

As soon as she pressed the SEND b.u.t.ton, Haoran called her.

"Stardust, it"s already past midnight. It"s not safe for a girl to roam alone. Hurry up and send me your location, I"m in the lobby and will be taking a taxi!"

When Emma heard Haoran"s voice on the phone, all of a sudden, the noise around her disappeared ... as if no other sound in the world meant anything to her... except his voice.

"I ... I"m in the Eiffel Tower ..." Emma stammered.

"Monsieur, we are going to the Eiffel Tower. Please hurry, my friend is in danger ..." She could hear Haoran speak to the taxi driver. "Stardust ... hang in there. I will be there soon."

Hearing Haoran"s words, Emma soon realized that she couldn"t let Haoran be suspicious by making him see her 320 meters above the ground. The girl quickly flung herself down in a beautiful movement and landed in her two feet gracefully.

As soon as her feet touched the ground ... a flash of memory played before her eyes.

Arreya Stardust jumped down lightly from the top of the apple tree in their garden after picking an apple for Emma. She landed gracefully in her two feet, almost like a b.u.t.terfly. Kaos.h.i.+n, who was carrying little Emma, looked to the left and right to make sure their neighbors did not see Arreya"s actions.

"Your worried face looks adorable, General Kaos.h.i.+n Stardust," Arreya teased her husband.

--What if somebody saw you?-- Kaos.h.i.+n"s lips were not moving, but Emma could hear her father"s voice.

"If anyone saw me, I will erase their memories," answered the beautiful woman nonchalantly.

--You shouldn"t use your magic unnecessarily, especially mind control. You are still weak from that time.--

Little Emma just looked at her father and mother alternately. They both looked very intimate. Kaos.h.i.+n"s gaze at his wife was always filled with profound love.



Emma"s flash of memory quickly ended when her cellphone rang and Haoran"s name appeared on the screen.

"I"m already in Trocadero. Where are you?"

"I"m at one of the feet of the tower."
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"Fine. Stay there, I am heading that way."

Emma held her cellphone to her chest, which was filled with warm feelings. Her tears dripped down slowly because, just now, she finally managed to remember her parents" faces. It was when the flash of memory came to her.

"Stardust ...! You"re here ..."

Haoran"s voice that was calling her name from a distance moved the girl from her reverie. The young man"s voice was filled with concern, and he was panting as he rushed from the Trocadero to the tower.

Not long after, the owner of the voice arrived and quickly hugged Emma by the shoulders.

"Gosh ... I didn"t know you sleepwalk. I was worried sick," he grumbled in a tone filled with relief. Emma was very happy to hear his voice, so the girl spontaneously hugged him back.

"Haoran ... today is my birthday," the girl whispered. "Don"t you want to wish me a happy birthday?"

"Oh ... is that so? I"m sorry, I didn"t know." Haoran let go of Emma and looked at her attentively. "Happy Birthday."

Emma nodded. "Thank you."

"You"re making me worried because I couldn"t find you. When the lights went out, there was a sudden commotion from the street. There was a rumor that this blackout was a terrorist attack, and everyone was told to immediately gather in the lobby. You"re the only student who didn"t show up..." Haoran explained. "That"s why I became distraught."

"Is there really a terrorist attack?" Emma asked, pretending to be scared. "I don"t know what happened to me. I think I was sleepwalking. I don"t know why I"m in the Eiffel Tower."

"It was a baseless rumor. If it really was a terrorist attack, we would have known it by now. It might just be an ordinary blackout, which just happened to be a bad one." Haoran shrugged. "Anyway, I"m glad you"re safe. We better go back now. Madame Delaval and Monsieur Thomas must be looking for us."

Emma nodded. "Come on."

Haoran grabbed her hand and led her across the park next to the Eiffel Tower to the street and hailed a taxi. Ten minutes later, the two of them walked into the lobby of the n.o.bel Hotel.

"What"s my room number?" Emma asked as they stepped into the elevator. She saw Haoran pressing the b.u.t.ton to the 10th floor. Did this mean that their rooms were on the same floor?

"Tonight you sleep in my room so I can take care of you. I cannot risk you sleepwalking again and wandering around alone," the young man answered firmly.

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