Finding Stardust

Chapter 139

Emma was suspicious of why Therius seemed so easy to give her what she wanted. It felt like the man wasn"t acting like her enemy ... instead, like a caring boyfriend.


I"m not his girlfriend ... Emma grumbled inwardly.

She still hated Therius, whom she considered overbearing and ruthless. Emma was determined... that she wouldn"t want to marry him. Ever.

She was already married and didn"t even consider finding a new man in her life.

In fact ... even if Haoran never woke up again, Emma would not want to marry the future Akkadian king. They clearly colonized her mother"s homeland. She wouldn"t marry their oppressor.


"You seem to be having a lot of thoughts running in your mind ..." Atila commented as she caught Emma s.p.a.cing out in the middle of their lesson. "Is there anything I can help?"

Emma gasped and moved from her reverie. She looked at Atila. "Uhm ... I was actually thinking about my schedule. There"s so much to do."

"Oh ... leave your schedule to me, Miss. You don"t have to take care of it. I will," Atila said readily. She took out a notebook and pen and was ready to write.

"Uhm ... you already know my schedule for the most part. I just need to set a training schedule. It"s not too difficult actually," Emma said with a laugh.

"Hmm ... let"s write it down here, so we could know what should be prioritized," Atila said with a soothing smile. "As your personal a.s.sistant, I will try my best to arrange your schedule. You must familiarize yourself with scheduled activities like this. Later, after you become the crown princess and then ascended the position as the queen, you will be very busy and have to rely on personal a.s.sistants like me to arrange everything for you. So, it"s good to get you used to it from now on."

"But I can"t read yet," Emma said. "It"s useless if you wrote it down now."

"It"s okay. You just tell me what activities you have to do, then I will write it down and give it a color code. You can remember each activity and schedule based on the color code, and later, after you can read in our language, you can see the records in your notebook."


Emma then told Atila that she had asked Xion and Therius to teach her how to control her powers in the training room. She did not want to train every day because her lessons with her three private teachers were already tiring and draining her mind.

However, she did not want to set a schedule once every two days, for example, because they did not have Monday-Sunday on board of the s.h.i.+p. So, she would find it challenging to keep up with her schedule.

Then, she also had to determine whether she wanted to train with Therius more frequently than with Xion because Therius could train her to use two types of powers, while Xion could only teach her one.

She also did not want to take Therius" time" as she pleased, because she knew the prince must be quite busy. Even though Therius said that Emma could set the schedule however she wanted, Emma did not want to make Therius feel like he was doing her a favor by setting aside his time to teach her whenever she asked him to.

"Hmm ... I can go to the Crown Prince and ask for his schedule and then compare it to your schedule. Later we can find an agreement," Atila said soothingly.

"Ah, well then," Emma said with relief. "Thank you."

"You"re welcome, Miss. This is my duty."

Emma was relieved to have a personal a.s.sistant like Atila who was very efficient. Was this how it felt to be someone of high importance?

Previously, she was just an orphan who relied on government support to survive. She had no friends and had never received any special treatment. She only felt various special treatment after she became Haoran"s girlfriend.

She was still not accustomed to living like Haoran who came from a wealthy family and always got special treatment all his life. She remembered the first time she flew in the suite cla.s.s when they returned from Paris. It felt so amazing!

Then, while in Shanghai, the GM of the hotel where they were staying came to greet Haoran and herself, treating them like the most esteemed guests. Then, Ruby u0026 Co store was closed to the public when Haoran and her shopped there ...

All of those special treatments really made Emma feel like a princess. And now, she knew that she was indeed one. Even now, Therius already treated her as a princess from Thaesi and gave her a personal a.s.sistant to take care of all her needs. Emma could not imagine what her life would be like in Akkadia after they arrived.


"Atila came to me to ask about my schedule," Therius said suddenly as he was checking the results of Emma"s writing in her notebook. "You don"t believe me when I said that you can set your training schedule as you wish?"

Emma, who was daydreaming, immediately looked at him and pursed her lips. "I"m just acting like a person with good manners. I was asking her to find your free time before I can determine a schedule."

Therius looked at Emma and frowned. "It means ... you didn"t believe me."

"I just don"t want to act however I please." Emma shrugged. "I"m sure you must be busy. I don"t want to take your time carelessly."

A thin smile crossed Therius"s lips at Emma"s words. "Ah ... you really are a very understanding future queen."

Emma rolled her eyes and then looked away. "Tch .. understanding my a.s.s."

"Hmmm ... I am indeed busy. But whenever you need me, I will make time for you," Therius said solemnly.

Emma rolled her eyes even harder while Xion who had almost fallen asleep in the corner of the library, coughed violently when he heard Therius"s words.

Gosh ... this ice prince can be romantic too. Apparently, he had learned his lessons from his stupidity the other day, Xion thought, smiling to himself.

He glanced at Emma and could only ma.s.sage his forehead when he saw the girl still glared at Therius.

Uhm ... but apparently, whatever Therius wanted to do now to coax Emma"s heart was meaningless. Emma didn"t seem to believe Therius" words in the slightest.

"That"s enough for today"s lesson," Therius said, ignoring Emma"s curt att.i.tude. "Your progress is excellent. I am sure that in two weeks" time I will be able to provide you with several books to read."

Emma nodded. "Okay."

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