Finding Stardust

Chapter 146

"Are you bored?" Therius asked as he watched Emma"s att.i.tude change. The girl shook her head. She tried to get the other thoughts out of her head and focused on all the news she was watching.

"No," she sipped her tea nonchalantly and started focusing her eyes on the screen.

From the various images and videos she had seen so far, she thought Akkadia was a lovely and developed place. The futuristic buildings she saw in the videos interested Emma very much.

Everything was completely different from what she saw being portrayed in movies on earth for an alien civilization. She actually couldn"t wait to arrive and see them with her own eyes.

"If you have something you want to ask me, about the news that we are watching, don"t hesitate. I want you to know as much information about Akkadia as possible. Being the future queen, people will expect you to look intelligent and knowledgeable about our planet."

Emma did not answer. She just rolled her eyes. She poured more tea to her cup and then calmly watched the various videos being played. Therius glanced at her several times to make sure the girl was not bored or fell asleep.

Inwardly, he praised Emma"s patience in watching so many news and reports that may be boring for most girls.

Four hours pa.s.sed just like that. Finally, all reports were finished playing, and the screen turned off automatically.

"All right ... that is all. Many important events happened while I am away. I have to send word to my people in Akkadia and—" Therius turned to Emma and was stunned to find the girl had fallen asleep.

He didn"t know when Emma started yawning and closed her eyes, and finally fell asleep. As he recalled, Emma was watching the videos attentively the last time he was checking out on her.

Therius rose from his seat with a confused expression. For the first time, he realized that he did not know what to do.

Should he wake the girl up and ask her to move to her bedroom? It"s such a pity Sleeping Beauty should be disturbed like that.

"Should I carry her to her room? Jeez ... she will try to beat the s.h.i.+t out of me, and this s.h.i.+p might suffer some significant damages".

Finally, Therius chose the safest choice and touched Emma"s shoulder to wake her up.

Inwardly, he felt pity for her because the girl must feel exhausted to fall asleep involuntarily like this. She had studied hard all day and now spent almost five hours watching various videos and reports that were quite draining.

"Princess Emma ... wake up. You can"t sleep here," Therius said. He touched her shoulder many times, but the girl didn"t wake up. Instead, her head drooped to the side, and now her upper body was lying on the sofa.

It was futile for Therius to wake her gently because Emma was too tired to even hear his voice.

Therius sighed in confusion. He didn"t know what to do.


"So?" Xion raised an eyebrow. He yawned several times while alternately directing his gaze towards Therius and Emma, who was sleeping on the couch. "Do something. You"ve been standing there and staring at her for almost half an hour now. I"m getting really sleepy."

He really felt his friend"s EQ in dealing with women was very low. He thought Therius had changed and upped his flirting game, obviously, he was wrong.

He couldn"t even do something now?

Therius just needed to forcefully wake Emma up and tell her to move her pretty a.s.s from the library couch to her bedroom. Either that or just carry the girl to her room. What was so difficult about it?

Earlier, Therius called Xion to come and help him decide. Xion was enjoying himself in his room, ready to sleep. Therius said he did not know what to do to handle this problem of Emma sleeping on the library couch like this.

When Therius asked for Xion"s opinion, of course, his friend told him to just wake her up.

"I tried to wake her several times already. Didn"t you see what happened? It didn"t work. She seems so exhausted. You"ve been draining her energy with your stupid rigorous training for the past few days," Therius grumbled.

"You didn"t wake her hard enough," Xion grumbled. He walked toward Emma and prepared to slap her shoulder, but before he had a chance to touch her, Therius had yanked his s.h.i.+rt so hard that Xion was pulled back. "Hey, what are you doing? Do you want her to wake up or not?"

"Do you think that"s the proper way to wake up someone? If anyone wakes me up roughly like what you were going to do, I will kill that person!" said Therius firmly.

"Jeez ... Therius. If you don"t want to wake her up by force, you can just carry her to her room, can"t you? You don"t need me to make such a decision ..." Xion grumbled. He yawned again.

"But you can see for yourself how much she hates me. Later, she will hate me even more because she will think I"m taking advantage of this situation." Therius seemed hesitant to do what Xion said.

"It"s her own fault she slept carelessly," Xion answered.

"You can"t blame someone who is exhausted. That"s a sign she has been working so hard. If there"s anyone to blame, it"s you who forced her to train so hard."

"If there"s anyone to blame, it"s you who brought her to watch those boring reports for hours," Xion glared at Therius.

"I did not invite her to watch the reports for hours. She actually asked me if she could watch them together. I even told her she could stop watching at any time," Therius said. "And the reports aren"t boring."

"Oh, Therius ... I"m already very sleepy and you are bothering me with this trivial problem. It"s completely unnecessary. If you really want to move her to her bedroom, but you don"t want to carry her, I"ll just do it myself..." Xion finally said.

He walked toward Emma on the couch, ready to lift her. However, before he could touch her, Therius had pushed him aside and lifted Emma"s body gently and carried her in his arms.

"How dare you try to touch my future wife," Therius growled, glaring at Xion.

Very carefully, for fear of waking Emma, ​​he walked with her in his arms across the hallway on the fifth floor towards Emma"s room.

"You don"t need to be too careful with her. You tried to wake her up several times, but she wouldn"t wake up anyway...." Xion blurted from behind him. Therius ignored his best friend.

When he arrived in front of Emma"s room, the door automatically opened to the side and give way for him to walk inside.

This was one of the best rooms on the s.h.i.+p, and he deliberately told his people to prepare this room for Emma. As he looked around, Therius clicked in satisfaction.

He saw this room was tidy and put to good use. He could imagine Emma spending a lot of time on the sofa to his left and staring into the beautiful outer s.p.a.ce from the huge window, watching billions of stars.

He then walked to the bed and slowly put her body down.

Ahh ... suddenly his head was filled with regret. Why did he walk so quickly into this room that now he had to part from this beautiful body?

He should have walked as slowly as a snail, with an excuse that he didn"t want to wake her up.

Now it"s already too late.

Hmm ..

After he finished putting Emma"s body on the bed and covered her with a blanket. Therius stared at the beautiful girl"s face for a few moments. He raised his right hand, touched a strand of hair that covered her cheek, then tucked it to the side.

Suddenly, his mind was filled with a dream about the future. He could see himself in five years when their agreement ended, and Emma became his wife; either because she lost the fight, or because Emma could finally fall in love with him.

He hoped it would be the latter.

Ahh ... will it be possible?

He was tempted to kiss her full red lips and find out what did it taste like.

He tried to hold back, but it was very hard.

Emma"s distinctive scent still filled his nostrils from the moment he was holding the girl in his arms. How could a woman"s scent be this intoxicating?

For a dozen years, he had always been surrounded by girls who wanted to be close to him. They all hoped to get his love and tried to attract him with their charms, but none of them smelled this amazing.

Was this how it felt to be in love?

He sighed. His chest was pounding, and his breathing began to be irregular. Finally, he could not take it anymore.

He slightly tilted his head as he tried to kiss the red lips as gently as possible so that the owner would not wake up.

This would be his first stolen kiss.


Before their lips could meet, suddenly, Emma"s pair of topaz eyes opened.

Therius" eyes instantly widened in surprise.

I"m doomed, he thought to himself.

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