Finding Stardust

Chapter 124

Xion knew what Therius was doing. The prince wanted to test Emma"s abilities. That"s why he did not counter her attacks, instead, he deliberately provoked Emma to continue to attack him.

A barrage of fireb.a.l.l.s from Emma struck the sofa, cupboards, and walls... causing fires to burn everywhere. Xion became so busy blowing out all the flames to prevent the whole penthouse from being burned to ashes.

Therius swiftly dashed to and fro while Emma continued chasing him while launching her fire attacks.

"You!!!" Xion became so upset and yell at the two people. "If you want to fight, get out!!!"

The whole penthouse had become a huge mess, and fires were everywhere. Xion finally raised his hands and made a circular motion. His left hand was pointed at Therius, and his right hand was pointed at Emma. Then he pushed with all his might.


Emma screamed in shock when she saw a lump of bluish air in the shape of a giant hand, gripping her body tightly.

Then, she was tossed out of the penthouse through the terrace entrance. She was literally thrown into the sky by Xion as if he was throwing a ball. Emma tried to resist Xion"s powerful sweep, but she was not strong enough.

Therius also tried to hold the giant hand from throwing him out. However, he wasn"t fast enough, and suddenly he was already floating in the sky outside, only two meters away from Emma.

Xion walked out to the terrace, wipe his hands, and looked up to scold the two people. "If you want to fight, do it outside, I"m tired of cleaning up the mess you made."


Emma felt more depressed when she saw how Xion could easily toss her and Therius outside with his power. She was also an aeromancer, but she could not control air the way Xion had just done. The man grabbed her with a giant hand made of air, and she couldn"t put up a fight.

She could not imagine the difference in strength between Xion and her, and now she wondered if Therius was just as strong or stronger than Xion. She felt helpless.

"Emma..." Therius called out to her gently.

Emma threw a blazing look at Therius. She realized Therius never countered her attacks but he seemed to intentionally provoke her to see her abilities.

"Princess Emma, ​​I am not a heartless person like you accused me of. Even though you are no longer an Akkadian citizen, I can still make an exception for you and bring that man for treatment in the s.h.i.+p ..." Therius said as he returned Emma"s glare.

While Emma looked at Therius angrily, Therius looked at Emma calmly and attentively. He did not seem to care that Emma hated him.

"What do you want?" Emma asked curtly.

"I will treat him if you promise to come with me to Akkadia," Therius said. He immediately raised his hand before Emma interrupted him. "I won"t ask you to marry me. I"m not a lowly man who begs a woman to marry him."

"I don"t understand what you want. Don"t you need to marry me to ascend the throne?" asked Emma. She narrowed her eyes as if trying to read Therius mind, to no avail.

"We can just get engaged, like my uncle and your mother. That is enough to ease the conflict and create peace," said Therius. "And then we"ll take it from there. You can even leave me once everything is settled."

"I do not want it!" said Emma. "Do you think I"m stupid? Once I arrive in Akkadia, I won"t be able to get away from you."

"You still think of me as an enemy. That"s understandable," Therius said, shaking his head. "Okay, then. I"ll show you that I have no ill intentions toward you. I will bring him to my s.h.i.+p and ask my doctors to treat him if you can beat me. You just need to graze me and I will consider you win."

Emma bit her lip. Therius now openly asked Emma to attack him. Did he really want to fight to check Emma"s abilities?

"You promise?" Emma asked curtly.

"I promise. If you can hurt me, even just a little ... I will admit defeat and mobilize a team of doctors from the s.h.i.+p to treat him."

"I take your word for it... I hope the crown prince is not a liar," Emma said. "I won"t hold back."

She raised her hand and shot a blue fireball at Therius.

Strangely this time, Therius did not dodge her attack. He pressed his hand on his chest, and all of a sudden, his whole body was engulfed in violet flames.

Emma"s fireball was absorbed by his violet flames and it didn"t affect him at all.

Ugh... Emma quickly realized that as a pyromancer, Therius was so much stronger than her.

However, she was only startled for half a second. Emma immediately raised her right hand and exerted all her power to create lightning bolts. She launched them at Therius one after another.

Therius, who could not control lightning, immediately dodged her attack by jumping to the side. If he was late by one second, Emma"s lightning strike would have caused him a serious injury.

Right at the moment when he jumped to the right, the next lightning bolt had arrived and attacked Therius mercilessly, followed by another one. Eventually, he was forced to dash here and there to avoid Emma"s barrages of lightning.

Emma, ​​who had been frustrated and stressed for days by what happened to Haoran, was agitated because none of her attacks could touch Therius.

She vented her frustration by charging non-stop almost to the point of attacking blindly, while Therius moved swiftly to avoid her strikes.

Xion, who was watching the sky from the penthouse terrace, was stunned when he saw the lightning bolts barrages followed by the deafening sounds of thunder.

He could see, after a while, Therius started to struggle. The man didn"t want to fight back while the girl was venting her anger and frustration by attacking with all her might.

"I won"t help you. You deserve it," Xion murmured.

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