Finding Stardust

Chapter 123

After surgery, Haoran was admitted to the VIP ward, and his condition was stated as critical. Emma and the others were still waiting anxiously in the lounge. n.o.body slept nor ate.

Alex was the only one who was still clear-headed enough to buy food for them and forced them to eat. He also asked the hospital staff for blankets and pillows so that everyone waiting for Haoran could be more comfortable since none of them were willing to leave the lounge to get rest.

"Emma ... you have to eat; otherwise, you will also get sick," said Alex, trying to persuade Emma. It was past midnight, and Emma looked very tired. Alex opened a box of food and handed it to Emma. "If Haoran wakes up and you fall ill, he will be worried."

Emma raised her face and looked at Alex with tears in her eyes. She did not know why she was so unlucky in life. After losing her parents, she must experience this incident where she might lose Haoran as well. Not only was Haoran her husband, but the man was also her best friend who understood her best. She couldn"t afford to lose him.

Her mind drifted back to the past. Fifteen years ago, her father was injured in the Ibukun Desert after he exerted too much power to give life to the whole valley and making it green again. Arreya complained that having many powers was useless when she couldn"t do anything to heal her loved ones.

Now, Emma understood how it felt.

Ahh... why are my powers utterly useless at a time like this? she thought despondently.

She felt so helpless after the surgeons did their best in the surgery but Haoran still didn"t wake up after two days. They could only wait.


Emma woke up when she felt a blanket was draped over her shoulders. She opened her eyes and looked at the person standing in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"Mother?" Emma asked in surprise.

She did not expect to see Haoran"s biological mother in Singapore. The beautiful middle-aged woman smiled, even though her eyes were swollen and wet with tears.

"You"ve been staying at the hospital for two days. It"s time for you to go home and rest," the woman said attentively. "Doctors have done their best. As soon as there is progress, they will contact us."

Alex, Dinh, David, and Eric had returned to their respective homes to rest and change clothes, then come back to the hospital to wait for Haoran. But no matter how hard they tried to persuade Emma to go home and rest, the girl would not listen.

Alex then begged Mr. Lee to contact Haoran"s mother and inform her of her son"s condition. They hoped that Haoran"s mother would be able to coax Emma to rest.

Given Haoran"s critical condition, Mr. Lee finally relented. He sent his a.s.sistant to pick up Haoran"s mother from Shanghai, and she immediately rushed to the hospital.

"Mother ..." Emma rose from her seat to embrace Haoran"s mother, and the two of them cried together.

In this world, the two were the women who loved Haoran the most and were equally devastated by the incident.


"How long do you plan to wait?" Xion asked impatiently. "If we don"t come home this week, I vow to never see you again."

"Why are you so impatient all of a sudden?" Therius asked him. "Aren"t you the one who wants to explore this backward planet and go on adventures? You can go anywhere and travel all you like. I will call you when the time comes to go home."

"I no longer have an appet.i.te for adventure," Xion commented scathingly. "I feel sick. Now I just want to go back and sleep in the sleeping pod for six months until we arrive home. And then I will go back to my mountain and never set foot in the capital ever again."

"Don"t be childish," said Therius. He returned his focus to the tablet in his hand. He was studying various battle strategies used by the great Akkadian generals in the past wars.

He suddenly perked up his ears and turned his gaze toward the terrace of the penthouse. Xion followed his gaze and looked in the same direction.

From the entrance with sliding doors opened wide, they could see a beautiful girl floating down from the sky and landing gracefully on the terrace. Her expression was dark, just like the night sky behind her.

"Welcome," Therius greeted Emma, ​​who walked with quick steps toward him. He glanced toward the door of the penthouse and made a short remark. "I agree. Doors are overrated."

"I need help," Emma said matter-of-factly.

She stood tall facing Therius, who had now placed his tablet on the table and gave her his undivided attention.

"What can I do for you?" Therius asked calmly.

"Do you have very advanced medical technology? My husband is seriously ill and he is now in a coma. I need to know if your technology can cure him."

Emma didn"t know how medical technology was like in Akkadia. But she could surmise that it must be far more sophisticated than here on earth. She needed to make sure she exhausted all her options to save Haoran before she gave up.

"Our medical technology is, indeed, very advanced. We also have doctors on board of our s.h.i.+p," Therius said. "But, I will not help anyone who has nothing to do with Akkadia."

Emma bit her lip. "I am from Akkadia, and he is my husband. Don"t tell me he has nothing to do with Akkadia."

Therius shook his head. "Sorry, you chose to stay here and forget about Akkadia. I can"t help you."

Emma tried to restrain herself from slapping Therius. She still needed the prince"s help. "So ... if I want to go home with you ... will you help him?"

Therius looked at Emma for a long time and then nodded. "Yes."

Emma became angry. "This is blackmail!"

She waved her right hand about to slap Therius, but the man was faster. He had held Emma"s hand and squeezed it gently.

"You are heartless... !!" screamed Emma. She backed away and waved her hands to beat Therius with a powerful whirlwind. Therius dodged slightly, and with a wave of his left hand, the whirlwind suddenly subsided.

Emma quickly realized that Therius was also an aeromancer like herself.

Ugh ... She became provoked and shot blue fireb.a.l.l.s from both of her hands one after the other toward Therius. She intentionally exerted all her might, since she knew Therius also controlled fire. Even if she couldn"t hurt him, she wanted to make her point, that she hated him for being so heartless.

A smile slowly etched on Therius"s cold face. 

This girl is quite feisty, he thought. 

He deliberately did not extinguish Emma"s fire. Instead, he just jumped and avoided her attacks. He wanted to know how good she was with her pyromancy.

The couch he had just sat on was immediately destroyed and burned by Emma"s blue fireball. Xion jumped up in shock when the sofa next to him was shot and burn. He quickly sucked all the oxygen from the flames with his aeromancy and put off the fire.

"Hey .. hey .. both of you! Don"t fight here ... You will destroy this building!!" he shouted repeatedly.

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